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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from valley spain is about so formerly recognized palestinian states. prime minister federal sunset is posted and essential step to the seat in the middle of the hallway and islands are expected to follow suit. also coming up israel bushes off with its military offensive and rough at the celery pounds, the southern gaza city on tuesday morning. hundreds of thousands of others pinions half now. let the area of the initial ceasing shelters the
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i'm good. how those as well come to the program, spain will formally recognize a palestinian state today. the no, i'm expected to follow later in the day. 8 marks of whitening risk between israel into european union, spain's prime minister spoke ahead of ministers meeting to make it official. he said, recognition is essential to achieve peace. the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the matter of historic injustice with diligently made aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. the recommendation of palestine is not against any one, least of all is right. a friendly nation that has been values and holds in high regard and with whom we aim to foster the strongest possible relationship. furthermore, this decision reflects our absolute rejection of how much teresa organization who is against the to a state solution spain no,
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an island wants to otherwise donations to follow that lead despite the position from israel. so what exactly does that recognition mean for the everyday life of palestinians? dw correspondence rebecca rates as we post from romano in the occupied west back. i even remember the occupied west bank biggest city and the state of palestine. defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed in a gesture of appreciation, the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island, and spain. marius, the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it's really about an hour the hearts hope for the better to model . hope that the was is listening to us. so that by this time, spill has a chance. no way spain, an island to join some 140 you and countries that have already recognized the state
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of palestine. the move is largely symbolic, but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to live so satisfying. we don't want to die for us at this time, and we, we live for, for a foot, turning our, uh, our right for, for self determination and forced forward or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7 the case. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, is being revised, the palestinians. we spoke to say that while it may not affected day to day lives, they hope it will lead to get more recognition. they often kind of do a bit of recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights our cause that the land is hours, our rights are reality so they can stand with us. so we can overcome the brutal occupation what, how you mean the countries that are recognized palestine. i'm making the voice of young palestinians reach every one. young palestinians will have a voice in europe between one and all the. yeah. so i should've put a we don't live in frieda, spain,
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and the other countries recognition might make the occupation feel weaker and countries that stand with it might come to our side and hopefully recognize us to you know, despite the signal of hope for palestinians. many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements, like that one you can see on the hill behind me. they considered illegal on the international law, but they built it all over the occupied westbank making a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war and gaza. and now the major obstacle is in lack of political will from israel, responded to no bill. it's randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries saying it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long for to keep the 2 state solution off the negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pieces that he's rather go
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studies to be able to slouch international or do whatever. ready get away with it, but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore, if there is no such thinking that people go along the lines of, well maybe you know, we have to remove permanent leaders of no way. orland and spain say the decision was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians. here the move constitutes the recognition for the decades long struggled for statehood. israel is pushing on with its offensive and rough off striking the city in the south of the ga, the strip. early on tuesday, the hamas run health industry that says, at least 16 people were killed over not hundreds of thousands of put us in is a flat the area of the initially seeking shelter. that is real assess. it is targeting how most flights the group is considered
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a terrorist organization by several the new is really a soles come off to a strike on a camp and rough are killed, $45.00, ballast indians, and target international outrage. israel's problem is the coal to strike a tragic mistake, but he has vowed to push on, dw is time to expand my photos move from jerusalem. yeah, that's right. i mean be hurt. and they're saying it's a tragic incident or mistake. but again, blaming on us for it, and we don't have an indication that there will be a change of strategy from the is really government or that is really a military, despite the international outcry, despite the routing of the international court of justice on friday to hold the golf house a offensive, and what we're seeing on the ground, the reports from, during this processing. and during this they're saying that has been fresh air strikes overnight. also incentive off, but also across the causes trip in the central part of the cause,
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the strip and also in the north. so what people there has been telling us a in gaza is that they don't feel they have to safe space to go. they're basically left to fend for themselves, and on this uh, there is a ceasefire. agreed upon between israel and how nice of the situation with no change. now you've mentioned that there's been an international outcry over this strike on rough, soft doesn't, to israel c a, b for the isolation as well. the husband and international outcry off to, you know, these are risk pictures and testimonies come out from this incident in the office on monday. no, it's uh, but again, me see most of those outcries before, for example, a month ago, over a month ago, when uh, 8 workers of where the world essential kitchen and g o were targeted and killed in an air strike. and as strikes the. so basically that the is, of course,
