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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from violin island, spain on no way officially recognized palestinian statehood, and the island flies, the palestinian flag in front of length the house, the seats of parliament. spain's foreign minister says the decision is about justice. the palestinians also coming up on the program, the french president, am i doing my clause wrapping up his 3 day state visit to germany, picking up the peace prize before traveling to a meeting with trump? lift all the demonstrations in georgia. have gather the outside parliament to protest against the little makers who are trying to push through
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a new little critic say the foreign agents bill is a threats to free speech. georgia's move towards a membership plus a trail of destruction and hundreds of thousands left without pallet in the us. as tornadoes and stones sweep through central and southern states. the new group is mccain and welcome to the program. no way on the island have joined spain and formerly recognizing a palestinian state, the move monks a whitening rift between israel and the european union. spain's foreign minister may be announcement on behalf of his country saying madrid. hopes this will accelerate, efforts towards a ceasefire and gaza to it for the police. do you know the name of cindy and stuff the right to the future, full of hope for most of the same way. israel has the right to the future of peace
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and security. after so many decades of pain and confrontation, we know we cons, have one without the other. i have a little, you know, the security of israel and piece in the region type thing to try and with the police thing and people's hope of having their own state of the people that they need. hope security. both people have the right to have it all. exactly the same, right? accept them instead, it means more that it's more on this. we're going to hand out from the don't use middle east. i'm lashawn years on us who joins me here in the studio. good to see you. shawnee, so tell us what is israel's reaction to today's formal record? know especially today. it's not even on the news. if you open using israel, it's like not even happening no way. and island drawing some 140 of the countries and officially recognizing palestinian statehood . but what exactly does the recognition mean for the everyday life with palestinians? the w correspondent, rebecca rest,
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his reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank. i even remember the occupied west bank biggest city and the state of palestine. defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed in a gesture of appreciation. the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island, and spain. marius, the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it's really about an hour, the hearts hope for the better to model. hope that the was is listening to us. so that by this time, spill has a chance no way spain, an island to join some 140 you and countries that have already recognized the state of palestine. the movie is largely symbolic, but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to live so satisfying. we don't want to die for us at this time. and we, we live for, for the foot, turning our uh, our ride for,
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for self determination and forced forward or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7 the case. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, is being revised. the palestinians. we spoke to say that while it may not affected day to day lives, they hope it will lead to get more recognition. they often kind of do a bit of recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights our costs that the land is hours, our rights are reality so they can stand with us. so we can overcome the brutal occupation for them to and how you met some of the countries that have recognized palestine. i'm making the voice of young palestinians reach every one. young palestinians will have a voice in europe between one and all the so i should have put a, we don't live in freedom, spain and the other countries recognition might make the occupation feel weaker and countries that stand with it might come to our side. and hopefully recognize us to you know, despite the signal of hope for palestinians,
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many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements like that one you can see on the hill behind me. they considered illegal on the international law, but they dusted all over the occupied westbank, making a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war and gaza. and now the major obstacle is in lack of political will from israel, responded to no bill. it's randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries saying it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long for to keep the 2 state solution off the negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pieces that he's right, it's got some use to be able to slouchy to national, do whatever it wants to get away with it. but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore if there is
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no such thinking that people go along the lines as well. maybe you know, we have to remove permanent leaders of no way. orland, in spain say the decision was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians. here the move constitutes to the recognition for the decades long struggled for statehood. meanwhile, israel is pushing on with it's offensive and southern gauze, despite international calls to stop is really time to reach the center of rafael. that's according to eye witnesses. the homeless run health ministry, the says at least 16 people were killed in is really strikes early on tuesday. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have fled the area, which was the shelter for those seeking safety. israel says it is targeting how much fights is, how much is considered a terrorist organization by several countries. now one of this comes as the un security council prepared to meet for an emergency session over in his rating
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strike on a comp and rasa that killed 45 palestinians. the french president to menu and mccomb is wrapping up his 3 dice state visits to germany. he's due to meet the drum and talent slot for a final round of talks. earlier today, my client receives the international piece of westphalia, prize out a survey, attended by germany's president calling about her fine. maya. now the boy annual award on his people that have made note of all contributions to the local unit. see we can get the very latest on president. my phone's visit to germany from a chief political edison because a lot close now between a will cuts through my close last day here in germany as well. uh, today. finally, he will sit down to do some political business with germantown, so it will have sold at sloth means of book, the promise that you see behind me. he is already running late as he has been to
