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tv   From Gray to Green  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 12:30am-1:01am CEST

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the season mid afternoon, does our pearson minutes useful for them as mood, 3 gets expose? go to lecture and find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news to migrate. wherever they may be, the our planet is getting hotter, bringing dramatic consequences for both us and nature. and humans learned to live with extreme whether to listen of design, it changes forcing us to adapt and we have to react and take structural precautions for testing. the weather is out of control worldwide. the relationship water and people has been shift. and those broken leaves nice to repair. the clock is ticking,
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but there is still time for us to decide how we want to live in the future. the . it's a hot day in the district of golf at some dressed in germany, which is good news for these 2. dr. astrid zima and from the university of dresden needs high temperatures to do her job. there wasn't sure why fish underscore who we've also seen us, but we're actually doing here. we're looking for where we head is when and of course people speculate that we're taking photos with google or measuring radioactivity. lessons easy of all i do our tv teeth, they are measuring something, but it's temperature. most of these buildings were constructed in the 1980, so to stream heat has become an issue in carpets which is home to around 21000
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people. astrid zima and there's a media or ologist. she hopes her work can help improve their quality of life. she finds urban heat islands on the streets or squares to identify which outdoor spaces need work. one last check season mid season is accessible and good. this backpacks allows us to make sure that he seeks the issue of people in an open area in the device. he measures the temperature wind and to me to see up here, the solar radiation is measured. and here heat wave mediation is mation from above . from the size and also from below the window, according her research can help dressed in to become more resilient to heat. something people here realized was important. 20 years ago, in 2003 europe experienced one of the hottest summers on record. an estimated 70000
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people died from heat related causes, with around 7600 tests in germany. in 2020 to 60000 people died from heat related causes in europe with 8200 tests in germany. these numbers show help frushell effective heat resilience strategies have become. astrid zeeman has been working together with other scientists for 5 years on a government funded heat resilience research project. well, her focus is on outdoor space. that's professor thomas now on studies how buildings react to high temperatures. he's a civil engineer from the university of applied sciences addressing and tries to protect indoor spaces from overheating. thanks to everyone here acting in concert their efforts are paying off. dresden is on its way to becoming a heat resilience city. today, thomas now mind will visit buildings that have already been equipped with heat protection. measures. keen to see what the data says and hopes, buildings can be made even more energy efficient in the future. around the world,
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cities are being forced to take action against heat weights for city to be heat resilience, it should establish alarm chains to flag heat, make buildings more heat, resilient for cooler indoor spaces. create green spaces which lower temperatures and have water reserves. in case of droughts, but it's not just heat that's threatening cities. bangkok, thailand scrolling capitol is facing another kind of extreme, whether the metropolis often has too much water. patrick, one of our icon grew up here. she's worried about her city. life here used to be very different. 8
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identity and use to me it used to be our our people in bangkok used to co exist with water. now they feel threatened to buy it. and for good reason, ben called is one of the most rapid thinking city in asia. and i think some part of our city is already on the sea level and i'm a landscape architects and i'm looking towards to safe my city. the megacity was built on the flood plains of the chow prayer river. water comes down from the mountains when it also rains heavily bank i can fill up like a bath tub because the water can no longer flow out the sea. patrick horns are awesome, says bank hoc needs less great concrete and more green plants and earth that can
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absorb water. the city was built on swampy ground where the chow pay a river flows into the gulf of thailand. used to be a small fishing village that grew rapidly into a concrete and steel megacity. meaning most of its surfaces are sealed over the city changed and its water troubles have gotten worse and worse. only 15 minutes of rain fall, the whole city shut down. because we have a lot of run off that we can't manage. the consequences are often catastrophic. around 11000000 people live in the metro area of been con. they regularly experienced the effects of climate change firsthand. over the past 20 years caucus seen an average of $137.00 water related deaths and $7000000000.00 in damages. every year the office of the prize winning landscape architect lies outside the inner city. culture corner of our,
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our home works across asia and teaches at harvard university in the us together with her team. she comes up with ideas for the city of tomorrow in the so a, so if the office has a kind of laboratory for the future. here she developed her vision for climate resilience city. at the moment, she's focused on a very important construction project. the new governments center, which is being built in northern bay and cocked. her priority is to make sure it's green and court so that water can get through that. ok, and i think being part of this is really related to delta city like bank. com and many people mention about spawns cities. but being par us is adding another layer of quantity of water is not really just to hold a water, but is also when is at the right time, it will,
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i don't need to go through it. the fact that she was commission to make the building ecologically friendly is a sign of changing attitudes that governments level the calls have the last screen public space per capita along mega cities around the world. and we have a lot of development, a lot of concrete. so glenn is lice horace. we have no room for water on the way to the site. she sees many examples of what she doesn't want to build. but can we build without any concrete? yes, so many who argue for sustainable and environmentally friendly construction in cosign in lower bavaria, people have been using an alternative to concrete for a long time loan, a kind of sandy clay. gail acosta, is alone experts. he knows almost everything about the sustainable material, such as that house is made of loan withstood extreme heat for centuries, which is just one of the materials. many advantages might yes, the light phone,
