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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the israel pushes on with its offensive in rasa, despite the international condemnation heavy onto the re pounds. the city is the exodus of thousands of dollars who is continues from the city. thus thought to be a say. so also coming up on the pressure on an opposition little make in the trojan parliaments, blocks with war. so of speaking out the gate for so pools for an agency bill, the governing policy has now pushed the bill through overwriting a presidential veto against the wishes of protest. this will hear from tbilisi and the french presidency manually. my call is dropping off his 3 day state visits, germany picking up the peace prize before me thing with chunk flashlight.
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the manuscript is mckenna, and thanks so much for being with us. israel is pushing on with its military operation in rough uh it struck the associate in the south of the gulf, the strip, early on tuesday, in defiance of an order from the international court of justice. the homeless run health ministry, and goza says at least 21 people have been killed and dozens inches in the laces, striking rasa reports of also in the ship is ready tank some center of the city, as well as israel says it is targeting how much militants it comes off to $45.00 palestinians were killed in a strike on a refugee camp on sunday, which prompted international condemnation. israel's prime minister cooled that strike a tragic mistake. dw correspondents in jerusalem. rebecca rest is following the
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developments for us. and rebecca, what can you tell us about the situation in russell right now to hold on and we know that he is writing military, continue their operation and russell over night, as well as along the adelphi card. well, that's a strap, a scrap of land between egypt and guns there, and it's a key position for the is riley's. we also had reports in the early hours this morning that a strikes had begun in the rough uh area. and we also had reports to soft a noun that strikes also targeting the l my y c a l. my watch the area area, it's west of russell. and it's where many civilians have gone to take shelter. we were hearing from the goals and health ministry, health ministry raw, the reports of around 20 did, but we have not obviously been able to confirm those numbers and we've had no one from the as riley and military on that latest strike. we do know as you was saying,
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uh in your late and we have been getting reports also of tanks in the center of rough. uh uh, so we, we also haven't heard from this riley military on that point, but we've been getting eye witness accounts of tanks in the center of rafa. and we've seen some images from the out. is there a network that appear to show or alleged to show these tanks a report of a in the center of the c t. now the question regarding that is, of course, going to be around whether or not tags in the center of ross are, constitutes what's known as a full scale incursion of that city. and that's something that was a red line by the us prior to the attack on ross. so that's something that they said that they wouldn't get behind that they wouldn't support and they urge israel to go for these more targeted and small a smaller operations. so whether or not the position from the us will change. now, of course, it is a big question on the lives of many of the as rainy and military have given an update on its investigation into the strike on russell on sunday. more than 40
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civilians were killed in that's what the is randy ministry say in that update. still a little while ago we heard from the senior military spokesman don't know how gary . he came out with information from i've heard preliminary investigation. he said that that in fact this strike was carried out 1.7 kilometers from the so called safe sewing. there was conjecture and questions as to whether or not they strike that happened on sundays banking. this huge fire and killing, as you say, some 40 more than 40 people with in that designated safe area. now he says that this preliminary investigation proves that it was, and he said that small conditions, we use the smallest that they're able to fire from these jets we used and that those munitions were not able or wouldn't have been able to stock the kind of fire that we saw in the aftermath, so the, suggesting that the strike potentially led to,
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to something else exploding and then sparking that 5 that we so he suggested or he said as one of the possible uh, options might be that there was a hamas weapons deco nearby and perhaps that quote 5 though they offered no evidence to that. and they said the investigation of course is ongoing. rebecca, which is reporting from jerusalem. rebecca, thank you so much and when island have joined to spain in formerly recognising a palestinian state, the move monks, a whitening breast between israel and the european union. spain's foreign minister made the announcements on behalf of his country, saying madrid. hopes that this will accelerate, efforts towards the see, saw it in garza, the police do not be in the city. and so if the right to a future full of hope for most of the same way, israel has the right to the future of peace and security. after so many decades of pain and confrontation, we know we cons, have one without the other. i have
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a little the load, the security of israel, and piece of the region pop type thing to try and with the kind of thing and people's hope of having their own state of the piece that they need. hope security . both people have the right to have it all. exactly the same, right? except them in the muse mortgage to georgia. now why the parliament has over written the presidential veto over divisive foreign influence bill targeting and joe's and the media lodge crowds has gathered outside george's parliament into play see, to protest the controversial. the law requires media. i'm non profit groups to register if they receive more than 20 percent of the funding from the board. of critics say it would limit press freedom and stifle george's efforts to join the european union . the legislation has triggered weeks of mass demonstrations in georgia to maria, catch them outside, joins us now from to lucy. maria,
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what was the protest? this reaction the when the bill was passed, the very angry, very disappointed. we have seen some of the people literally, 1st thing into 2 years. one day had that there was a bill in the side reading now. it's been 2 days. it's supposed to, down to us, we georgia, the 50, around 60 days, people having come coming to the streets to say that they're not going to law. they're going to pass this bill regardless the domestic backgrounds regarding the watson pressure on moving sciences, sealed, the government decided to do so. and the speakers of the government saw that the decision was very important for georgia, that has a lot of georgia to, to be silver and state to be independent states. but the protest is to say that the, the government is trying to cease to steal the european integration to,
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to make them closer to ross so that the government is trying to repeat the kremlin . and they are afraid of permanent. and they say that they want to be part of your that's why these use becomes a very um, very difficult time to georgia aware we expect in october the parliamentary elections. and they say that before that and not send things to a pro task the, it's the wrong $150.00 days on to. and so what actions they say that they gonna use this time to make no pressure on the government. on one, the election day comes, they will make their own decision whether they want the government who's in cleveland, you seen as for restaurant as they sites or they want something, something else. so very determined, protest is who se, then not going to give up, but this bill has now cost. so just clarify a for us, what is it state of georgia with the passing of this for an incense bill?