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throughout those 3 days. and what we expect here is a frank exchange between those 2 uh cabinets of what i've sold, so demons, hans, the on demand, the way my call to talk political business on defense. that's something he highlighted once again when he's received that piece prize essentially. and, and also particularly on how to finance what both sides agree needs to be an innovation drive in europe, needs to be on leasing investment. and that they don't quite speak the same language yet. okay, and the, the franco german relationship is such an important part of the european union, isn't it? but as you say, i mean the french and lead french and german leaders do have the differences. so, i mean, how are they likely to manage that during these talks today? well, it will be interesting to see whether they actually find
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a more common ground on the fundamental issue on how to pay for what they both agree. is it treatments that europe needs both published an article today and taking on board the wording of both of them on a remote call. we speaks of a more to europe and of all the soul to spoke of its height. and then the turning point in relation to russia and ukraine. now they're doing that in relation to the european union. and what they need to mean is that europe, the, you particularly needs a boost of energy, not just on defense, but also in terms of a fighting of that competition. those challenges that are already lingering in relation with china, but also the united states who expects the you to take a toughest on in the fonts, wants to see tolls on imports, germany 1000 fonts. also, we'd like to see a common european debt, as we saw in the rescue package, following the pandemic. that was supposed to be
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a one of that's something to him, the continues to insist on an amount of my call once to go beyond that. what mostly does have already proven here, is that they can work together, publish that article that going to meet together. they can do business particular at a moment of crisis. but the real question is, can they agree when it gets down to the money? and we don't, we didn't expect a breakthrough here. the w as chief political, as somebody said, he likes this now. michelle, i think he's let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. and pope francis has apologized off that he was quoted using the robot 3 time about gays, to re if um, his opposition to openly gay men joining seminaries. italian media said on named bishops reported that francis jokingly use the wood behind closed doors. in the past, the pope has spoken publicly about being respectful towards the l g b to june community. the temperatures have swords to over $52.00 degrees
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celsius and pulse attack is done as an ongoing heat wave. how is the southern send provence? delta is a tracing thousands of people for a heat stroke and hospitals. the heat wave is full cost to continue for at least a few more days. and you kinds of belong to me as a lensky is in brussels on a european tours, a raleigh supports he's been missing with the belgian prime minister, who's signed off on $1000000000.00 and military aid, including c. c, f. 16. find a debt as we just had a president, zalinski is here in the in europe looking for military aid. in belgian, the government has committed to quitting ukraine with those f. 16 fighter jets and the 1st deliveries all plans release of this year. now the announcement comes as a defense ministers, amazing and brussels, to discuss the military 8 for keith. and ukraine. soldiers are trying to hold back
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or at least float a russian incursion near keith. the w is mike from the went to the front lines to see how that doing that. we are racing towards the new front plan with a kind of a drone unit that calls itself the picky blinders, ne, at their hometown hockey. on to him, commands this group what the focus lies on any vehicles sometimes worth millions, no target is safe. would you? they could be any kind of target from an infant treatment to a tank. and that depends on what kind of explosive we've got here by to send him. with the right payload. drones can even penetrate armor as another unit demonstrated in recent days. as the men start their search for targets, they find a group of soldiers funny, but i'm not going to be there walking along the edge of the forest. i think they're going to come out. they will not stop. the russians are sitting ducks as we soon
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see firsthand, of cool, i know. yeah. got it. you ought to do some 2 on the well, the soldiers at the other end of the trench make up the targets commander on time flies. the attack sort his team have been in the area for 2 months already. well, before the recent russian attack, just give just to everyone heard the rumors of what was going to happen is just 6, triple our commander, set up some tasks and that's a come on, let's see where there's a cluster of enemies to find it and identify it. up the certificate on may 10, the russians opened up this new front in the beginning, the picky blinders killed dozens each day. now the russians are concealing themselves better. and intercepting many of the ukrainian drove from drones like these have completely changed the battlefield. they now destroy
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more hardware than any other weapon and are constantly evolving and we brought it full since i started out, this is already the 5th or 6th upgrade that these drones have been given to the 6th . would it be? that's why i'm constantly learning something. reading, communicating with others, and trying to stay current like commander, anton, takes us to a fellow unit close by. as we arrive, they began attacking the russian group spotted earlier. this is not the most special talk you in the right on target. to tell, like you did great. pre owned works here. okay. check this out. no burning 100. no, for another one. well, no, not on the interest. at least 2 soldiers. now they're trying to send an f, b v drones. but that seems at the moment they're running into issues with connection rather with the russian jeremy pacific. they send and drone after drone, the end of crashing for you to come on. how could i share with going to this?
