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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 5:30am-6:00am CEST

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the holy grail select from a village, green revolution, global salvation to all kinds of problems. you need to fix your thoughts on the topics of breast of those channels. we've got new videos every friday tried to plan . it's a the a 0 by john, a former soviet republic bounded by the caspian sea. the countries people and media are routinely suppressed. and yet the country is becoming increasingly important for europe due to its considerable gas and oil reserves punk shrub. i came here as an election observer on behalf of the council of europe. it was the 1st election where i saw
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a mass of electrical fraud. my supervisor, federal because they inhabit, interestingly, doing everything in this country is controlled area. there's no free press, nothing to that. it's almost at the bottom of the press freedom index as ranking. that's why we filmed this secretly, and a great risk to all those wanting to shed light on how one of your biggest corruption scandals could happen. the expect that land along comes a little lawmaker who isn't poor and who sees this and then folders all the things they can do here, from where they can get invited to, along with the president and his wife. and so some for totes, where they get gifts for to have where ladies knock on their door in the night last night and put enough of some diamond mountain to interruption. and then they think they're far away from home, from berlin, in strasburg, and i'm away from it all day. and they see this and they think of holding. the
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weather is lovely and everyone here is rich. so go ahead and put them on if there's no issue here. everyone's nice on zillow and that gives some strange ideas, not everyone other about some insurance, and they let themselves be bought and we have and the coffee buying european politicians. how does that work? the funk schwab has been a member of the german parliament, the buddhist dog since 2005 the spot also heads, the german delegation and the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. he travels regularly to strasbourg, the headquarters of the continents leading human rights organization. the council of europe was founded after the 2nd world war to safeguard human rights. this
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organization is clearly it's across rude human rights in general, or crossroads world right. in this, i'm side of it. for all his dedication, he still believes politicians need to be prepared to compromise and design them. if we were to say that we would no longer have a need to insert dealings with azerbaijan or worse, then we wouldn't be left with much of the didn't kind of doing rather than that kind. of course, i also realize we strengthened regimes by making economic deals with some of his email, all that and then the which i have never proposed that we should no longer have any to things with its own substrate and within them at the same time that doesn't mean you can't smoke, frankly. topics cream gum is a frank discussion with us or by john even possible. the country lives from its oil and gas reserves. it's a cheap, considerable wealth and international standing with the fossil fuels. europe
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urgently needs locus. this country is depending on how you look at the length of the oil. well, smith of and one, but in effect it's also a curse on it because without democratic oversight, the money ends up in the pockets of a few and then $1000.00 from the ending line that the folks java is preparing for a risky meeting. he wants to offer hope to a woman who's freedom is anything but a given you know, because we're meeting kadijah is my alova the one of the most courageous and also best noon critics of the regime here and other by john and as i by john kadijah as my a little bit of work as an investigative journalist and blogger endangers her life . only her prominence and international pressure protect her. younger the
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government is very cautious as it know. she is a symbolic, bigger, and even if she would arrest it tomorrow, that would be immediate international protests, not a part of the council of europe would pass resolutions. and as everybody's john would be named and change, they don't want to add on just one's in. as soon as she extends her hand in greeting men in plain clothes, presumably from the domestic secret service step in, they want to prevent her from giving an interview. hi, nice to meet you, i o. and we're trying to in the elevator. she tells us to turn the camera back on. she ignores the officials and instructions 2015. it's difficult to leave with a feeling that of someone shot shot to the journalist refuses to be silenced. even though her safety is at risk. you know, you walk through the city, you see the beautiful building. i see is a corruption, corruption,
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and intimidation tactics are linked to the family of president gil home of the holy up took over power from his father is my little boy's investigating the family's business affairs. so i've learned how to look into kind of money and registry, and i found $11.00 companies belong that belong to the president's family. she uncovered undisclosed share holdings belonging to the presidential family and privatized banks and telecommunications companies. shortly afterwards, as my alova was sentenced to 7 years in prison after a year and a half, she was released on parole after international protest. the child is my life, and the teacher is maya luna is one of the most dedicated defenders of human rights and journalist. here and as a patient and probably beyond us on the auto bi analysis, this really is
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a shining example of someone who's risking her personal life preaching her happiness on the line. i'm for a good cause as an issue. it's nameless can a few that some little can she deserved to be supported internationally for her commitment by anyone who can once you have the settings of course, and it is incredibly disappointing to see that there are lawmakers who ultimately have staff, people that could teach a is my a little bit in the back i to of self interest them and those are their own personal gain voice. and one of them i'll mention the condition. it's my, the, i know it's tragic and also really shameful progress. one of edition this the german politician is used to supporting people living under a dictatorship who are fighting for their rights, freedom and dignity. but he never imagined that he would have to stand up to his own allies in the council of europe to do so.
