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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, the state of the news line from berlin. israel pushes on with it's offensive and rough on, despite the international condemnation, heavy artillery power, the city as the exodus of thousands of thousands continues from the city 1st thought to be a safe zone. also coming up french president, mccall and german chancellor shows discuss the war and gaza with reporters. after their meeting near berlin's both critical of 0 offense and flux and opposition lawmaker in the george and parliament flushed with water while speaking out against the so called for an agents bill. the governing party has now
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pushed the bill through overriding a presidential veto and against the wishes of protesters. and he preaches respect towards the l. g b teen q community. but hope francis is forced to apologize for allegedly, using a derogatory terms for homosexuals. the, i'm the call for link to our viewers on p b s, and the united states and all of you joining us from around the world. thank you so much for tuning in israel is pushing on with its military operation in rough line. defiance of international condemnation and an order from the international court of justice. it struck the on the wasi camp in the south of gauze on tuesday. your mazda run gaza health when the 3 says at least 21 people or killed me area
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designated by israel as a humanitarian zone. these really are me denied, hitting the area adding and that it's targeting a mouse militants are also reports of is really tanks in the center of rafa. this after 45 palestinians were reportedly killed in a separate strike on a refugee camp on sunday. israel's prime minister called it a tragic mistake. sam rose is the director of planning at own wrong and spoke to us on the phone from russell. i asked him about reports that is really forces have in fact ramp up there offensive. and russel fiction was sad yesterday when the, the high risk and slim involving the strike song on the 10 to. ready inside the roof, i took place over the past 24 hours on probably continue to pay the $10.00 foot by the some pay off stop and other people on the ground. and david riley truitt has
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pushed back in for the front of a rapper. i'm not seeing myself, but those reports that we're hearing what i can tell you about any doubt about possibly having 105 in country by the area for the work about the including on the coach. so i am right now and it doesn't officials say more than 20 people have been killed and is really straight on a displacement can near rough up today. do you have any independent information to support that claim? i don't know. i mean, i'm in my residence is doc now, so we're not able to go out. i've had the same story by side of the same policy. it certainly wouldn't surprise me if they would cru, give them the bump on the hair and, but now i kind of depends if i either this time me now and knowing what you know, is there any place left in gaza that a safe no, absolutely not a been trying to become a bit of a cliche of the cost for that. uh,
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i mean that the color comes to me forcibly displace from one location to another location to another location, leave it off because of how many tons, many of our staff members have been displayed for women children. this is iris. i can tell them in a couple of nights ago, i paid for the dislike. some of the other parts of the golf is over the country that they believe to be said, like many people, a golf. so they go to bed every night under the stall, not sure whether or not that kind of wake up in the morning or it's almost 8 months into this or lunch. if not most of gaza, you know the situation a lot better than then we can grasp it. here has been reduced to rubble, you know, hundreds of thousands. you mentioned that there have been displaced over and over again. you've been in touch with people there. you've been trying to provide aid for them. what's the most common questions you get when you, you talk to guidance for trapped there?
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i mean people say. busy all sorts of things a few weeks ago when we get to know if they've gone to people, what would one food at the most common refrain that we have from whoever we want is just off the wall. stop that will stop the war. the people have gone to congress, why or how the world can what yes, every day was happening, sundays in the blood shed be on the policy being played out on those all sides. major in social media around the world account and the found how the world can see this going on and yet powerless or unable to do anything about it. so like a little from the from being social community. i don't know how to search for the situation. is there anything you can tell them to provide some sort of comfort when they come to you with, with that kind of, you know, desperation. i mean,
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we can provide some kind of focus uh, all those very human, the level of individual level. we spend a lot of time talking to our staff members. they kinda thought that we got that are all that we can do. and people come to another situation to see the very few numbers that we get from the head of human contact, reassure them. but we do care that the world does. but in terms of material support in terms as well a lot with our felt by the way, for with, with all of the fact that we do a $50.00 to, to stop the people. john miller, for them to be like a nation. my, when i patients the united nations open, i actually people struggle come to found the holidays, but the united nation. is that a list, a claim? the list and part of the in special bonding as quickly the power and the pay for
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such a proof of concept that you know, describing a center of the small geographic spike. uh, same role as director of planning it on rough. thank you so much for your time and please be safe. thank you. and during a state visit between france and germany and german chancellor, well actually it's weighed in on israel's offensive. and russell, it was most of them for me will need to abide by international law the who may need to and all you monitoring and support for the people suffering and gaza to speak to the it's the responsibility of israel to ensure that necessary aid is delivered on come get something yesterday. if we heard of a terrible tragic attack and rough uh, i put a refugee counselor's head. many people sides and thought i could truth. it does that part of the text i'm just in case shows once again why germany and so many other states have been against the major gone defensive and rough. nothing's even because there isn't sufficient protection of civilians and it's not possible. so i