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a sense here among israel is as well there is a debate that as well a might for the isolate itself, but the focus here is on getting negotiations back on track and getting other hostages of back. and also there's a sense that this government is basically the more pressure that is from outside the more it is looking in more some more. it is actually also pushing back because the government here is saying, we need to eliminate a him, us to remove him. us from power at the ends, you know, to come to this victory that a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been talking about this. also of course a, a, an emergency session expected today. a by the are you in security council, but there's a sense also necessary and measures of being taken for more accountability for me is a on is what i was part of nothing really or with change. here was one of the time the exam of the reporting from jerusalem. thank you, tanya. as i pull up now,
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some of the other stories making headlines that are on the well to your friends. without them, is it lensky is in brussel sending you a p. and tool to rally support. he's just met with the belgian prime ministers signing a security tax, which includes $977000000.00 euros and military aid. and the delivery of 3016 fine subjects by expansion expense here. a tossing lawmakers voting to override the presidential veto controversial for an agency. the legislation has taken weeks of most demonstrations into place purchased as outside funding and fear, the little stifled free speech and book efforts to join the or the local. this french president, the model of my call, is wrapping up as 3 days a visit in germany at a speech interface. and he said, you're upset, wake up to the threat of a fall, right? i call the late to meet with john the chance, but we'll have choice for 12,
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so on defense and you trade policies. well they see you tell the media, say pub, frances, use the rocketry tom above gave people. what? while in the meeting with bishops, they say he jokingly use the word to repeat this opposition to open the game and joining seminaries in the past. full process as spoken public publicly, about being respectful towards the eligibility to community temperatures of thoughts to over $52.00 degrees celsius and pots of park stock. as an ongoing heath with the homeless, the southern province of cent doctor's treating thousands of people. a heat stroke in hospital, the wave is full costs to continue for at least a few more almost a 1000 people have been evacuated in pop on a guinea from the positive and still active land slide. this comes off to an estimated 2000 people were buried in a land slide which hit
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a village in the central in provence. on friday, rescue and relief efforts have been severely handled by the difficult terrain and damaged roads. un agency has said that it is, quote, highly unlikely that most of us will not be found. here i spoke with monkey garage the she's the head of the is national federation of the red cross and red crescent in public beginning to also about the evacuations. in the region, it is very difficult, a devastating situation. so this church, the locations are already nobody. they are difficult access additional to that the long slide looking at highway. and that also went away from the uh, the hodge into the near the area. also the bridges are corrupt, so additional, those bodies are happening. so the heavy machine is on the way. but i said very slow. the plan was to be alive on sunday, but already tuesday is
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a very school movement. and then already for this past, how many people on the that's a lot of slides, it is very difficult to do with the continuous, the screw such a risk here in fort. we have only small tools like shovels and sticks. to now tell us more, up to 2000 people, i see a buried on the the debris. can't tell us more about the risk you f as is there still hope to find anybody line? yes, the numbers as to estimated region all have a confirmed number, but that's what i as the mission from the told her freshman of uh, almost a 1000 for patients in this area. and of course already hundreds more than 100 hours past. it's very difficult to expect via to someone found in life. however, our was curious and for the never be stopped. i think we have to continue with the whole. and yeah, that's the situation right now. it's very devastating and then to those family
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members, i'll fix that and also misinformed me is that they need those lots of support, psychological support, care and also the clothes and then as possible to care for time food as well. now the government has off for international assistance, is that coming it is on the way we have been making a here here for to, for the proper quotation among the international organization, you in agencies and no single coat and zeros, including charges try and make a maximum a force to bring in necessary uh, no food items that will test for task, a container, blanket, hygiene kids, etc. i also need to pick an eco support for medi calls and a washer and home is this on the station. so that's the most of the discussion was happening also this morning with the lips via p g. these are some management team
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and the old a don't at the embassy colleagues. and then also seeing delilah is as she's so it does feel under way. and in many discussion as plaza happening right now, i'm asking you are actually the head of the as an esl for the ration of the red cross, the requested in problem of giving you. thank you. thank you very much. and before we go some sports, do you mind years of practice, but some just a couple of months of aging. the actions english past the time of she's rolling so another competitive meeting, a real life race to the boston. and this event local sees is given the head start before a crowd size to catch up with it. but it's in pounds is being about the only like is it? yeah, this is owners in the men's race, went to a german post home almost friend has title next year. after surviving. this is
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way, race mid and that's it for me and the listing of an update for you at the top of the office and see the type of data stomach is, is just is i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. mean? well for con dreams of another world wake up on not starts june 1st on dw, azerbaijan, a former soviet republic bounded by the caspian sea. the countries.


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