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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 10:00am-10:30am CEST

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the, the business dw news lines from ballot. spain is about to formerly recognize the palestinian states prime minister pedro sanchez. coles is an essential step to achieve pains in the middle east. norway and islands are expected to follow suit today, also coming on. israel's benjamin, that's the arrow colson. s. tripe in rough, blocked a tragic mistake. causes health agents. he says thousands were killed up. the rocket said it's time for the display. israel says it was targeting senior, how must come up also in the program,
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george and lawmakers begin the process of reversing a presidential veto, which is blocking the new for an agency to spot widespread post at a trail of destruction and hundreds of thousands less without the tile in the us, us tornadoes and stoves, sweets through central and southern spend. the, i'm gonna hold off is welcome to the program. spain will formerly recognize the palestinian state. today. islands in norway are expected to follow lights, or in the day it marks a whitening risk between israel and the european union. spends prime minister spoke ahead of the ministers meeting to make it the official. he said, recognition is essential to achieve peace or the recognition of the state of
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palestine is not on the matter of historic injustice. we then did, you do make the aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also, i mean, per these need to achieve peace. the recognition of punch assigned is not against any one, least of all is right. the friendly nation that has been values and holes in high regard and with whom we aim to foster the strongest possible relationship. furthermore, this decision reflects our absolute rejection of i'm us. it teresa organization who is against it to a state solution of spain, noah and island bones otherwise donations are to follow their lead despite the opposition from as well. so what exactly does the recognition mean for the everyday life of palestinians w correspondence? rebecca with us reports from rome, i left the occupied west back here in among the occupied with thanks. biggest city and the state of palestine. defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed in
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a gesture of appreciation. the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island, and spain. marius, the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it's really about an hour the hearts hope for the best as to model. hope that the was is listening to us so fast by this time. spill has a chance. no way spain an island join some 140 you and countries that have already recognized the state of palestine. the move is largely symbolic, but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to live so satisfying. we don't want to die for tennis time and we, we live for, for a foot, turning our to our right for, for self determination and forced forward or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7, the gauge. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, is being could revive the palestinians. we spoke to say that wallet may not
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affected day to day lives. they hope it will lead to get more recognition. they often kind of do a bit of recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights our costs that the land is hours, our rights are reality so they can stand with us so we can overcome the brutal occupation. what, how you met some of the countries that have recognized palestine. i'm making the voice of young palestinians reach every one. young palestinians will have a voice in europe between one and all the. so i should have put a, we don't live in freedom spin and the other countries reference nation and might make the occupation feel weaker and countries that stand with it might come to our side and hopefully recognize us to you know, despite the signal of hope for palestinians, many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements, like that one. you can see on the hill behind me. they can see that illegal on the international law, but they've all said all over the occupied westbank making
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a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war in gaza. and now the major obstacle is in lack of political will from israel, responded to no bill is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries saying it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long for to keep the 2 state solution off the negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pc these red is gone, so use to be able to slouchy to national do whatever it wants to get away with it. but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore if there is no such thinking that people go along the lines as well. maybe you know, we have to remove permanent leaders of no way. orland and spain say that decision
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was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians. here. the move constitutes the recognition for the decades long struggle for statehood. or is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu as described in this strike in the southern gaza city? or for us office quotes, a tragic mistake, but has vowed to continue israel's military operations. that because a health ministry, which is operated by how boss says the strikes killed at least $45.00 people involved a dozen small. isabel says it was targeting to top. how may i ask them honors, i'm us is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. the aftermath of an is riley ash strike on a refugee camp in rough. uh how much the officials in garza say, the attack killed dozens and injured to many more survivors described what they're just going to say a lot on this. we pulled up people who were reading
