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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news long from berlin, israel bushes on with it's offensive, and rough or the spine international condemnation. heavy artillery pounds, the city as the accident of thousands of thousands continues from the city. first thought to be a safe stone. also coming to ireland, spain and norway officially recognized palestinian statehood. an ireland flies, the palestinian flag in front of the state of parliament. springs for administer says that decision is about promoting peace and south africa's general elections. courts the, the ruling amc for the lose its majority for the 1st time we look at why some
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voters are calling for a political shake on the article. really thank you so much for joining us. israel is pushing on with its military operation in ra, fire. it struck the all milwaukee camp in the south of gauze on on tuesday, in defiance of an order from the international court of justice. the mos run health ministry and gaza says at least 21 people have been killed and dozens injured in the attack is really army who said it was not aware of the incident. adding that it is targeting how mos militants, their reports of also immersive is really tags in the center of rough or comes after $45.00 palestinians died in a separate strike on a refugee camp on sunday, prompting international condemnation. israel's prime minister called it
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a tragic mistake. meanwhile, norway and ireland have joined spain and formerly recognizing a palestinian state. the move marks a winding rift between israel and the european union. spain's foreign minister made the announcement on behalf of his country, 2nd 100 hopes. this will accelerate efforts towards a ceasefire in gaza and an eventual tuesday solution. if the police do not be in the city and set the right to a future full of hope for more than the same way, israel as the rights of a future of peace and security. after so many decades of pain in consultation. we know we cons. have one without the other, i have a little know seen a little the security of israel and piece. and the reason i typed in to try and with dependence tended people's hope of having their own states. i saw the piece that they made. hope security. both people have the right to have it all squared. exactly the same, right? except i'm in the muse mortgage with us in the studio now is margie and cobra
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retired. german ambassador and former german representative with the palestinian authorities. he's now a member of diplomats without borders. mr. kohler, thank you so much for taking the time and coming on the show today. so these 3 european states recognizing palestinian statehood. is that a symbolic move without much consequence? or could this really give new momentum to the push for peace in the middle east? so i do think it's much more than the symbolic move. only, of course, the, i know immediate practical consequences. the war will go on and it will not change the situation immediately. however, the fact that norway, the father and mother of the all slow process recognizes the now the state of palestine, is an important step. and don't forget, we shouldn't forget that 140 states in the united nations. they recognized palestine as a states. the permanent representative of palestine is sitting in front of a name plate state of palestine into you. and so it is important that also if you,
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europe in states, sweden and southern is to europe in the states already did it on the recognize the palestine is a state of but i'm a little bit drawer, is that it's not to join to repeating decision exactly. because germany, for example, is a lot more careful saying that recognizing palestinian statehood could actually stand in the way of sheets. how'd you feel about that? well jim, it is of the opinion that the 2 states are using is the only way out of the war, right? now and we have been saying this for the last 30 years now the slow process was set up in 93 and everybody remembers the rose garden with clinton and not a fact in private. this thought i'd been being being present and it was supposed to be like 5 years transition period and then there should be a final solution. however, as we all know, 30 years past since 1994 and not so much happened on the country. the situation got
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to this, the isolation grew that is dependent student and i'm sorry to which is corrupt. that is, is randy government, which is a while gradually expanding the set the list of the sacraments in the, in the occupied territories in palestine. and these were not good developments, and now we have a new situation. that's why to get you dynamic into the well not peace process. and the problem is good to go. the process. i don't dare to speak of a piece process right now, but into the political process and to avoid the mistakes of us. so i think this is the game of the day. what were the big mistakes of offer? well, the big mistake of us live was, i think the end stages was not to fix the end state as of to 5, few years was subject to negotiations where the board has office stations. what to do with the refugees. where is the capital? how is the water distribution?