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but my goal was always to build houses which when they are no longer needed, can simply be filed down for that can just be put back into the earth and level to nature without much button on a good issue. at 1st it was difficult to get others interested in building with natural materials. few people saw the benefits of sustainability 20 years ago, but now he has a company with more than 20 employees and has built around 300 loan houses. but again, today he is sending teams to 3 different construction sites. his company builds houses, hotels, and commercial buildings. it's working. yes, all good. the plan had been for gay or casa to join his father's brewery, hoped in till 4 months i took over my father's john, and was head of a branch office with 15 or 16 employees. so but, but it wasn't my calling time,
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a craftsman. i like to dig my hands at the class. it just wasn't for me is what i'm looking at. this might managed to follow his colleagues in today. he's an expert to modern construction. he spent several years developing difference, low mixtures himself. he's on his way to visit a friend. he's been working with for years. his friend also values building with natural materials and works with fluffy as low mixtures to make construction products. stuck on again, there is an engineer who also started his own company. he's eager to show day or coffer, his latest invention, a robot that's currently working in a converted greenhouse environmentally friendly machine plows, the loan, so that an optimally drive and the sun to be processed further. so i'm sorry you missed to make luminous as carbon neutral as possible miss to
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ensure that not only the materials and the finished product tre eco friendly because of the whole production process is also sustainable. the solar lunar drying is the 1st step is that the processing that follows is also solar powered step, one, egging or sees long as a sustainable solution for both residential and commercial construction. his company exports to half of europe. there are various loan based products are in demand for music, deployed it, more and more public buildings are being built with loomed size, concrete, kindergarten schools to administer some buildings. one can use of lumen construction is on the rise. i mean use more every year. but the yeah, the snacking markets are feeding 5. 1 example is the supermarket company on the torres, the so called working environment in dom stopped. the space has room for $500.00 employees. it's your ups largest office with a rand earth facade. with sustainability becoming increasingly relevant for
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construction. lo has attracted the attention of several real estate developers. but many know little about this re discovered bill the material, the, the developer of this brick building, ordered loan plaster from gain or call for the loan. plaster is only 2 centimeters thick and bonds well with the brakes and its benefits don't stop there. it also works like an air conditioner that doesn't need electricity. so what i need assistance with is very dense. one square meter of wall weighs around 40 kilos. so it's very good at absorbing heat to get our master builders back in the day. we're already using the mass to absorb energy in a key of to name a foot loam can do more than just store warm. it can also keep out the summer heat, optimize humidity,
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and it's 100 percent recyclable. the loan pioneer has a clear vision for how houses should be in the future degree. and just a moment because we need more green, more plants and more green to to bring we need to bring nature back to the cities. i also think there could be a kind of symbiosis with loan. i'm sure if we need to get rid of the steel surfaces on just a i think having green cities with reasonable growth and reasonable natural materials is the only way forward. it took a little time to change has made this type of thinking more and more urgent in the construction sector over in gall bits and dressed in tests are already under way to see how cities can prepare. the neighborhood has become a kind of real life laboratory. professor thomas now man is putting, measuring devices in the building that already has various heats protection measures installed. he wants to know how effective the measures are. the building
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residents are briefed about the research project. this apartment is home to an 87 year old woman. she's grateful that her building cooperative took steps. it's the property against each. now mind and his colleagues are installing to measuring devices that record various factors. kristof in yet is curious. that's what it's about what this will stay for a few weeks and then through the whole period too. but the answer is supposed to be helpful to the side. so you're all here on the top, it's the temperature here, humidity, and then oxygen levels. i've skimmed, i've been v o i, when i was a child, we also had hot summer. but nothing this extreme. if i can do something, your bosses by closing everything this tomorrow on the chart that these are sure have those mice blinds out there. and they keep the, he's out now that it's up industrial housing like here in golf, it's has several weeks points thermally speaking, but they are both small and large measures that can be done to make high
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temperatures, more bearable in gigs. that's an either community. and in contrast to other weather events, we face like flooding heavy rain or hill storms. so when it comes to he actually does not have protecting the building from what's improving people's life quality for mention. and the people who live here are crucial for the research as well. for the project to succeed, they have to actually use the mattress that includes putting down the blinds when it's hot outside a custom that has long been common practice and more southern countries. thomas now and finally has all the results they show how important the team's work has been the house to the left with no heat protection measures installed gets very hot. the one on the right which has measures stays much cooler. this is a success. but dressed in plants to do much more to become a heat resilience city back and being caught in the new government center.
