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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from bell. it is around the bush, as on, with it's offensive and goes up despite international condemnation. heavy artillery pounds, rough talk of thousands of thousands continued to flee. the city spots of the position lo make of the georgian parliament, splashed with water while speaking out against the so called for an agents built. the government policy has now pushed the bill through parliament. this 5 weeks of protest on pole is open in south africa and what's being called the most important
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election in such a year is the routing amc about to lose its grip on top of the gulf as well come to the program is wireless carrying out new strikes on the city of rough and southern gaza, despite the global outcry over increasing numbers of a civilian deaths. the un security council has been meeting to discuss a draft resolution to end, as well as offensive and roof following a strike on a camp for this phase people on sundays, which killed 45 people as well as denying reports. it struck another. com, west of the city on tuesday, killing at least 21 people as well says it needs to take rough off to secure victory over how mosque militants, whose terrorist attacks last october triggered israel's offensive of
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this refugee camp lies in tatters. many gallons had fled here too, and is really designated humanitarian zone. so i'll have to send 1 in the morning of 10 kits us with a shell while we've been sleeping. 3 people were mounted, my father and my 2 sisters. my mother and brother were also injured, they're in critical condition. they told us to come to the south thought the areas here are safe. and i think, i mean, is that how mass run health ministries has at least 21 people were killed, is real denies hitting the account at all. but it did take responsibility for a strike on sunday. on another refugee camp nearby. it sparked a blaze which killed $45.00 people, including children. israel called it a tragic mistake, but says it's preliminary investigation shows that is rarely munitions alone could not have caused the fire. sibley's triggered an international outcry even among
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close allies nearby. that is really the biggest ally, the u. s. said it wouldn't lead to a change in policy. the devastating we have been, i think, very striking in our condemnations about the deaths of innocent civilians. these tests are not excuse for that, but we have to understand what happened here. there's going to be investigation they've already sent when it was a tragic mistake. they're looking into it. they have been able to investigate themselves and hold people accountable in the past. we'll see what they do here. a israel insist that needs to push on with it's offensive, and rafa to destroy a mass and rescue the hostages. they took in the october 7 terror attacks growing calls for it to stop, including an order from the international court of justice have had little impact.
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and i also w, as tanya cram for an update on the situation in rough. it was m o reports coming in from as strikes and embarrassment in the area of golf. i was noticing that also, but also in central garzo and also in parts of a northern gauze, i know from the, from the boss of area, we understand that the tangs are advancing into the city sent to offer off as of tuesday. according to our witnesses there, so the offensive is very much, are continuing on the city, and the fighting is continue. know we understand from the human agency for refugees to estimate about 1000000 people are on the move again, are displaced from the city, but we still hills from some that it didn't least there. some of the areas were ordered to market and people are just simply saying, you know,
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they also don't know where to go or they can't go as no transport and it's not safe for them to go anywhere. and this comes, of course, we just heard it and the report after this, a foaming on a sunday night when with the is ready all me know on publishing the initial findings of this investigation. saying that the strike would not have ignited such a large probably it, but again, i'm in this here are also pointing out that was to billions are in this area. it's such a densely populated area and help of the month because such a strikes are in such an area. now the us says it has suspended a deliveries by sea offer. it's peer on the coast of gaza broke and it was only installed at shortly. um, but how does this happen? it was the pentagon said that basically it had to suspend the deliveries through this temporary pair that is stocked on the gauze,
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the shore because of a bad weather because of the high season has been a bit of stormy weather here. recently, it had only started to operate about a 10 days ago. now this thing that a parent before vessels that stop lies the p a that had broken off from the anchors and also parts of the pier broke off. now this of these parts i know told a to the store the port of our store and as well would be put back together. so that could take at least a week. this thing does know precise timeline given when it will be back into operation. but of course, it comes with a very bad time. know, especially that, you know, especially in the south all the 8 operations where based on the 8 organizations we've been hearing from the, what football ground that they have been there had been forced to close their warehouses in the eastern part of golf off. now the boss of crossing is also still a close from almost the beginning of may parts of this a that usually goes there has been, be routed through the term. so,
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and i'm crossing part 8 organizations and united nations have said that they have difficult to use to get to this a to distribute it because of heavy fighting. and people, we've been talking to this and you know, even if there is some food available in the markets, they don't have any income. they have a, you know, the need for basic necessities as clear, clean water or electricity, you know, to reach touch their phones on top of, of course the issue that they have to find a safe space that the space that they're not finding at the moment. so next time of their reporting from jerusalem. thank you, tanya. as in georgia, a parliament has dismissed the presidential veto of a new law which has prompted weeks of most protests. critics say the legislation known as the for an agents bill will restrict media freedom of obstruct georgia's chances of joining the european union. cl settlement as far let me sign was an inside parliament going to the ruling georgia dream party finally got its way the
