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tv   Switzerland  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 11:15am-11:59am CEST

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self, when they move in, would you boys literally stick, hire any weapon from their territory at hours. so they've been started. the biggest advantage that russia has. we named more of them, but we can't do anything to their systems which are located on russian territory with, with western weapons. we don't have any value right. separate our but no need to achieve. you installed in baggage, calling i numbers to lift those restrictions. he says, ukraine should be allowed to use western weapons to attack positions inside russia . some of the sections, overall laws have no messages. i think we should not consider doing those to sections because by having too many restrictions we are trying to handle the printing on forces on their back because they're not started using that capability to defend themselves. the united states has already sent you a queen. it's attack comes a long range missiles seen here, and file footage, with
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a range of up to 300 kilometers. lifting restrictions would allow ukraine to hit targets, such as any troops build up in the belgrade region where russia is believed to be building an air base key would also be able to attack supply lines to rush and control cry. mia, which are seen as critical for the crumbling war effort on a recent visit to keep the british for in secretary david cameron said ukraine could use weapons provided by london any way it sees fit, including inside russia. but other partners, including germany, are so far on willing to grant ukraine that permission fearing it could increase the risk of direct confrontation with most well. the other layer i spoke with our correspondent drum and going to the rank of keys and ask them about the debates surrounding ukraine's targets in russia. well, um, it is a very important, it's
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a survival issue actually for your brain. that's how it's being debated. because ukraine has been asking it's western partners to have, that's a possibility to strike the russian profile with western weapons from the very beginning of russian invasion in 2022. and the onset was always know because the boss was appearing escalation and was trying to avoid it even a small chance of it. so russia was very, very aggressive at the time of frank news with nuclear weapons. it's doing the same now as well. just remember a few days, those nuclear drills with technical nuclear weapons. but what's really new now is, is that you currently is being very vocal about it. asking um, western partners, putting more pressure on the united states on other allies about in partners in, in west, on, in, in west, in the world to, to, to allow to strike a rush approach. and the reason is, um, the pain is in a much weaker position now than it was just half a year ago. it is x h, honor, it's exhausted. there is nothing off emanation, knows enough weapons,
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and rocks nice building up forces in the noise in the hockey region as it just showed in the report. and there is a growing fear here in ukraine. that's awesome lifestyle and multiple attacking summer. know you tried repeatedly, it's our fuel depos in military airports in russia. what, what kind of weapons does you find use that well, um there is not much information, at least the official information about that. um ukraine has been targeting critical infrastructure like like refineries. uh and it is also being targeting reportedly, um the mandatory targets like airfields and what's, what's interesting out of those targets well, hundreds of miles away from the russian ukrainian board. so you came, i was using mostly soviet to equipment and the for, for a long distance. let's distance attacks on russian mandatory feels that used soviet style. drones. it's used also small are more than drones own ukrainian manufactured
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drones. when we talk about the black sea, your brand is using completely its own developments and those c drones in the black sea of a very effective in the past months against the russians. lexi fleet, they've kind of says it does not get enough weapons. you've just touched upon this uh, what's the situation on the phone line at the moment? well, i would say the pressure is slowly growing on the opinion on the ukrainian forces. we have reports this morning from the opinion, minute to the officials. that's a rush. i was there was a robo was able to have some small tutorial gains in the region of the nets to watch the video for crops. there is also continuous, severe fist fighting in, in the north or a russian, the opinion board, the hockey region, in the town of, of, of chance which is very close to the border. russian forces were able to advance a few weeks ago and ukrainian is trying to hold them back. dory gain some positions,
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but now it is still so the situation is still can be described that the opinion forces are outcomes and also number one to rank of that report and some key. thank you very much. roman us in south africa. the polls have opened the country is costing ballots for what's being called the most important problem. entry election in 30 years. polls indicate a ruling african national congress policy could lose its absolute majority for the 1st time in 3 decades. and so he was a key plan to fight against on top one, every election since the end of apartheid in 1994. but many votes as not satisfied with the state of the country suggesting the policy may not stay in office of correspondence. dan whole k as in south africa and she told us how voting has been going so far. well,