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more than 2000 people are working on the construction site. patrick, one of our awesome visits regularly, urban planning expertise has significantly shapes the project. for instance, their planned tools that have been integrated into the ground that can store water and active streams. she has long been working towards making grey cement green. in 2017, she found to be poor, a city network which aims to insert porosity into hard paid cities. coastal regions in thailand and in malaysia have joined to the network. the goal for cities to stop being planned against water and to work with it. instead. these gutters in the ground also collect rainwater, which will be stored in tanks. like many countries in asia, thailand, experiences extreme weather, including heat weights. the landscape architect must consider all of this and her
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planning. and for this particular project, she must also keep it special purpose in mind. but be useful because well, as the government center of the nation, the line of the building complex also includes a parking garage. each floor protrudes to a different degree. the roof will be covered in vegetation, have a solar system and a small roof garden. rainwater will be directed so that it flows down the facade. tabio past the rain and playing the plan in the vertical. but it is not only the rain and also the prism and most people to walk around here and in the building project manager has arrived. he's very interested in the
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plants and appreciates about smart landscape architects can help create the resilient and sustain the whole city. so i decided, oh, i like to have people come to the time is good for the climate because this will be so wonderfully green with grateful for the project. i would love to see these types of greeting projects. so what type of hancock and across time don't seem to make i don't map patrick horns are awesome. previously completed another project which showed how important her line of work is for climate stricken bangkok. she rose to fame with a 2 long corn centenary park located in the middle of the city. this park can hold almost 4000000 liters of water. it was completed in march 2017 and received global attention. the 11 tech to your area has a gradual incline of 3 degrees. this means that rain flows off easily. it's been
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gathered in underground tanks and the retention pond. vegetation helps regulate the temperature and provides protection from the sun on hot days. the wetlands and water bodies have become a home for many species and for bank cox inhabitants. the park is a place of rest in recreation. but the part is only one part of the solution. if i say i have the cost $100.00 time be good and this is still not saving back. com, but we need more more more. but the message that this pop way is for us to leave with water one again and not spear off flood, but leave it benefit to share it should say, to buy it as part of our lives. as a result of man made climate change,
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awareness of the value of nature and the city is growing. nature based solutions will become increasingly important in the future. besides green spaces, canals are another important part of bangkok strategy to make the city more porous again and improve life quality for its population. back in the day, a whole network of canals or clones use to stretch through bangkok. these were then paved over to make space for concrete buildings and asphalt streets in her lab for the future. patrick, one of our awesome is planning to reactivate. old canals is an important step because for the city to become poor, it's on the water must be able to circulate and escape the canal is actually the key, but we just tried it. but by destroying it, the existing canals do not connect us. you can see so many water days, so many will disconnect the disconnect that is connected. so what my team and i
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tried to do to at least minimize all these connection and link to it and combine it with a 2 big part of the city to to let the land breeze again. and when the land can breeze, the people can enjoy its benefits to reimagined, a city in this way as a huge endeavor, with around 60 percent of the world's global population living in cities. it's also hugely complicated. patrick, one of our awesome has nonetheless found a way to do it back and dressed in the media or ologist astrid seem on is once again looking for urban heat islands. the past summer as have shown the extent to which high temperatures negatively affect life, quality and corvettes. one part of the problem is that many of the surfaces are
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sealed and liabilities of what we can stand and it's variable list of those on. yet every section should be like this really hard to stay, stay redoing in stations, or adding a new was for the should always make sure that people have shame sharing hot periods. this process will district freeze on so vertical green and the cool per call is how go dos. the research group conducted a survey which revealed that many people would like bus stops and transportations to be cooler and have more shade. that's why the no doubt wouldn't. well, that's exactly why we did this project to be able to give precise measurements to up and apply that stuff to the office for the environment for this and be greatly space agency helps with new need these precise values often to be able to say that the information of who is implementing the doing. and so she also said it takes many smart people to make a city heat resilience. thomas now mine is about to meet someone who use this technology to this cent dressings. smart city manager,
