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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from valley, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls and asked strike on the camp and rough off a tragic mistake. guys, us health agency, says thousands were killed. the stripe is going into a national criticism, but israel's minnesota says it was targeting senior. come on, come on. also coming on, you 4 minutes to meet and brussels and say they want officers from israel on how it complies with it's human rights. so please give us a try of destruction and hundreds of thousands left without power in the united
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states as tornadoes and still sweep through central self install. the gulf is welcome to the program. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is described in as striking the southern gaza city of rough off as a quote, the tragic mistake. but as vowed to continue israel's military operations, that the gauze of health ministry, which is operated by homos, says the s drive kills at least 45 people and wounded dozens mold as well says it was targeting to 12 palm us commodities. the united nations security council has called an emergency matrix to discuss the strike the aftermath of a news riley strike on a refugee camp in rough uh of how much the officials in gaza say the attack,
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killed dozens, and injured many more survivors described what they're just going to say a lot on this. we pulled up people who were reading and unbearable state. we pulled out children who were in pieces. we pulled out the young and elderly people, the fire in the campus on real, and most of the displays to didn't survive. for the solomon family, the strike means displacement for the 8th time. what time, what am i supposed to do? what am i to go? tell me when and how long will this go on? have israel should pinpoint to place for us and tell us to live, will die that this way does not work. how long will we be this price like this for the is really army said it was targeting to see me, i am ask. amanda is israel is prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the incident
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was a terrible mistake. little more mama, i am going to long despite the utmost f, it's not to have known combatants. something unfortunately went tragically wrong. we were investigating the incident and we'll reach conclusions because this is our policy is on the neutral on know for us, every non combatant, that is hurt is a tragedy. so how much it's a strategy. this is the whole difference. there is killed and injured in the attack taken to a hospital in central gaza for now israel continues this operations in gaza and that's the spice of moving by the top united nations quote, to stop that spring and now correspondence on that same. but in jerusalem, china, as we've heard, and as in yahoo as acknowledge that a tragic mistake has been made. but these really forces are still pushing on in rough or right to yeah, that's right. i mean be heard him. they're saying it's
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a tragic incident or mistake, but again, a blaming him us for it and the don't have an indication that there will be a change of strategy from the is really government or a that is really a military, despite the international outcry, despite the routing of the international court of justice on friday to hold the roof offensive. and what we're seeing on the ground, the reports from doing this kind of thing. and during this, they're saying that has been fresh air strikes overnight, also incentive off, but also across the causes trip in the central part of the cause and strip and also in the north. so what people that have been telling us a in gaza is that they don't seem to have the safe space to go. they're basically left to fend for themselves. and on this day is a ceasefire. agreed upon between israel and how nice of the situation with no change. now you've mentioned that there's been an international outcry over this
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strike on rough soft doesn't the israel c a b for the isolation while the husband and international outcry off to, you know, these horrific pictures and testimonies come out from this incident in the office on monday no, it's uh, but again, me see no. so those outcries before, for example, a month ago, over a month ago, when uh, 8 workers of what the world essential kitchen and g o. we're targeted and killed in an air strike and as strikes the. so basically that is of course, a sense here among israelis as well. there is a debate that as well a might for the isolate itself, but the focus here is on getting negotiations back on track and getting the hostages back. and also there's a sense that this government is basically the more pressure that is from outside the more it is looking in regards to more. it is actually also pushing back because
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the government here is saying, we need to eliminate a homage to remove a moss from power at the end. sooner to come to this victory that a prime minister been immunization. y'all has been talking about this also of course a, a, an emergency session expected today a by the are you in security council, but there's a sense on this. there being measures of being taken for more accountability for me is a on is what i was part of nothing really or with change here was one to attend the exam of the reporting from jerusalem. thank you, tonya. well the you foreign ministers have called on israel to respect the ruling by the top united nations court, ordering it to hold it's military offensive and rough off at a meeting in brussels. the official said, israel needs to explain how it's going to comply with the decision the w's rosie purchase reports. these protestors rallying outside the venue in brussels,
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say israel has crossed a red lane with strikes on russell, despite the world court order to hold operations there. the words of condemnation are also heard. insight. there is not safe place in garza touching and refugees can and canning and burning more than 40 people. among them. many children can imagine how over the fight we are all of us for this that he bench for the 1st time since the october 7th attacks by him us, and being soon bombarding the goals. are you members decided to demand details from israel on its compliance with human rights obligations and an explanation of how it will comply with the recent ruling on russell on diesel forties provision a court order as a binding and of course they must be followed, but we are currently experiencing the office and not sonata for international human returning your applies to everyone. and this is also the choice rate over that,
