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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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as well, so can dreams of another load the dots june dw, the, the same belgium and portugal ukrainian president will let him or zalinski is on a whirlwind tour of europe, seeking to drum up more support for his country's fights against russia's attacks. it's a trip he meant to embark on earlier this month already, but had to postpone after russian forces opened a new front near the city of harkey, providing him with another dramatic argument for an increase and military assistance in belgium. zelinski inspected the american, made of 16 jets ukraine should start receiving soon to. he says, we'll be seeing battlefield use this year already. he's taking what he can guess,
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but he's not getting all your needs. cave is increasingly relying on bilateral agreements with individual states. well hungry continues to block much needed aid coming from the european union and the confirmation berlin. and this is the day, the new grand can only push back the invaders if we provide more. and if you provide better arms, and if we are able to do it in a foster base, the someone's on us right now, when russia is trying to expand and prolong the war, we need more concrete steps to bring peace close circle giving you a number to try somewhere. then, i mean, are you using up to 300 jets, 300 helicopters, let's say you're on a daily attack to us. so we deep as much as we may get real work and when they draw
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us and then of them also, of course, do you members on stuttering of the organization of defense systems and in particular, the most advanced ones. the patriots systems also on the day on the front line in the ukraine with a drone come back unit to come on. how could i should we're going to just, i want to do the best job i can do. and if you do it, when it goes eliminating the enemy saves the lives of our boys, it is a lot, but depends on this work. the most of course we feel the adrenalin is the one that awesome. the institutional welcome to the show. it's good to have you with us. your french president will let him or zalinski was in lisbon and brussels today on his tour of european states aimed at boosting support for the war effort against russia. the good news for ukraine is that he was
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able to make the trip at all. this is a visit for us to take place later than planned because of russian offensives in ukraine which have left defenders seating territory. among other reasons, because it has been running short of weapons. that's what this visit is meant to change, at least to some degree. so landscape visited a belgian military air base today. the government in brussels has agreed to provide 30 us made of 16 fighter jets over the next 4 years. the belgian government has also pledged 1000000000 euros and military aids not matches. a pledge by the spanish government made on monday. here's the landscape speaking and brussels today . e, some was on us royce. no rush, wind rush is trying to expand and prolong the war. we need more concrete steps to bring peace closer. remember, 1st of all, we have a clear commitment to, to the supply of columbus aircraft to ukraine. ok, you, me, thank you for this decision. the job was that said, the agreement we have with belgium is for the supply of 13 f,
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16 aircraft. our task is to make sure that we can start using the 1st f sixteens in ukraine this year and make our position stronger, never going to use or will. and i suppose the to be a sending issue ma'am. parish. busy joins us now from brussels. terry and ukraine has been asking for f sixteens for a really long time. now. how beneficial is this contribution now more than 2 years into the war and spaced out over 4 years? that's right, nicole, this was one of those advanced weapons. in fact that president zalesky was told he would never get. so in that sense, it's still a success even more than 2 years into the war. but in that time, of course, russia has made a lot of advances. a lot of ukrainians had been killed and military analysts have always said the 16 doesn't solve everything. yes, it gives you create a more powerful air force. it can help them contest the air space over ukraine, but here's another uh,
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another hang up that comes with this contribution by the belgians. they've been said that they say that it can only be used in ukrainian territory, so there won't be any use a visa sixteen's going into russia to try to destroy ss on that side of the border . president zalinski over these past couple of days assign security agreements with belgium, spain, and most recently with portugal individually that is, wouldn't be far more beneficial and efficient maybe to just negotiate with the entire issue with the entire bach as well. that would make sense. of course, of all $27.00 countries would agree to support ukraine to the extent that these bilateral agreements have done. for example, the belgian one is 10 years and it gives you create increasing military support, financial support, training exercises, things like this. but in the u, that would mean that all 27 have to come to the same decision. and once again, as we've seen so many times in the past when it comes to ukraine,
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hungry has refused to support, allowing the european union to even use some money that's already been here march for ukraine. it says it will not allow more weapons to be shipped to ukraine and that anybody who wants to help you cranes simply ones for over p. so hungry is really a sticking point in the you acting as a whole. now i should point out that should ukraine become a member, which is of course, what it wants to do and what the e u has promised it. there will be some security guarantees that go along with that . but certainly there's no way that they can get a blanket guarantee from the u. s. things done. now. there was in brussels today, a meeting of a you defense ministers. was there any signal that hungry might be willing to lift as blockade on ukraine and assistance? on the contrary, actually i asked ministers coming out of the meeting if there'd been any sign of this. and they basically had to say no, there are some side initiatives like a proposal. poland is made for a new border initiative. that hungry may be willing to support support kind of