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can conceive of distance existing, but yesterday's incident clearly shows as just on site this of the after the advice french president and my call also reacted to the recent attacks by israel and russell massachusetts situation. and rafa is extremely worrying. and as i already said yesterday, is rarely operations and ross on must and stuff. we must stand by a palestinian civilians policy. if anybody's to know like what your international court of justice has already and called on israel to stop this operation and rough immediately. these are the to protect the civilians for the typical by the quote, our position has been clear right from the start that we have condemned in the strongest possible terms of mess up mos attacks. i must have a sub, we support israel's right to defend itself. then what can you do though we need to ensure its response and gaza is in line with international law. the w many. well, our chief political editor,
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mikaela cruz now was add that in for us or to hear what the german and french leaders had to say. so at the final press conference of french present a mano my call during his 3 day state visits here in germany, a clear message towards israel that it, too must adhere to international post. it is also puts that they would continue to support ukraine for as long as it takes and opening a potential window for ukraine to attack towns from where russian attacks are launched onto ukrainian territory. this was all about demonstrating unity. there were lots of photo ops demonstrating that front codes um and friendship, but that's kind of gloss over the fact that, well, both am, i know my cool and germantown. so what i sold said the diagnosis that the european union needs a significant investment boost. they still on,
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on the same page on how to pay for this. that was mckayla cruz now on your way. and ireland have joined spain in formerly recognizing a palestinian state. the move marks wyoming risk between israel and some parts of the european union. spain's foreign minister made the announcement on behalf of his country saying madrid hopes this will accelerate, efforts towards the seas bar in gaza. and an eventual 2 state solution is the police do not be in the city. and so if the right to future full of hope, most of the same way, israel has the right to the future of peace and security. after so many decades of pain in consultation, we know we cons, have one without the other little know, see little the security of israel and piece of the region type thing to try and with the pedestal and people's hope of having their own state of the peace that the neighbor hope security, both people have the right to have it all squared. exactly the same, right?
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except i'm in the museum will that it was out in spain, norway and ireland joined some 140 other countries and officially recognizing palestinian statehood. but what exactly does their recognition mean for the everyday life of palestinians? it will be of correspondence. rebecca river is reports from ramallah and be occupied westbank. even remember the occupied westbank biggest city and the state of palestine. defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed in a gesture of appreciation, the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island and spring mare is the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it really brought in our hearts hope for the best as to model hope that the was is listening to us. so that by this time, spill has a chance. no waste pain, an island join some 140 you and countries that have already recognized the state of
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palestine. the movie is largely symbolic, but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to live so satisfying. we don't want to die for tennis time and we, we live for, for a foot, turning our uh, our ride for, for self determination and force forward or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7, the gauge. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, is being revised. the palestinians we spoke to say that wallet may not affected day to day lives. they hope it will lead to get more recognized. and the recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights our cause that the land is hours, our rights are reality so they can stand with us. so we can overcome the brutal occupation to and how you met some of the countries that have recognized palestine . i'm making the voice of young palestinians reach every one. young palestinians will have a voice in europe one and all the. so i should have put a,
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we don't live in frieda, spain, and the other countries reference nation might make the occupation feel weaker and countries that stand with it might come to our side. and hopefully recognize us to you know, despite the signal of hope for palestinians, many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements like that one. you can see on the hill behind me. they can see that illegal on the international law, but they adulthood all over the occupied westbank making a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war and gaza. and now the major obstacle is in lack of political will from israel, vomiting or bill is randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries. thank it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long full to keep the 2 state solution off the negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pc is that he's right. it's got