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all these questions were subject to negotiations until well, the end of the, of the transition process. and this never happened. so while it's putting the, putting the test on top and the time in the end state is now, as the german government says to states will be the solution for a. so the security of israel. and this is also emanating from the 13 called stats because all from the, well i'll just say has started responsibility off the drum. and the to provide security for is right about security for is really this is also the security for the pen of students that can be no security for as well without ending the isolation of the palestinians without having a political process, which is the name. yeah, i want to talk about the issue of security because israel's foreign minister has accused spain of quote, being complicit in inciting genocide against jews and war. crime is by recognizing
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palestinian statehood. what do you make of that rhetoric now? i think we have to look to the future now it's been very clear that both sides have wrestle ricks, which i'm not country, was it from bringing political process a head. so i never use the general side or a pod tied. don't want to have a rice, i think we should go back to look at the, to the legal status of every thing. yeah, i'm not, i'm not indulged in, in the political and political propaganda hearing from, from old sites. i think it's good if we go back to the international law. there are 2 levels that is of course, the right of self defense for the is right is after the brutal and take a from us, the results of the principle of proportionality. so let's discuss about proportionality, the international court. the other day is that stop the rough i x is because it's not proportional under international law. so let's go back to legal systems and
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let's take a motions as much as it's possible out. i understand the, well, the fear and the, the anger and off israel is and also the, the pain of those who still have hostages in, in guns. i mention. but i also understand a close friend of mine, a palestinians, and gods. he was 31 members of his family, that in the meantime, more than 35000 that and 80000 injured and gaza. now this is old something which, which i understand that you cannot, of the demands. uh, i mean just uh, strip your, your whole um, strip yourself off emotions. but let's go to the legal system. the occupation of the west bank, the isolation of the, of the gaza strip. the, the well also individual responsibility off on us and is riley lead us. i think
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the international criminal court decisions, international criminal, criminal court a, such as one of the biggest achievements we had in the outgoing last century. that individuals independent of whether they are terrorists or whether they are heads of states like us to put in or, or others here, that they are really accountable from what they are. but let's, let's pick some of the decisions that, that you pointed out there. a part b i c, j ordered is rarely army hold all military activity in rafa of israel has pressed on. none the less, defying that order. why does as really think that they can get away with that? kenzie well this uh your task is it really is here and the reason why it was, well i, i think i'm of the opinion that if we have an international court ruling of this court is in oregon of the united nations. everybody has to have to speak to,
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to what they say and is wrote, should follow what they say. the others now gentle site to kind of the proceedings now to applied for by the, by the south africa this, i think if we agree in the international field that we have international courts that we accept the decisions we also have to implement them. but it's, of course, i agree, a weakness of international law. if the current audra is put in, you'll have to withdraw from your brain that just doesn't do it. so what to do now, and it's the same uh with, with israel. i don't like that internet that's represented as of the states. they do not follow the international order. the international order nowadays is in distribution in a way, nobody agrees on, well, legal norms anymore. so really and, and i think that is
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a consequence. beyond the i, c j is the consequence. beyond the international criminal court, independent of is around the states, do not follow it further roads the international order, which is not good for the international system as a whole. yeah, there's so much more i don't have to do about it, but i think we're running out of time. i want to talk about your recent visit to israel and the palestinian territories. you know the region very well. what struck you most. what did people tell you? what surprised you may be going back there? well, i've been following this conflict since um, well my youth search as a professional. you as i opened the drum in the office, in jericho, immediately after the of the agreement to 94 and state that until 927, and have been following events ever since. so what struck me most um is, was that the palestinians really, despite of the fact that i know that opinion impulse that they support thomas all, many of them of high percentage of
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a mass spec they are committed to live in peace with is around on the palestinian side, but i'm convinced that it cannot be done under what the americans called revitalized p. a. that needs to be a game changer, then needs to be a time after a mazda after president a bus, but also most of the time. yeah. now and here i see the problem, a problem. this has to be decided by the palestinians in the really is the writers themselves to be kind of do it from outside the postings themselves. have to decide how the political structure will be, how god st. westbank will relate to each other. these riley's have to decide which government to vote for was ending isolation, engaging in the political process, not a peace process, a political process, avoiding the mistakes of fossil, an argument for self determination in the entire region that was mocking cold lot. thank you so much. thank you so much face of the vs us as we've just been
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discussing, spain, norway and ireland joined some 140 other countries and officially recognizing palestinian statehood. but what exactly does their recognition mean for the everyday lives of palestinians? the w corresponding rebecca river is report from ramallah and the occupied westbank even among the occupied west banks, biggest city and the state of palestine. defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed. in a gesture of appreciation, the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island, and spain. marius, the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it's really about an hour the hearts hope for the better to model . hope that the was is listening to us. so that by this time, spill has a chance. no way spain an island join some 140 you and countries that have already