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piece meal bit on these big budget matters. they didn't show any sign of relenting yet. and that's really disappointing for ukraine and disappointing for all the countries who really want to increase their support for that country. hm. you mentioned that there, there are countries that want to increase their support and they are finding ways to help ukraine without the need for unanimous decisions. one of those countries, or one of those is a checklist initiative aimed at sourcing artillery shells from all over the world. be right back with you, terry. but 1st here's check fragments for future feel. and proc today the chicken continues to develop the immunization and to show this in the coordination of this international fastness 50 in the u. n. nato countries or led to contribute dates over 1600000000 euros. our thoughts vill soon improve ukraine's defense. that's i promise defense. tens of 1155 for me. they,
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me to immunization will be delivered in june. ukraine can expect a defense schiffman visit in the next days that should be music to the landscape ears. terry, what can you tell us about this initiative? that's right. nicole, as we've been speaking about so many times. ammunition is really one of the, the items that you know is, is meaning life or death for ukrainian soldiers. some of the retreats that we've had to senior premium troops make, have been because they run have been running out of ammunition. so this check initiative, which only became public in february, even though it had been under way since before the war began, has really been a bright spot. and it's really shown how a relatively small country, like check you can make a big difference when it wants to. let me show you how that was done. a shell hunger, that's what it's called when troops lack of munitions. but you korean soldiers are
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already suffering shell, starvation, a factor in recent retreats they've been forced to make their craniums are not running out of courage. they are running out the i'm a nation, a pledge made last year by the european union to provide ukraine a 1000000 rounds of ammunition by this march. only managed to send half that amount by the self imposed deadline. meanwhile, however, another plan was gathering steam far from brussels and the headlines underway even before moscow's full scale invasion. in february 2022, the so called check initiative had been quietly arranging weapons deliveries to ukraine that had been purchased on the global market. we were gathering the different types of weapons on a large excel sheet, and we were preparing for the possibility that somebody would actually buy it from the list and we would be able to deliver it to you for an asap be the programs
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coordinator thomas could patch and he says their focus turns to ammunition when europe and production didn't scale up as quickly as hote, we just came and we said ok. so this wasn't able to to be done by the institutions of the plan. so let's try this. the robust check weapons industry identified ammunition, stockpiles all over the world, some and countries that would not sell directly to you. for political reasons. david hots, a ceo of s t v, one of the check manufacturers helping facilitate the purchase is through prague. we as a company as well. so the on the company said in that you can evaluate, we have a larger network of the suppliers and produce them towards. yeah, so we just pick to a to or contacts and make things happen. denmark in the netherlands were the 1st other countries to invest in that x plan while it was under the radar to check government went public with it earlier this year because literally by focusing
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monthly, $500000.00 around. so for logically, but when you check citizens have raised 70000000 euro, it was for the program through crowd funding and even next door. in slovakia with a government cut off support for ukraine, a similar effort collecting 4000000 euros. now at least 20 governments have signed onto the initiative with the german e, spending the most, thomas co, pets. and he says, well, his country is proud of this help for ukraine. the real goal would be to see it gets too big to be handled across. we will gladly hand over the system of how we do things. i mean, we will be happy of this not being labeled the trick initially for them or the 1st delivery should reach you cream next month. and check officials believe well over a 1000000 rounds can be sourced this way over the next year. if keeps allies are serious about preventing a shelf famine on the front line. and our corresponding terry shoals who could be
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seen in that room for doing some heavy lifting is still with us. harriet, this is a remarkable initiative. and as we heard from the tech 5 minutes earlier, the 1st shells are sent to arrive within days. so has this initiative been able to move more quickly because it wasn't dragged down by in you rock se that is certainly one of the reasons and the checks. you know, they didn't ask anybody what they thought they didn't wait around to get a lot of other countries in support. when they started this initiative, they just started calling around the check weapons manufacturers to people the know to companies they knew. and they said, hey, if you got any shells lying around that we could perhaps by and, you know, we just a very practical effort. so the prime minister feel is very justifiably proud of it . they were able to do this basically starting on their own, and then other countries joined in quite quickly and wanted to buy these items because they saw that you claim needed them so badly and they did not have to wait