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you know, shaq fix, you know. so ministers have been pushing for tougher measures. i would say we have an empty bottle of 5 days a week or 10 days maximum. well, you have to fulfill these entries and this and if not, then we have to take sentence pieces for me. what would be my proposal on the table? but that's unlikely to happen due to unity rules, and it's on popularity, which is really officials. as regards to the u. member states who might want to put some sanctions on this topic again, why would you do that? why would you reward to terrorism in the face of what is happening right now? we have seen yesterday, rockets from rough, uh, going into eas, rarely territory all the way up to television. so i really want to see who cannot justify going in there. do you members also approved a pond to revise their roof of board or assistance mission seen in the speech? it was suspended in 2007 after him off to over goza. monday's move takes the
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a step closer to supporting simpler border crossings, but they can't become a reality without backing from israel. egypt and palestinians, familiar with the block will keep shipping age toward the russell border from afar . we've listened guarantee. it will get to gardens indeed to let's have a look now. so the other store is making headlines around the world today. south carolina and the united states and japan have condemned north korea's latest attempt to launch a satellite cells farm industries that they failed. launch post the severe threats to regional peace and security chung on names to deploy and 2nd spice satellite. despite being banned by un resolutions, differences of salt, so more than $52.00 degrees celsius and parts of the cox gone as an ongoing heat wave, thomas the southern provinces and doctor's treating thousands of people, a heat stroke in hospital, the deep wave is full cost and continue for at least
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a few more. de almost 8000 people have been evacuated in a pop point. the guinea over fears of another line slide more than 2000 are still missing a 1st, then slide. it's a central and got provence on friday. the lights of nations past old efforts, funds to 5 is a race against time. tonight those and severe storms in the us have killed more than 20 people across several central and southern states and hundreds of thousands of been left without pop, kentucky, oklahoma, arkansas and texas have been hit hardest with some declaring the state of emergency us president joe biden has offered the federal support and of the deadly tornado spotted in this guy. after the series of probable stones swept over the central and southern us, they have left
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a trail of destroyed homes and businesses and cause followed outages. i was coming home, i was eating at a restaurant and i out of nowhere. my mom called me back and then i don't know where i'm on the screen. i'm dying like everything's moving like the windows are broken, like on the destructive as drums caused several debts in texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and kentucky. well thought of these are working on to estimate the scale of the disaster. the 1st thing we're doing, which is going on as we speak, and that is to make a final round a search and rescue operations just to see if there's anybody else out there who needs to be rescued. then we moved to full aid support supplies,
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where people need immediate assistance for the concept said, due to bad weather, good ship to the east coast and want millions of americans of more thunderstorms back to europe and french president, the amount of them i call state visits of germany is the 1st set strip of french needed 24 years. and he used the opportunity to address not only germans, but all your appearance in a speech and the president. he won't that europe's future could be at stake, pointing to the war and ukraine on the rise of a fall right. the french president demanded and my call deliberately left his diplomatic comfort zone. on the 2nd day of his visit to germany along side german president, frank valdez stein my 1st, he commemorated the 6000000 dues killed in the whole, the cost of the country, central memorial in berlin. then he ventured into the hotline to the far right. if
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the party less than 2 weeks out from landmark european elections, the alternative to the germany is pulling at some 34 percent in the state of saxony . am i called one time and is not to turn towards us skeptic, right wing populous people all new day in your own peace, not our prosperity in our democracy. it would be more custom are in jeopardy goodness . if we don't that, if we don't make the right decisions, it's and that is where germany and france and all europeans, all have a responsibility to think it may be speaking before a mainly young crowd, the french president called for more europe as the on. so to rushman a question and the growing challenge to europe and prosperity, who is we're d, i say over the full conviction of it is self a good really should double r e, you budget, bridge it up. yeah. swept on it either through
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a joint investment strategy don't go now or taking on is the joint exam is where the money for a golden rule. geostrategic european union should come from is being healthy, debated behind the scenes across europe. it would also be positive. political tools with german chancellor of souls and both cabinets on tuesday. here in dresden, macross made an emotional case against anti european populace. it's linda. hey, you're welcome. even all the you're watching dw is a reminder about top story. the united nations security council pass called an emergency meeting till tuesday. all the situation and real fast, where the gaza health industry says and is right, the s drive pills at least 4 or 5 people. and it doesn't
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that's it for me on the news team. for now i'll have an update for you at the top of the stay with us coming up next to the carbon tax help. curb pollution find that out on the planet today. that's coming to the office and berlin from me in the whole use team here. the world of free speech, free press enter, open access to free information for every star trainings and next take action. hello dw global media for 2020, for a bunch of any register. now lots dissipates from all over the world. i'm ready to
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