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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from violence. spain formerly recognizes palestinian statehood . fremont as to pedro sanchez pulls that in historic decision to help palestinians and israelis achieve peace. no way on the island on the following suit in an attempt they say to kicks dogs. a police for person will say coming up on the program. demonstrations in georgia have gathered outside parliament to protest against lawmakers who are trying to push through a new law, protects say, the foreign agents bill is a threat for free speech to georgia's move to the membership ukraine as
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president, tools, europe, and a bid for more military support belgium leda has pledged thousands of es 16 prices yet while being used to fight to provide the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. spain has formerly recognized a palestinian state island a no way also set to make it official. today, the move months, a widening rift between israel and the european union spends 4 minutes to make the announcements saying madrid hopes that this will accelerate, efforts towards a ceasefire, and garza, the police do not be in the city. and so if the right to a future full of hope for most of the same way, israel as the ride to the future of peace and security. after so many decades of pain in consultation, we know we cons,
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have one without the other little the security of israel and piece in the region type thing to try and with the pedestal and people's hope of having their own state peace that they need hope security both people have the right to have it all. exactly the same, right? except i'm in the nice mortgage. this is more on this. we're going to hand out from the don't use middle east. i'm lashawn arizona's, who joins me here in the studio. good to see you. shawnee, so tell us what is israel's reaction to today's formal record? especially today it's not even on the news. if you open using israel, it's like not even happening of these rays of already showing their anger and resentment to that announcement when was made last week, officially the so, you know, we, we move on forward but, but of course, it's another signal of the growing international pressure on israel, there were some exchanges when it came to, you know, diplomatic channels of, you know, mostly a visa, v, spain and israel, placing a lot of exchanges back and forth between the minister of, of, of is really of
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a foreign minister and the, his spanish to counterparts, but much more than that, israel cannot do actually doesn't have any much t sickness except the fact that this is a decision made by european countries for the 1st time the spanish pipe prime minister made a point of saying that this is not to move against israel, it is a necessary step for peace. well, officially, it was always the stand of the european union was still the official stand of the americans that the only way out of this conflict. this turbo complex in the middle east is finding any mutual agreement on this 2 state solution. at this step, shows us the break, the spear and anger and frustration we seeing the world growing in the world against israel in this particular government. this particular machine seems to be very, you know, a hesitant was proposing any further diplomatic channels that will allow palestinian statehood somehow down the line. and the feeling is may be coursing israel into an understanding that the world is kind of abandoning. it. might think
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that some political change within israel. so was exactly all these countries, a cooling forth and in the recognition of the spaces of palestine. we are in the realm of symbolism. there is no actual meaning to any of that. i mean, along the line of cars that have more meetings when it comes to diplomatic, you know, a for presentations and so on. but to solving the conflict on the ground, probably not much can be done. nobody knows what are the borders of this country. we know what's the main capital a bit if it's smaller, what kind of, you know, territory is exactly, you know, uh in charge of how does the mechanism work we're talking about, you know, the past and, you know, forty's very, we can, to the, the, the president of the, of the posting is where you before the boss is, is in the midst mid eighty's election has not been held since 2007, 6. so it's, it's obviously, it's not a perfect solution, but there's an attempt to see it as some sort of an alternative, cuz there's no other alternative seems to be on the table other than more. and the question of course is, will today's formal recognition, you know,
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make any practical difference in terms of the sort of the palestinian people. so they see it as a very meaningful step for their, for any or condition, any support. you know, of course, especially this time when the passing is, are suffering so much in the last month, you know, the meaning, the symbolism behind that. and especially these european countries, you know, sort of breaking the line of the western alliances that were forming around israel, supporting israel all these years. trying to go through that because a lot of supportive has been given to the posting it throughout the years from african stage. of course, of course, other arab states and latin america and bringing, you know, this kind of recognition, getting this kind of recognition from the heart of the western alliance. that's something they're very hopeful will maybe bring better, you know, for them better consequences. also, when comes to wider decisions in the e u. a and maybe an official you stand, we're still far from that, but for the policy and there's the, it's another important step is there is as they see it, you know, for there and go of state a trone, thanks so much for that. let's the don't use middle east on list. shawnee resigned
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. welcoming now. spain no way. and ireland and join a 140 other countries and officially recognizing palestinian statehood. but what exactly does the recognition mean for the everyday life of palestinians? dw correspondent rebecca risk. those reports now from rock rama la in the occupied westbank. i even remember the occupied west bank biggest city and the state of palestine. defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed. in a gesture of appreciation, the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island, and spain. marius, the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it's really about an hour the hearts hope for the better to model . hope that the was is listening to us. so that by this time, spill has