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around for consensus. so yeah, it was a lot easier for the techs to move and it is a really strong coalition. they foot together. how important do you think are these multilateral efforts now and maybe in the future, given the hon gary and blocking of you action? absolutely, the, the absolute, you know, stand still on some of the you aid makes clear how important this creative approach to, to sourcing of ammunition and, and other items for ukraine is. and in fact, they may be talking about the you partners that are involved in this initiative. but there are lots of countries who don't want to be named who are both buying supplies for ukraine and selling them for ukraine. they don't want to be seen shipping anything directly to ukraine, and that's why the checks are serving sort of as a middle man. and they've been able to get around a lot of both of the sort of political problems other countries might have been supporting the program. but also getting around the protectionism that you see in
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the, in your weapons industry it and trying to only sell the things that they produce themselves. yeah. the you talking about producing of themselves, they plans to boost their ability to manufacture shelves. how is that going? as well, they absolutely have boosted their ability and some companies have increase their output by 4 times. there is still a big problem. nicole in getting the orders in now the manufacturers have really scaled up and say we could produce a lot more, but government still aren't buying them. so there was this initiative to get you creating 1000000 rounds of 155 millimeter ammunition by march, and they didn't make that deadline, but you says they will ship that many rounds by the end of the year. and they're saying with this check initiative coming from the u, that's going to be an even greater number, but they weren't able to move as quickly as, as they had hope to. that's for sure as t w's. terry schultz in brussels. thank you so much for your reporting. terry.
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as we mentioned at the beginning of the program president, the landscape, visits to europe, was postponed because of the russian offensive this month near the city of har. keith, a russian troops opened a new front when they poured over the border in early may, you know, we use my son that has visited front lines. soldiers facing the russian invaders were racing towards the new front with a comma june unit. the calls itself, the picky blinders north east of their home town. how do you hear that come in to turn on the electronic warfare? it's the one nearest the button because he means the jamming system to stop ending the drones 3 kilometers from the russian side. these men are not the only ones
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sound on tone commands. this group. many of them used to play football together. there's even their father and his son. while their focus is on vehicles, no enemy targets are safe. they use cheap improvise devices which can destroy equipment worth millions would. you could the be any kind of targets from an infantry men to a tank. and that depends on what kind of explosive we've got here. so them with the right payload. drones can even penetrate armor has another unit demonstrated in recent days. all systems are in place and the men start to search for target. and so they find a group of soldiers funny, but of course that's cool, especially they're walking along the edge of the forest. i think they're going to come out. they will not stop. the russians are sitting ducks as we soon see 1st hand of school. i know. yeah. got it. you ought to just come to on the well,
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the soldiers at the other end of the trench make out the targets commander on tone flies. the attacks on his team have been in this area for 2 months already. well, before the recent russian attack, chip gets to choose, everyone heard the rumors of what was going to happen is just 6, triple our commander, set of some tasks. and that's a come on, let's see where there's a cluster of enemies. and with this a to find it and identify it up and so on may 10, the russians opened up this new front and the beginning, the picky blinders killed dozens each day. now the russians are concealing themselves better and intercepting many of the ukrainian drones from gdc, the explosion, the yeah, there's a handed. let's get closer and take a look. it's an enemy truck. no, it's
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a city. it's heavily damaged, but not yet destroyed. drones like these have completely changed the battlefield. they now destroy more hardware than any other weapon of the, despite their simplicity. first person view drones are constantly evolving. we brought to food stamps, accounts. i started, this is already the 5th or 6th upgrade that's been added to these grounds. the dean, i'm constantly learning something they're reading, communicating with others to state current vehicle, even as an old war horse, as they say, no harm. no wait, long print commander on tone takes us to a fellow unit close by always wary of the enemy, drones. the commander in this fox hole is i'm tom strutter, sasha murder consort. as we arrive,
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they've begun attacking the russian group spotted earlier. the better yet the okay, i'm going to guide you every step. now look how many days is the biggest trainable? yes. and from this side, richard still home book, which is a for the to it's pilot vitalis 1st combat about to 0 into the special arcadian awesome right on target. to tell like you did great. pre owned books here. okay. check this out. no, they're burning 100. no, for another one. 0 no, no, no, on the end of the at least 2 soldiers. now they're trying to send an f, b v drones. but that seems at the moment they're running into issues with connection rather with the russian jeremy. but yeah, they send in drone after drone notices that end up crashing. so how could i share with going up this? what do i want to do my job as well as possible? i could do any more because eliminating the enemy saves the lives of our boys. it's
