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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST

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the chancellor has touched on numbers, these points us in his own or marks the complete system. if we look at the challenges we're facing here, be at 10 democrats that i've had to get 20 for the installation reduction at the u . s. with investment in various different areas, the war on in europe, the 1st climate change, the digital transformation. you know, these are all things that means that we need to ensure that we become good to help us opportunities, silver and on our own confident that we just set the course for investment and not left by the wayside or something to see them down in a growth, we want to have a simpler your with more, as i said before, you can just faster will processes and procedures. so these are just shows that your 10 industrial policies you can invest in the 2 technologies like that, the quantity some we computing the artificial intelligence,
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0 emission and technology is included in the chemicals industry or in transport to this and you and we want to win the baffle for innovation, we want to set up trading policy in which our interests are actually defended and advocate to them that we've help know of the investment policy i've already described. i would say these are the most important point of the franco german council of ministers would be debating. and i believe that gives us a structured framework that we will be able to present to the new commission as well after the elections. we have said on the number of occasions now that there is an urgency here because we don't make these decisions fast enough to defend the we run the risk of being overtaken by other economies and losing all this into a silver entity. i'd like to say a little bit about the situation in the middle east. at this point, the situation involved foss this is,
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is extremely worrying. and as i already said yesterday, but z is really operations in the rough uh, most and side. and we must support palestine. the international court of justice has already called on israel to stop it's operations enough immediately to protect never civilians. our position has been very clear right from the start the method of specific this we have them right. so this moment in the strongest possible terms, the, how much attack on the goldman we naturally support israel's right to defend itself, but all the same, we need to ensure that it is in line with international law. let me ask you to pin its response in gaza and i believe it is a priority that the hostages be released. on the 5th and october, we called for a cease fire today because they have cannot be
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a ground defense even as a response to the homeless attacks. but i think that this is why we support algeria call these on sort of did i for, to talk so that you meant to find a common resolution. but for most of them, which would respond to the humanitarian emergency unfolding and gaza, that needs to be a very clear resolution passed by the you and with it. in this regard, since the very 1st day you'll have to do it's only substitute you have, we have formulate to these responses and they need to believe political responses. i spoke with our, our partners last friday, but us and we agree that we want to find a peaceful resolution. and so that they need to be political decisions reductions. and there's a peaceful solution that i saw this. it will and it can, you have a lot of ground to cover it until it gets there, but then needs to be
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a palestinian state to be recognized all the time. but there also have to be security guarantees for israel to which also general source of, of these are the points that same as the rest of the shows. and that's the only chancellor. i'd like to thank you. how affordable for the poor to cover this very productive exchange for the work that we have been doing in the last few days . and i'd like to emphasize once again, that above and beyond the strong friendship that has held through all of our crises, i believe. i don't see that like instantly, despite the crises of despite the war and ukraine note is that despite all of the challenges facing us is we have always found a way to take at sort of single joint decisions. that's a good for you. and the franco german counselor administers it gives us a new opportunity to be, don't have enough new financing for ukraine to the core questions of security and
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defense for europe or the integrated capital union. the franco german ambition is as also always being part of our friendship. it is a dynamic friendship between our 2 countries. and it is one that benefits those who are the recipients of these decisions. thank you very much. i so most log with an event to the pickup on the, on the modem and finish, replace the just the whole goes on them on the side. i would just like to follow on to what you just said about guys and israel. this resolution that you talked about on the balance, is that an option to revive the french proposal
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together with you of jelia and how many other e u. member states do you think would support some, what about germany? and then with reference to ukraine's of the on set to the way it is not successful . so i would be interested in knowing whether you find your own place to present is planning to send instructors booklets and to ukraine. i heard rumors before that french instructors are indeed already in ukraine. the pain is so she can read that the tie, 60 to deactivating was sort of in sort of, well the top, the, she don't side on 10. now, a few months ago, you are very skeptical, it's what bother with the, with reference to the plan to send for funding for my french training staff. do you, can you talk to me on a number of occasions about the discussions or negotiations on the system,