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an unbearable state. we pulled out children who were in pieces. we pulled out the young and elderly people, the fire in the campus on real, and most of the displays to didn't survive for the solomon. and finally, the strike means displacement for the 8th time. what time, what am i supposed to do? what am i to go? tell me when and how long would this go on? have israel should pin point to place for us and tell us to live and die that this way does not work. how long will we be disgraced like this for the is right. the army said it was targeting to see near him ask command is israel is probably minister benjamin netanyahu said the incident was a terrible mistake. little more mama. i am going to long despite the utmost f, it's not to ha non combatants. something unfortunately went tragically wrong. we
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were investigating the incident and will reach conclusions because this is our policy. is on the neutral on. know for us, every noncombatant that is hurt is a tragedy. so how much it's a strategy. this is a whole different skill of those killed and injured in the attack taken to a hospital in central gaza. for now, isabel continues interpretations in gaza. and that's the spice of rooting by the top united nations quote, to stop as we've heard. and there's no as of knowledge that a tragic mistake has been made, but is really forces are still pushing on in rough off for more than that. i spoke to tanya, crime in jerusalem. yeah, that's right. i mean, be heard and they're saying it's a tragic incident or mistake, but again, a blaming, i'm us for it and the don't have an indication that there will be a change of strategy from the disability government or a that is really a military,
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despite the international outcry, despite the routing of the international court of justice on friday to hold the rough house offensive. and what we're seeing on the ground, the reports from doing this kind of thing. and during this, they're saying that has been fresh air strikes overnight, also incentive off. but also across the causes trip in the central part of the goal is to strip and also in the north. so what people that have been telling us a in gaza is that they don't feel they have to safe space to go. they're basically left to fend for themselves, and on this day is a ceasefire. agreed upon between israel and how nice of the situation with no change. now you've mentioned that there's been an international outcry over this strike on rough soft doesn't the israel c a b for the isolation as well. that has been an international outcry of to, you know,
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these horrific pictures and testimonies come out from this incident in also on monday night. but again, we see notice of those outcries before, for example, a month ago, over a month ago, when a 84 cause of where the world essential kitchen and g o were targeted and killed in an air strike and as strikes the so basically that the is of course, a sense here among israel is uh, as well, there is a debate that as well a might for the isolate itself, but the focus here is on getting negotiations back on track and getting other hostages back. and also there's a sense that this government is basically the more pressure that is from outside the more it is looking in words to more it is actually also pushing back because the government here is saying we need to eliminate a hum us to remove a moss from power at the end, sooner to come to this victory that
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a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been talking about this. also of course a, a, an emergency session expected today a by the are you in security council that there's a sense on this? the measures of being taken for more accountability for me is a on is what i was part of nothing really or would change here. of course one of the time, the exam of the reporting from jerusalem. thank you tanya. that's what up now. some of the other stories making headlines, you're crying, so a lot of them is that n c is in the brussels on a european to us a router support is just met with the belgian prime minister, assigning a security act, which includes $977000000.00 euros and military age and the delivery of the t. f. 16. finances by 2020 x. the software you have the united states and japan have condemned. last 4 years, the latest attempt to launch the satellites, souls foreign ministry said the failed launch. post
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a severe aspect to regional peace and security from gun aims to deploy it's 2nd spice satellite despite being banned by un resolutions. temperatures have source to over $52.00 degrees celsius and hops off. ok, stop. as an ongoing heat with how most southern providence of, since doctors are treating thousands of people for each stroke in hospital st. pete, which is full cost to continue for at least a few more days. italian media, se pulled from says use the derogatory time above, gave people while in a meeting with bishops, they say jokingly, use the word to repeat this opposition to openly gay men joining seminaries. and the pos po process has spoken publicly about being respectful tools. the l. g b teacher community almost 8000 people have been evacuated
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in pop point. new guinea from the positive is still active. lance slide is comes after an estimated 2000 people are buried in the land slide, which is a village and the central nga products on friday, rescue and relief assets have been severely complex by the difficult terrain and damaged roads. you an agency has said that it is, quote, highly unlikely that most advisors will not be found and i'm no joined by monkey garage. this is the head of the international federation of the red cross and red crescent inputting of gillian joins us from port mos be lucky evacuations on the way of the last by the wages. what more can you tell us? thank you very much for having me. it is a very difficult and devastating situation, so there's chairs, the locations are already nobody, they are difficult access. additional to that, the long slide, looking at highway and the also on the way from the the hodge into the near the