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i want to do the best job, i can do it to do it when it goes eliminating the enemy saves the lives of our boys is a lot of depends on this work. the most of course we feel the adrenalin is the one that awesome the there's no pressure do they finally overcome the rushing, jamming by the time the ukrainians are finished, the entire russian assault group has already been killed or injured. the picky blaine is used to be an infantry with a switch to combat drugs. their role is less immediately horrifying now. but it's still dangerous when i push out creating their below and about this, when the innovation began, it was much more difficult to deal with this filing, the mueller, everything was fine. it's unclear to me, like during the 1st 6 months, there was no physical or moral fatigue at all, but now it's chronic coordination. but we're holding on. i left a little more discussion with the wireless veteran as we finished talking, that's
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a reminder of the imminent danger or something like that. yes, no move. they've heard of drones that isn't. there's the rifles or the last resort, the a powerful russian motoring drone looking for equipment how much of his time it's got away and we are told later did hit a ukrainian vehicle. the large crowds have gathered outside georgia's parliament into play see, to protest a controversial last august thing. and he owes the media in size low make his although seem to override a presidential veto. so of the so called for an agent. still, critics of the bill say it would limit press freedom and before and funding of n g o is and stifle george's efforts to join the european union. the legislation
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has treated weeks of mass demonstrations in georgia. i also corresponding into please the maria captain, monthly. so the very latest well, the parliamentary sanction is suing diving in the georgia and capital city police. see where the protons is also gathering the polymer. now, except that the, the boat can actually happen any time. and we are here expecting that the protons, since they also say that it's very unlikely that it's uh, that the government is going to, uh, uh, retried this bill. they say that the government is going to vote in the favor. and we understand that this is the sign if it's and nothing extra ordinary happens. of course, in the meantime, now these come so after the domestic back clause offices onto the back clause from the street. so police where the, it's mainly use mainly identity and uh,
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groceries movements they've been protesting for over a month. now the protest doesn't have any, any lead uh, it should be nonsense. so it's very organized and away. and this is, uh, they say this is a national resistance to the government's actions that many critics to say that is going to damage the reputation of georgia across the world and damage the relationship with the was assigned to the obama of, uh, abusing the kremlin. also trying to get closer to moscow and they say, will not allow that to happen. so who have security concerns? i russia is occupying all our territories and we have to be very, very painful. that's what the guns official told me in the interviews. so we see that it's a very fragile and various uh, what was the hall's decision in georgia? the progress of say, this is not the way the, the peas, if he's in the house, is not all right. always europe. and we want to be part of the unit and they also
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government not to hinder the tom. and yet if this bill is pushed through what exactly is it state for georgia? well us so all righty. uh, it should use the child on for the georgia and officials. so saying that to the absence of the georgia and officials are undermining democracy in georgia. now we understand that the, um uh, european union also is working on uh on measures how to, how to cancer. this also retired and ship it in georgia. we stopped that in june. there is going to be a, uh, some, some decision regarding this, but uh, we also seen some, lots of christmas from the europe. uh, uh, gorgeous, uh, actually in france, uh, the watson pots and they've been finding this or is, is that you, you sit on, you shouldn't introduce himself. this bill won't allow us to allow us to consider you as a, as a candidate kind of the country for the european union. and they are urging still,
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even though the bill is going to the adoptive very likely. they're still showing that the statements, asking the george and government to reconsider as decision, but we don't see any sign of it. maria, cut the monthly in sibley. see thank you so much. i to the united states now which one of those on severe stones have killed more than 20 people across several central and southern states. hundreds of thousands of people have been left without power. kentucky, oklahoma, arkansas and texas have been hit the hardest, with some declaring a state of emergency us president joe biden has offered the federal support of the deadly tornadoes spotted. and this guy, up to the series of probable stones swept over the central and southern us. they have left a trail of destroyed homes and businesses and cause followed outages. i
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was coming home. i was eating at a restaurant in my out of nowhere. my mom called me back and then out of nowhere on thursday and i'm dying like everything is moving like the windows are broken by some destructive as drums caused several debts in texas, oklahoma arkansas and kentucky authorities are working on to estimate the scale of the disaster the 1st thing we're doing, which is going on as we speak, and that is to make a final round of search and rescue operations just to see if there's anybody else out there who needs to be rescued. then we moved to full aid support supplies, where people need immediate assistance for the cost of said this event with
