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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news long summer let. israel pushes on with its offensive and rough on the spine to international condemnation. heavier artillery pounds. the city as the exodus of thousands of thousands continues from the city 1st thought to be safe though also coming position lawmaker in the george and parliament flashed with water while speaking out against the so called for an agents bill. the governing party has now pushed the bill through over writing a presidential veto against the wishes of protesters. we'll hear from tbilisi, the
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uncle for lee. thank you so much for joining us. israel is pushing on with its military operation and roughly defiance of international condemnation and an order from the international court of justice. it struck the on the wasi camp in the south of gauze on tuesday, the last run, garza health ministry says at least 21 people were killed in the area designated by israel, a humanitarian. so these really are me denied having the area adding that is targeting her mouse militants. there are also reports of it's really tanks in the center of the city of ruffled this after 45 palestinians were reportedly killed in a separate strike on a refugee camp on sunday. israel's prime minister called it a tragic mistake. the same rose as the director of planning at only ryan spoke to us on the phone from rossa. i asked him about reports that is really forces have
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ramped up there offensive. and russel fiction was 5 yesterday when the, the high risk and involving the strike song on the 10 to. ready and if i dropped, i took place over the past 24 hours on probably the today, but in 10 foot by the sound paid off the top of the paper on the ground. and indeed, that riley troops have pushed in for the front of barbara for i don't see myself, but the report is where harring what i can tell you without any doubt. com please have a 105000000 country binding errors for the work about the including on the coach. so i am right now and it doesn't officials say more than 20 people have been killed and is really striked on a displacement. cam. near rough up today. do you have any independent information to support that claim or i don't know. i mean, i'm in my residential golf now, so i'm not able to go out. i've had the same story. if i saw the same policy,
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it certainly wouldn't surprise me if they would cru, give them the bump on the hurry. but no, i kind of depends if i have at this time no knowing what you know, is there any place left in gaza that a safe no, absolutely. no. we've been trying to become a bit of a cliche of the cost for that. uh, i mean, that includes the college thing and it comes to me for, for the displace from one location to another location, to another location to move the couch. that's how many tons, many of our staff members have been displayed. the women children are taken care of and then a couple of nights ago has paid for for the display. some of the other parts of the golf for the pen could come that they believe to be said like many people a called so they go to bed every night under the stall. not sure whether or not that kind of wake up in the morning or almost 8 months into this or lunch. if not
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most of gaza, you know the situation a lot better than then we can grasp it. here has been reduced to rubble, you know, hundreds of thousands. you mentioned that there have been displaced over and over again. you've been in touch with people there. you've been trying to provide aid for them. what's the most common questions you get when you, you talk to guidance for trapped there? i mean, people say all sorts of things a few weeks ago when we get to know if they've gone to people, what would one food at the most common reframe that we have from whoever we want is just off the wall, stop the will stop the war the people are going to come in the family, why or how the world can what use every day was happening, sundays in the blood shed. and the policy being played out on those all sides, major and social media around the world. i kind of found how the world can see this
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going on, and yet it's powerless or unable to do anything about that. so like in a real, from the, from being social community of the situation. is there anything you can tell them to provide some sort of comfort when they come to you with, with that kind of, you know, desperation? i mean, we can provide some kind of focus uh, all those very human, the level of individual level. we spend a lot of time talking to a staff member. they kinda thought that we got that on all that we can do. and people come to another situation with a c, p very human list that we get from the head of human contact, reassure them that we do kind of that the world, those but in terms of material support, in terms as well a lot with our felt by the way for with, with all of the fact that we do
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a $50.00 to, to stop the people call john miller, for them to be like a nation. my, when i patiently the united nations open, i times when people struggle come to found the holidays but the united nation that there's a list, a claim that important in special bonding is completely power in the face of such a proof of concept that you know, describing a center of the small geographic spike. uh same role as director of planning it on ro. thank you so much for your time and please be safe. thank you. during your state visit between france and germany. german chancellor. all shots weighed in on israel's defensive, and russel is where most of them for you will need to abide by international law. the who may need to allow you monitoring and support for the people suffering and gaza to speak to the it's the responsibility of israel to ensure that necessary aid
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is delivered on i'm guessing. yesterday, if we heard of a terrible tragic attack and rough uh, i put a refugee counselor's head many people's eyes and thought i could truth. it does that part of the site i'm just getting shows once again why germany and so many other states have been against the major gone defensive and rough. nothing's even because there isn't sufficient protection of civilians and it's not possible. so i can focus on civil distance existing, but yesterday's incident clearly shows as just on site this of the after the advice that was german chancellor without shots speaking earlier. well, french president, the money on the call also reacted to the recent attacks by israel and russell. this, it, you, as a situation in rafa is extremely worrying. and as i already said yesterday, is rarely operations and ross on must and stuff. we must stand by a palestinian civilians policy if anybody's to know the cool at the international court of justice has already and called on israel to stop this operation and rough
