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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news, lived from berlin, israel's prime minister penny. i mean that's in yahoo because of dudley air strikes on a camp and rough up. a tragic mistake from us or on health agency says dozens have been killed. the strike is drawn. international criticism is as real as military says it. targeted senior officials also coming up you for administer, say they want to answer is from israel and how it complies with its human rights and obligations. and the united nations calls rescue efforts in popcorn of getting
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a race against time after fridays landslide and a remote part of the country where the 2000 people are. if you're dead with warnings of another land slide on the way the and david levitz, welcome to the program, the health ministry and gaza says at least 45 people have been killed and dozens more injured in and is really air strikes on rafa. israel says it was targeting to homeless commanders is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who called this strike a tragic mistake and said it was being investigated. the attack came just days after the international court of justice ordered israel to stop. it's assault on rafa. the aftermath of a news riley strike on a refugee camp in rough uh a. how must officials in gaza say the attack? killed dozens,
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and injured to many more survivors. described what they've just gotten, say atlanta. and as we pulled out, people who were reading an unbearable state, we pulled out children who were in pieces. we pulled out the young and elderly people. the fire in the camp was on real and most of the displays to didn't survive for the solomon. and finally, the strike means displacement for the 8th time. what time, what am i supposed to do? what am i to go? tell me what was the, how long would this go on? have israel should pin point to place for us and tell us to live all die that this way does not work. how long will we be disgrace like this for the israeli army said it was targeting to see need mask amount is israel is prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the incident was
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a terrible mistake. little more mama. i am going to long despite the utmost f, it's not to ha non combatants. something unfortunately went tragically wrong. we were investigating the incident and will reach conclusions because this is our policy is on the neutral on. know for us every non combatant, that is hurt is a tragedy. so how much it's a strategy. this is the whole difference. there is killed and injured in the attack would take into a hospital in central gaza. for now, isabel continues this operations in gaza. and that's the spice of moving by the top united nations quote, to stop or hundreds of people have taken part in pro palestinian demonstrations in new york city. following the as rarely air strikes. participants gathered to express their outrage at the attack. marching through the rainy city gathering at
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a park where they shouted slogans and demanded an end to the is really offensive and gaza. now us president joe biden had previously said that attacks on populated areas in ralph out would be a red line for him. i asked e and bremmer presidents of the us based part political risk consultancy, your razor group, if that red line has been crossed, is pretty clear that that red line is being routinely crossed, even if not as soundly or strongly as, as prime minister non yahoo had said it would, and, and the point is the united states isn't doing very much about it. this is america is most important ally in middle east by and has both privately and publicly warned the prime minister and the entire world cabinet and israel to support a 2 state solution. they refuse it a to allow more humanitarian aid and they've refused it to be much more careful about the civilian casualties that they are allowing, even if they're not directly targeting,
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they've refused to do that. and now we see them proceeding with these bombings into europe. and whether or not the prime minister refers to it as a mistake or a big. the point is that the united states looks incredibly weak in being incapable of restraining it's much less powerful and long standing out. why are these rooms and what are biden's options at this point bite and had threatened to suspend weapons deliveries to as well. do you see a scenario emerging where the us would actually cut back support to its ally? are there have been some suspensions of military shipments? we've seen a little bit of that. it certainly would not be in any circumstance. cutting off the majority of as really defensive aid. that's well over $3000000000.00
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a year in addition to the over $10000000000.00 that was just approved a lot in the, in the recent bi partisan legislative aid and support bill. i don't see any of that . i see the possibility of cutting off some off ends of weaponry for a period of time. it certainly would not make biden's democratic supporters feel like he was pressuring or constraining israel. meanwhile, it makes the republicans and of course, former president trump. uh, be able to say that he's not being the strong, strident, allied to israel, that he should be buying as a no man's land on this issue is making nobody happy. and this is, of course, only a few months before general election and united states. right. what are, where do you see the risks in that election that is just looming, as, as you say, oh, well, i mean, the risk for the middle east are, are that, you know, the,
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the united states is not seen as an effective actor on the ground is not able to to push forward policies. that is golf allies certainly want, i mean, buying this spend a lot of time trying to get in agreement with the saudis. that's all the gains. so you have to have a 2 state solution that is really government. again, america's top ally refuses to support. now if trump comes in in this president, he's going to be just as pro zionist is by then. but i, it's hard to imagine in this environment that any american president is going to be effective in bringing this war to annette. a political analyst in bremar, they're now e. u. foreign ministers have called on israel to respect a ruling by the top united nations court, ordering it to stop. it's military offensive. in rafa at a meeting in brussels, the official said israel needs to explain how it's going to comply with that decision, dw,
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as rosie birch. i'd reports these protesters rallying outside the venue in brussels . say israel has crossed a red lane with strikes on russell. despite the world court's order to hold operations there, the words of condemnation are also heard. insight, there is not safe place in gossip touching and directly to scan and canning and burning more than 40 people among them. many children. you can imagine how horrified we are all of us for this, such a bench for the 1st time since the october 7th attacks by him us and being soon bombarding the goals. are you members decided to demand details from israel on its compliance with human rights obligations? and an explanation of how it will comply with the recent ruling on russell on these are for these provisional court orders a binding and of course they must follow. we are currently experiencing the options and not to not
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a for international human here in your applies to everyone. and this is also the choice rate so that you know, shaq fix it. so ministers have been pushing for tougher measures. i would say we have an empty bottle of 5 days a week or 10 days. maxima, well, you have to fulfill these entries on this. and if not, then we have to take sentence business for me. what would be my proposal on the table? but that's unlikely. to happen due to unity rules and it's on popularity, which is really officials as regards to the u. member states who might want to put some sanctions on this topic again, why would you do that? why would your rewards terrorism in the face of what is happening right now? we have seen yesterday, rockets from rafa, going into eas, rather territory all the way up to television. so i really want to see who can not justify going in there. do you members also approved a pond to revise their roof of board or assistance mission seen in the speech?