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far and influenced bill now can become the law. my mobile, a georgia nightmare for these protestors angered at a party into law and they say will destroy democracy and make georgia more like russia as well as best their hopes of joining the european union which is about to betray by the governments. oh, no, we're saying that we used to say no to us and all, but now we are saying no to us and government in assigning of the ruling parties unwillingness to tolerate, to send a member through water and one of the few lawmakers to oppose the proposal this was the 2nd time the party had tried to push through the bill based on a russian law at requires media, non profit groups to register as agents of foreign influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, critics fear it will be used to silence the opposition to georgia in dream ahead of
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october the elections brussels one. the law was incompatible with george's bid to join the you. but the prime minister says it will somehow accelerate the process to move slowly. the chances of opening negotiations this year before the initiation of the bill was 0. now these chances of increase significantly though it's up to the best. it's a message. these protestors aren't buying for them. the law has driven home the choice, georgia. it faces the future as part of a democratic european family or authoritarian rule. and to return to the kremlin or bait lyles, the correspondent maria, cut them off to introduce the protest. those reacted off to the vote. now we have seen very strong emotions yesterday or the parliament square. people were literally crying one the, the news came out that the government pushed through the billing department. now it
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didn't. com is it, is it started big shop for full, many georgians here because the, the, they realized space, they were telling me that the wake of coal was ready for them and lost here when the government decided to introduce the field for the 1st time. and given the directory of the government and the official stations from the, from the ford in georgia in poverty, they say they knew already die from yesterday's and bellwood would come into force . so for many of course it's just very disappointing, momentous for so many so day for georgian democracy in for the european future office countries, the se sites silvia going to pro task in different locations across the, across the country. and they going to do that up to october elections, to show the government that they are not going to let them implement this uh, policy even. so if it was already adopted in the parliament, you mentioned the
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a european future for georgia. what does this load mean? for georgia, submission to become a b, you member, one day of the while we have seen that after the introduction of the bells, the relationship between the western georgia has been strange. i after a while are the uses, does nothing is rudolfo georgia last december, georgia. i received the, you, canada, she said she was a long way to achievement full for many georgians that actually prove their commitment to the european path. but the, uh, the uh, the opinion is size. now the sanctions are not tools out. that'd be can be revoking all staff candidates, say this is not a little dog either. you also read into these travel bonds in georgia and officials and some of the assumptions are expected to follow, at least that was actually probably 5 by the us, senators. so it's going to be very tough and very dark coming,
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few weeks for georgia and it's reputation into one. very pretty fee. can this bill be reversed? wow, the protests doesn't that don't despond saw. they say that the only way to reverse this of the retire and shifting their here is to uh, to locked and not the government on october elections. now it's, it's, it's also a very complicated question, how the elections there and to respond to elections could be conducted. when many n g zeros are probably going to face a um, some fines on legal persecution to this country where you've got the amounts of reporting from the sea. thank you, maria. that's. i've looked on some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. well, it's about quotes you name down the head of process national assembly suspended tuesdays, often session after a deputy from the fall list. these also meet party waves, the color scheme,
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inflexible attention to the flight of gaza. and the incident took place as the junior trade minister was answering a question about the situation. and then the dispute team bench president obama. my call is wrapped up, is 3 days state visit to germany and a wide ranging meeting with the chance that all of the shots my call and told reporters who have no comment on whether fonts would send military instruct us to you. friend bob harris with support chief as long as necessary. we also said israel must end. it's a probation in rough following up with the please. i think ryans, president, below the resilience cosigned a security cooperation agreement with portugal during the tour of western europe to rally support. he was welcomed by portuguese president small channels available to salsa. in new orleans events, he received the promise of a $1000000000.00 worth of village array from belgium, including sachi. find such a rush as president vladimir protein has threatened to quote,
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the serious consequences if west some countries allow ukraine to use western weapons to strike targets in russia. so far, most of keys west and suppliers, i've said that alms cannot be used to hit targets on russian sold, bought funds, president, amount of them i call said this should be allowed in some cases, washington has ruled out such a possibility for us weapons. the debate is intensified as russian forces appear to be gaining ground in east and ukraine, ukraine's 2nd city hockey in the countries northeast. in recent weeks, increasingly, a target of russian attacks of russia also claimed it has made territorial gains in the hockey region which borders russia. ukrainian president, the loading there is a lensky, has warned. russia is preparing it offensive against har keith. he says,
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restrictions on western weapons are crippling, keeps ability to defend itself when they move in, would you boys, boys big fire, any weapon from their territory at hours and they've been so that's the biggest advantage that russia has. we named more of them, but we can't do anything to their systems which are located on russian territory with with western weapons. we don't have any dying right, separate law, but no need to achieve young stuart and baggage, calling our numbers to lift those restrictions. he says, ukraine should be allowed to use western weapons to attack positions inside russia . smallest pod basically restrictions. overall laws have no messages. i think we should not consider doing those restrictions because by having too many restrictions we are trying to handle the printing on forces on their back because they're not started using that capability to defend themselves. the united states has already sent you
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a queen. it's attack them's long range missiles seen here and for.