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well to georgia, what is the sag insights relationships where the was with the main strategic partner, namely, you won the georgia you, you integration is in danger. now we can see that the relationship between watson, georgia, is the lowest point on the sale. even though the bill is adopted as c o, b a u is urging you to change the dynamic you urging to to reconsider this decision urgent the government. but uh, as we can see there was a trying and everything to over this to retire. and so from happening in, in georgia, but the government says that they want to award more uh, in georgia. they say that dresser to all the parts of the country and they, they, they are trying to sell this bill as a, as a and use on civil society groups. dragging georgia into the war with,
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with the leadership of the west. that's the official narrative. the of the government and the protests don't believe in body that claims they say that uh for, for, for ruining plot, it's important to maintain, that's called the either power. and that's why the answer do you think there are passive laws that is going to help them to win the parliamentary elections? now the question is, how we can talk about fair and transparent deluxe since one, the election boards dogs independence of us. they are mostly very likely they are going to be shut down in georgia because they will face fines on the under pressure for the so what the thoughts and non those have been telling me here, maria, cause a monthly reporting from to please see maria. thank you. so much for the update let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and the full, my netherlands intelligence, chase stick shoaf is to be put forward as the countries next prime minister. it was
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chosen as a unity candidates to had the new full policy coalition government off of the election, winning a p v policy leda had billed as rolled himself out of the chill in order to reach an agreement. the head of frances national assembly suspended tuesday afternoon. session i was off for a deputy from the far left and is also me policy waived, a palestinian flag to draw attention to the place of gauze incident took place of the junior trade minister was offering the question about the situation in gaza. francis has apologized to off that he was closer to using a to rubber tree to about gays, to reaffirm his position to openly gay men joining seminaries. according to italian media on named bishops reported that francis jokingly use the wood behind closed doors. and the pos, the pope has spoken publicly about being respectful tools. the l g b, t,
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g community and russia has recognized the color band as a legitimate authority and afghanistan, and remove the group from its list of terrorist organizations. president, let them it, susan said russia should take on a stones opinion and to accept accounts and build ties with the country. no other country has formerly recognized the taliban government and was on the other for the french presidency menu of mccaul is campaigning, some old franco german corporation, as he wraps up his 3 dates state visits to germany earlier today, my phone received the international piece of west a, the a prize of the ceremony held in the west in german city of minnesota. my phone praised his nations ties with its neva in his acceptance speech. but he said the 2 countries still needed to work together to face common risk with the european defense policy. he's missing the gym and trump the counselor now for a final round of to and we can get the very
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latest on president mcluhan's visit from our chief political edison may say like this. now mikayla mcfall has been in germany for the last 3 days there. right now. these one on one talks between the drum and trump. so in the french president, this is really them getting down to business, isn't that so what's at stake here? it is and the to have spoken one on one and the just beginning the press conference . you can see it behind me. they are just coming down to meet the press and tell us full about what they actually discussed. okay, so i think, well, i know you guys do it from the 8, i'm sorry to interrupt you, we all going across the now i'm listen into that press conference. this is a furnace. i agree with you that the security and stability on the european continent are of crucial importance. the support of ukraine is
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key to joint efforts the most recent attacks of russia and make this very rich the civilian population in odessa and in many other cities and ukraine are suffering soldiers in ukraine are heroically defending their country against this russian attack of aggression of top priority remains to support ukraine as far as possible. this is particularly true when it comes to air defense systems and helping rebuild the heavily damaged in energy infrastructure. we have promised that we have a support ukraine as long as it is necessary. as allies, we do everything that we can, britain, japan, europe, and many, many other countries in europe has been doing a great deal politically and in military and humanitarian terms as well as
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spain has just expanded with support. i'm emmanuel and myself. i agree that we need to take the next step and starting to bring the support hold on to a new level and, and that is what we've just been debating. and we're also going to continue to based on the g 7 level and not the u. one aspect of the windfall profits, namely the interest earned unfrozen russian assets. and you, we want to look at ways of capitalizing on this conduct and money to help ukraine, and is to bring together a collective efforts to unfold the full potential of our support as the g 7. and to go to the you and an international partners google, and we want to allow you credit access to additional financial support so that they can truly improve the defense of the country. and all of us will be
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better protected as a result in the weeks to come. we will be entering into consultation and looking at how we can best support a free democratic ukraine funded. i'm a town, ladies and gentlemen. the situation in the middle east is one that causes us a great deal of concern. more than $100.00 is really the hostages, are being held by the terrace organization of how much is where the cities are being shot at by how much there's still no security for israel. demands are clear on how much terrace must release o layoff as hostages and agree to a long term midland cease fire. we are in contact in close contact with each zip code and the us who are trying to broker an agreement, stuff of interest and all we very much hope they get one soon. let me say very clearly,