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it was suspended in 2007 after him off to over goza. monday's move takes the a step closer to supporting simpler border crossings, but they can't become a reality without backing from israel. egypt on palestinians. familiar with the block will keep shipping age toward the russell border from afar, with living guarantee it will get to gardens. indeed. as there is a look at some other stories making headlines around the world's french president and money on my call says it's time for europe to choose and some destiny ahead of decisive elections. during a speech on a state visit to germany, my call said europe's future could be at stake. now more than ever after russian. russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. tornadoes and severe storms in the us have killed more than 20 people across several states. kentucky, oklahoma, arkansas and texas were the worst hit. kentucky governor andy bashir has declared a state of emergency. hundreds of homes were destroyed and hundreds of thousands of
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people faced power outages. poplar and a guinea says it is evacuating almost 8000 people because of the threat of another land slide is after the country's national disaster center says more than 2000 people are believed to been killed when a landslide struck the country on friday it hit a remote village, an anger province, some 600 kilometers north west of the capital. the lack of infrastructure in the region and piles of rubble up to 10 meters high. have made it difficult to bring in heavy digging equipment and other aid. it's been days since the land slide nearly wiped out this remote village and pop while a new guinea and help has been slow to arrive. locals are using basic tools to search for people, as the odds of finding survivors dwindles. make at the i think black and blue being seen of my family members are buried under the debris and soil that
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i am standing on friday. and there are more family members in the village. i cannot count the i in the land owner here was the and i think all those live with come to help us. but i cannot retrieve the bodies. so i'm standing here helplessly move. have you something local officials have provided some assistance, but a lack of infrastructure. it makes the region difficult to access. residents are also divided over bringing in heavy machinery to search the area the and because of the sensitivities in both ways. we speak to morning and grieving when you have been told until yesterday, people are not necessarily here meetings on well covering chevy machinery to start
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eating. even with the very good you can sense of helping to remove the. busy deputy because they would like to preserve the integrity of the courses as much as, as much as they can. the tribal warfare is rife in the region. international aid workers must travel with military escorts. there is also a lack of reliable data on the regions population, making the number of victims difficult to determine. nations including australia and china have pledged their support. after pop, one new guineas, government issued a call for international health. officials are warning the ground is still unstable . as they try to relocate those who survived the disaster, a spanish tennis star raphael and the doves illustrious french open career came to
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a possible end for the 1st time ever. and it's always defeated in the opening round . the 14 time or ongoing host champion was beaten by the german player like sound that's fair to have by $0.03 to 0. for 37 year old an adult has hardly played since 2022 due to injuries. at the end of the match, he said good bye to the crowd. this could be his last appearance at the tournament that has defined his career. and finally, some sports demand years of practice, but some just a couple of months of aging. the incident english past time of cheese rolling has taken place in the u. k. a real life race to the bottom. events is a local cheese, given a head start before a crowd tries to keep up with it. the ability to balance being the only requisite skill is there is honors in the men's res went through
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a german called tom. he's promised to defeat, defend his title next year after surviving this year's race on ski. whenever you have it, i'm david love. it's thanks for watching, keeping here on the w. gina, type of data. so much for the 1st is, is just is i've been in a coma close by persecution and flight. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on last starts june 1st on dw, the the


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