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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the is a dw news live from berlin, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls as dudley air strikes on a camp in rough or a tragic mistake from us or on health. our agency says dozens have been killed, drank, has drawn international criticism as israel's military says, it targeted senior from us officials also coming up a trail of destruction and hundreds of thousands left without power in the united states. as tornadoes and storms sweep through, central and southern states and a bad wind is blowing in europe. ports of warning from french president and my new ed mckay. speaking on a state visit to germany,
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he says europe should wake up to the threats of the far right. the and david levitz, welcome to the program. the health ministry and gaza says at least 45 people have been killed and dozens more injured. and it is really air strike on rafa. israel's, as it was targeting to homeless commanders is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the strike a tragic mistake and said it was being investigated. the attack came just days after the international court of justice ordered israel to stop at the salt on rough, on the aftermath of a news. riley strike on a refugee camp in rough uh, or how much the officials in gaza say the attack, killed dozens, and injured to many more survivors described. well that just guns se atlanta
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and we pulled up people who were reading unbearable state. we pulled out children who are in pieces. we pulled out the young and elderly people. the far in the camp was on real and most of the displaced here didn't survive. how does a list for the solomon and finally, the strike means displacement for the 8th time. what time and what am i supposed to do? what am i to go? tell me when and how long will this go on? have israel should pinpoint to place for us and tell us to live, will die that this way does not work. how long will we be this price like this for the is really army said it was targeting to senior. i'm ask amount is israel is prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the incident was a terrible mistake. little more mama, i am going to long despite the utmost f,
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it's not to have known combatants. something unfortunately went tragically wrong. we were investigating the incident and will reach conclusions because this is our policy is on the neutral on. know for us, every noncombatant that is hurt is a tragedy. so how much it's a strategy. this is the whole difference. there is killed and injured in the attack when taken to a hospital in central gaza for now, israel continues this operations in gaza and that's the spice of moving by the top united nations quote, to stop. as the united nations security council has called an emergency meeting on or off or tuesday, your end secretary general, antonio gutierrez condemns the air strikes saying this har must stopped. israel's chief ally, the united states of the country must do more to protect civilians. president joe biden had previously warned as well that
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a tax on populated areas in rough up would be a red line for him. i asked in bremar presidents of the us based political risk consultancy, your razor group, if that red line has been crossed it's pretty clear that that red line is being routinely crossed, even if not as soundly or strongly as, as prime minister. not yeah. who had said it would, uh and, and the point is the united states isn't doing very much about it. this is, america is most important now and middle east by and has both privately and publicly warned the prime minister, any type of work cabinet and israel to support a 2 state solution. they refuse it to allow more humanitarian aid and they've refused it to be much more careful about the civilian casualties that they are allowing, even if they're not directly targeting, they've refused to do that. and now we see them proceeding with these bombings into europe. and whether or not the prime minister refers to it as a mistake or
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a big. the point is that the united states looks incredibly weak in being incapable of restraining it's much less powerful and long standing out. why are these rooms and what are biden's options at this point bite and had threatened to suspend weapons deliveries to as well. do you see a scenario emerging where the u. s. would actually cut back support to its ally? so there have been some suspensions of military shipments. we've seen a little bit of that. it certainly would not be in any circumstance. cutting off the majority of as really defensive aid. that's well over $3000000000.00 a year in addition to the over $10000000000.00 that was just approved a lot in the, in the recent bi partisan legislative aide and support bill. i don't see any of
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that. i see the possibility of cutting off some off ends of weaponry for a period of time. it certainly would not make biden's democratic supporters feel like he was pressuring or constraining israel. meanwhile, it makes the republicans and of course, former president trump. uh, be able to say that he's not being the strong, strident, allied to israel, that he should be buying as a no man's land on this issue is making nobody happy. and this is, of course, only a few months before general election and united states. right. what are, where do you see the risks in that election that is just looming, as, as you say, as well, i mean, the risk for the middle east are, are that, you know, the, the united states is not seen as an effective actor on the ground is not able to to push forward policies. that is golf allies certainly want,
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i mean, buying this spend a lot of time trying to get an agreement with the saudis. that's all the gains. so you have to have a 2 state solution that these really, governments, again, america's pop ally refuses to support. now if the truck comes in and as president, he's going to be just as pro zionist is by then. but i, it's hard to imagine in this environment, but any american president is going to be effective in bringing this war to win that. so do you, do you see any remaining sense in the us that washington has much influence on the situation in the middle east or not that they're willing to use. and, and, you know, maybe that means the answer is they don't have any influence, not yahoo is, you know, really dependent on the far right in his coalition government. if he wants to stay in power in a staying and power is more important for the is really prime minister,