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things look like that going very well here. had i am in so wait, so at a school and show a low an area here. and it's actually the voting station we president for. i'm a post that is expected to vote. so voting stations opened at 7 o'clock this morning across the country sofa indications all the things are going well. they haven't been any reports of major incidents. the i e. c has been getting regular updates via press briefings as to how things are going, and they will give us an update the little bit later on today. students indicate how many people have voted and whether they have been any problems, but that's for everything. looks like it's going well voting stations folks open on time with some minor glitches, but it seems like so i've, africans will be able to cost the ballots in the majority today. but them give us a bit of background. it's been said this election is the most important vote in 30 years. why as well? so that's because seems to be quite a pivots to point in its history for
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a number of reasons. firstly, because of that. so it's the sort of a landmark that we've obtained but also because there is a possibility that they could be some kind of shape up at that national government level. the amc government in the previous election, one with the 57 percent majority. however, the awesome predictions that they might slip below 50 percent in this election, and it has meant that it has been quite a vigorous campaign season here. a lot of political discourse in the country about what vote is one to see change. they are a lot of issues that vote is all very concerned about, such as the electricity crisis, the economic crisis and the jobs crisis. and those are all issues that will lead people hopefully to cost the vote. will obviously have to see which way they go. but those are strong, motivating for effective to get those votes as to the pulse. no security is often
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the concern if election time, what measures are in place. indeed, security is a concerns of africa, is a country that's known to occasionally have community protests and things clear up like that in the last 2 days. for example, we did see when there was special votes underway in the town to from time to eastern cape that there was a protest that disrupted the 1st day of special votes. as a result, the police have taken additional member emissions to ensure that the boat continues in a smooth process, this as maint calling in additional personnel. and to be the army has also deployed 2800 military personnel to ensure that a valid papers reach stations on time and that people are allowed to vote. thank you very much and hopeful there before the process from so way to hands to the us. now lawyers and donald trump's harsh money trial delivered the final arguments
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in a manhattan courtroom. the jury will still onto the variations on wednesday to decide the form of you as president sites. prosecute the say. trump knowingly falsified business records ahead of the 2016 presidential elections to conceal a sexual encounter of the adult film form a stormy daniels. se trump gave $130000.00 in exchange for not going properly. and that event falsely not the payment as legal expense from us denied. and the wrong doing it's the 1st time a former us president has ever faced criminal prosecution. the new york case centers on whether donald trump violated campaign finance laws had of the 2016 election. trump who's expected to be the republicans candidate this year is november presidential election, was required to be in court every day. the trial wasn't the session from beginning
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to end. he repeated his claim that he was the victim of a political, which would be a lot of different places right now. and i'm sitting here additional going for a long time. the judge has been selected, as you know, it's very next year what's going on during the heated trial, trump was repeated, we find for violating the judge's orders not to publicly attack witnesses. at other times, trump was reportedly observed falling asleep in the court room. one key witness was adult film actress. stormy daniel was one who testified that she had a sexual encounter with trump and accepted a $130000.00 payment to keep the story quiet as another star witness was trumps. former lawyer, michael cohen, he testified that trump was directly involved in arranging a complex scheme, intended to cover up that hush money payment. during the 2016 presidential campaign, 12 jurors will now decide whether prosecutors have proved that trump was falsifying
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business records to get around campaign finance disclosure laws. their decision must be unanimous. a conviction would not prevent from from running for office. the republican front runner is also facing other criminal charges, but the new york harsh money case is likely to be the only trial decided before the november election. we stay in new york with people have been treated to another spectacle. this well known as mount hudson had thanks to clear skies across the city. the phase phenomena on happens twice a year when the setting sun perfectly aligns with the cities written system, crowns and photographers gathered on major thoroughfares of time to see how much the patient is sometimes future but not today, but that you're up to date. the world news updates leave at the top of the hour,
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rug, the environment, trends, technologies come is digitalization style tops, new markets, new media. the world is extended, racing seize the opportunities. next steps as challenges to try new things. take flights with d, w. 's business magazine made in town many next, on d, w, is azerbaijan, buying european n t. the authoritarian regime exports boil and gas to the european union,
