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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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the n 135, because it's very hard, they beat you for everything. audio stuff. find out about some on storage, info, migrant, reliable news to migrate the, the buildings and construction sectors. is this possible for a staggering 37 percent of globally greenhouse gas emissions? how do i come on file because the body and you're watching equalling them the construction sector, identity it's waist, causes the app and you should and also contaminates what it's view all the homes are in mind. but that are ways to make the sex style more sustainable. so let's look at some ideas to build green, india as mountain stadium,
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mazda for this has some of the countries, most scenic use patience. but as you drive up these mountains, we need to wear them off on many of the woods because of the heavy construction dust. you do rude and residential or develop heavy construction laws within 2 weeks, these mountains and because of, for drilling and sand mining, lance lights have become a big issue here. indigenous methods of construction could be a way out of this. flat ground for building homes isn't easy to find here and how much of a dish and yet settlement stuff, the mountains all the way up to in order to do a full 1000 meters in the to this down of not good would work a whole but i'm talk about it is what we're seeing, the construction of a home with locally source materials that are going to look it up and the methods to build it by the same as those used by generations before him to go home. i did go to measure length though does does, and it will make next then was was one of the 8 of alternately is going into
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looking would be certainly going to give us give laska $91.00 to the both and talk with the slides and 1st and we'll by the committee, can do any of the gaps between these layers. go back to the table to do that, to help traditional houses were constructed usually by law to the other. naturally the entire divide, it may take a photo, but they didn't deal with it is rather then from his editors. he learned his skills at the local architecture studio. not it's committed to developing traditional building methods and indigenous craftsmanship, methods such as cotton, coney, and do divided into into modeling techniques that rely solely on locally available stone, wood, and key. in this quick preowned region, they have stood the test of time to have a phase. i don't want to buy some of the car when he houses here, a 3 to 400 dealers, liquid able to do that because of the flexibility of the woods. we're feared even if these houses the there's no cause for concern around that ethic that but in
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addition, we are the natural materials allowed the buildings to be laser, to making them comfortable in all season, most of the body. it then me see that the on the buildings that, that a major drop of tutors are examples of thoughtfully and due to body architecture. but there will be extends beyond this that is not found. the pollution believes the resilience of these techniques mixed the idea of the fragile legal system of things his and should be used for all new constructions. you probably wouldn't be start a new project. we have to look at the land, the site, how the sun and wind bad ones are the site and we have to analyze the slopes to cut the dentist is according to the slope i get up so that ultimately the building looks like it's going out of the mountain buildings in or rather than just a bottle propped on top of it. other than like, uh, like i'm getting this right beforehand is a large part of the effort. while the agents pre modern headed to may be
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a big, strong, most new stuff. joe's here, i mean from concrete over time be good developments have taken over the steep mountain slopes. a risk says local historian on't on the honda. he lives in books in the state capital shimla. we've just seen some of the worst effects of, unchecked construction party is back the, from the into of a chief off in the anatomy. you can stay here and there, divide, that's going to slow down building. but now we're the only be complex tall. so if you happen to so that the water is and it is edit and both of us, what we'll do is covered as director and the american college conducted foreign sort of a standard set. it is not suitable for adults tucked us with no 11 studies tech to in that area vendor developed. think what we're doing with and think it's
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good. like many of the homes destroyed in the city of floods that hit the region in 2023. even those been the strongest reinforced concrete and steel collapse like a house of god. 71, people lost their lives and many more enjoy the and yet the region is organizing. quicker than ever. the building boom is putting unprecedented pressure on its hits. the natural angle over the force of these hands is not more than $45.00 degrees. that's the highest one. she'll go back to davy, a building on shelves, which are considerably shopper we're going at storage or 70, or 80 percent things we are going with heavy exclamation, you're going in with heavy understanding was in the absence all 4 solid struct. all we are going to have from back in now. good. many of the oldest structures survived
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the floods without significant damage of the this has generated a lot of interest in the not collect is use of traditional building. what is fun used up to the upside? because what deals improve sustainability and reduce costs like s of the money? they never, we begin. every project was made by searching for reclaimed wood or storms from old houses at finding late. and even more logs that can be g, u was already stored within heck, we've had to have put on the gum with with use good things. if there's nothing on site or storing, cuz we ask around in nearby towns and villages in so much the try is key. how many people in them? what do you use going to by working with the game? what do you do then? knowledge also requires a lot of skin and they are the like skin to give it one thing with them. or do you need of the knots, collective runs training workshops and collaborates with over