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this issue were in the heart of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, but other than had struck it all began in 2013 and one of his 1st boats as a member of the parliamentary assembly as well. that was the vote. and the parliamentary assembly where as i mean an emotional debate and it was ultimately decided by a majority of the political prisoners and do not exist. and as the pressure on up to will need to be. but that's also talk about the people who are in the prison. if we vote for mr. strays this report and goodness me, i hope we don't the, then we called stop. they are serious mistakes and then able to distortion effects . so in view of the extremely complex to a political situation, which many colleagues have already addressed to make us very called office or dangerous and delicate. but this reason i do not hesitate to vote against this report. that the vote was merely intended to establish the existence of political
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prisoners in azerbaijan. far from a secret. but quite unexpectedly, the majority of representatives voted against the report by the then deputy head of the german delegation, cris dot space. so somebody put in a chat with me personally to it took me a long time to get over into the class to this day. stay, sir, hasn't fully come to terms with the defeat. but why is that not a part of day to day politics? is about 8, was unprecedented into the accounts of europe for the bottom entry assembly to reject the motion from a committee with such a majority the european parliament and what designs are by john, have to say about the corruption allegations. we ask, the embassy gets response. azerbaijan is building relations with european countries in a transparent and legal manner. at the time function. papa debated whether he should stay in the council of europe. his guns for the body of i find the whole
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celebration of as our approach on success to bizarre and disturb banks of. and i said as to the, either you leave it here in the or you try to do everything, you can to prevent it from happening again. it's not my fault, even though i hadn't really understood what exactly had happened. but then someone in the know reached out to him get off now, says the head of the european stability initiative thing tech. he researches corruption world wide and has excellent connections all the way to azerbaijan. he told function of what his sources were telling him the happenings on committee we already had sources. and as there by john who tried to explain it kind of checking in with a few insiders explained how people were being systematically primed system. others find that based on the like how people were systematically given gifts and the rooms have money was transferred to the vacations, organized with a whole list of names and 3 members of the german going to stock it. wadlington access bishop and cottage twins also came under suspicion. all 3 were said to have
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received money from us or by john travelling to the country and taking part in election observation emissions. because it was uh, we could say was, can insiders explain to us how the regime operates, it ought to be. and what we're seeing is the results. you all know that the representative to stand up and say that because whites, the rig the elections are for elections has lots of political prisoners are hooliganism, criminals, and somebody twins fisher and lives now all denied the accusations. function of it was also in boxes to observe the elections on behalf of the council of your election day. the observers were meant to be visiting several pulling stations and documenting events schwabl recalls a disturbing encounter. and then come along a message, quince shopping bags on both arms on the the if the election observation,
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the viable or bust on german law, make or causing strands, was also in boxes to observe the elections. but she was visiting boutiques that day post trans assistance was shopping carts and it was confident the next day that it was another important step towards the free and fair elections. but of course it was nothing of the sorting stuff on. in the meantime, authorities and other european countries had launched initial investigations, but not in germany visiting the bank. we know things to autonomy and prosecutors doesn't. as everybody on the assembly member had suspiciously transferred over 2400000 euros v electric box companies to an attorney and lawmaker of that i called a few minutes ago. and then i will i'm and i'm an update on that. he was chair of the your team people's party wanted to know that goose, which was the largest block in the parliamentary assembly, whole being enforced by law, who but was right at the time of this votes and political prisoners. these we know not sure if i'm, the transfers are discovered. the emails and the conversations between the 2 were
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discovered to patients searching anytime e mailed him as a by johnny with an intake in an e mail. the italian think the answer by johnny representative with the words your gifts are very tasty and quote, your wishes mind command, that he was convicted in italy but acquitted due to a lack of evidence. function bava and get all the canals hoped never the less that law enforcement agencies would take action. no one should get away. scott free . the reality was different. so by john p because the by john remained a member of the council of europe to proceed to even when it became clear what was happening here. let me get if i could continue with impunity as an alternate damaged for this reason. or authoritarian states will not showing away from using money to try to corrupt or institutions and democracies and part of understood the so called pm. the trail of corruption and violence also led to the mediterranean
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island of malta. the matthew cut along a cutter looks back on the darkest days of his life. is this, this is the projects that's left to let the mine all those assessing nation is this project. the electro gas power plant is a joint venture involving multi business people. german industrial, giant, siemens and the as or by john state on company. so car, it's part of been in business strategy to provide europe with gas by a pipeline from as or by shown in the future. daphne cut a want to cuz he discovered that high ranking, multi is politicians, were covertly involved in the gas project by a show companies in panama, the matthews brother,
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andrew remembers his mother's stunning reports. and when this came out, i remember feeling this sort of just this empty sensation in my stomach journalist daphne kajuana. colleagues, you didn't know her assess and nation was being planned. the, the bomb went off, as my mother was coming down the hill on the force of the explosion, it just sent to the call, carrying into the fields here on that, it's ended up and in the spots. what is the banner, daphne cutter? wanna delete, see it died in the burning wreckage of her car. the investigation got off to a faltering start. it looked as if the authorities were trying to protect the powerful people in malta.