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a chance. no waste pain in islands join some 140 you and countries that have already recognized the state of palestine. the movie is largely symbolic, but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to let's, let's try to sign. we don't want to die for us at this time. um we, we live for, for uh, for turning our uh, our ride for, for self determination and forced forward or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7 the case. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, it's being revised, the palestinians. we spoke to say that while it may not affected day to day lives, they hope it will lead to get more recognition. the recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights our costs that the land is ours, are writes our reality so they can stand with us so we can overcome the brutal occupation. what, how, you know, some of the countries that have recognized palestine. i'm making the voice of young
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palestinians reach every one. young palestinians will have a voice in europe between one and all the. so i should have put a, we don't live in freedom, spain and the other countries recognition might make the occupation feel weaker and countries that stand with it might come to our side and hopefully recognize us to you know, despite the signal of hope for palestinians. many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements, like that one. you can see on the hill behind me. they can see that illegal on the international law, but they dealt with all over the occupied westbank, making a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war in gaza. and now the major obstacle is in lack of political will from israel. vomiting on the bill is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries saying it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long for to keep the 2 state solution off the
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negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pc is that he's right. it's got some use to be able to flouting to national do whatever it wants to get away with it. but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore if there is no such thinking that people go along the lines as well. maybe you know we have to remove permanent leaders of no way. orland and stain, say the decision was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians. here the move constitutes the recognition for the decades long struggle for statehood. let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and almost 8000 people have been evacuated in publishing your guinea from the pulse of a still active land slide. and this comes off for an estimated 2000 people were
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buried in the land slide in central angle province on friday. you an agency, you said it is highly unlikely that most of life is will now be found. the temperatures have swords to over $52.00 degrees celsius and pumps of pocket's done as an ongoing heat wave. how does the southern province send deltas, tracing thousands of people, the heat stroke, and hospitals. the heat weight is full cost to continue for at least a few more days. and italian media say the pope front says use the de robert tree tom about gave people a wall in a meeting with bishops. they say he jokingly use the word to repeats his or physician to openly gay men joining seminaries. and the pos pope francis has spoken publicly about being respectful towards the l g. b t to community and large crowds have gathered outside. georgia is a problem in into, please see to protest the controversial that targets and she owes and the media
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inside little made because of those thing to arise. a presidential veto of what thing called the foreign agents bill. chris, 6 of the bill, said that it would limit press freedom and the foreign funding of n heroes and stifle george's efforts to join the european union. the legislation has treated weeks of mass demonstrations in georgia. miss on maria cuts and mazda joins us now from sibley. say, maria, tell us what's happening in parliament right now. the well, the assumption is suing diving in the georgia and top so see to see, see where the protons is also gathering the polymer. now, except that the, the both can actually happen any time. and we are here expecting that then the protons, since they also say that it's very unlikely that it says that the government is
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going to uh, retried, this bill. they say that the government is going to vote in the favor and we understand that this is the plan if it's and nothing extraordinary happens, of course, in the meantime. now this comes to after the domestic back clause offices on his back clause from the streets of police where the it's mainly used mainly gently and uh, groceries movements they've been protesting for over a month. now the protests doesn't have any, any lead uh, it should be nonsense. so it's very organized and away. and this is uh, they say this is a national resistance to the government's actions that many critic to say that is going to damage the reputation of georgia across the world and damage the relationship with the was assigned to the obama of abusing the kremlin. also trying to get closer to moscow and they said will not allow that to happen to have security concerns about size occupying along with territories. and we have to be
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very, very careful. that's what the governors officials told me in the interviews. so we see that it's a very fragile and various uh, what was the hall situation in georgia. the priest asked to say this is not the way the, the peas, if he's in the house, is not all right, always europe. and we want to be part of the unit, and they also government not to hinder the tom. and yet, if this bill is pushed through what exactly is it state for georgia of the well us uh, already, uh it should use the child on for the georgia and officials. so saying that to the absence of the georgia and officials are undermining democracy in georgia. now i understand that the, um uh, european union also is working on uh, on mazda or is how to, how to cancer. this also retired and ship it in georgia, restocked out in june. there is going to be a, uh, some, some decision regarding this, but uh, we also seen some,