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a 100 local designs like corporate i'm tuckered ensuring their skills opposite fiscal guessing. and like i said, i remember when the, if we made the effort to bring the display of last future generations, we'll see the advantages and continue to keep the skills like for me. and this is the only way to go if you want to see it, how much of the data for data the designs, hope that by promoting this holistic approach this tiny mountain down can inspire the whole him island region. to build more responsibly by embracing the benefits of its architectural headed, which is to be changed, the material that we use to construct our homes and swap them with something more sustainable. will that make a big difference? let me take you 2500 kilometers down south for the sake of some of the web. going back to a more natural material to construct a big is turning off. not just to be really great with the environment, but it's also keeping homes pleasantly cool in the some of the
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a traditional indian construction combined with modern design in my the right and southern seminars will. the architect, garth again, has been building sustainable houses with metrics for 15 years and then when the new baby to my house, martin is the main ideas. my brakes are made of nothing but mud and 8 post and just the blade the in the past we used to use naturalist. they play this like new to decline in the sources and they're going to be now add a bit of light and see meant but 92 percent is mike. and what does that come with the gate to what's in the end of the? the mixture is been compressed into vix with the machine. the advantage of this process is that instead of drying its height and pictures and then oven, they can dry naturally over a period of 7 weeks. this really uses the carbon emissions of the manufacturing process. in india, more than half of the population,
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small items made of money. ready ready but these have generally be mainly lowered income household. now, however, the classes that name is comforting, the manufacturer marked as a building material. not nice because it's so sustainable. and also because my houses have excellent installation property number model and building the some of the inside. so the house is a stay cool, then doing winter, then nice and well, that's the advantage of them. might house go to them and read it offers that advantage is that the costs of building a mad house that's competitive, you know, it's a natural and abundant drama, tedium, and times for the good in the plan. we did much house is electricity costs can be applied to the codes the. so it's a traditional building practice, attach, gonzales or says building from scratch is not something that'd be 4 ways me, especially in densely populated cities where that can be more creative solutions to
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create more living space. republishing. existing buildings could be one such way. if you live in a city, there's a pretty good chance or living through a housing crisis. rent in the major cities are skyrocketing, and this is happening all around the world. at the same time, housing has grown scarce. some building stand empty, downtown signed for it looks like just about any other big city central business. public leaving high rises do high and alarming fact. nearly 10 percent of a city is offices. are facing. other major cities around the globe have, do you can see rates that high or even higher. so why don't we just convert empty offices into housing for people worldwide? well, many of us are back in the office. working from home is here to stay. for instance,
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35 percent of us workers who can work from home still do, and plenty only come into the office on occasion. but if they can, workspaces are entering new problem. long before the pandemic eating officers were already becoming less desirable. it hasn't been for about the last 10 years and trend of the cold flight to quality stephen painter in architect that one of the world's biggest firms focuses on adaptive reuse. people when, when you're in a lease is an old buildings or guidance and the new laws that will be built because they offer that kind of amenities to kind of locations, people and all these empty officers are in just a waste of space. they mean less rent for owners, lower tax revenue for cities and the decline of entire neighborhoods. we have beautiful buildings. we have a wonderful plaza as we have sort of all of the physical assets. we just have vacant buildings. and so you don't see that vibrancy used to, you know, kind of look down these key car doors, and you would see just streams of people,
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you know, coming down the street. and you don't see that as much anymore. literally along the leaves of planner in san francisco, another studio dressing high vacancies almost 95 percent of our tax revenue comes from business tax from downtown, about 80 percent of our g. d. p. came from from downtown companies in 2021. it is our economic engine and so it needs to thrive so the city can thrive. roughly one 3rd of offices are vacant in san francisco. the 3rd most expensive housing market in the us. at the same time, the ongoing construction of new housing is causing a whole different host of problems in order to meet climate targets, but also other sustainability targets. we will need to actually stick with what's already the printer, the hard bed researches urban sustainability at stock homes. royal institute of technology, even if this new production of housing and buildings is done with very energy