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and offers generous gifts to the politicians. are they really being paid to turn a blind eye to the stomach, human rights violations, corruption in europe? most of in 60 minutes on d, w. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and one's different things from life and your parents do i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become
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a doctor to indicate it's time to and then when generation nash dw documentary, the people sam, 2nd party i rather than me digging cold, thousands of meters below ground. structural change going on in the cold made the valley great. but now fossil fuels are on their way out, the former coal region has transformed and is being used to make them slightly different way new startups have taken over also in this weeks show the energy transition. new technology is to help the climate. for solar industry, there's competition and candidate plans on the road to success
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to industry that leads phasing out over the next few decades. the global fossil fuel industry is going to change and with a new opportunities, jobs and even levels of prosperity with arise. but for one region in germany, the transition is most critical is and if i can contribute to driving these types during production, i'll be extremely proud of myself. and as i can, if it doesn't work in the real reason, it won't work anywhere under the rule or valley used to be germany's industrial power house with its coal mines and steel manufacturing. the region is located in germany's far west, close to the netherlands and belgium section. so it says, i used to be a coal mine, but operations ended in the late 19 eighties. now it houses a museum as well as offices for tech companies. let's see what's happening here is
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preservation through conversion and transformation that's i think you can see that very well here and you can take good experiences from it. and those are transferable over the top coal from germany's will region hasn't been economically viable since the 19 sixty's when plans were made to shut down the regions, coal production workers. they are organized unions, politicians and industry banded together to support the miners. what is my husband comes unemployed? what then? that little bit of hope that lights up. we shine us the women from day one that's also an advantage. the german government poured money into coal companies to keep these jobs. but realizing that coal wasn't future proof, politicians change their strategy, choosing to retrain workers and support small businesses. it's a process experts say worked well, but the political experiments had to be abandoned. in the 19 ninety's, after germany's were unification, public funding was diverting to germany's eastern regions that were in dire need of
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investment. even today, the roy lags behind the rest of germany. but one thing has worked well for the region, the push towards education and research for the past 20 years. the hydrogen and fuel cells center into sports has brought scientists, industry, and politicians together and researches new technologies. because the region is still looking for new sources of energy. if you see me and we have a very large chemical industry, we have a very large steel industry and we've growing up with industry. and therefore, as part of a gene was always done by the fact that we are an industrial region and the chance to make this technology this industry green now is a great opportunity for us. and it has great potential there developing technologies that can use hydrogen as a power source for german industry and consumers. some on such a grew up in the roy area, tend to always want you to work on renewable energy sources like hydrogen,
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fuel cells. otherwise, we can use it to achieve emissions, free electricity generation and defy can be positive driving these hydrogen production forward. and then i'll be extremely proud of myself, but software. over the next few years, the roar valley will be uniquely positioned to gain from germany's push towards hydrogen, because a lot of the infrastructure is already in place. the region will connect into a hydrogen grid, because germany can produce enough hydrogen itself. it will import it. but while the networks construction is supposed to start in 2024 team funding questions remain unsolved. still, industry insiders and politicians are a beat that hydrogen will transform the ruler valley. this view far? yeah, really does exist. simply because if it doesn't work out in the real region, then it was work anywhere else in europe or in germany. and i believe that all
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access are aware of the kind of exemplary character. we have 4 page contract to off of the list. but not everyone moved when in the transition, you know, recent wage settlement to steal workers work with coke. punch, a rivet of, of cold are seeing their working hours in wages decline. but experts say the hydrogen boom will bring thousands of new jobs and preserve manufacturing jobs that already exist. and the roar valley mocking i. we expect that the labor market will pick up in these existing industrial areas rather than in the generation of renewable energy itself. and again, germany is still in the process of quitting cold, and the war region is still struggling with at least 50 years of transition. other regions that need to do the same, a struggle to what many regions probably don't have is the drive the power and also
