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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from valid spain is about to formalize form of the recognized palestinian state private as the federal, sanchez coles, it as a central step to achieve peace in the middle of nowhere in the islands. i expected to follow suit to the also coming up in georgia demonstrates as gather outside parliament to protest against lo make us pushing through a new knoll. critic say they are an agents. bill is the threats to free speech. on south africa,
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the general elections could see the ruling and see positive news. it's majority. for the 1st time. we look at why some folks us are calling for a political shake. the gap it off as a welcome to spain will formerly recognize a post indian state today. islands in norway are expected to follow the day during the day. it marks of widening risk between israel and the european union spans prime minister spoke head of a ministers meeting to make it official is that recognition is essential to achieve peace or the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the matter of historic injustice. we then did you make the aspirations of the palestine people? but it is also, i mean, perfectly if need to achieve peace. the recommendation of palestine is not against
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any one. least of all is right. the friendly nation that has been values and holes in high regard and with whom we aim to foster the strongest possible relationship. furthermore, this decision reflects our absolute rejection of how much teresa conversational voice against the to a state solution. and from on this we can now speak to respond to jack power and brussels a jack, how big is this shift for spain and for islands? and no way it's pretty major shift in the i would also take some of the recognition of the palestinian state that is most important. they and i was this about a week ago just under a week ago, altogether, the 3 countries, the leaders of which came, i made the statements really sort of consecrate staff positions island. no way. i'm specifically spain. they said that they would do this today. spain is a, a socialist leg country at the moment, the socialist functions in your up
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a general, the more inclined to do this to move, to recognize a palestinian statehood. so is no way in fight islands. the population of islands have shown a strong i porting of solidarity for the palestinian course and cools full palestinian statehood to be recognized as well. so this is more of a consolidation of deposition and it now takes. 3 the number of countries in the united nations that recognize palestinian statehood. $243.00 is not the biggest shift, but these are the 1st western countries that are doing this since everything that happened off to the october, the 7th. how much terrorist attack on israel, on, on the subsequent retaliation, that's actually, i think we'll see more european nations or even the u as a whole, recognize a post indian state. and that's why i was looking at the phone i, we understood as well that potentially belgium, maybe phones could have also made this move alongside the spanish, the irish and the norwegians, they've decided not to. but it may move the dial fluid on countries trying to do
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that. it's quite a complicated issue for the european union who has long and stood bias position of a work towards the tuesdays solution for the middle east. some countries though, believe that recognition of palestinian statehood should be the starts of that process and then you would kind of how it goes off the woods. whereas other countries, specifically germany, which has a big diplomatic weights on this, would, would save the idea or is that the test a solution to go see ation process would result in a palestinian state that could be recognized by the european union as a whole. so it isn't likely that the use going to be able to make this move altogether. but there is a challenge to some e u. countries like we've seen, may separately and individually in the coming weeks and months decided that they would like to recognize palestinian statehood to check pack that we quoted from brussels. thank you very much, john. now spend over an island. want all the western
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nations to follow that lead despite the position from israel. so what exactly does their recognition mean for the everyday life of palestinians? w correspondence? rebecca ritz is now results from ramallah in the occupied west back. i even remember the occupied west bank biggest city and the state of palestine. defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed in a gesture of appreciation. the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island, and spain. marius, the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it's really about an hour, the hearts hope for the better to model. hope that the was is listening to us. so that by this time, spill has a chance. no waste pain in islands join some 140 you and countries that have already recognized the state of palestine. the movie is largely symbolic,
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but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to, let's, let's try to sign. we don't want to die for us at this time. and we, we live for, for a foot, turning our to our right for, for self determination and force forward or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7 the case. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, it's being revised. the palestinians. we spoke to say that while it may not affected day to day lives, they hope it will lead to get more recognition. they often kind of do a bit of recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights our cause that the land is hours, our rights are reality so they can stand with us. so we can overcome that brutal occupation for them to and how you met some of the countries that recognize palestine. i'm making the voice of young palestinians reach every one. young palestinians will have a voice in europe between one and all the so i should have put a, we don't live in freedom, spain and the other countries recognition might make the occupation feel weaker and