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efficient and an optimized technologies, this won't be enough. we will also need to reduce the total amount of new production. and this is what brings us to frankfurt. i checked out an ongoing conversion project. an office tower built in the 90s will soon be reborn, is around $150.00 furnished apartments. then you mean all brush the developers regional european head is excited about adaptive reuse. the data for the environmental factor is obvious, since the building show is already standing in a shell alone, usually accounts for about 50 percent of emissions during construction. it's a, a fairly significant portion of the time, but it doesn't only save on emissions. revamping and office building can be up to 30 percent cheaper and construction can be done in half the time. though that depends on the project. this one wasn't much cheaper than a new build,
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but speed play the big part of the offensive side. i think the time factor is really critical. yeah. it allows us to start generating rental income through the property pretty quickly. a repurposing an old building, disturbing new function. it's called adaptive reuse, and can extend to structures like think of turning old factories into artist slots or warehouses into ubiquitous street food halls. retrofitting and existing structure is a lot more complicated than planning everything from scratch. as developers have found out, apartments and officers aren't always a $1.00 to $1.00 fit. it depends on when in where they were built. modern open plan offices were built for living in. first you must divide up large areas while ensuring rooms get enough sunlight. and you can't just have one big bathroom for a whole floor. each room needs a ventilation seating and power to stephen painter. the adaptive reuse specialist as even developed an algorithm to measure whether offices or good candidates to be
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reincarnated as housing clinics. so i run to different aspects and some of the key ones are things like the distance between the elevators and the windows. the one your one bedroom apartments have a nice bedroom or a window or a nice living space with a window to have it. maybe the kitchen and the bathrooms, the back, that's great. a lot of office buildings actually have way too much space between the elevators and the glazing. to make that happen. this means to end up with shiny new apartments. many conversions essentially rebuild everything except the existing foundations. and besides these constraints, make many offices just too much work to convert. according to painters research. roughly 30 percent of offices are ideal candidates. if you look at the us market, when we're doing a longer slack is about 100000000 square feet of office space. and if you come by just the vacancy on about 70 percent of that you can create between 6 and 7000000
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new homes. but just turning offices into apartments isn't going to be enough. neighborhoods that are just office box can be a bit inhospitable calling with finance barrows by day. or if they get the ghost towns outside of business hours, controlling people live, not just work. there could change that this neighborhood of frankfort, mito god, which developed as a strong set of offices in the sixties and seventies. given the wild be creative nickname of the people stop for office city, foot by the mid to thousands, nearly one and 3 of the offices were sitting in in 2006. the city began converting the mt office powers into housing creating through mixed use development. now it's still good places to live shop and go to school instead of just places to work. frankfurt result in the area in turn, parking lots and the green spaces in kindergarten. and it brought in developers to build apartments and shots when they're done,
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they'll be 6000 apartments here. there's other stuff that may lead now that the areas livelier, the officers that actually become more attractive. so it's easier to rent them out here. so this has to have meetings as best on the canadian city of calgary, started working with painter to revitalize its downtown in 2021 account. we have about 38 percent vacancy in their office market and i was of the time one of the worst. and the world and a very quickly actually for our program together, which gives you $75000.00 square foot to conduct the building and move forward with the red tape out of the way to make these projects move more quickly. the 1st 5 projects and now under construction, represents about $750.00 new homes. and they have 10 more approved painters as much of this housing will be affordable and built with families in mind . thanks to the financial incentives provided by the city. a doctor for use often has even more red tape and new builds that will have to change it for going to use has potential to curve emissions. so if you take turns around and example, there's
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a role in the downtown, you cannot really get office space is protected as employment months that was created in the seventy's and then just never got it because it, there was no need to change it on. now there's a desperate need to change and that's, that's kind of holding up. these products happening. such arbitrary regulations are quite common. and approval for conversions often takes as long as it would for a new build, even though the structure is already in place. since that are 1st office conversion projects have gone well, then you mean all dress things as verbal focus more on adaptive reuse. many developers have shown interest in these projects in cities like san francisco or supporting office conversions. the kind of support offered may determine the type of housing we get. flipping offices into housing is clearly no quick fix and it's not gonna solve the global housing crisis overnight. footprint per in calgary, do show it to makes it is vastly more livable and it can drastically reduce the environmental impact of relying solely on new bills.