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lots of christmas from the europe. uh, uh, gorgeous, uh, actually in france, uh, the watson pots. and they've been telling this, or is, is that you, you shouldn't, you shouldn't introduced himself. this bill won't allow us to allow us to consider you as it is a kind of a kind of country to the european union. and they are urging sales even though the bill is going to the adoptive. very likely. they're still showing that the statements asking the judge and government to reconsider his decision, but we don't see any sign of it. maria, cut the monthly in sibley. see, thank you. so much and the great in president brought him is a lensky, is tour in europe to drum up support for ukraine's fights against russia's full scale invasion is currently amazing representatives from the belgian government who have pledged, fussy, 16 flights of jets, the fuss deliveries all,
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palms this year the announcement comes with you defense ministers, amazing and brussels, to discuss further military aid for keith. and we'll hear more about ukraine's reaction from the w as roman going to rank. so in just a moment, the 1st terry schultz has been following the me things in brussels for us, terry. tell us about so when skis to so far, has it been successful as well? the ukranian president arrives here in a very somber state of mind, and anyone who's seen the pictures in the aftermath of those devastating attacks on car keys understands why he even had to cancel this trip once. due to the seriousness of the situation on the ground. that said, as you mentioned, he has had some success in getting support from spain yet which he visited yesterday. and today in belgium, each country has signed a long term security deals with ukraine, as well as agreeing to give $1000000000.00 euros over the course of this year and
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ongoing financial support in the years to come. those f sixteens are going to be very much appreciated, although of course you shouldn't been asking for them almost since the war began. and we should all remember that he's forced to go to each of these individual governments asking for bilateral support, because there's no chance at the moment that you praying can get what it really wants. and that would be, of course, membership in the nato alliance and the security of an article 5 security guarantee and roman, what's uh, what's been the reaction from key to what so lensky has been able to achieve on this to, as well as that is just said it's very important that he's traveling and told because the visit was cancelled due to the situation in the north of ukraine by the russian army. it was advancing in the past day. so it's important he could go, it's important that use came that the 2 by level agreements were assigned in spain . and now in belgium, of course the news about f sixteens is a very welcome hearing to you've because your credit is still waiting for the
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western countries to deliver those fight to jets. now the preparations are ending now the training of supply of ukrainian pilots started in a late summer and autumn last year. so now the pilots are preparing to come back to ukraine. and of course the 1st the jets will be arriving this. this is a very important information. i've been talking to a us military pilots just a few days ago. and he said you can, would probably need about a 100 f sixteens per. yeah. and this war is know, it's going to and soon this is the impression, that's why it is very important for ukraine to have guarantees that those jets will be coming also in the coming years. and. and terry, all of the defense ministers who are missing, i are they on the same page regarding support for key or most of them are on the same page when it comes to, as we've discussed,
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increasing bilateral support for the government. just this morning, the netherlands announced a new initiative to try to send to keep up parts of patriot air defense systems and then assembled them there in ukraine. that's very important. although of course you crane, we'd like to see countries coming forward saying, we don't need our patriots right now and we will send them to ukraine. we didn't hear anything about that at the arrivals this morning. simply this new initiative to send pieces of, of patriots which if that's all you create is going to get us going to be thankful for that. but i'll come back to on the same page. and that is because hungary continues to block billions of assistance that's been earmarked for ukraine. they absolutely refused to let things go forward. but we have seen an increasing amount of frustration by the other members of the european union. and some of them saying that there has to be a way to, to force hungry to allow this money to go forward because you pre needs now. and every delay is costing ukrainian lives under room. and given the situation that ukraine finds itself in right now,
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just remind us what you crane's greatest needs are at this point and that will well, um, a big debate. the basic needs are of course, and the same. it's a defense, more air defense. that's why president landscape is appealing, nearly every day to a west. them consist to donate those petra system to ukraine because they're very, very effective. germany did that. germany has just to deliver one more irish. the drummond made their defense system to your brain, but you can needs much more because there are lots of towns and cities close to the russian borders that are being shelled as we speak. you can also needs to make sure that the situation that it was about a half a year when the united states could not deliver because for because of internal political reasons. um, there was a pause alone pause in the weapon to deliberate us from the united states. ukraine became wants to be sure this will never happen again. that's why those by electoral