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immediately. these are the to protect the civilians for the typical by the quote, our position has been clear right from the start that we have condemned in the strongest possible terms. and most of most attacks i must have as a sub, we support israel's right to defend itself. then what can you do though we need to ensure its response and gaza is in line with international law. the w many do you know of norway in ireland have joined spain informally recognizing a palestinian state. the move marks a whitening rift between israel and the european union. spain. foreign minister made the announcement on behalf of his country saying madrid hopes this will accelerate, efforts towards the ceasefire and gaza and, and eventually 2 state solution. if the police do not be in the city and so if the right to future full of hope model the same way, israel has the right to the future of peace and security of the so many decades of pain and confrontation. we know we can't have one without the, you know,
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the security of israel and piece in the region type thing to try and with the pedestal and people's hope of having their own state little bodies. he says, the neighbor, hope, security bus. both people have the right to have it all squared. exactly the same, right? except i'm in the muse mortgage. and a quick look though, at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. former netherlands intelligence chief dix cove is to be put forward as the country's next prime minister. it was chosen of the unity candidate to head the new for party coalition government after the election winning p. v. v party leader haired builders rolled himself out the job to reach an agreement. the head of frances national assembly suspended tuesday's afternoon session. that's after a deputy from the far left lives on the party, waved a palestinian flag to draw attention to the plight of concepts. incident took place as the junior trade minister was answering a question about the situation and gaza. russia has recognized the
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tyler bond as a legitimate authority. and i've got a son and remove the group from its list of terrorist organizations. presidents let them in, put in a set of rush, i shall take afghanistan's opinion into account and build ties with the country. no other country on the globe has formerly recognized the taliban government weeks of debate and the george and parliament over a divisive bill targeting and joe's and the media has ended with the bill becoming law lawmaker opposing the so called foreign agents law was slashed with water before the final boat, it was drank closely by protesters who say the law will take georgia closer to russia, was a russian style governance and stifled georgia's efforts to join the european union . the law requires media and non profit groups to register if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. to ask her, of course,
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bonnen in tbilisi, maria come on to tell us what she has been hearing from people there while the mood among the pro tassels here in the capital city, police is quite graham and many they've been uh, actually telling me they've failed very mad they've been using very strong wars to describe their feelings. they saw that they felt betrayed by the government they so angry. but um, at this point that they say that the only thing that we can do is protest. however, the government doesn't seem to be responsive doesn't seem to, to care about the domestic back loss. uh, it's been a since 2 days around since today. so the pro tassels have been taken to the streets and this by the watson, the possible sanctions this far the danger to the european integration despite the uh, the thousands of the hundreds uh tons of thousands of protesters. they say that so
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um we are going to, uh, we're going to this on this bill and they did it today so the bill will come into force in 60 days. the government seems to very, very content that they manage to push it through the parliament. yep. that's marie, it's from wonder viewers. what's at stake here for georgia? possible, georgia, you integration is at stake. it's going to be very interesting to see how the dynamic is going to be uh, between a georgia and it's west and partners. uh you, us and you now it's interesting also to see what's going to happen to georgia's you kind of to see that release to receive last the sound bite was a long way to kind of this is ca, tooth and georgia for many, many years for that and what's kind of going to happen with a visa free regime for, for many georgia's who can travel to europe without visa. and that's also the
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question. now the use as that nothing is resolved that the, all the options are on the table. so we should expect from the coming weeks uh, the response from the what is going to be now we understand that you also ready introduce the travel balance against the georgia and officials and also promise to, to follow up with sanctions. huge opposition to this bill. is there anything else that could be done to stop it from becoming long and staying now way now, from what the protests have been telling me that they don't expect that the government will reconsider businesses and e. u has been doing, despite the fact that it was adopted in the final reading i used to is urging georgia to reconsider the bill. uh, now we understand that october logston's are going to be crucial for, for, for georgia, for taxes here. they've been telling me that now they cannot do anything. they can
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only protest peacefully by the oh, do anything so relaxed. and so it will be able to, to actually vote, but still, how fair and transparent those and actions are going to be. that's a very big question, given that the n g as the independent media organizations that it likes to watch the. 8 and the international observe as they're going to be uh, i mean in a very different than the codes and different position when the bill is adopted. as maria content wants the reporting from tbilisi. thank you so much, maria. the brushing the, the way you news and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you at this hour. israel is pushing on with its military operation and rough mind. defiance of international condemnation. it struck a refugee camp on tuesday, killing at least $21.00 people, according to the hamas run. health industry is after $45.00 palestinians were forces killed in a separate strike on sunday. and with that girl up to date next up parts and failed,
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it looks at what architects are designing to both fight climate change and cope with the fact states you in for that article fairly. thank you so much for your company. the it could be green, very green. old as blue. p s. twine twine. lovely. red. definitely. pull. just a yellow. yes. that's what she present. pulled topple samples very special. that's in the georgia. choose your favorite color.


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