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countries that stand with it might come to our side. and hopefully recognize us to you know, despite the signal of hope for palestinians, many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements like that one you can see on the hill behind me. they considered illegal on the international law, but they don't said all over the occupied westbank making a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war and gaza. and now the major obstacle is in lack of political will from is room bomb. and you know, bill is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries saying it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long full to keep the 2 state solution off the negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pc these red is gone,
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so use to be able to flouting to national do whatever it wants to get away with it . but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore if there is no such thinking that people go along the lines as well. maybe you know, we have to remove permanent lead is of no way orland and spain say the decision was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians here. the move constitutes to the recognition for the decades long struggle for statehood. let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines today. south korea, the united states and japan have condemned north korea's latest attempt to launch a centralized souls for ministry sets, a launch post of severe threat to regional peace and security from gun aims to deployed 2nd spice satellite. despite being banned by un resolutions,
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almost 8000 people have been evacuated to didn't pop point to get a from the path of a still active lance long. this comes off for an estimated 2000 people that buried in the land spot in the central and got problems on friday is un agency has said that it is both highly unlikely that most advisors will now be found. a lot of trials have now gathered all sides georgia's parliament in tbilisi to protest the controversial targeting embryos and the media inside lawmakers. voting to override the presidential veto of the so called for an agency. critics say it would limit press freedom and for an funding of n g o, since stifled efforts to join the union, the legislation has tickets. we must demonstrations in georgia.
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now let's go to maria cuz i'm upset. she is in to please leave for us, maria. bring us up to date on the proceedings. impala faxing the paula massey 1st through the in the final reading. anything happen any time from now? now we see that the government is not ready to back down just by the positive side to side. we do our mazda mazda taking place in the capitals isn't really sent across the country by the moment, sizes, from the was just by the error rates and the relationship with the us with the fathers of georgia, which has been traditionally been, uh, you awesome. do you feel like almost size that they're aiming at transparency, the word that they're using a magic coast very positive. it was in their view. why you sent me again? my people here who have been gathering up the 3 of these
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page for the top. well, actually coming forward like suzanne, this is the tool for the government to say okay, maria was, it has been the reaction among protest is that as it can see behind me, the police is already here. uh. they are depending upon them and gates on both sides of the police. we are being cold and we can also see the rise. what do you say is inside the apartment building in case there is the master for turn off? now we can see that there are lots of people are already there waving european america and georgia. we're sending the one thing though, saying that we do not want to call back to russia. they call it the place and they call is irrational law. they believe that the government is actually leaning
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towards the bottom of these, using their loss on this thing that they say that they want to be part of the euro . with russell, i won't have them being part of the euro, and that's why they're there. they say that the find for the democracy, the thoughtful, the european future, which the government team there you're trying to jeopardize. oh, that's fine. but yeah, cut them onto that in to play some apologies for the poor video and audio quality that let's go to south africa now where people go to the polls tomorrow and what's being seen as the countries most closely for election since the transition to democracy. 30 years ago, policies including the largest of possession, growth, the democratic allies of health. that final campaign, events ahead of wednesdays move and 50 thoughts. and so the national ballot is running for seats in the national poll suggests that the governing and see which
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was once led by nelson monday that could lose its absolute majority for the 1st time since the end of a pond. to us. do the use? don holcombe looks uh what's behind the wide spread this dissatisfaction in south africa, of the smell of rubbish mixes with sewage. it's a powerful cocktail that residents have gotten used to living with. this is a familiar site across south africa's township areas. we're meeting black citizens lives. president serv. i'm a post. i've visited this area to campaign for votes. we joined him as the interested with residents listening to the consent this lifetime agency support to was happy to see room a poster. so he would tell him exactly how bad it is here. big guy. there's theses running through the streets. here's the mug of sewage. water is