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but we had the sense that the situation in ukraine is stagnating, hasn't the time come to go beyond and just discussions with reference to the 1st questions are aimed at that, and it's about what diplomats will be doing in the next 2 days and weeks, no issue with reference to the successfully to ukraine. it's not just about making proposals. is about expanding on them. it's about structuring them properly. not least in terms of what's been happening in recent days, don't cousins at all. it is our duty in every sense of the word as the one to see the to pursue this. and in the bottom, we will just make progress with this where we will flush it out. and we will do this together with all of our partners in many of these i am confident that we will take the right decisions, particularly with reference to the european partners. and also with those who might lock a resolution of this kind. a suitcase the yeah of any. now if annual remarks like
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a new the community you are referring to to know what was communicated by a ukrainian partners yesterday with the decision capabilities. then i was only like to say that, you know, i do not comment on rumors. you'll see, don't talk to mr. seth. we are committed to our statement that we stand with ukraine, that we will support ukraine. yes. so on as long as necessary with as much as possible and to know if ms. to say lensky and i didn't expect me to proceed because i see some of the landing of the allies in normandy plants to come to find it. because you'll then, i'm sure he blows it's costing authority to say what is going to say then, but i'm not going to comment on rumors. i've spoken of. so probably to the piece because i think piece is something we are all aspiring to. it's
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a good. we spoke at length about pieces in months to get up today and stuff. that's just the way more as far as you crane and such as it is concerned, switzerland is hosing a peace conference soon. the peace and the product gets into this one and throughout my state visits, i have with the flip, assistant reminded you again and again, that piece doesn't happen all on its own. there are folks, sophisticated civically people in europe because you don't, you've got a and you have been listening to the french and german leaders and all chief political. how does that make it look is not is the act flows music, but what am i doing? my call and what i feel it's have been speaking mikayla, we just had the 2 liters less stressing the ties between germany and france. my call fainting schultz for a productive exchange. we'll see. we'll take on what we just heard from them. both tone, i'm detail a while i'm on my call was for it's based on the spot that had sticking,
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referring to fonts as a potential engagement, actually on the ground in ukraine. you wouldn't comment on that. that is something that's not least the germans hansa had raised as an issue a couple of months ago. and what we are seeing here is both lead is projecting unity while being pretty far apart on some key issues. and you could also sense from the stress off sol, puts on private investment, needed to have an investment drive within the european union. that he frankly, completely disagrees with monitoring my calls, comments as part of his europe speech that we saw interested yesterday, where he was once again move in to him with the idea of having common european debt . this has been a disagreement between both countries. for decades. it's safe to say that goes back
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to the mac who years and beyond. and that's will look at results here. at the same time, both have stressed, a particular israel and the conflict in gaza that israel to must adhere to international. that's where both agree with the french having been more critical of israel in the past and having stopped just short of recognizing a palestinian state overall in relation to the european union. both leaders have the same diagnosis, what the european union needs, but very different takes on who should foot the bill for a cure that that's still debasing. okay and, and what does this leave bronson germany ahead of the next week's european elections? it's well, it's these supposed to be this here, not really being able to give terribly much ground because those elections are coming up. so while they projects unity, they also are very conscious of their own,
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the past political messages ahead of the european elections. having said that, emanuel my call chose this timeframe, and chose going to the far right. a if the stronghold state of saxony yesterday a to really put his name his face and his cameras ma, am on the on stage to persuade him and to vote. and to not, as he puts it at full for extremists were against the european union. both also are addressing the very foundation of european prosperity, something that is being taken as a given. and they have published it to an article where they say that this is on the sweat and that europe must do its homework, must find a way for large scale investment in a different to political world with is not just rushed to attacking ukraine,
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but also challenge from china and to mount and my client also addressed imports from the united states as something also would never say you would never be that critical of the us on a stage here. so they have a lots of debates, at least the kick off with security, the joint security council, and then both cabinets will be having to not and talking till late into the night. w as to political edits. let me tell you like us now me tell you, i thank you for that analysis. the as you are watching dw news, his a quick reminder of the top stories that were following for you today. the french president and manually my call has wraps up his 3 day state visits to a man in a wide ranging meeting with council that will show us the 2 spoke at a news conference about similar goals on a range of issues, including the russian invasion of ukraine and the war in garza