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the financial resources and all of this, it costs a lot of money. that's for sure. it's difficult to say for sure how much the transition away from coal will cost germany's war region in the end. but it's safe to say that the transition will cost many billions of yours a never ending battle. employees are fighting for their rights for better working conditions and more money. employers are taking a critical view and are reluctance given. show talk sales employees will strike a legitimate tool, but one that can bring daily lives to a stand. so why do workers go on strike? all the wheels shell stand still if you're a mighty arm. well say this battle song of the german labor movement from 18. 63 is still considered a call to strike today. and strikes are the trade unions most powerful weapon
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worldwide weather dock workers in london or miners in the room valley made a writers in paris general strikers in india or creative workers in hollywood. the aim is always to fight for higher wages and better working or living conditions. when employees go on strike, they stop work temporarily. strikes are organized by labor unions. these organizations represent workers and negotiate collective bargains with employers. there's no agreement has reached despite attempts at mediation, a strike is called at least 75 percent of workers must vote in favor of a striking, a balance in order to be allowed to go on strike. this can be very expensive for employers, although they pay no wages. when workers strike, they can neither produce anything,
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nor are in any fact. unions pay employees or union members strike pay. this helps them cope with the loss of pay and endure the strike for quite a long time. the strike on the ends once a new offer has been made and 25 percent of employees agree to with labor disputes happened repeatedly around the world, but the willingness to strike varies greatly, as can be seen in the number of days that workers go on strike between 20122021 belgium last the most work days per $1000.00 employees each year with $96.00 followed closely by france. then comes canada with $78.00. denmark was 53 and finland was 48. germany is far behind with just 18 days. strikes here are also increasingly met with a lack of understanding, such as when buses, trains, or airplanes come to
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a standstill. even so many c strikes is necessary to represent the interest of workers in labor disputes. the planet earth is suffering tremendously from human caused environmental pollution. what can be done? a lot of money is being spent on new technologies to combat climate change and make the planet more resilient. but will that be enough? can and do companies really wants to get involved? or is it already too late? from flexible solar panels to making energy. while you walk, there is no shortage of ideas to help save our ailing planet. what we really want to do is that we faced energy for the customers and there is no shortage of investment either. this is the most interesting opportunity in the coming decade. $1.00 trillion dollars is expected to be invested this year in clean tech. the
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sector that sprung up to reduce our carbon emissions. but can these businesses really, really shape the future? is very good question. so yes, i decide every day to work. this is much use margins and he told us about his green business, a german company that's created clean tech software. the app helps people switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy, and it allows them to monitor how much electricity they're using and when to use their devices to help save on their bills the it can get got cheaper. but it's a lot of fun for instance. and then it can also get more expensive and we want to shift the customer consumption to those times when is actually cheap. mathias is one of the thousands of new entrepreneurs that are drawn to clean check for clean technology, new products that we need. if we are to help save our planet,
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this is the norm as privilege to be here on earth today. to join in signing this historic agreement, global leaders signed an agreement to limit global warming to a level in which we'd still be able to live comfortably and have a thriving nature. the, the target is $1.00 degrees and the deal done was called the powers agreement. the then came a commitment from e, you states the european reading deal is for the climate. but it's also for the people by 2050. they've pledged to remove the same amount of carbon emissions from the atmosphere as they put in. but a seismic shift in how we consume energy came last year with the russian invasion of ukraine. countries scrambled to find other sources of oil besides russia. and they backed the long game,
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investing in green energy supplies. next story this morning. then in the same year, the us made great strides with it's inflation reduction act. as far as the biggest step forward on climate ever ever. it's got an interesting name for climate bill. uh, but it does the job right. and a few other jobs. and it will finance a lot of new experiments that hopefully will mean great positive change for society that you're in. honda is talking about the move by jo baggins and ministration. it includes around $369000000000.00 for the climate like tax credits for clean tax. we invest across the 3 domains, africa, climate, and ocean. all these domains will have a climate angle to them. that's because we recognize quite as the most important challenge of our time, but then also the most profitable to fix. so we've gone from something like $200000000.00 being spent in 2010 to $1.00 trillion dollars. expect this?