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sir. nice to see here. mitchell and is an expert. he wants to use artificial intelligence and temperature sensors to identify urban heat islands. a sensor here will be one of how many interesting insights god this is. status is one of our 300 sensors the my colleagues should be arriving shortly. they'll bring all the set up equipment with the cargo bag so that the installation is as environmentally friendly as possible. i went to the sensors, record temperature and humidity in real time. this data is been used to create a heat map of the city. because we can't install thousands of sensors, but we can extrapolate temperature trends in the city with our 300 sensors. thanks to the system, heat islands can also be predicted,
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meaning this technology can be used to warn residents and to prevent hotspots through appropriate planning. this is also important for road as it's expensive to repair, split as fault or heat warranty trucks meeting this team thing, but as my contact with this system, we'll have quantitative data. and the 1st time about what it means by naturally to build here or elsewhere, be a 0 balance, but i'm this month. you also if you've thought about where to build and how to build and then you can beat that into the system. and it can tell you how that will impact the heat development in the city. what proof of hadn't been that said that input is interesting for us when we decide whether to go for an option a or option b. would it be by end of the smart sensor network will help me construction more robust and better adapted so that the city becomes more heat resilience. it can also help future proof already existing buildings mitchell and says, interested in now months data from residential buildings that haven't yet had he
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protection measures that it must be used as a carpet plot for indoor claimant. to always start with a building with new measures yet, but the ones on the board on the red shows how much the state keeps up when it's hot outside room for room, strongly affecting it's residents. by contrast, the building that has heat protection measures is much greener to start from more, there was some closing to a great extent. the city of tomorrow already exists. today we will be altering a lot of existing building use or size of the truck. that's the most sensible strategy for both in terms of energy consumption and the economy and on climate change on possible whether it's heat size, heavy, rain or flooding. stocks is forcing us to adapt. most of these we have to, we actually are going to take structural precautions just full. so good to have the prize winning research project to keep resilience. city shows that there is still
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time to react, both in smaller cities like preston and, and mega cities around the world. it's like being cocked learning to live with extreme weather in urban, in fact comments as possible. the
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is advertised on buying european n t. the authoritarian regime exports boil and gas to the european union and offers generous gifts to the politicians. are they really being paid to turn a blind eye to the stomach? human rights violations? corruption in europe. snows up in 30 minutes on d. w. eco, africa. and i, rubies here,
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and it's making people say, it's important for us to begin collecting this data to be able to compare it to and see whether there's any health in the past. and this little device as opposed to how we quoted this, a low cost for the team when he talks, does it more the co advocate in 90 minutes on d w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent of the platform for offices use. these issues and share ideas and you know, on this channel we are not afraid to pass and then it gets to talk to the young people clearly have the solution, the future of the
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77 percent every weekend on dw it might seem easy. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern meds? because if we do too much at one patio all wrong mess, things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary, the words people have to say that's why we listen. we close every weekend on d w, the
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the this is dw news live from berlin, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu cause a deadly air strike on a camp. in rafa a tragic mistake to him oss run health agency says dozens have been killed. the strike is drawn international criticism as israel's military size it targeted senior home us officials. also coming up you for administer, say they want answers from israel on how it complies with its human rights obligations. and a bad wind is blowing in europe. words of warning from french president and my new
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in my class speaking on a state visit to germany. he says europe.