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easier to book the book that shows a lot depends on this work i spent the night. so of course, we feel the adrenalin introduced after overcoming the jumping problems the ukrainians managed to kill or injure the entire russian assault. the peachy blind is used to be an infantry that they switched to come at drones. their role is less immediately horrifying now. but it's still dangerous when i push out creating a below and about this, when the innovation began, it was much more difficult to deal with this filing, the mueller, everything was fine. it's unclear to me like during the 1st 6 months, but there was no physical or moral fatigue at all. but now it's chronic coordination. but we're holding on. i left a little more discussion with the wireless veterans. as we finish talking, i suggested a reminder of the imminent danger. one of the principal,
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i just yes, no move. they've heard a drone. that isn't, there's the rifles or the last resort. the who to a russian glance at kazi drones flew over. we started shooting at it. we didn't realize it right away. well, it's a powerful ordering drone when you're looking for equipment. how much will this time it got away and we are told it hit a ukrainian vehicle the the south african. it's go to the polls tomorrow and what's being seen as the country's most closely followed election seems the transition to democracy. 30 years ago. parties including the largest opposition group, the democratic alliance have held their final campaign events ahead of wednesday's vote. within 50 parties are on the national ballad running for seats in the
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national assembly poll suggests that the governing amc, which was once led by nelson mandela, could lose its absolute majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid, dw stein hawker, looks at what's behind the widespread dissatisfaction in south africa the smell of rubbish mixes with sewage. it's a powerful cocktail that residents have gotten used to living with. this is a familiar site across south africa's township areas. we may need black citizens live. president serv. i'm a post. i've visited this area to campaign for votes. we joined team as the interested with residents listening to the consent this lifetime agency support to was happy to see room a poster. so he would tell him exactly how bad it is here. big guy,
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there's theses running through the streets. here's the sewage. water is flowing freely here, right now quotes start done. we often don't have any electricity here. yeah. i mean, it goes off for long periods, one, even for a month sometimes i'd be. so those are the things that causes frustration is in drugs is cause the issue is also causing frustration is the country's high unemployment rate, 40 percent of people old enough to work with out drops so that for kids are also experiencing the coupling electricity crisis at its worst some areas winds without power for over 8 hours a day. imagine paying 5 times the market price for a roll of toilet paper. that's what public probably utility is. scott was shutting out. it's been revealed that it was regularly over paying for basic supplies. it's
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a kind of melon ministration that has lift, so that for can serious tend to have been used by business people with closer relationships to the amc to enrich themselves, leaving a let to me of corruption scandal of what it is for reasons like these. the amc is in big trouble because prediction polls suggest support for the party could even dropped below 50 percent. and those opposed. we know what's going to happen and the people in this whole and the people of south africa know in their own. so what they're waiting to do in terms of giving the amc and overwhelming majority. but the majority of voters in this election are john south africa who grew up under the amc administration of the although housing,
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the water supply and sanitation may have improved during the lifetimes. they are unhappy about the poor economic prospects will know chad to those that i don't have what young people won't vote for the i. and i say you because we are unemployed because it will be painful to them because new cartridge, they're going to come and take loads from the vehicle that the new parties are responding to our needs as young people. is that but the i in the same thing has to be stuck in the past. i the not looking after on somebody. so i got quote that unhappiness is expected to cost the a and see bill at the polls. the amc leadership sees the party has turned over, you'd be full and should not be judged on past governments failures on the 29th of may. so that for tenants will give the assessment of whether they think the agency can truly turn things around the and the 3rd time, but make sure to stay informed. stay engaged and stay in touch. follow our team on
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social media. our handle there is at do the news if it is and leave is that lines you're looking for is always at our website, www. dot com for now though, from the entire team here on the day. thank you so much for spending parts of your day by the the,
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this is the, the news line from berlin is riddled, pushes on with us defensive in rock by despite international condemnation, heavier tillery pounds. the city as the exodus of thousands of thousands continues from the city 1st thought to be a safe stone. also coming on ireland, spain and norway officially recognized palestinian statehood and ireland flies the palestinian flag in front of the state of parliament. spain's foreign minister says that decision is about promoting p plus that opposition
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lawmaker and the georgian parliament splashed with water while speaking out against the.


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