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recognized the state of palestine. the movie is largely symbolic, but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to live so satisfying. we don't want to die for tennis time and we, we live for, for a foot, turning our uh, our ride for, for self determination and forced foot or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7, the gauge. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, is being revised. the palestinians we spoke to say that wallet may not affected day to day lives. they hope it will lead to get more recognition. they often kind of do a bit of recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights or caused that to lend his hours. our rights are reality so they can stand with us. so we can overcome the brutal occupation do and how you met some of the countries that have recognized palestine. i'm making the voice of young palestinians reach everyone. young palestinians will have a voice in your one and all the so i should have put a we don't live in freedom,
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this bane and the other countries recognition might make the occupation feel weaker and countries that stand with it might come to our side and hopefully recognize us to you know, despite the signal of hope for palestinians, many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements like that one. you can see on the hill behind me. they can see that illegal on the international law, but they adulthood all over the occupied westbank making a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war in gaza. and now the major obstacle is in lack of political will from israel, responded to no bill. it's randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries saying it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long for to keep the 2 state solution off the negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pieces that is rather go studies
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to be able to slouch international do whatever it wants to get away with it. but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore if there is no such thinking that people go along the lines as well. maybe you know, we have to remove permanent leaders of no way. orland and spain say that decision was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians here the move constitutes the recognition for the decades long struggled for statehood. as a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today was about the head of france as national assembly suspended tuesday's afternoon session and on, softer deputy from the far left lives also me party waved a palestinian flag to draw attention to the place of gauze and incident took place
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. as the junior trade minister was answering a question about the situation in gaza. french president, the money of my call has wrapped up his 3 days a visit to germany in a wide ranging meeting with chancellor or left shots my call and told reporters he had no comments on whether france would send military instructors to ukraine, but parents would support keith, as long as necessary, he also said is relevant must and it's operation in russell, the former netherlands intelligence chief dick's cove is to be put forward as the country's next prime minister who has chosen as a unity candidate to head the new for party coalition. government after the election winning p v, the party leader affairs builders rolled himself out the job to reach an agreement . but frances has apologized after he was quoted using a derogatory term about homosexuals to reaffirm his opposition to openly game and
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joining seminaries. according to italian media and named bishops reported that francis jokingly use the word behind closed doors. in the past, the pope has spoken publicly about being respectful towards the l g b t q, community to south africans to go to the polls tomorrow and was being seen as the country's most closely font election since the transition to democracy. 30 years ago. parties including the largest opposition, grew the democratic alliance have held their final campaign events ahead of wednesdays. well, it's more then 50 parties are on the national ballad running for seats in the national assembly. a pull suggest that the governing amc, which was once led by nelson mandela, could lose its absolute majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. it always diane hawk or looks at what's behind the widespread dissatisfaction in south africa. the smell of rubbish mixes with sewage. it's
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a powerful cocktail that residents have gotten used to living with. this is a familiar site across south africa's township areas. we're meeting black citizens lives. president serve. i'm a post. i've visited this area to campaign for boats. we joined him as the interested with the residents listening to the consent this lifetime agency support to was happy to see room a pool so. so he would tell him exactly how bad it is here. a big guy, there's theses running through the streets. here's the sewage. water is flowing freely here by now. cool. start done. we often don't have any electricity here. yeah. it goes off for long periods, one, even for a month, sometimes i big. those are the things that causes frustration. comes out by increasing this also causing frustration is the countries high unemployment rate,
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40 percent of people old enough to work with out drops so that for kids are also experiencing coupling electricity crisis. at its worst, some areas winds without power for over 8 hours a day. imagine paying 5 times the market price for a roll of toilet paper. that's what public probably utility is. scott was shutting out. it's been revealed that it was regularly overpaying for basic supplies. it's a kind of maladministration that has lift so that for can serious tend to have been used by business people with closer relationships to the amc to enrich themselves, leaving a litany of corruption scandal for reasons like bees, the amc is in big trouble. prediction polls suggest support for the party could
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even dropped below 50 percent eviction goes up, how we know what's going to happen and the people in this whole and the people of south africa know in their own hearts of what they're waiting to do in terms of giving the amc and overwhelming majority but the majority of voters in this election or john south african who grew up under the amc administration of the although housing, the water supply and sanitation may have improved during the lifetimes. they're unhappy about the poor economic prospects. well no try to go ahead. i don't have what young people won't fight for the i n c because we are unemployed because it will be painful for them because new policies are going to come and take. but it's certainly a vehicle that the new policies are responding to our needs as young people is that when the i and the same thing has to be stuck in the past act,