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some use to be able to flouting to national do whatever it wants to get away with it. but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore if there is no such thinking that people go along the lines as well. maybe you know, we have to remove permanent lead is of no way orland and spain say the decision was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians. here the move constitutes to the recognition for the decades long struggled for statehood. and a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. former netherlands intelligence chief dix cove is to be put forward as the country's next prime minister. he was chosen as a unity candidate to have the new for party coalition government after the election
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winning p v. the party leader occurred builders, rolled himself out the job to reach an agreement. russia has recognized the towel, a bon as a legitimate authority. enough guidance done, and remove the group from its list of terrorist organizations. president vladimir putin said russia should take us down to stands opinion and to account and build times with the country. no other countries formerly recognized the taliban government. the premium president below the muse lensky has signed a security cooperation agreement with forage of old during a tour of western europe to rally support. it was welcomed by portuguese president marcella rebel of the sofa and lisbon. earlier the lensky received a promise of a $1000000000.00 worth of military aid from belgium, including 30 american, made f. 16 fighter jets 6 weeks of debate, and then georgia in parliament over
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a device of bill targeting and g o's. and the media of ended with the bill becoming well. a lawmaker opposing the so called for an agents law was slashed with water before the final vote was attract closely by protesters who say the law will take georgia closer to russian style governance and stifle george's efforts. to join the european union, the law requires media and non profit groups to register if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. i asked our correspondent in tbilisi, maria cut down lots of tell us what she's been hearing from the people there. while the mood among the pro tassels here in the capital city, police is quite graham, and many they've been uh, actually telling me they've failed very mad. they've been using very strong wars to describe their feelings. they saw that they felt betrayed by the government they so angry. but um, at this point that they say that the only thing that we can do is protest. however,
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the government doesn't seem to be responsive, doesn't seem to, to care about the domestic back loss. uh, it's been a since 2 days around since today, so the pro tassels have been taken to the streets and this by the watson, the possible sign shows this by the danger to the european integration. this find the uh, uh, thousands of the hundreds uh tons of thousands of protesters. they say that so um, we are going to, uh, we're going to, um, sign this bill and they did it today. so the bill will come into force in 60 days. the government seems to very, very content that they manage to push it through the parliament. yep, that's marie. it's for minor viewers. what's at stake here for georgia? for, for georgia. you integration is at stake. it's going to be very interesting to see how the dynamic is going to be uh, between
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a georgia and it's western partners. uh you, us, and you. now it's interesting also to see what's going to happen to georgia is you kind of to see that it's released to receive losses. assembled was a long way to kind of this is ca, tooth and georgia for many, many years for that. and what's kinda going to happen with a visa free regime for, for many georgia's who can travel to europe without visa. that's all. so the questions now the use as that's nothing is resolved that the, all the options are on the tables. so we should expect from the coming weeks uh, the response from the what is going to be now we uh, i understand that you also writing should use the travel balance against the georgia and officials and also promise to, to follow up with sanctions. huge opposition to this bill. is there anything else that could be done to stop it from becoming long and staying now way
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now, from what the protests have been telling me that they don't expect that their government will reconsider businesses and e. u has been doing, despite the fact that it was adopted in the final reading i used to is urging the georgia 3 to consider the bill. uh, now we understand that uh, october the options are going to be crucial for, for, for georgia, for taxes here. they've been telling me that, uh now they cannot do anything. they can only protest pays for. they bought the oh, during the install were like since it will be able to, to actually vote uh but still how fair and transparent those and actions are going to be. that's a very big question given by the n g as the independent media organizations that election watch dogs and the international observe as they're going to be uh, i mean in a very different than the codes and different positions when the bill is adopted. as maria cuts on lots of reporting from to blue c. thank you so much,
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maria. i hope frances has apologized after he was quoted using a derogatory term about homosexuals to reaffirm his opposition to open the gate men joining seminaries, according to italian media, and named bishops. reported that francis jokingly use the slur behind closed doors . in the past, the pope has spoken publicly about being respectful towards the l g b t q community. here's what the vatican had to say about it today. the pope never intended to offend or express themselves and hold before make terms. and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others. a lot to unpack here, let's do that with journalists. see my group does. she's following the story from rome, seeing that it's quite unusual for a pope to issue an apology, isn't it? yes it is. it's quite a read move. now he did it back in 2018 as well,
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with the apologize for the mistakes that were made in the handling of the abuse, sexual abuse crisis. and she made that wasn't 2018 but this time around very clearly that was a need for him to apologize. because of the strong reaction to the usage of such a vulgar slang would use to mean the word gayness. now, it is also particularly starting for him to have said such a thing. when you can see the old woods that you sit in the path to be more welcoming towards the catholics and the gate community at large. i mean early on and these people see, he actually use those famous words. who am i to judge when he talked about d people and then not too long ago, he even said that priest can last same sex couples in certain circumstances. so the fact that he's done that in the past, uh, this is really in stock, contrast to that, as somebody pointed out, well, hang on,