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israel must be in line with international law. the humanitarian support, the people suffering in gaza must be allowed. these ready to government must do what it can to allow us to minister in a to enter into gas. yesterday. we heard of a terrible tragic attack in it as a refuge account was shot at many people. died for fights to prime minister. netanyahu has said that he will institute an inquiry into what happens. this is quite right. unnecessary. this case shows once again why germany and so many other states has been against a major ground offensive in rafa, let us in kind of because there is not sufficient protection of civilians on the account. the like, the incident yesterday shows this all too clearly sleeping seasons intern up to 9 and apart from these international issues as well for him on the weather myself, talked about european policy issues as well and we share the wish for
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a such offer and also geo political state are you if we need to expand the issue for this and to include the west and bulk and states from us again. and we need to push for the reforms that we have left to the by the wayside to long and the you are to government, us, and berlin, and powers one or 2 strength and the security and defense of you up against any threat is the logical from the consequences of the turning point in history, that site and vendor that i talked about when the ship attack crane was this something we will be discussing it. the franco german security, the defense council meeting him on the supplemental with when you spoke to this. so gone on yesterday in december and dressed and as well, you stressed out that the you attends in the chance at atlantic alliance will contribution just some more about this as well as close cooperation between germany and france will be necessary in the area of security and defense system,
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particularly in the development of cause and precision buying weapons systems. we agree that we want to use money to make progress with this together was a u. k. and perhaps the actual, we mentioned the council of ministers later we will be discussing healthy you attend union can remain competitive on globally for to come the to achieve this, we will be formulate due for the next you term a new agenda for competitiveness, umbrella, for, for this to or piece or comments together, or we will be discussing common impulses for the next term here, which i hope i can see a stack of future industrial location like the you must strengthen its capacity to reduce its dependents on the need, a strong single market so that companies can develop new service as in products here in europe t list. we also need to reduce the red tape. we need simpler, faster, has been procedures. so if you will come soon,
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i am please that the president of the commission has taken up our proposal of next autumn. that is at least a beginning, but we will continue either either towards from concourse to, from need to they will but advocate as germany and france for foster's class and event bureaucratic procedures. and then your, we need to ensure that competitive ness of your and for that we need to, for you into an image, more investments as well as too many companies can see this fondest leaving europe . and going to the u. s. to many european savings are leaving europe and not being invested in you up with both of us agree that we need an integrated european financial market. and this includes a year at the end of the capital market union. we are therefore pushing for it as i'm and vicious goals in harmonizing the lights and corporate and solvent. so
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you were, seems strengthening our tax laws and securitized ation of the real economy, as well as strengthening the capital markets via what's also important is that we need to have more private capital for example. so bye bye and to giving private investors access to the european investment in savings products. and by the way, they didn't genuine. we are meeting here at the maze about palace at the end of a historic visit by a large president of francis wish to discuss. because it's who fits has added a new important chapter to franco german relations. it shows how close ties are between peoples and between now government saw how close these types of become, particularly in recent decades. and i would like to judge how close comes ties are between the german chancellor and the president of friends share and money. well,
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welcome to mesa books, a messy because mr. justin said use as a thank you very much. sounds a lot less for the ladies and gentlemen. well the, i'm very pleased to stick with to be able to is a bit poor and done. i'm very glad to be able to stand here at your side in mesa berg, which is one of the last. so chapters of this remarkable state visit, i would like to thank the german chancellor as well as present sign my eye for your very cordial reception. the reception in berlin, an interest in a note here at visible palace advocate. because i think that shows that we use the stand shoulder to shoulder, facing the challenges we have confronted with them. i'm extremely pleased with that to you and i today will be able to talk about these challenges and then the civic terms. and we'll be doing that as part of the franco german,
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most of the security and defense council, the motive and the council of ministers. it is of the 24th council of ministers dates and it's all gonna be between frank, the senator. many ukraine remains of prior to particularly peace in the crane. france and germany have pursued the same policy. don't, don't use approach. we are very much in lock step when it comes to supporting ukraine as long as it is necessary. that was the bit to begin to and to the extent that it is necessary, we have a biological and multilateral channels that we have set up in order to push forward with this approach on the 26th of february at our conference this year, we confirmed this and i want to thank germany for the fact that it's some of the house has provided even more helps in the area of their defense on their own funding. because this is something that will give us an opportunity in the days to come to talk to the german chancellor about the additional capabilities that we