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they're not looking after on somebody's how got quote that unhappiness is expected to cost b, a n c. at the polls. the amc leadership sees the party has turned over new the fruits and should not be judged on past governments failures on the 29th of may. so that for tenants will give the assessment of when they think the agency can truly turn things around the spring in solution 9 to a foreign policy analyst at the institute for global dialogue and johannesburg. welcome to a new show of 30 years ago, south africa held its 1st free and democratic election and there was hold for a brighter future for all citizens. now, where does the country stand today? a good evening and thank you for having me. i think it stands on a very interesting christmas up. it's almost good just to beat. i mean, i was one of those be young people voting and that's the election. and when i come
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back vote yesterday as part of the special bumps that have been rolled out, it was very, very emotional because i think the point is that, that to you, as on the kind of realizing what we kind of seeing some of those very important issues that people voted for in 94 to to, to, to mitigate the risk or of corruption or on the kind of poor service delivery. the kind of modernization of communities like the sewing the inside. and of course, it's a big task because we inherited quite a deficient state from the update era. but again, i think people are feeling a little bit more of a pathetic or the feeling a little bit more mazda mazda full. and then hoping that this, this, this time around with the and see kind of on the test on this, on this kind of issue around whether it's going to get the majority of not get the majority despite. but the president says, open, overwhelming majority. i think this time around, it's really about talking about where you find yourself in this political,
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economic and social netscape. mm hm. the amc commands, huge loyalty because of its role and ending apartheid and it looks like they still have lia rely on that. we heard a woman there in the report say that the and see is a party of the past. do you share that assessment? is there time up or what i think. ringback is which age quote you looked at. i mean, if you look at the lady in the insects, i'm assuming she's within the 182-241-8234 age group. they don't have that loyalty to the mc and i love the of the 2 year olds under the 2 year olds that will be born . post them under the president, opposed to monday. the discretion or even of the the, the end of the, the call or the, the, the, the a positive review. they don't really have that loyalty to the and see because they looked at the parents. and they saw that the material circumstances of the parents having improved this a study that was done by these of us to have tremendous but just kind of looking at the youth vote in this election. and also fascinating about this study was that the
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youth vote actually says, despite us receiving perhaps a corporate release growth, which is a big thing for the and see in terms of temporary measures to help people that have been affected by the corporate pandemic. they still say the votes for an opposition, i think that is quite important. is an older generation that remembers the ac. that still has perhaps a anticipating of of, of what is a kind of royalty. but it's younger generation that kind of looks at the n c and perhaps as well. yeah. you, you may have rated us, but have you really improved on that? because yeah, and you know, we heard of the challenges that south africans of all ages are facing, realistically, bulk and other parties sold them. you know, i mean, my instinct is that the promises that i'm made, but opposition parties kind of locked them into a kind of also into a, a staggering reductionist approach to this election because they making promises on
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the assumption that they can shift the policy dynamic. i mean, you can't do that right now. you're going to go into an election which you only way to be contesting. and the next election, these 2026 local government, that's likely more of a, a participate to democracy to fix. and it doesn't have the same kind of impact at the national level. and so in only in 2029, you're going to have the next election at the national level until the promises made by it to the parties opposition parties is things like we will deliver on doubling the social social broad. or we'll create a job in every oh, you don't understand the policy then etc. locked into a mattress and that was that was finished and 9 due from the institute for global dialogue. thank you so much for those insights. welcome. thank you. and a quick reminder of our top story, ireland, spain in norway have officially recognized palestinian statehood with ireland parliament hoisting the palestinian flag. spain's foreign minister instead of
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decision aims to foster peace between is really simple said he was out of here all up to date. stay with us though, because after the break row is of that is database auto and mobility show. and i will have more headlines for you at the top of the next hour by the
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powers, the city of love and transit turnaround errors wants to become the green capital of your role model. it's restructuring of transport networks is in high gear. everything should be rolling by the olympic games. but the green concepts are still causing a lot of trouble. as the next, on dw haven for russian money,
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money belonging to put in his country jones is set to be hidden away in switzerland . disappoint you, sanctions. private mansions, secret bank accounts, paradise for collective crass and war criminals on the trail of a legal, russian billions in switzerland. in 45 minutes on d, w. the dentist house. or we can change. i mean the for a station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the people of the world are we,
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what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the make up your own mind. may the high level so much and then as. c the to pricey for the global market. european electric vehicle makers are under pressure. i can see the point coming very quickly. you know, 2030 i think is really the critical moment for this industry. if i'm not prepared by then is to like chime for europe to take back the initiative to this european joint venture.


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