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scott rossi is a crime, a journalist and writer most of the money that is being spent is being spent on renewable energy deployment. so, so that's on. so know when and overall the gap between what needs to be spent now, which is 1.8 trillion versus what needs to be spent to stay on. net 0 is about 4 and half. not enough to stop the planet from slipping into further climate. chaos and a huge gap in investment that regional powers are all too aware of. yes, yes. so the current wings are being built into lauren as well as the head of a project called wind wings, sales for ships. the sales work as an auxilary power source. lawrence says that on average, the sales save on a vessels fuel usage by 3 tons per day. the sales were designed by naval architects based in the u. k. and are made in china. so our main supply chain is china at the
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minutes, and that is, that's been really great for actually getting a competitive price products to the market. and despite widespread climate agreement, the use policies have caught up largely our problems. and i say r as in the, as in europe in the world, they are political, they're not technological. we have the technology to do the things we want to do. it's a matter of priorities. and so if we prioritize differently, we're going to be just fine. the question is, if we will certainly a good question for europe. april need additional investments of more than $670000000000.00 a year to meet its clean tech energy goals. public money will be enough. take wind wings to get their product to market. they secured investments from the he you and from the largest privately health company in the us. cargill,
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the going back to the original question for clean tech companies to really re shape the scenes. there was no doubt still of funding deficit. it's a short fall that's having a negative effect on change to for, to keep our bigger from intensive training course to change careers and now install solar power systems. the pay is great and there's no shortage of work. solar panels are cheaper than they've been in the long time. and now the numerous tax hurtles have been eliminated, such as value added tax. it makes sense to always include them, a new house plans you know, to avoid. people want renewable energy because electricity prices are skyrocketing, they want renewable energy and solar, and then a business that's booming. people are buying it. so of course it's going to
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continue to buy the germany, who's seen more solar systems installed in the past year than ever before. solar energy already supplies around 12 percent of the countries electricity needs, and what consumers are benefiting from the boom, there is a downside. around 90 percent of solar panels are imported from china. does that bother consumers? the main thing is that it looks nice for it and it has to work a thought. secondly, if 90 percent of solar panels come from china, it's important to know how durable the products are. test done by to vineland indicates that china is products meet the minimum technical requirements if i could just kind of wanted to show you that it makes no difference whether the panels originated from a country in the far east or from the european or american continental economy. can punch in install meyer burger is one of the few solar panel manufacturers in
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germany that can survive the tough competition from chinese suppliers. the production manager attributes that to the latest technology in the factory. however, it's not the latest technology that counts in the industry, but who offers the most state subsidies. and that's china. c, couldn't you know, they can produce more cheaply in asia or in any other countries. then they can hear in this factory which is, but the subsidies artificially distort the market, which means that buying from us doesn't end up being is economical, english or spanish to bits of bread. my a broder is now feeling the consequences and wants to close the german factory with $500.00 employees. they are also building a new production facility in the us with the help of the us government subsidy of 30 percent. the bottom line. that means even less domestic panel production enter x and regensburg only install solar panels made in germany. the company wants to move
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away from chinese products. it believes the installation of domestic products should even be subsidized by the states. will then do it obviously, if we want to have production sites in germany long term, we also have to sell german products for king purely a trading country is very short term thinking and making an energy transition solely based on foreign product is very short sighted in my view, one of the stick, what's listed, what can be done. on the one hand, there's china with its huge production facilities and price dumping on the other. the us as tempting companies with tax breaks hundreds by year trade barriers, or increasing tariffs and similar isolationist measures, will not help us to build internationally competitive factories. instead, we need political support for the startup phase of internationally competitive and much larger solar fact. without tax money from the you are berlin, there will obviously be no restart for the european and german solar industry. the
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race for solar energy is entering the next round worldwide. the . there was a fierce debate in germany before the new cannabis law was passed. now possession and consumption of small quantities are no longer punishable for adults age. 18 and over countless company of the screen got to participate in the new legal cannabis trade. other countries took this step much earlier in thailand for example, where we've visited a cannabis farm. young entrepreneur has set up her own cultivation business that has really taken off. well, that's why i was so afraid to grow my 1st cannabis crowd. i worked all day and night. i gave it my everything problem and i had a great vision for cannabis. but i felt stuff due to people's preconceptions. at 1st they wondered if i was an addict, it motivated me to prove myself an addict,
