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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the daily news live from balance. israel pushes on with it's offensive in rasa, despite the international condemnation, heavy artillery pounds, the city is the exodus of thousands of gauze and continues from the city. first thought to be safe. on the island, spain on norway officially recognized palestinian statehood and the island flies the palestinian flag in front of the seats of parliament explains foreign minister says the decision is about promoting peace. plus the french president, my call is wrapping up his 3 days state, visit to germany, picking up a peace prize before me things which helps with all
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the money troops mccain and thank so much for joining us. israel is pushing on with its military operation in russell and struck the city in the south as the gaza strip. early on tuesday, in defiance of an order from the international courts of justice. the hamas run health ministry and gaza says at least $21.00 people have been killed in an is riley strike south of rough. uh. there are also reports of israeli tanks in the center of the city as well. says it is targeting homeless miller since these latest assaults come off to $45.00 palestinians were killed in australia called a refugee camp on sunday, which prompted international condemnation. israel's foreign minister for the strike, a tragic mistake, dw correspondents in jerusalem. rebecca rest is following the developments for us.
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and rebecca, what can you tell us about the situation in russell right now? well, the latest consummation we've had from is riley miller trees that they continue to operate in that rough area that was from over in oregon nights and as well along the philadelphia. kartel, which is a scrap of land in between is, is, are of the gaza strip. sorry. and egypt that is considered a very important area for the as riley's. we've also heard this morning, the reports from the ground that a strikes had had begun in the early hours of the morning. and we're also getting report this afternoon. a fresh air strikes in the area of my wasi that is in the west and part of rough uh, i can see that an area of a safe side area where many palestinians were told to evacuate to have no confirmation from us or in the military on either of those, as you mentioned there in your lead in, we're also getting reports that tanks on. now in the center of rough. uh,
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we're not having any confirmation from the as riley's on that, but we've seen some images from alpha 0 network reporting to show you those tanks and we're getting eye witness reports that they are in date in the center of the city of rough. uh, now, questions of course will be, be getting to be off, particularly by the united states as of whether or not this now resembles something more of a complete ground incursion. something that the u. s. had said would be a red line, full them, uh, the as riley say that they were going to go in and do a more targeted offensive in run. so, but whether or not tanks in the center of breath, it indicates something wider and wider incursion will, will certainly be one of the questions being asked. now of these really is military has given an updates on its investigation into the strike on sunday, on rasa, in which moving for the civilians were killed. what did they say in that updates or
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yeah, we heard a little while ago from the chief is riley defense bikes, person daniel. hi, gary, who gave the findings of a preliminary investigation or he did stress of the investigation is ongoing. this still much on and so, but what he did have to say was that the strike took place. he says 1.7 kilometers outside that. so cold, say so. and there was some conjecture as to whether or not this strike was in or outside that say. so he now says that that confirmation is that they were well outside that area. he said that smooth munitions, the smallest, that the jets arrival to fire we used in the targeting of these to have most commanders, and that they weren't big enough to be able to ignore ignite, the kind of fire that we saw in the aftermath of the strikes so the investigation continues, he says they are looking into the reasons why and he pointed to the fact that they may hesitate how most weapons nearby, but in questions of course, will also be asked as with their intelligence that was gathered it in the lead up
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to the striking the decision to make this try, why they weren't aware of the munitions in the area and there certainly, i know the coals from the a you and i and all the places to say that even though this was a huge mistake, as the prime minister has said this is not really a good enough excuse, that's what many people assign rebecca versus reporting from juris when thank you. and when island have joined spain and formerly recognizing palestinian states, the move monks a whitening rest between israel and the european union explains foreign minister made in my announcement on behalf of his country saying madrid. hopes this will accelerate, efforts towards the spot and gauze. the police, the not being able to send you and stuff the right to future full of hope for most of the same way. israel has the right to the future of peace and security. and after so many decades of pain in consultation, we know we cons. have one without the other little know, see little the security of israel and piece of the region type thing to try and
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with the palace tenant people's hope of having their own states. i saw the piece that they made. hope security. both people have the right to have it all squared. exactly the same, right? except i'm in the muse mortgage. the french president, the money order. my call is campaigning for more franco german corporation as he wraps up his 3 date state visit to germany. earlier today, my chrome receives the international piece of west failure surprise, at a ceremony held in the west gem and city and stuff. my phone praised his nation's ties with its neva and his acceptance speech. but he said the 2 countries still needed to work together to face common risks with the european defense policy is due to meet the german chancellor shortly for a final round of 2 weeks. okay, let's get the very latest on present my phones visit from a chief political edison mckayla, cuz now they say that will cut through my crowns last day. here in germany,
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it's well old i've sold is already here at sauce meiza back, but you can see right behind me it's the guest possible kind. if the german government rather live as a fat and we're expecting to monitor my call to vive very shortly here, which for which are the actual nitty gritty you political talks, we already heard from him that seemed one europeans in his big speech. that europe is multiple, that measures need to be taken. he's published an article together with the german, sean, so it will have so that today we're both highlight that and speak of it's tyson vendor turning points and they're both on the same page. one thing, a more independent europe, stronger military, while germany doesn't really see europe independent from the united states that supports him on and my call keeps proposing. and both want an investment and
