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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 3:15pm-3:30pm CEST

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from us to defend his ties till next year, after apparently surviving. this is race on the scale. and that is what we have time for shift is up next, exploring the ethics of a i the crown. so that'd be count the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality, the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube that has to go to do you do good? i played tennis, survived, ocean bits, thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor positions under the swastika,
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a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany watching out one youtube dw documentary, the extreme temperatures and increasing natural disasters are putting a strain on the way we live. putting people in danger. climate change is a major challenge for life and the plan. how can architecture be safe and efficient under these conditions? the way we build live and dwell must be or thought the something new. something different has to come from somewhere else. there needs to be some sort of sensibility and understanding of the context as well as the people, you know, the innovation ways has to do with scarcity. the impression of the boys came up on
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the new construction has to go hand in hand with the reclaiming of orlando. what will the house of the future look like? let us take you on a journey around the world here a 5 buildings which could stay on the test of time. located at the foot of the andes in the province who quite below them or a cultural center is surrounded by the dense young gods for it. once it's completed, the building of how sculpture is crafted by its namesake low lamara, a pioneer sculpt trust, and national here. the idea behind the cultural center is a symbol, as it is fascinating designed as a net 0 energy building, it will produce as much energy as it consumes. but how exactly are modern buildings able to achieve this? one of the main components of the building should be very efficient so that they should consume asking you that energy as possible. energy efficiency and low
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consumption of resources is key to achieving a net through energy building. the 2nd important pillar of these highly sustainable buildings is the production of energy. in the case of the control center, this is done by using on site renewable energy resources, including solar panels and wind turbines, which produce more energy than the space requires. but how can wind turbines, which many considered to be an eyesore be incorporated into aesthetically pleasing architecture? instead of using the typical source mental turbines that you see throughout the country side where using a vertical axis turbine and when incorporating the turbine has to finish cancer element, which is i got to do with power that accept certain acts, then energy efficient architecture is art the low lamara cultural center proves that it's possible from south and there to around the globe to asia.
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the landscape architect touching core and bar icon, turns anew spaces into ecological infrastructure. among them is the rooftop of the thomas at university and rung city highland. think about all the way space really is of square meters of rest of the top is actually part of all the problems can tour into the solution. thomas at universities urban rooftop is the largest of its kind in asia. it's shaped like the traditional rice terraces of southern asia and combine sustainable food production, renewable energy, and public space to be used for teaching or events. when you're serving the energy, you don't open air condition, which also of course you put all the heat outside, which is like make it even worse. so having green move, reduce the energy cars and also crude out the temperature for the surrounding.
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laura i comes design tackles one of the biggest challenges architects are facing constructing buildings that can withstand rising temperatures, caused by climate change. traditionally, buildings and hot climate zones relied heavily on classic air conditioning a relatively cheap, beneficent way to cool down the building. but with detrimental effects, according to a 2020 to study cooling accounts for 10 percent of the global electricity use and nearly 4 percent of the annual greenhouse gas emissions. today, architects like co check on 4 of them are moving beyond the need for traditional air conditioning with new designs and passive cooling techniques. next, we fly from asia to africa. more specifically, the west african nation have been in this project, takes inspiration from the pl offer 3 and an ancient west for contradiction,
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according to which communities gathered beneath its branches to make decisions together and ends. national assembly hall designed by berkeley. now the german architect francisco re embraces this sense of community. he wants to design to be a symbol for democracy and the country's culture. the types of desktops is mentioned, people looking to gather would look for a tray, common comment of what might delia logictree that provides plenty of shamed best. and then most about the all you get together. i'm going to sit down and discuss the issues affecting the community all related to but the difficult deck in my in shop to solve it symbolizes true democracy at least validated by use based as into the ration, the full opinions, parliament building student notes and see this problem and housing being one of the distinguishing characteristics of can raise work is his unwavering focus on local conditions and circumstances. as an architect, he has the remarkable ability to understand and incorporate the specific context of