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couldn't achieve these crazy feats. hm. and when we were one of the 1st farms permitted to grow, medical cannabis at our main clients include government departments that distribute medical cannabis products to cancer patients. funny, hi, my name is young one. nero in doing i'm 27. that's one. i'm the vice president of direction farm community enterprise. the the highest interest on the goal of community enterprise is to create opportunities and stimulate income in a local area. and it wouldn't be a lot of that i need i died as and if, for example, on my farm we have 20 employees and they're all locals from this area. the were
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like a family here. we've been through thick in san paula for when we started holding seminars. the farm attracted a lot of outside interest that people were eating at restaurants, staying in hotels, and just stimulating activity in a generally quiet area on keep all my hung up. i don't think that starting over is a scary thing. limitations when i was in college, my family had a financial crisis couple. i had to move out and had to pay my tuition and expenses for my family. how to get that piece up tonight. after i was 18, i stopped being financially dependent on my family. and i learned in income doing different things like freelancing and event organizing on a family. and i was also still going to school that i hadn't even lived half of my life. so i don't know if i were to give up in my life would be over me for
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the football when thailand legalized cannabis, i decided to take the plunge and start growing palm because time people are always good with agriculture. and to say that tell us that we just haven't master disciplined any question. and it might take someone from my generation to develop the knowledge and pass it on to local you. okay, how about how about the last? the 1st couple of years were very tough. us like on the 1st, it was just a small and simple mountain farm on a switch from growing mailing to canada as 4 years ago when we 1st had empty greenhouse and i live in logan. how about a month before 8 am? i had to open all of the doors, i come from,
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then i checked the lights and prepared clone lights on that. at that time, there were $600.00 plants and it took more than 4 hours just to water them. and then we didn't have a watering system. i only had a few people helping with us that was done around midnight. and then i handle documents at home. on this all around to am, i had to check the lights. people with me, i did this for 2 years and it was very stressful. having moved from the capital to a quiet, rural area, i had to sleep alone on the farm. i had to fight for everything and it's like it's like, but i never thought about getting up after doing this for a while, i started trying more techniques from overseas. then i kept on doing more research . it started with only 800 square meters. we took the light now is it expands to 3 phases. it'll become 3200 square meters. so me from not knowing anything. it for us to find its success. i've never stopped trying. the you know,
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had meningitis last year since had been growing cannabis, i was open to using it for my house in columbus. i got a whole table whose name i couldn't make. it's not like it's sure to my sickness, but it helped a lot with my recovery. couldn't 1st and clearly my sleep, the dental and all that sleeping is a great way to let your body be covered. it also helped with my anxiety because i worried that i wouldn't fully recover. what are the guys i got from my maple could be yeah, hold on, but please keep an open mind. the world keeps moving forward and we must keep moving along with it. and then by the night, oh well not what is the key to success? will everyone has their own. it's a matter of finding your own way and giving it all you've got from the company being that set for this week's edition of made a major transformation. and the former coal mining area of the coal is out and new
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ideas are needed. the energy transition is necessary, expensive or not, for without it, climate change will be stopped. thanks for watching and check us out on our website . by the
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other buys on buying european in t. v. authoritarian regime exports boil and gas to the european u. yes. and offers the generous guess to the politicians. are they really being paid to turn a blind? i just a stomach human rights violations, corruption in europe. in 30 minutes on the w book, the environment, trends technology come is digitalization tops, new markets,
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new media. the world is accelerating, sees the opportunities that the challenges to try new things. take flights with the that we use business magazine made in germany. in 90 minutes on d w. the we say they're about never giving up every weekend on d. w. one's most for a robot vacuum, one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm
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looking at the potential of deep sea mining. and the vehicle's been designed to pick up nodules and leave as much settlement behind as possible. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize then we have an opportunity to get it right before we even start, we have a whole new industry that will proceed only when regulation. so things are to the environmental activism of skeptical. is this through nature conservation and the green washing of the rules, they'll billions to be made out to part document trees, deep sea greed stuffs, june 7th on the w. the
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. this is the, the news live from bell in there as well. push us on with it's offensive in gauze despite international condemnation. heavy artillery problems with offices, thousands of thousands continued to see the city fos, in a position low by kind of georgian parliament, splashed with voltage while speaking also against the so called for an agents bill . shopping policy has now pushed through the bill. it solomon's this finds weeks approach the polls of.


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