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wish to provide it for, you craziness singles apart from that, i'd like to emphasize that we also agree on providing additional financial support, we've done this on the new level and by putting together the necessary facilities to support your claim, we've done much since i started here. but these are our efforts that we want to take forward on the g 7 level. and our ministers already begun with us what we're working in close cooperation to ensure that in june at the g 7 summit, we will be able to approve of a common initiative without you 7 partners to provide financial support for ukraine and upgrade to a measure it will be so that the so that ukraine will have a best, better foundation, and will also send the clothes to be able to improve the situation to the part from
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ukraine, the issue of our own security and defense in europe. and as your 10 needs to be strength, and we'll be debating back in a few minutes time, we want to ensure that we have the best responses. i'm thinking of anti missile defense. we want it to become a ton of us when it comes to going into depth here. i think we're going to be talking about long term cooperation because we need to create a long term walk, security and defense. the framework will need to come up with concepts here. most of most of us will need to do divine requirements in more detail. to ensure that the e u defense capabilities are stronger. we need to strength and see the own you on a month industry. the commission has been working on this as well, but we also need to think about sustainable, incredible investment and financing in this area. several additional pre you'll see at the is a v you council meeting in june. we'll be discussing the josh is to go because we
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need to ensure that this finance thing goes into the ambulance industry within the you where it is needed by law trudy. we will be looking at the f task or the m g 's b s. projects and these projects will be continued this as well and the tank of the future project that we've worked on and the ministers on both sides signed an agreement and power as last month's on the we can define the things that could be represented as an industry on each side, we want to work together with nato and the political european community to create a framework for peace and security in europe and franco, german relations are key here. i'm sure we will be discussing economic issues as well. and the question of growth, both of us are of the firm conviction that europe needs innovation and more growth and must be diesel pioneering. when it comes to investing in green technology and
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artificial intelligence. for this, we need to have an investment shock in europe. i'll invest it to you, but i'm sure we will talk about this at the council of ministers in a moment. for that. we need to have the savings and investment unions that we've talked about for a long time within the new. and i believe this is one of the important issues that the franco german council of ministers will very likely to be reporting a bit more on this. after the discussions, the m is to emphasize convergence between our 2 countries. when it comes to savings and investment to the union process, lots of steps. this is an important from getting them to approach. and because of the progress that we have achieved in this area, it will be possible to have a really integrated capital market fund system within the u because
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there is a great deal of savings, sort of down for the $300000000.00 euros per year. is that how long this deal is that step to flow out to the e u r and are invested in the u. s. markets, we need to ensure that these savings but officially, so the 35000000000 euros needs to be false. so be focused on green innovation, artificial intelligence, the issues that are important for the youth business. i'm the cms total assets that we have here. if this, these tables can be invested in this, then the commission will likely make progress in the area of securitization. and we will be discussing this very frankly in the weeks, months to come on for that we need. and i had moved up to the assistive supervisory regulations so that the suppliers in house of she feels the necessary supervision that they need. we want to just implement and pushes plans when it comes to
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supervising financial services better. and the corporate insolvency to rules and regulations as well as tax laws, will be adapted to ensure that these rules and regulations harmonize to a specialty event. the supervisory rules and regulations for banks and for the insurance companies, i'm gonna be important here. this is all decisive for the financing of any of the more on the economy, so that private money can float into investment. so that's why we ask the franco german tend to want to make progress with this and implementing what's available as best of the 2nd important issue with the front of the drum. and the council of ministers is discussing the strategic orientation of the ear for the next 5 years. this is jones that we are assisting the course. we're going to defend the chancellor has touched on number of these points in his own or marks that complete
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to so if we look at the challenges we're facing here, be at 10 democrats that i've had to cancel before the inflation reduction at the u . s. with investment in various different areas, the war on in europe, the 1st climate change, the digital transformation. you know, these are all things that means that we need to ensure that we become to, to help us with truly silver and on our own confident that we just set the course for investment and are not left by the wayside or something to see them down in a growth we want to have a simpler your with more, as i said before, you can just faster processes and procedures. so these are just shows that your 10 industrial policy points you can invest in between. you technologies like that the quantity of 10 we computing the artificial and.


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