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agreements are so important with spain, with belgium, with all the countries. but basically you create your grade needs to make sure that the flow of emanation will not stop from an grand touring k. thanks so much for the update from td and terry schultz for posting at from brussels. thanks so much. see both of the french president and menu and my call is wrapping up his 3 day state visit to germany. he's due to meet the drum and shots left for a final round of talks place. as a day earlier, my client receives the international piece of west stadium pro is that a ceremony attended by the, the president fund by this time my. and now this plan you will award on those people that have made no simple contributions to global units. cnn surprised that includes 81000000 in 1000. we can get the very latest on president my phones visit from our chief political correspondent, nina honda and you know,
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walk us through macros last day in germany. this is the 1st says, big state visit by a friends president in germany in 24 years. so that has been a lot of symbolism. so foss dressing the franco german friendship, a big speech by my call in europe on monday, and a bit more symbolism. this morning we just saw that with germany awarding and monument my call that price in so far as active role in both spring europe in unity that this afternoon that will be rolling up my sleeves and sitting down to the political talks at the palace, new berlin means of that consul. so the french president, the german chancellor and the respective government ministers and there's plenty on the table for them to discuss with the mood might change some work from homeowners to. so we say a little more tense. that's realized. i mean, the french and german leaders do have the differences. does that mean the, the front coach, um, and relationship is such an important one. so the you but that have been cracks in
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the friendship. so i mean how those talks like feats ago when they was, when they meet lisa with a government ministers or well friends in german. i do want to discuss the big picture of how to work more closely together in the security and defend sector and how to both of the european economy. and my call has long been pushing for more european strategic autonomy and sometimes shown himself frustrated with germany. germany's big dependence on the us when it comes to security and on china when it comes to the economy. so friends in germany on us saying that they want to find ways of creating more prosperity into you again with less bureaucracy, more investment at home, less dependency on other big plans around the world. but as always, the devil is in the details of my call, for example says on monday that he wants to double the budget, for example. and just how do you do that process generally, much more open to common debt by the use in germany is unless is one of those um,
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slightly tricky issues on the table. another bone of contention will be questions like just how to continue to support ukraine and its defense. again, stress and regression. now both sides don't in front, very much agree on the principle. but would you allow ukraine to use western weapons for attacks against stress and military infrastructure in russia? my call says nothing must be ruled out when it comes to helping ukraine. so it says, german weapons must absolutely not be used for the tax on russian territory. so lots of both sides to discuss in detail a lot more day to day stuff and that will be a press conference in a few hours time. well, we'll have more. you don't use nina. honda, thanks so much for the update. this is to the united states now where toneta is and severe stones have killed more than 20 people across several central and southern states. hundreds of thousands of people have been left without power.
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kentucky, oklahoma, arkansas and texas have been hit the hardest with some declaring a state of emergency. the us president joe biden has offered the federal support of the deadly tornadoes bought it. and this guy, after the series of probable stones swept over the central and southern us, they have left a trail of destroyed homes and businesses and cause followed all the ages. i was coming home, i was eating at a restaurant in law out of nowhere. my mom called me back and then out of nowhere on thursday and i'm dying like everything's moving like the windows are broken like on the destructive as drums caused several debts in texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky authorities are working on to estimate the scale of the
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disaster the 1st thing we're doing, which is going on as we speak, and that is to make a final round a search and rescue operations just to see if there's anybody else out there who needs to be rescued. then we moved to full aid support supplies, where people need immediate assistance for the cost of said, due to bad weather, good ship to the east coast and want millions of americans of more thunderstorms. now finally some sports demonte is of practice, but some, well maybe just a couple of months of aging. the ancient english pos time of cheese rolling. so another competitive meeting and it was a real life race to the boss. and in this event, a local cheese is given,
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a head starts before a crowd tries to keep up with it. now the ability to bounce is about the only requisite skill this is on is in the men's race, went to a gentleman called tom. he has promised to defend his title next year off the apparently surviving this. he is, race on skates, the dental brother him the me. you are watching the w news live from violin. he's a reminder of our top story for you. spain is about to recognize a palestinian state today. prime minister pedro sanchez calls it an essential step to achieving peace in the middle east island and no way are expected to follow suit despite opposition from this route. and that is what we have time for coming up next in good shape. and remember there's always more news for
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you on our website that's dw dell. com. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more international headline and thank so much for watching. dw, the
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