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area. also the bridges are corrupt, so additionally, bodies are happening. so the heavy machine is on the way. but i said very slow. the plan was to be alive on sunday, but already tuesday is a very school movement. and then already for this past, how many people on the that's a lot of slides, it is very difficult to do with the continuous, the screw such a risk here in fort. we have only small tools like shovels and sticks. to now tell us more, up to 2000 people, i see a buried on the the debris. can't tell us more about the risk you f as is there still hope to find anybody line? yes, the numbers us to estimated region all have a confirmed number. but that's what i as the mission from the told her freshman of almost a 1000 for patients in this area. and of course already hundreds more than 100
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hours passed. it's very difficult to expect the someone found in life. however, our was curious and for the never be stopped. i think we have to continue with the hope and yeah, that's the situation right now. it's a very devastating and then to those family members. i'll fix that. and also missing fund me is that they need a lots of support, psychological support, care and also the clothes and then as possible to care for time food as well. now the government has off for international assistance. is that coming as it is on the way we have been making a here here for to, for the proper quotation among the international organization. you in agencies and no single call in 0, including charges try and make maximum a force to bring in necessary. uh,
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no food items that will test for task container, blanket, housing, kids, etc. i also need to pick an eco support for medi calls and a washer. and how did you send me patients? so that's the most of the discussion was happening also this morning with the lips via pg. these are some management team and the old i don't at the embassy colleagues. and then also seeing delilah is as she's so that's still under way. and in many discussion as plaza happening right now. now you're actually the head of the as an esl for the ration of the red cross, the requested in problem with giving you. thank you. thank you very much. i the the doors and now where the parliament is about 2 votes on override in the presidential veto of a controversial for an agents bill that could restrict media freedom. and that they should put various restrictions on n g o s including limits in foreign funding. it was introduced by the ruling judge
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and dream posit on tests take weeks if most demonstrations into these protests to see of the law with stifled free speech and locked the countries efforts to join us in union correspondence. and maria cut the months into b. c. a for us and that also what we can expect today. now we expect the parliament and is it a wooden pa to georgia and the uh, that has the majority department is going to adopt to failing the final reading of to override in the to at least if nothing extra ordinary happens in the meantime. now the government south side is it is aiming of transparency. it's critics here. they say this is laura. this is the tools that the government is going to use to press the civil society georgette to steer them away from, from european values and from using integration. that's why people are warrants here, still diploma. seems to be is pushing this,
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this bill. and now i would suggest we have a look at the interview with an m p, from the one in georgia and the content on how she's explaining why she's backing the bell. maybe not that many people know that. so we have more than $25000.00 organizations registered in georgia that are considering themselves as civil society. and most of them are funded from for the next years. and these funds are coming to georgia from outside of georgia. and recently received that the, in some cases there is a very fine line on, in some cases there is no line between non governmental organizations and political part it is and was, this is, or the little in funding is go, i mean, you already goes to political parties that's, of course, is a problem functional as income entered into western society, has to fight with
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a 3rd tyran is to fight with unfriendly countries and to fight with the implants to retire and influence us of democracy you're implementing the low to fide, you're putting us into west, well, 1st of all, we don't see that the is this type of thing to, 1st of all, i guess something, but this is not for that. it is kind of preventive measure for georgia. it's not surprising cause that sometimes even partners, even friends, may have different interest this low tries to ensure trust piracy, or forwarding funding without any definition of countries or division of countries around us. georgia wants to be part of the ropes and union, and that is clear and we see quite the big challenges to our security. georgia is a country which has to try to reach us by russia, and this is not to mutual threats to georgia,
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that is fairly clear. we have foreign military presence on our territory without our consent. we have to be very careful who wants what from georgia and what are the interest of any but the towards our country. because uh for us, it is the existence show topics to keep security and to, to step in to, to, in georgia and notes to create additional threats to our security. georgia is nothing they to a member and georgia is not to your member. for today. are you will be the consequences if this law comes into effect of the while your opinion is for and this has changed december outside that the you is preparing already of the response. if the bill is adopted in the georgia in parliament, the us has already introduced the travel band for the georgia dream officials for,