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put francis. he doesn't speak a talent as his mother tongue. and so he could have made a mistake with using such a colloquialism, but other say, well, you did grow up in the talent household. imagine tina, so perhaps you should have known better. it's interesting to note that the woods used in the apology didn't exactly conform nor denied that full practice actually use that work. yeah, it's looking beyond bessler. he allegedly used whether it has been lost in translation or not. we will probably never know what he is quoted as basically saying we shouldn't let homosexuals into seminaries because there are already too many of them. and that again lies in stark contrast with what you just pointed out, that the pope has always insist that there is room for everyone in the catholic church. so how much of a scandal is this as well? it's interesting that they use this clear difference. but you know, if you look at vatican teaching on back in 2005 and actual
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a document was released by the authorities at the vatican and said very clearly that the church cannot admit to the priesthood. and anyone who is a practicing homosexual or presents homosexual tendencies or supports so called gay culture. and this was reiterated again in 2016 on the poke, francis's pontifical. and so of critics have said that this is really in essence, quite homophobic and hypocritical, especially if you say that the church is open to everyone and it doesn't, it doesn't make any distinction. otherwise they'll, francis clearly reaffirmed this issue in that closed door meeting with the italian bishop. so a l g b t q plus catholics. some of them and said, look, we want clarity on this because they clearly are present game preschool also being so they want to have some clarity on this. it isn't very clear,
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but the pope himself has said in the past that those of the teachings of the church that was seen my go to have reporting from rome. thank you so much for all that. the closing arguments in donald trump's harsh money trial have begun in the manhattan court room. prosecutors and defense attorneys have a final opportunity today to convince the jury. before deliberations begin, prosecutors alleged from knowingly falsified business records ahead of the 2016 presidential elections to conceal a sexual encounter with porn after stormy daniels. this day the former us president gave her $130000.00 in exchange for not going public any falsely locked the payments. as legal expenses. trump denies any wrong doing. it's the 1st time a former us president has ever faced criminal prosecution. the new york case centers on whether donald trump violated campaign finance laws had of the 2016
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election. trump who's expected to be the republicans candidate to this year is november presidential election, was required to be in court every day. the trial wasn't the session from beginning to end. he repeated his claim that he was the victim of a political, which would be a lot of different places right now. and i'm sitting here additional gone for a long time. the judge has been selected, as you know, it's very next year what's going on during the heated trial, trump was repeatedly fined for violating the judge's orders not to publicly attack witnesses. at other times, trump was reportedly observed falling asleep in the court room. one key witness was adult film actress stormy daniel, one who testified that she had a sexual encounter with trump and accepted a $130000.00 payment to keep the story quiet. to another star witness was
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trumps. former lawyer, michael cohen, he testified that trump was directly involved in arranging a complex scheme, intended to cover up that hush money payment. during the 2016 presidential campaign, 12 jurors will now decide whether prosecutors have proved that trump was falsifying business records to get around campaign finance disclosure laws. their decision must be unanimous. a conviction would not prevent from from running for office. the republican front runner is also facing other criminal charges, but the new york hush money case is likely to be the only trial decided before the november election. and finally, a long lost painting by an italian master went on public display for the 1st time in the spanish capital. madrid is one of around 60 work spies, 16th century painter car, a lot geo known to exist. the painting shows a bloodied genes is wearing a crown of thorns just before his crucifixion and had
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a close call in 2021. when it was nearly sold at an auction with a starting price of just 1500 year. it was saved by a last minute intervention by the spanish culture ministry after experts suspected it was incorrectly attributed to an earlier painter. and with that, you're all up to date and spot join me after the break hour. i will take you through the day the
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is as revise on buying european in the authoritarian regime, exports boil and gas to the european union and offers generous gifts to the politicians. are they really being paid to turn a blind eye to systemic human rights violations? corruption in europe, in 45 minutes on the w, the
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dots june dw, the spain belgium and portugal ukrainian president will let him or zalinski is on a whirlwind tour of europe, seeking to drum up more support for his country's fights against russia's attacks. it's a trip he meant to embark on earlier this month already, but had to postpone. after russian forces opened a new front, near the city of hart, keep providing him with another dramatic argument for an increase and military assistance in belgium. zelinski inspected the american, made of 16 jets ukraine should start receiving soon to he says will.


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