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a good shift to the east coast and one millions of americans of more thunderstorms south for some go to the polls tomorrow and what is being seen as the countries most closely for selection, since the transition to democracy the 2 years ago, policies including the largest opposition group, the democratic alliance of help at final campaign events and head over wednesdays, votes. molding 50 policies are on the national ballot running for seats in the national assembly and uphold suggests that the governing amc, which was once led by nelson mandela, could lose its absolute majority for the 1st time since the end of a pie size. the double use diane who'll kill, looks at what is behind the widespread dissatisfaction in south africa. the smell of rubbish mixes with sewage. it's a powerful cocktail that residents have gotten used to living with. this is a familiar site across south africa's township areas. we made the black citizens
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live. president serv, i'm a post. i've visited this area to campaign for votes. we joined him as the interested with residents listening to the consent this lifetime agency support to us happy to see room a poster. so he would tell him exactly how bad it is. yeah. a big guy. there's theses running through the streets. here's the sewage. water is flowing freely here. right now. cool. stored, done. we often don't have any electricity here. yeah. it goes off for long periods . one, even for a month, sometimes i big those are the things that causes frustration that comes out by increasing this also causing frustration is the countries high unemployment rate, 40 percent of people old enough to work with out drops
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so that for kids are also experiencing the coupling electricity crisis, at its worst, some areas winds without power for over 8 hours a day. imagine paying 5 times the market price for a roll of toilet paper. that's what public probably utility is. scott, more shutting out. it's been revealed that it was regularly overpaying to basic supplies. it's a kind of melon ministration that has lift. so that for to in serious tend to have been used by business people with closer relationships to the amc to enrich themselves. leaving a let to me of corruption scandal of what it is for reasons like bees. the amc is in big trouble because pre election polls suggest support for the party could even dropped below 50 percent and addiction those up cause we know what's going to happen. and the people in this whole and the people of south
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africa know in their own. and so what they're waiting to do in terms of giving the amc and overwhelming majority. but the majority of voters in this election are john saw the african who grew up under the amc administration of the although housing, the water supply and sanitation may have improved during the lifetimes. they're unhappy about the poor economic prospects. well no try to look at, i don't have what young people won't vote for the i n c because we are unemployed because it will be painful to them because new policies are going to come and take loads from the vehicle that the new policies are responding to our needs as young people is that when the i n c seems to be stuck in the past, i the not looking after on somebody's how got quote that unhappiness is expected to cost b and c deals at the polls. the amc leadership sees the party has turned over and
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use the fruits and should not be judged on past governments. bailey is on the 29th of may, so that for tenants will give the assessment of when they think the agency can truly turn things around. the you're watching dw news as a reminder of our top stories today. island, spain and no way have officially recognized palestinian statehood with islands parliament, wasting the palestinian flag. spain's foreign minister says the decision is about peace. justice for palestinian and french president emmanuel and my phone is messing up his 3 days state visit to germany. he was awarded the international peace of westphalia, prize at a ceremony earlier on wednesday, means to to meet with the german trump slot left sites in the coming hours
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without your up to date coming up. the search for ways to fight invasive the scenes, including leasing them apparently didn't want to miss that. coming up next on global off. i'm and you can some that can and thank you for watching the or the
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saving the load with fish in indian design and to reach masonic con, recycles trash to labels done to sustainability, good wages, unfair products really nice. * global
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on next, on d, w is azerbaijan, buying european in t, v. authoritarian regime exports boil, and gas to the european union, and offers generous gifts to the politicians. are they really being, she's the turn of line died to systemic human rights violations, corruption in europe. know stuff in 45 minutes on d, w, the west page. i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs, thanks. trace amount,
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texas has a problem.


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