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flowing freely here by now. cool. start done. we often don't have any electricity here. yeah. it goes all for long periods. one, even for a month, sometimes that big. those are the things that causes frustration is also causing frustration is the country's high unemployment rate, 40 percent of people old enough to work with out drops. so the africans are also experiencing coupling electricity crisis. at its worst, some areas winds without power for over 8 hours a day. imagine paying 5 times the market price for a roll of toilet paper. that's what public probably, utility is gone, was shutting out. it's been revealed that it was regularly overpaying, so basic supplies. it's a kind of maladministration that has lift,
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so that for can serious tend to have been used by business people with closer relationships to the amc to enrich themselves, leaving a let to me of corruption skin or what is the 4 reasons like these. the amc is in big trouble because of prediction polls suggest support for the party. could even drop below 50 percent and eviction goes up because we know what's going to happen and the people in this whole and the people of south africa know in their own. so what they're waiting to do in terms of getting the amc and overwhelming majority. but the majority of voters in this election or john south africa who grew up under the amc administration. although housing, the water supply and sanitation may have improved during the lifetimes,
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they are unhappy about the put it can nomic prospects, which i do those, that i don't have. what young people won't fight for the i n c because we are unemployed because it will be painful to them because new policies are going to come and take notes from the vehicle that the new policies are responding to our needs as young people is that, but the i in the same thing has to be stuck in the past. i then not looking after on somebody's how got quote that unhappiness is expected to cost me a and see at the polls. the amc leadership sees the party has turned over and you'd be full and should not be judged on past governments failures on the 29th of may. so that for tenants will give the assessment of when they think the agency can truly turn things around. the the w correspondent on whole file, there's a report and joins is not from johannesburg. diane,
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why is this election considered? it's so crucial as well. oh, good, good afternoon. uh, how this election, i think is a significant election for a number of reasons. but before i get into that, let me just contextualize with i am voting stations opened yesterday for those participating in early votes. and real station where i'm standing at today has seen some votes, has come to pass. the early voted will also be open for the full day tomorrow, along with more than 20000 as a voting stations around the country. now when we come to the significance of this election, really a lot of it has to do with waste of effort to stand from an economic perspective. we heard in that package that young voters in particular are concerned about the situation. as far as jobs are concerned, but that's really part of the big economic crisis that's of africa is facing just
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this. yeah, a 2023. the g d p growth was what it was at a quite a low level, just 0.6 percent. the year prior to that twins, $22.00 g d p growth was at only 1.9 percent, which is quite low if you consider a that's of every case meant to be all considered to be an economic powerhouse on the continent. so a lot of the reasons that people will be going to the polls have to do with economic concerns and wanting to improve social and economic conditions here in the country have. let's stay on the economy for a moment. unemployment is a big concern for voters. how are the opposition, fontes responding to this as well? a position parties of course have had to put job creation right at the top of the agendas. we spoke to the, the democratic alliance leader, for example, john, stan hasan,
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and also followed the if it's campaign train trail. and both of those parties made sure that they mentioned job creation in all of the speeches from the democratic alliance is perspective they of the view that they will be able to create more jobs . and the, if it's the, the julius my. lemme also saying that job creation is a key priority for that party. let's take a listen to what they had to say. a track record of actually delivering where we've been given a chance to deliver the problem. so the waste and k responsible for 8 out of 10 jobs over the last 5 years. $368000.00 new jobs in the last year. a load ending, load shipping, being able to ensure good quality, health care, education services wherever that he has been given a chance to govern las has got fits for most of the top listeners. so that's what he got today. seat at both the 50 the meet are people who are comfortable to wait an hour and perfect. so now is because our self funding is here pending. wow. we
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thought there drops. now we thought there of 3 minutes now. we are going to bed hungry now and just as you heard, be, it is an immediate concern and frustration, say, a hot amongst the young voters in particular, in this election, the on estimates at 11000000 registered voters who are under the age of 40. and that age group is the same age group that is really suffering from dis drops crisis . and all of them are expecting political parties to come with solid solutions to the jobs crime this. yep. now tell us more about these new political parties in this selection. so yes, of course at this election i think that it's one of the, the elections where we've had the most number of parties and the most wide variety of choice from all kinds of ideological backgrounds in the selection. we also have
