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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin. israel pushes on with a defensive and gaza, despite international condemnation. heavy artillery pounds, rafa, as the exodus of thousands of cousins continues from the city. one set to be a safe place, an opposition law maker, and of george. and parliament splashed with water boss speaking out against the so called for an agents bill. the governing party has now pushed to the through, over writing
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a presidential veto. and defying weeks of protests here from to police the and david levitz, thanks for joining us. we'll start in gaza where witnesses report seeing is really tanks entering the center of rough uh for the 1st time as well has denied a report that struck the on the wasi camp in the south of gaza on tuesday. the homeless run, guys, a health ministry says at least $21.00 people were killed, becomes after $45.00 post indians were reported killed in a separate strike that started a fire and a refugee camp on sunday. as well as prime minister calling the killing of civilians. a tragic mistake. this refugee camp lies in taxes. many thousands had fled here too. and his riley,
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designated humanitarians are in and so i'll have to send 1 in the morning of 10 kits us with a shell while we were sleeping. 3 people were mounted. my father and my 2 sisters, my mother and brother were also injured there in critical condition. they told us to come to the south thought the areas here was safe, and i think, i mean, is the how much one house ministry says at least $21.00 people were killed. israel denies hazing the camp a tool but it did take responsibility for a strike on sunday, on another refugee camp nearby that strikes spots of blaze which killed $45.00 people, including children. israel called it a tragic mistake and promised an investigation. it treated an international outcry even among close allies
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nearby, but eas, rails biggest ally, the us said it wouldn't lead to a change in policy. the devastating we have been, i think very stride in our condemnations about the deaths of innocent civilians. these tests are not excuse for that, but we have to understand what happened here. there's going to be investigation they've already sent when it was a tragic mistake. they're looking into it. they have been able to investigate themselves and hold people accountable in the past. we'll see what they do here is ro, insists it needs to push on whether it's offensive and rasa to destroy him off and rescue the hostages. they took the type of 7 terre attacks growing close for it to stop, including an order from the international court of justice have had little impact or during a state visit between france and germany and german chancellor. all of the sites weighed in on israel's offensive and rough. it was most of them for you will need
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to abide by international law the who may need to allow humanitarian support for the people suffering and gaza to speak to the it's the responsibility of israel to ensure that necessary aid is delivered on con, get something yesterday if we heard of a terrible tragic attack and rough uh, i put a refugee counselor's head many people sides and thought i could try to pull these up products. like i mentioned, it shows once again white germany and so many other states have been against a major growing defensive and rough on opens events because there isn't sufficient protection of civilians and it's not possible. so i can focus on see the list and some of this, but yesterday's incident clearly shows there's just on site this of the after the advice well, spain, norway, into ireland have become the latest countries to officially recognize a palestinian state. a joined 143 other un member nations to do so. the move has been welcomed in gaza and the west bank,
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but criticized by israel. the region in spanish and irish flags and foes in flying alongside that to south africa outside municipal buildings in the west bank. it's a tribute to the 3 western european nations that gave sacrificial recognition to a palestinian state. first came to form an announcement from madrid. at the meeting of the council of ministers that will be held to date the government of the spain without proof, the official recognition of palestine state then and not in parliament in front with the palestinian ambassador. can the notes on dublin as we hear in art and we see you, we recognize this, we respect to and today ireland formerly recognizes the state of palestine per month, like a piece of outside the palestinian flag was raised beside bats of ukraine and you appear in union and shortly thereafter,
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the announcement came from us though to the audience hard at the moment has decided that norway will recognize the state of palestine. was the noise recognition of the little come into force on may 28th? not my because, you know, it's a decision that has had repercussions across here and beyond. in paris and m p brandished the palace, the new flag in parliament, during questions to the foreign ministry. he was accused of provoking the assembly and received a 15 day suspension. it's the highest penalty possible under the national assemblies, rules of procedure that was similar to citizens in road as left wing and pays waves the palestinian flag during a speech by one of the colleagues collect the news has been widely welcomed in gaza and know that we are happy with the nations that stood with us and recognize the state of palestine. we hope that all nations will stand without some put
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pressure on israel to end the will you see how many in the west bank can code? it's an excellent development. it gives us complete freedom recognize country, and as our own currency unites us so that we can escape the occupations. and the data recognition brings hope to some palestinians, but many obstacles still remained. none the less of a you've appeared, nations i expected to follow. and there's a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world, french president and my new way my coin is wrapped up his 3 day state visit to germany in a wide ranging meeting with the chancellor or last choice. i call and told reporters, he had no comment on whether france would send military instructors to ukraine, but parents would support key of as long as necessary. he also said israel must, and it's operation in rough on the lease ukrainian president will let him use