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and island stain on the way have officially recognized palestinian statehood with islands parliament listings, the palestinian flag, spain. foreign minister said the decision aimed to eventually full of peace between israelis and palestinians. and that's the half time full for now. my colleague nicole clinic will be back with more news at the top of the top of the hour and you can see mckinnon. thanks so much for watching the needs the this piece of ancient class meta kick started in error or was missing majorly without planet. of course, the most logical way of stopping that is binding less of this and other fossil fuels. but that's not happening nearly fast enough. and so as a carbon tax and alluringly simple,
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i do just put the price stock on carbon emissions that are destroying our planet, the more you pollute, the more you pay, leading and siri to less pollution and making clean alternatives more appealing. almost 30 countries worldwide have a form of it. so kind of a common tax stop us from polluting but 1st things fest, why are we focusing on carbon? that's because as soon as we've done this, if it comes the biggest trouble amaica. when you band co dom it's vast amounts of c o 2, the same goes for oil and gas. carbon emissions from fossil fuels are by far the biggest pollutant that's responsible for climate change. this is regular air and this is what we're doing to atmosphere right now. and once we turn on our son, this one starts eating up much quicker. a little bit of carbon dioxide in the
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atmosphere is great because carbon dioxide is really, really good at absorbing and radiating the heat that gets reflected from the surface. it's what makes our planet warm enough to live on. but we're taking a little bit too far with all of this. we're blowing more of this stuff into the air almost every year. the only 2 dips you can see here, the 2009 financial crisis and the curve at 19 pandemic. not exactly intentional and pretty catastrophic. the carbon tax ideally would change that makes things that polluted a lot more expensive so that people will buy or use less of it. and then time this will make clean of technology is cheaper and more attractive. it's so appealing because it seems so simple and logical fit drives the lowest cost ways of reducing emissions. simon, to do the works for the canadian government. it's had
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a former federal carbon tax since 2019. and it just sort of sends abroad signal to the marketplace that pollution shouldn't be free and, and then it kind of lets all of the actors decide for themselves how best that works in their businesses and in their lives. $27.00 countries in many more regions and cities have a carbon tax. it all started on surprisingly with the scandinavians, finland, norway, and sweden, as well as poland, 1st introduced carbon taxes in the early ninety's. since then, many countries have joined the club. but the reality of a carbon tax is more complex than some economists might think. then many different ways to tax carbon emissions. you could tax the entire economy or just the specific fixed up some taxes, only target companies of a certain size. a lot of the carbon taxes worldwide taxes on fossil fuels. that means fossil fuel firms must pay for every lita or cubic meter of oil,
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gas and coal they extract. but in many cases, the additional cost is passed onto the consumers, incentivizing them to use less of it. the next question is what to do with all the money you just collected. one way is to reduce other taxes in sweden. one is called this the green tax shift. this is christy on to him on he advised the swedish government on tax policies for 10 years. one is used, an increase in environmental takes ation to reduce the taxes on labor. that would be considered to be a growth enhancing reform. switzerland uses 2 thirds of its revenue to reduce health insurance and social security payments and invest the rest into low emission infective. canada. takes it one step further. revenue, we collect from that federal fuel charge, the vast majority of that is returned directly to individuals and
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households through lump sum payment. so it's really designed to help with the affordability of carbon pershing overall. and that's the idea of redistribution doesn't have to stay within one country. if it was spread out globally, the ritual nations could give the collective taxes to the countries of the global south, which i'm much less responsible for climate change, but i hit the hardest as a global context would make that possible. a good idea in theory. but if you've ever heard anything about climate negotiations, you know that getting everybody to agree to a set tax rate is going to be really difficult for. there is another way of pricing common that needs to be mentioned. it's called emissions trading. this means putting a cap on the amount of c o $27.00 industries kind of meant a company that exceeds the limit must by extra allowances or will face penalties if a company and it's less, they can sell those allowances to other companies. this is suppose to ensure that
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the entire industry stays within the designated limits. the you, for example, have a system like this in place. the same goes for china, indonesia and mexico. together carbon taxes and emissions trading systems already cover around a quarter of a carbon emissions worldwide. so that's the theory. do they walk in practice? there many, many studies out there that try to answer this question. jessica green looked up 37 of them for her own me to study. carbon pricing is both emissions trading systems and carbon taxes are associated with small reductions in emissions. 0 to 2 percent to be exact. not a lot's, but not nothing either. in single regions. it can be significantly more like in british columbia, canada, where according to this study, emissions fell by 5 to 15 percent and 7, yes. the same goes,
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if you look at single industries, this study estimated that the carbon tax may have reduced u. k. power sector emissions by up to 26 percent whether a carbon tax works on depends on how high it is. that means how much money it has to pay tongue tongue limited carbon dioxide. a metric ton of c o 2 is what in one way slide from new york to paris and it's the passenger or the emissions produce driving some 4000 kilometers with an average calm or binding of a 900 of these cold pretense or guar. i have the highest common tax rate in 2023, followed by many european countries. but the tax rate rapidly falls to less than $20.00 for many nations. most carbon taxes are set up to become more expensive with time to the task future investment economists and policy makers have for 40 years to find out how expensive