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but her son, matthew, pushed on. my mother was contacted by a soul from within the next throw gas on the sole source of single on the agreements that the more of these governments was refusing to publish. detailing the terms of the deals with those that are by john and with the, with the people from the private sector behind the projects and most of the follow the money to geneva in switzerland. the answer by john state owns company. so car has offices there in a prime location to so cause ruling this was most likely as a vehicle for for kickbacks. and to to those most he's politicians, i mention with secret panama companies. so car did not respond to our request for comment. the brothers investigations let them deeper into a network of corruption and european politics. it all revolved around raw materials
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. let's catch people. they've had, they could get away with mothering the countries most famous john, us. then they could get away with anything, you know is just the question of a when they decide to act with your following them, they sought help outside malta and turn to the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. pace punk schwab but took on the case it was actually even scary of a because we knew. so let's a so we didn't know we didn't know who was behind is it really felt like a mine cute on on. we obviously couldn't trust our own hall follow national delegation and face unfortunately, despite massive resistance from us or by johnny representative summit said off a moment, fox baba and fellow campaigners were able to push through a special report. the council of europe listened to the brothers
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the pressure paid off. there were a rest and malta, and the 1st sentences were handed down. the family of the murdered journalist daphne caught a one. lizzie's continued their own investigative journalist stick work. we will remove the one cause a dots. money came from mazda. everybody's on bones around. you are polite, that being phone boy, going to switzerland, left to the then to the united arab emirates into a bank account belonging to your getting authentic. no, because he is being prosecuted for his role in my mother's assassination. there is a distinct possibility that those funds way use the finances. they also have some nation. it says, multi is businessman york into the neck is in custody and awaiting trial this year in connection with the murder in germany. investigations were launched into the 3 buddhist stock members, edward lynn fox of fisher, and calvin's fence in
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a statement. fish i referred to bogus evidence and politically motivated investigations. a few months later coggan stands died suddenly at the age of $53.00 . for the 1st time in years kadijah is milo but was allowed to leave her country. her 1st destination, germany, to report at the buddhist talk on the situation in azerbaijan. less time i was in the lane, it was 80 to secure this a to use. i was on the travel then, then in prison, and then again on the travel then. so it was difficult time. the journalist is also critical of germany's role. after all that's happened. wire german politicians still sticking by us or by john. it's disappointed. but that's how it is. you
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understand that for you to pin politician i, he's constituency, demanding. the gas is much more important than azerbaijan, the political prison, commodities mean power. and europeans are more dependent than ever before. vast quantities of raw materials will be crucial in implementing the european union's green deal, and phasing out fossil fuels like oil and gas. thanks to azerbaijan, gas and oil reserves. president is hama. this is already a welcome guest and energy partner. and he clearly has his eyes set on the future. in september 2023. how's or by shawnee troops took control of the dispute is not going to kind of buck region within just a few days. us or by john celebrated its victory while over 130000 ethnic armenian split. when asked hazard by john said no one had been
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forced to leave the territory. the government report done as there by john's economic minerals indicates what this so called liberation operation was really about to the rule materials of the future. like copper, cobalt and lithium, the just one month after the governor carter buck offensive azerbaijan administer of ecology and natural resources. move to a body of invited guests to the jewel mining for him in boxes. it was the 1st of its kind in the country show. the new territories are rich and natural resources, which will play an important role in reconstruction. thank you, and good luck. with that, i mean that, that representatives from german organizations and
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companies also attended. what do you think and here does, we can find what we need for the future here. and for the future, we need metals. but renewable energy is in the automotive sector. electro mobility or electron will be need to and many of the deposits are located in the previously occupied territories, which are now being developed under gradually being integrated into as a body shop. as economy degree has to be on the bus on the printer and does it by john could be a very good partner for us to be in the sense that we could also obtain copper, gold and minium other resources. and this could enable very good cooperation from to buy a win win situation for both sides on it. american. what role does the countries of human rights record play and all of this, to my mention advice to the subject of human rights isn't so straightforward. him, i don't know much about it. i must admit, i haven't really looked into insignificance. we'll probably have doesn't go around