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quote unquote, undermining democracy in georgia. so essentially it's all moving over to georgia and nothing seems to be ruled out at this moment. but there are also tossing brussels sides, georgia could actually lose the candidate status of the status and, and very long away from the state is that many, georgia is having problems and for, for that case, now it seems like the uh, the relationship with the west and georgia is that the lowest point and that's why people are so angry, they say that their government is lacking them down. that's the government is not leading them to europe. the place where they want to be split up. maria cuts amounts of every 40 from to place you. thank you maria. french president and unaware of my call is on a state visit to germany. it is a 1st such trip by a french lita in 24 years and he used the opportunity to address not only germans, but all europeans in a speech interface. and they want that europe's future could be at stake,
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pointing to the war and ukraine, and the rise of the fall, right. the french president demanded and my call deliberately left his diplomatic comfort zone. on the 2nd day of his visit to germany along side tillman, president from fall to sign my 1st, he commemorated the 6000000 dues killed in the whole, the cost of the country, central memorial in berlin. then he ventured into the house around the far right, if the party less than 2 weeks out from landmark european elections, the alternative to have a gentleman, a holding at some 34 percent in the state of saxony. am i called one time and is not to turn towards us skeptic, right wing populous people all new day in europe, our peace, not our prosperity, and our democracy would be more costs are in jeopardy. and this, if we don't have,
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if we don't make the right decisions, it's and that is where germany and france and all europeans, all have a responsibility will be the big. it may be speaking before, mainly young crowd, the french president called for more europe as the on. so to rush into question and the growing challenge to europe and prosperity who is we're d. i say all the full conviction of it because it's itself to do really should double r e you budget bridge it up beyond swapped on it either through a joint investment strategy or taking on is a joint exam this uh where the money for a golden rule geostrategic european union come from is being healthy, debated behind the scenes across europe. it would also be positive, political adults with german tots, the folds and both cabinets on tuesday. here in dresden, macross made an emotional case against anti european populace. it's linda.
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well, even off the so many of those and severe storms in the us have killed more than 20 people across several central and southern states and hundreds of thousands have been left without pop, kentucky, oklahoma, arkansas and texas. i've been hit hottest with some declaring the state of emergency you as president joe biden has offered the federal support and of the deadly tornadoes spotted in this guy. after the series of probable stones swept over the central and southern us, they have left a trail of destroyed homes and businesses and cause followed all the ages. i was coming home, i was eating at a restaurant and i out of nowhere. my mom called me back
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and then out of nowhere on thursday, and i'm dying like every good movies, like the windows are broken like on the destructive as drums caused several debts in texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky authorities are working on to estimate the scale of the disaster, the 1st thing we're doing which is going on as we speak. and that is to make a final round of search and rescue operations just to see if there's anybody else out there who needs to be rescued. then we moved to full aid support supplies, where people need immediate assistance for the costs of said, due to bad weather. good shift to the east coast and want millions of americans of more thunderstorms. and before we go some
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sports demand years of practice, but some just a couple of months of aging. they accent english post time of cheese rolling. so another competitive meeting life race to the bottom. or in this event a local seizes, give them a head stop before the crowd tries to catch up with its energy bound by the only rick. yeah, this is on is the man's raise, went to a german almost offensive. the type of next to dividing. this use race on the phone. you're watching dw news is a reminder of our top story. spain is about to recognize that public spending and state today, prime minister paperless, sunset, is called it an essential step to saving east in the middle east islands. no way
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are expected to follow suit. despise all positions from that's it from me and produce team jungle way up. next. see how green tech is sprouting and creating new jobs and i've been close to something short break. got office in berlin from me. anthony's, the expo, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the ego africa. ruby's ear is still and it's making people say, it's important for us to begin collecting this data to be able to compare it and see whether there's any health impact. and this little device as opposed to how we quoted this, a low cost of $42.00 more utah does it more the co africa next on
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d. w is as revise on buying european in the authoritarian regime, exports boil and gas to the european union and offers generous gifts to the politicians. are they really being paid at the turn of wind? i took the systemic human rights violations, corruption in europe. those up in 45 minutes on the w the so you didn't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing from line from your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my
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so on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to in the canal. it's time to and then when generation nash dw documentary of the around the world, we are seeing people come up with new ideas and joining together to protect the environment that includes such as autism. up to this and young people will meet some of them today. welcome to equal africa. i am sandra holmes, that we know video writes yet in comp,


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