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a carbon tax has to be to work. but they agree on one thing. the price is right now, ok, far too low. carbon tax is due to only take effect. upwards of 60 to a 100 euro is put on meaning right now most countries are not taxing carbon enough at tools. another worry about putting a price on carbon is that if $1.00 country decides to introduce attacks, the companies will just go abroad. one of the ways to prevent that is good all terrace. that's what the you is doing. if you want to import carbon intensive goods like cement are in and steel or electricity, for example, you need to pay a carbon terrace. there also proposals to expand that idea of further the countries that introduce a way of pricing common, whether it's a tax or emissions trading could fall in a group that then gets better trade conditions. these so called climate clubs could incentivize other countries to join in and stop putting a price on emissions. so basically there is an opening. so you with both offer
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the, the, eric and the state. arguably, the biggest titles are, is political positions, not going to win elections by raising or even introducing new taxes. quite the opposite. the low prices of that we see for both carbon taxes and each uses is a feature. it's not above politicians, the policy makers are afraid to make carbon emissions more expensive because they will be punished at the polls. one way around that is to reduce other expenses so i can sweetness or switzerland. and the other is tax rebates. like in canada, sitting the price of calvin low and fast and then only gradually increasing. it is also cheap. but even then carbon taxes can be extremely contentious. as seen here in canada. even still countries like indonesia, morocco and send a go, a planning or considering a common tax, brazil, malaysia, vietnam,
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nigeria and others are doing the same with emissions trading systems. overall, the share of emissions covered by common pricing has been rising steady. li, if you're talking to a developing country, maybe a national carbon tax wouldn't allow the country to develop. it's not as difficult to implement as an emission trading system. if you're talking about more developed countries, i would say that their emission trading system might be more repeating. the question is whether an acting a carbon tax or setting up a trading system is, was a political fight. and the bureaucratic effort that comes with it that may depend a lot on the country and opinions are split on this. sometimes those political and communications challenges can seem can seem overwhelming by them. i think indicate in context we can, we can show that we've been able to implement an effective functioning system. i
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think we're going to dedicate time and resources to finding the climate crisis. and we need to do it in ways that are direct government interventions through things like technology, standards, subsidies incentive, the types of a green industrial policy that we're increasingly seeing and europe is off the considering all of the above the country still does decide to go with the common tax, the are a few things to consider. overall common tax rates need to be said higher than they are right now. low income households must be protected from the knock on effect. you need to find a way to make it appealing to citizens through rebates or tax breaks elsewhere. industries are the how to move abroad and i'm not that exposed to international competition like transportation, for example. easier to target 1st. a carbon tax is by far not as simple and effective as it sounds at 1st and it can be more trouble than it's worth it to learn. one, solve the problem, but putting a price on pollution is a step in the right direction. the 0 going to have a common tax, please have
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a sign in the common sense of scribe repose video is like this. every friday, the the
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the city of la transit turnaround errors wants to become the green capital of your role model. it's restructuring of transport. networks is in high gear. everything should be rolling by the olympic games. the green concepts are still causing a lot of trouble. in the 1st few minutes on the w haven for russian money, money belonging to put in his coffee,
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jones is said to be hidden away in switzerland. disappoint you, sanctions private. jeff mentioned this secret bank accounts a paradise for collective crowns and war criminals. on the trail of the legal russian billions in swiss salenti in 75 minutes on d w. the time. so much for task is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on the scots june 1st on dw,
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the we are all set and we're watching closely for him to bring you the story behind the news. we wrote about unbiased information for 3 months. the it could be green, very green, old as blue p s. plight wind has nothing to read. definitely. pull just the yellow. yes, that's what you present. purple apples very special parts in the georgia. choose your favorite color. the
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this is the state of the news long from berlin. israel pushes on with it's offensive and rough or the spine, the international condemnation. heavy artillery pounds, the city as the accidents of thousands of thousands continues from the city. first thought to be a safe stone. also coming to ireland, spain and norway officially recognized palestinian statehood. an ireland lies the palestinian flag in front of the state of parliament. things foreign minister says that decision is about promoting peace and south africa's general elections could see the root.


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