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poisoning dissidents in england or germany, or have them shot so killed in a strange. that doesn't happen here because you to these 4 mining companies. it's all about claims, the mining rights and the areas now under as are by show any control. anglo agent mining is traded on the london stock exchange. the company had already made a deal with several 1000000000 euros with us or by john a year before the military operation. far home had jace as a topic executive, the anglo agent mind. of course, i should not do that kind of strategic metro situation in the one was also in will to be having that. and this specially in the year of america, those mets, those demands will be set to add this thread, subject for the concept. love jessica,
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make sure everybody's john is looking to the future. the strategic foundation is being laid here in the border region with the go in a car, box, minerals for future technologies, critical for the european green deal. these crucial role materials are intended to ensure that answer by john can continue to pursue its power politics and a post gas and oil era. the, let's look at it like that. except some you appear in countries viewing countries. they wanted to leave that there to job, to dollars there. and the if they are paying now, they usually have to pay if doing the assessments, your phones, it says a little bit dependence on the all aspects on the others. nothing the reliable way. this is a situation that they have visited themselves,
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you know, as or by john, the mining of critical raw materials is developing rapidly. why is europe cleaning on on it because of the aroma tv layer, which we mean by the, we're not only doing this with azerbaijan, we're also doing this with china and other countries. and unfortunately, i could tell you stuff about all these other countries to the most, especially unpleasant, but after, by the end, is it there shamelessly exploiting this rules notes? after all, that's happened, azerbaijan isn't a stronger geo political position than ever before. fox schwab, it doesn't have the power to change that. but in the council of europe, he wants to finally hold answered by john to account the business side of it were currently discussing. making an answer by john is representative, responsible to all that they're doing. and the rules they're breaking, visiting on the profession. this meeting at the council of europe is intended to
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set the president. so i'm good. yes. yes, i see the hands of mr. schwab, but yes, from the flow does up. thank you very much. yeah, president, it punk schwab is. motion is accepted. the as or by johnny delegations, credentials to the council of europe would not be ratified. yep. the meeting was that cool? this is an easy time. so the pressure is huge. right now. the buttons that are contacting the german chancellor of the german foreign minister and all the other council if you're a member states, and that's where we stand under citizens, regardless of what those members supporting this challenge, please rise in their places. the moment of truth previously this to base a report was voted down here. yes, thank you. thank you. the challenge has the supports request under the rules of procedures and the, this is the 1st time us are by john has been held accountable in the counsel of
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your decision. it should, it's not pleasant to them, but we need to say no, we want to talk with it. the customers be the last of the representatives of us or by john lift in protest. almost simultaneously, the public prosecutor's office in munich brought charges against the 2 former members of the buddhist talk in connection with allegations of bribery by us are based on the battle for the raw materials of the future is only just beginning and also by sean. and many other countries can europe take part without sacrificing its values? the haven for russian money,
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money belonging to put in his country jones is said to be hidden away in switzerland. disappoint you sanctions. private just mention is secret bank accounts . paradise for collective cross and war criminals on the trail of the legal russian billions in switzerland in 15 minutes on the w. ready pico india. these bridges are a lie. main colonies of living rooms, bridges in north eastern indian farm over and from intact train room using a traditional technique uniting nature and craftsmanship in perfect harmony. ego, india. in 90 minutes on d w the
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the the this is dw news live from berlin. the u. n's topic diplomat condemns a deadly is rarely error strikes on a camp and rough time us run gaza health ministry says thousands were killed. strike is drawn wide international criticism. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the civilians. that's a tragic mistake. also coming up, you for an minister say they want answers from israel on how it complies with its human rights obligations. and a bad wind is blowing in europe worth of warning from french president and my new
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in my class speaking on a state visit to germany. he says you're.


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