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independent candidates, actually participating at the national level. it's important to note that this election is not just for parliamentary positions, but we are looking for the president will lead the country for the next 5 years. so quite significant. and there are a number of new parties who have put the, the, the candidates forward saying that we've had enough of all the older generation. and now it's time for new faces and new ideas to come to the table to be able to deal with these very pricing concerns. that's out of africa is facing diane holcombe and reporting from johannesburg. thank you very much, diane. your christ president of the landscape is on a woman's tour of the european union, looking for military aid is currently in belgium, where the government has committed to equipping new frame was 30 s 16 science, which is the 1st deliveries up find for lights of this year. the announcement comes
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as b, u, defense ministers means in brussels to discuss further military i for keep in the ukraine. so just trying to hold back or at least slow a russian incursion, new hockey stop, use my son. the went to the front lines to see how they're doing it. we are racing towards the new front plane with a kind of a drone unit that calls itself the picky blinders. ne, at their hometown hockey. on to him, commands the screw is what the focus lies on any vehicles sometimes worth millions no target is safe. would you look the could be any kind of target from an infantryman to a tank? and that depends on what kind of explosive we've got here by to send him. with the right payload. drones can even penetrate armor as another unit demonstrated in
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recent days. as the men start their search for targets, they find a group of soldiers funny, but of course that's cool, especially they're walking along the edge of the forest. i think they're going to come out. they will not stop. the russians are sitting ducks, as we soon see firsthand of school, i know you are good at, you ought to use them too on. uh well the soldiers at the other end of the trench make up the targets commander on time flies. the attacks or to his team have been in the area for 2 months already. well, before the recent russian attack just gives you to everyone heard the rumors of what was going to happen is just 6, triple our commander, set us some tasks and that's a come on, let's see where there's a cluster of enemies to find it and identify it. up the certificate on may 10, the russians opened up this new front. in the beginning, the p blinders killed dozens each day. now the russians are concealing themselves better. and intercepting many of the ukrainian drove
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from drones like these have completely changed the battlefield. they now destroy more hardware than any other weapon and are constantly evolving. and we lots of food since i started out. this is already the 5th or 6th upgrade that these drones have been given. so that's including me. that's why i'm constantly learning something, reading, communicating with others, and trying to state currently like commander anton takes us to a fellow unit close by. as we arrive, they began attacking the russian group spotted earlier of the lease. not knowing that a more special talk you in the right on target risk to tell like you did great. pre owned work. sure. okay, check this out. no, they're burning 100. let's go for another one. well, no, not on the interest. at least 2 soldiers. now they're trying to send an f,
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b v drones, but that seems at the moment they're running into issues with connection rather with the russian, jeremy pacific the they send and drone after drone, the end of crashing fortune to come on. how could i should we cannot just, i want to do the best job. i can do it to do it when it goes eliminating the enemy saves the lives of our boys. it's a lot, but depends on this work. the most of course we feel the adrenalin is the one that awesome the, there's no pressure do they finally overcome the russian jamming by the time the ukrainians are finished, the entire russian assault group has already been killed or injured. vicki, blaine is used to be an institution with a switch to come at drugs. their role is less immediately horrifying now, but it's still dangerous. when i push out creating and below and about this, when the innovation began, it was much more difficult to deal with this filing, the mueller, everything was fine. it's unclear to me like during the 1st 6 months,
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but there was no physical or moral fatigue at all. but now it's chronic coordination. but we're holding on. i left a little more discussion with the wireless better. and as we finish talking, as a reminder of the imminent danger, some people are just, yes, they'll move. they've heard a drone. that isn't, there's the rifles or the last resort, the a powerful russian motoring drone looking for equipment. how much of his time it's got away and we're told later it hit a ukrainian vehicle, the sun that results in that you're watching dw news from by that and that's it from me. i've been on the scene for now, but don't go away. science and technology show tomorrow today is up next,
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looking at vague an ex substitutes. that's a little contest, almost real thing. we have more news for you at the top of the, our got office in berlin from the and the whole use team. so watch the,
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