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innovation drive and who will foot the bill. that's the big open question. we don't expect that to get sold here today, but we will see that meeting at last at the political level, after having seen all those beautiful pictures of a mountain of my call shaking hands and making historical speeches. now the, the front page i'm and relationship has long been a pillar of the european union, but the french and german latest do have the differences starting to a. so how are things, how those differences likely to be dealt with during the talks today? well that will be the big question. we actually are hearing noises and we expect the motorcade of the monitoring my call to the right behind me in a moment's time. and it's the european oxy more. and really that domain fronts often have same aims, but have completely different ways of wanting to reach them. and his independence,
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for example, with science relying heavily on nuclear energy, germany having less that all together, but also a move and independent europe. and most importantly, funding and say we have to monitor my call, his limousine arriving at visa bags just behind the where a heads for those political tools with all i've sold. first of all, they will sit down one on one at to exactly work that out. and what is concrete steps will be also on financing. then who they will have a press conference and later this evening. post cabinets will sit together and have dinner, and talk about individual points of agreement and disagreements behind closed doors without the press. that's right, and we will be bringing all view is that press conference live a little later on the finality w c. so let's go at 70 to isla, cuz let me say last, thanks so much for that. like a, here's
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a look at some of the other stories making headlines today and south africans go to the polls tomorrow. and what's being seen is the country's most close before selection, since the transition to democracy. so she years ago whole suggests that the governing amc, which was once led by nelson mandela, could lose its absolute majority for the 1st time since the end of a possible right. and almost 8000 people have been evacuated in popcorn. new guinea from the pulse of a still active landslide. of this comes off for an estimated 2000 people were buried in the land slide in the central and the province on friday. and you and agency has said that it is highly unlikely that most of life is, will now be found to the credit in president lot to me as a landscape, receive some good news in belgium. today, the government that announced it was send the c s. 16 site to jets to ukraine. so let's get is visiting belgium as well as spain and portugal. he's finding security
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agreements to help defend his country against russia's full scale invasion. you defense meters administered, meeting in brussels, pledged an additional $5000000000.00 euros in the military aid. and terry schultz has been following those me things in brussels for us. terry ukraine has been asking for a sixteen's for a long time. how much of a difference will this announcement make now more than 2 years into the war? that's true. they've been asking for these fighter jets almost since the beginning of the war. and in fact, at one point were told they would never get them. so in that sense, this is a success late as it may be coming for the ukrainian government. but you know, there are, there are no new priorities as we see russia relentlessly attacking cities and killing civilians on the ground. and that's why you've seen you cream shift, it's, it's please shift it's priority to air defense to protect its own people. and the
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other thing along with these belgian f sixteens, as welcome as they are to the ukranian government. they come with the restriction that they can only be flown over ukrainian territory, so they will not be able to fly into russia and use them to, to target russian assets on the ground for example. so while they're welcome, they're not going to be what many people refer to as the silver bullet and trying to reverse rushes momentum. and now a president's lensky sign security agreements with belgium and spain individually. so it is an option to negotiate with the you as a single entity, which presumably would be much easier for you frame as well. that's true. and if all of those countries agreed, you'd have $27.00 countries willing to come to the defense of ukraine. and you know, this is something that is included when you create becomes an e u member this in, in the, in the, in the future. but that's not possible to negotiate that with all 27 countries. at the moment you've got hungary continuing to block any initiative having to do with
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funding ukraine or, or uh, sending uh, additional military assistance to ukraine at the moment. so that's something that the other e u countries are trying to deal with this opposition from hungry? well, every delay it they, they all continue to state, you know, means ukrainian lives. terry schultz are voting from brussels. thanks so much for the update. terry. and we have some breaking news coming in for you. the georgia department has over written the presidential veto of a divisive foreign influence bill president salamis, or if we should really veto the legislation, saying it would restrict to media freedom and would jeopardize georgia's efforts to join the european union. the law requires media and non profit groups to register if they receive more than 20 percent of the funding from a broad you're watching dw news is a quick reminder of our top stories today. island, spain,
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i'm the way have officially recognized palestinian statehood with island palm and hoisting the palestinian flag. spain's foreign minister said the decision aims to false to peace between is rainy's and kind of the french president and my name, and my call is resting on his 3 day state visit to germany. it was a what is the international piece of westphalia prize at a ceremony earlier on wednesday, and he's due to meet with jim and consul level of sites shopping off site coming up next on dw is close up, european union looks to expand on. it's got an oil deals with full source area and as an account. and you can find so much for watching on behalf of the whole news team here will be best at the top of the hour. more international headlights with you. then the
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type of data image for the 1st 4 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flight. meanwhile, for con dreams of another world wake up on last starts june, 1st on dw, azerbaijan.


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