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then aligning with his most important now i or in trying to ensure dryer stability for israel in the region. and in the world long term. then he's going to continue to press that, but one point i need to raise this is not just about the is really prime minister or war cabinet. is true that the strong majority of the is rarely people want to continue this war, including in rob. they want to destroy them, us, and they believe that the 10s of thousands of civilian casualties are the sole responsibility of from us. now, the americans don't believe that the germans don't believe that back. no other country in the world except that but this is not just a few is realities that are calling the shots and launching the bonds after october . 7 of us have gotten the entire early population behind this war. and that's one of the reasons it's so hard to imagine that the escalation, anytime soon, even bremar from the razor group,
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thank you so much. we're gonna have to leave it there. uh, here's a look at some other stories now making headlines around the world. almost 8000 people have been evacuated and pop while new guinea over fears of another land slide. within 2000 are still missing. after a 1st landslide hit the central angle province on friday. the united nations have said that it is unlikely any survivors will be found. a battalion media save, pope francis used a derogatory term about the people. while in a meeting with bishops, they say he jokingly use the word to repeat his opposition to letting game and train for the priesthood. and the pass code frances has spoken publicly about being respectful toward members of the eligibility to community tornadoes and severe storms in the us have killed more than 20 people across several central and southern states. hundreds of thousands of people were without power, kentucky, oklahoma, arkansas and texas had been the worst hit with some declaring
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a state of emergency. yours president joe biden spoke with state leaders and offered federal support of the deadly tornadoes spotted in this guy. after the series of probable stones swept over the central and southern us, they have left a trail of destroyed homes and businesses and caused followed all the ages. i was coming home, i was eating at a restaurant and i out of nowhere. my mom called me back and then i don't know where i'm on the screen. i'm dying like everything's moving like the windows are broken. like on the destructive as drums caused several debts in texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and kentucky. well thought of these are working on to estimate the scale of the disaster. the 1st thing we're doing,
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which is going on as we speak. and that is to make a final round, a search and rescue operations just to see if there's anybody else out there who needs to be rescued. then we moved to full aid support supplies, where people need immediate assistance for the costs of said, due to bad weather, good shift to the east coast and want millions of americans of more. thunderstorms, french president emanuel and my call is here in germany on the 1st state visit by a french leader in 24 years. he used the opportunity to address not only germans, but all europeans in a speech and dressed and he warns, but europe's future could be at stake, pointing to the war and ukraine on the rise of the far right. french president of mom and my call deliberately left his diplomatic comfort zone. on the 2nd day of
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his visit to germany along side german president, frank valdez stein my 1st, he commemorated the 6000000 dues killed in the holocaust at the country. central memorial in berlin. then he ventured into the house around the far right, if the party less than 2 weeks out from lamb's mach european elections, the alternative to the germany is pulling at some 34 percent in the state of saxony . am i called one time and not to turn towards us skeptic, right wing populace. he also agreed on the day in euro took our peace, not our prosperity in our democracy would be more cost, are in jeopardy. and if we don't that, if we don't make the right decisions, it's and that is where germany and france and all europeans, all have a responsibility will be the thing in the of speaking before, mainly young crowd, the french president called for more europe as the onset to russian
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a question and the growing challenge to european prosperity. who is we're d. i say all the full conviction of it is self to do really should double r e, you budget, go up and swept on it either through a joint investment strategy. don't go now or taking on is the joint exam, the job where the money for a golden rule, geostrategic european union should come from is being healthy, debated behind the scenes across europe. it would also be positive political tools with german taunts, the folds and bows. cabinets on tuesday, here in dresden macross made an emotional case against anti european populace. it's linda hope you're well. even off the spanish tennis star, i found that those illustrious french open career came to
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a possible end for the 1st time ever. an adult was defeated in the opening round. the 14 time hold on god, host champion was beaten by the german player, extend that span of by 3 sets to 0. the 37 year old the dial has hardly played since 2022 due to injuries. at the end of the match, she said good bye to the crowd. this could be his last appearance at the tournament that has defined his career. and finally, some sports demand years of practice, but some just a couple of months of aging. the ancient english pastime of cheese rolling has taken place in the u. k. a real life race to the bottom. the event sees a local cheese, given a head start before a crowd tries to keep up with it. the ability to balance being out the only requisite skills is here. the honors and the men's race went to a german and called tom. he's promised to defend his title next year after
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surviving this year's race and skate. well, that's it. you're up to date. ste. i'm david levitz. thanks for watching. and d w. bye bye for now. the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a heads up. so the really indeed the snow on youtube. my name is the whole bag save la.


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