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let's have to the northeastern stage of makalya where people are taking the dumb building with nature to a whole new level. when i say bridges, what comes to mind the golden gate bridge in california or the dollar bridge in london? well, i'm talking about something completely different. have you ever seen a bridge made with actual real living, breathing bridges. ready people of these hills have countless names for rain and no wonder for this is the, which is really is spots on plan. is the monsoon takes on many forms in the healey state of mean calling in north eastern india. what stops is gentle streams and ends as raging rivers makes life for the 40000 people that live
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in this region is really difficult. the coffee table community here, mostly farmers, and the rivers that phone every year got the homes all from the farms and markets. but the community here has found a really unique way to survive and drive to a system of living route bridges, and how to navigate within the site. and i'm go put that in one second on keep the dial dial pad one. how about on another? i am proud to have built these pages and leave this legacy for generations to come . now the heat, the lie, and i hope the one to come. that's even better as i've said, but we have done won't come let us yet. it is especially with new technology and better understanding of the science. a lot of these route bridges can last 100 years because they sit higher and they do not grow like yeah, wow. so but to come as a farmer from a village named molly, know,
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he started learning to build these route bridges at around 11 years old and is still using his skills 3 decades later. people from his village of building the new one decision to help especially women get access to the market which helps the local economy. because bridges a special and famous because unlike modern bridge is the unlike. busy the construction material is mainly word to that comes from trees that are still living . and usually even more trees applauded to keep them standing, which helps biodiversity here. how they work in the areas who took the epi fi tree a lead into the trunk of an array cannot tree where young roots can grow. that most scaffolding gives us both the roots and the villages support rubble of finger boots, which have the special ability to fuse and grow as one i used by the local people to guide the bridge across through of about it's an epic undertaking.
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bridges can be over 50 me doesn't length and can have multiple dicks. a single bridge can carry up to 50 people at a time. norris didn't song is also a farmer from this region. and today he's having a day out with his son, teaching him what he was taught his sons. nothing. does that no, no, i'm not any. i learned how to be rude. bridges from the age of 15 by my grandfather giving you. it is important to present these road. i just thought i'd like to even be we must teach our children so that the knowledge can be boss down from generation to generation. so that even when i am gone, these bridges can still be used by my gratitude by as a one on right on the side, you can see it actually takes 2 or even 3 decades for a living bridge to become usable. so children working on
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a bridge today doing it to support members of the community, even a few 100 years from now. and they return home on a bridge, the ancestors who and they may have never met, built for them. you know, the god is a social, a just who works with the communities here to preserve the knowledge and skills then they've been with this. this has to be to fix that, because we, we've seen the influence of a will for, for those who has thought of how we use the nature of the soul, says without the throwing the mother up. her belief is that these bridges are the best symbols of the culture of the region and represent the relationship between indigenous communities and the equal system. and they help in other ways to in the living room. this hospital, a lot of employment opportunities for the people in the soap, the an employment problem and also has increased the income in the thing of the
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people in both villages, especially with they've been good with this off, locals look as guides as well as if i couldn't voiding that homes into homestead as a night in a home. stay in a village with living with bridges. get on a family around 2000 rubies, a $25.00 euros per night. doors in though can be a double edged sword concrete steps to continue the bullets and was funded by the state. government have sprung up and bridges the men to hold a few people at a time beginning to show signs of wet on the hordes of trampling doors and feet. 70. ready do macolon villages have now been identified in unit schools? 2023, tentative list of was headed to the sides for that bridges. this recognition will increase the popularity and will attract more financial support from the world headed to strong and other institutions. but going forward,
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the community emphasizes that they must be front incentive for this kind of sustainable development to remain. and then as we move forward in building good bridges together, imparting knowledge, come generation to generation on how to plant and build these with bridges level this kind of equal engineering supports both bio diversity and the development of native communities. and these bridges are a testament to the fact that both can exist at the same time. well, that's quite unique and it is such a new going on my to have a bucket list. are there any such unique, sustainable construction practices that you are seeing around, you know, let us know you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles . i will see you next week and to let and they get goodbye and almost gosh, the
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fees are so strange. 2 so if you need that new describes with a special word kafka, s was the man behind the literary term. and how does he continued to influence arts and culture today? from the kafka 100 years after his death? a few minutes on the w. it's getting hotter and hotter interest and 12 is the thinking behind
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the scenes of backing extreme with because of climate change. but also do you just the timing, pioneers on know, transforming these living spaces from great to green, building at best of employment in 90 minutes on the w, the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in minecraft. instead of going to class others can attend classes, the minions of children, to the wills, collins going to school we ask why?
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because education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds. marston's around flux, and then just to see a quote. yeah. sure. sure. go ahead. oh yeah. his sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight. the family had sort of signed them and sweden, well full guns, dreams of another load. the the dogs june sun dw, the
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faces dw news light from violet. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls and asked strike on the campus about fox, a tragic mistake. guys, us health agency says dawson's book kills the stripe is drawing international criticism, but israel's minnesota says it was targeting seen the come on, come on. also coming on you for minutes, just meeting brussels and say that one offices from as well on how it complies with it's human rights obligation. boss of try of destruction and hundreds of.


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