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a lensky, signed a security cooperation agreement with portugal during a tour of western europe to rally support. it was welcomed by portuguese president marcella. elegy sosa, elizabeth earlier polanski received a promise of a $1000000000.00 worth of military aid from belgium, including 30 f, 16 fighter jets. russia has recognized the tale by him as a legitimate authority in afghanistan and remove the group from its list of terrorist organizations. president, president vladimir putin said russia, i should take afghanistan's opinion into account and build ties with the country. no other country has formerly recognized the taliban government if there's a couple of weeks of debate and the george in parliament over a divisive bill targeting angie rose and the media have ended with the bill becoming bar allow, make or opposing the so called foreign agents law. was flashed with water before
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the final vote. it was tracked closely by protesters who say the law will take in georgia closer to russian style, authoritarian governance and stifle george's efforts to join the european union. the law requires media and non profit groups to register if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. the dw was out in the streets of to blazing and spoke to some of the protesters. well, this is very sad. i like i tried to do for the duration and will probably come georgia and i believe these should be noted in the history as the one of the biggest tre tracks of our generation history. i don't know, i, i really versus be a brighter future for the future on the roads are for the youngsters of georgia, not on the youngsters. for example, when i'm standing here, i'm not only protesting for my own. i'm like, has been hard to people, even both the know in the country were always really,
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really angry about them. and of course, this is a really nice thing to do for your people. physically. i have so much anger, honestly, i don't know how to how do you know express all of this we just spoke to betrayed by the government's no, we're saying that we used to say no to us, you know all but now we're saying no to us and government and us the you want to be in europe to be in the european family and all that is important to us because we are born in a free country. wheeler born here, when this country was free. no one can take this freedom from us or corresponded into please the maria, kind of martha has more on how the bill could influence and george's relations with
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the you. going to be very interesting to see how the dynamic is going to be uh, between georgia and it's west and partners. uh you, us and you. now it's interesting also to see what's going to happen to georgia's. you kind of to see that it's released to receive losses. assembled was a long way to it's candy. this is ca, 2 is on georgia for many, many years for that. and what's kinda going to happen with it's a visa, free regime for, for many georgia's who can travel to europe without visa. that's also the question now the uses that nothing is resolved that the, all the options are on the table. so we should expect from the coming weeks uh, the response from the what is going to be now we uh, i understand that you also writing should use the travel balance against the georgia and officials and also promise to, to follow up with sanctions. lawyers and donald trump's hush money trail delivered their final arguments in
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a manhattan court room. the jury will start deliberations on wednesday to decide the former us presidents fate. prosecutors alleged trump knowingly falsified business records ahead of the 2016 presidential elections to conceal a sexual encounter with adult film actress stormy daniels. they say trump gave her $130000.00 in exchange for not going public. and that she falsely logs the payment as legal expenses. trump has denied any wrong doing. it's the 1st time a former us president has ever faced criminal prosecution. the new york case centers on whether donald trump violated campaign finance laws had of the 2016 election to trump, who is expected to be the republicans candidate. and this year is november presidential election was required to be in court every day. the trial wasn't the session from beginning to end. he repeated his claim that he was the victim of a political,
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which would be a lot of different places right now. and i'm sitting here additional gone for a long time. the judge has been selected, as you know, it's very next year what's going on during the heated trial, trump was repeated, we find from violating the judge's orders not to publicly attack witnesses. at other times, trump was reportedly observed falling asleep in the court room. one key witness was adult film actress stormy daniel, one who testified that she had a sexual encounter with trump and accepted a $130000.00 payment to keep the story quiet. another star witness was trumps. former lawyer, michael cohen, he testified that trump was directly involved in arranging a complex scheme, intended to cover up that hush money payment. during the 2016 presidential campaign, 12 jurors will now decide whether prosecutors have proved that trump was falsifying
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business records to get around campaign, finance disclosure laws. their decision must be unanimous. a conviction would not prevent from, from running for office the republican front warners also facing other criminal charges. but the new york hush money case is likely to be the only trial decided before the november election. people in new york have been treated to a spectacle known as manhattan hands, thanks to clear skies across the city. the twice yearly phenomena in happens when the setting sun perfectly aligns with the cities grid system. crowds and photographers gathered on major thoroughfares across town to see the astronomical celebration, which is sometimes obscure due to a point where the, when you're watching your news. here's a reminder of our top story, causes a mos run health ministry accuse israel of killing at least 20 people in a strike on tuesday,
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as well denies the claims witnesses say is really tanks have entered the center of rafa for the 1st time. in defiance of international kind of nation, the with that you're up to date, arts and veiled is next, looking at how architects and innovators are reimagining the way we live. as a global temperatures continue to rise and david levitz, thanks for watching. the get ready for an exciting up until you look surprised. hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of gentlemen to you. have you have a one to talk to me before port on the spot and unexpected side to side dw, so on fix, all we in fact, every day, the world caution, really world wide web,
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