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a site into his designs. in consideration of been in talk, climate, francisco re prioritize outdoor spaces and natural ventilation circulation areas were strategically designed to promote easy air flow through the central courtyard . emphasizing the importance of green spaces, a significant portion of the site will be transformed into a vibrant public park adorned with a native west african flora. given another nod to the local environments. for our next project, we're staying on the african continent and moving something into governance capital across governance 1st, plastic houses. an interesting site. what looks like normal brick is actually a mixture of sand and plastic waste. the bricks made from his cycles material are stable and good insulators. their brakes are designed. he said to me that there was a goof, a hole in between. you doesn't allow the heat from outside to get him and also
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maintain the temperature of the room. nelson bow a tang facility accepts waste, collected by around $300.00 employees. he designed and built both the cleaning device and the machine that breaks down and melts the plastic. the brakes are made from old melted plastic mixed with sand. under pressure and extreme heat, a paste is formed from which the brick suppressed its facility can produce $25.00 scripts per hour. they're made of about one 3rd of recycled plastic. so i'm so excited that i kinda used one problem that the plastic waste problem that is affecting the world us and then use that simple them to solve housing problem and got enough plastic bricks or climate friendly building materials. especially compared to concrete, which has a colossal carbon footprint. at least 8 percent of annual global emissions caused by humans come from the cement industry alone. mo things,
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plastic brick house is about a 3rd cheaper than a comparable concrete house. viewings take place every day. recycled plastic seems to be a trend among gunners, young urban professionals. i think it's a win way for me to use plastic to build houses because i'm getting a product that is much better than using regular concrete. at the same time, for a cheaper price was contributing to assisting up with development nelson bow. a tang has gained international recognition for his invention, even winning the grant by the united nations development programs. will his invention make concrete buildings? the thing of the past for our last project, we're flying to europe, to albanians capital of toronto. and i, chronic landmark is undergoing re purposing to shut off its legacy as a communist showcase. construction in the 1980s,
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this brutal list monument has had many faces. originally, it was conceived as a museum dedicated to the communist dictator and the hotel during the war in kosovo . the pyramids served as a base for nato and leader as a night club. in the following decades, the building was abandoned, left to decay. its facade was often used by young people. it's a dangerous playground. now the dutch architecture bureau, m v r d b is reclaiming the formerly derelict structure for the cities inhabited by opening up the building and adding greenery to the atrium in its surroundings. the former communist bleakness is making room for new development. special emphasis is placed on the pyramids, iconic, sloping concrete beams, steps were added to allow visitors to walk all over the building to enjoy stunning views. the city, the, the re, purpose pyramids will accommodate classrooms. kathy's and tech company offices the idea of using a space which one stood as
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a symbol of oppression to educate new generations. the toronto pyramids transformation stands as an impressive example of how in a band and building can be repurposed for a new era, while still honoring its intricate history. exciting future proof architecture doesn't always mean starting from scratch. thanks for coming with us on this journey across the globe where we met innovators and architects with great plans for the future of our planet quarter. some other examples of innovative and cutting edge buildings share with us in the comments the the
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. ready ego indian these bridges are
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a lie. ready main colonies of living roof bridges in northeastern india are over from intact train were using a traditional technique uniting nature and craftsmanship in perfect harmony. eco indian. next on dw, saving to load with fashion, the indian design and to reach my shiny con, recycles trash. labels done to sustainability, good wages, unfair products really nice. * just over 60 minutes on the w, the
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little guy. this is the 77 percent of the platform for these issues and share id you know, on this channel we're not afraid to pass and then it keeps popping. young people clearly have the solution, the future of the 77 percent, every weekend on dw, the,
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the buildings and construction sectors, responsible for a staggering 37 percent of globally greenhouse gas emissions. how do i come on inside the body and you're watching? equaling down the construction sector, identity it's waist, causes the app and you should and also contaminates what though it's the only homes are in my mind, but that are ways to make the sex style more sustainable. so let's look at some ideas to build green.