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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from bell in tears. ralph pushed us on with it's offensive in, goes out despite international condemnation. heavy artillery problems with offices, thousands of thousands continued to flee. the city for us in a position. lo baker. and the georgian parliament, splashed with bolts of while speaking up against the so called for an agents bill company and probably has now pushed through the bill. it's holloman's this finds weeks approach the holes opening in south africa and what's being called the most important election in frederick guess is the routing and see you're
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about to lose its grip on the god opens. welcome to the program is rather as carrying out new stripes of the city over a 1000 southern gaza to spite of global outcry over increasing numbers of civilian debts. the un security council has been meeting to discuss a draft resolution to end israel's offensive and rooftop following a strike on a time for this phase people on sunday. which code 45 people is where it is denying reports. it struck another camp west of the city on tuesday, killing at least 21 people as well says it needs to take rough off to secure victory over homeless militants, whose terrorist attack last october triggered israel's offense of this refugee camp flies in tatters. many gallons had fled here too,
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and his really designated humanitarian zone. so have you found 1 in the morning of 10 kits us with a show while we was sleeping? 3 people were mounted, my father and my 2 sisters. my mother and brother were also in judge, they're in critical condition. they told us to come to the south thought the areas here a safe and i think i mean the mass around health ministries as at least $21.00 people were killed, is real denies hitting the account at all. but it did take responsibility for a strike on sunday, on another refugee camp nearby. it sparked a blaze which killed $45.00 people, including children. israel called it a tragic mistake, but says it's preliminary investigation shows that is really munitions alone could not have caused the fire. sibley's triggered an international outcry even among
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close allies nearby, that is really the biggest ally, the us said. it wouldn't lead to a change in policy. he said devastating. we have been, i think, very striking in our condemnations about the deaths of innocent civilians. these deaths are not excused from that. but we have to understand what happened here. there's going to be investigation. they've already said when it was a tragic mistake, they're looking into it. they have been able to investigate themselves and hold people accountable in the past. we'll see what they do here, of israel and says it needs to push on with it's offensive. and rafa to destroy a mass and rescue the hostages. they took in the october 7 terror attacks growing calls for it to stop, including an order from the international court of justice. have had little impact
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that off to w, as tanya cram out for an update on the situation and refer it was m o reports coming in from as strikes a and embarrassment in the area of golf or not just things off, but also in central garzo and also in parts of a northern gauze, i know from the, from the boss of area, we understand that tangs are advancing into the city center off off as of tuesday, according to our witnesses there. so the offensive is very much continuing on the city and the fighting is continue. know we understand from the human agency for refugees to estimate about 1000000 people are on the move again, are displaced from the city, but we still hills from some that it didn't least there. some of the areas were ordered to market and people are just simply saying, you know, they also don't know where to go or they cons,
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go as no transport and it's not safe for them to go anywhere. and this comes, of course, we just heard it in the report after this, a bombing on a sunday night when a with the is where the army know and publishing the initial findings of this investigation. saying that the strike would not have ignited such a large pilot, but again, i'm in this here are also pointing out that was civilians are in this area. it's such a densely populated area and help us a month because such a strikes are in such an area. now the us says it has suspended a deliveries by c offer. it's appear on the coast of gaza broke pod. it was only installed in shortly. but how did this happen? a while the pentagon said that basically it had to suspend the deliveries through this a temporary pair that is stopped on the gauze, the shore because of
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a bad weather because of the high season has been a bit of stormy weather here. recently, it had only started to operate about a 10 days ago. notice saying that apparently for vessels that stop lies the p a that had broken off from the anchors and also parts of the peer broke off. now this of these parts i know told a to the start the port of a start and as well would be put back together. so that could take a at least a week. this thing does no precise timeline given when it will be back into operation. but of course it comes with a very bad time. know, especially that, you know, especially in the south all the 8 operations of web, based on the 8 organizations we've been hearing from the word football ground that they have been there had been forced to close their warehouses in the eastern part of rough us. now the boss of crossing is also still a close from almost the beginning of may parts of this a that usually goes, there has been, be about it through the term. so num, causing thought 8 organizations and united nations have said that they have
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difficult to use to get to this a to distribute it because of heavy fighting. and people, we've been talking to this and you know, even if there is some food available in the markets, they don't have any income. they have a, you know, the need for basic necessities as clear, clean water or electricity, you know, to reach touch their phones on top of, of course the issue that they have to find a safe space that the space that they're not finding at the moment. so next time of their reporting from jerusalem, thank you tanya. in georgia, the parliament has dismissed the presidential veto of a new law which has prompted weeks of a most protest. critics say the legislation known as the far an agents bill will restrict media freedom and obstruct george's chances of joining the european union . she also met as far, let me for assign was an inside parliament to go to the ruling georgia dream party finally got its way. the power and influence bill now can become the law mobile,
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a georgia nightmare for these protestors angered at a party in the law and they say will destroy democracy and make georgia more like russia, as well as best their hopes of joining the european union. we're just about to betray the government's no, we're saying that we used to say no to us and well, but now we're saying no to us and government in assigning of the ruling parties unwillingness to tolerate, to send a member through walter and one of the few lawmakers to oppose the proposal. this was the 2nd time the party had tried to push through the bill based on a russian law at requires media non profit groups to register as agents of foreign influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, critics fear it will be used to silence the opposition to georgia, dream ahead of october as elections brussels one,
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the law was incompatible with georgia's bid to join the you. but the prime minister says it will somehow accelerate the process to notice only the chances of opening negotiations this year before the initiation of the bill was 0. now these chances have increased significantly, though it's up to the best. it's a message these protestors aren't buying for them. the law has driven home the choice, georgia. it faces the future as part of a democratic european family or, or authoritarian rule. and to return to the kremlin or b i l. c, w correspondence, maria cuts. i'm also into blue. see how protest has reacted off to the volts. now we've seen very strong emotions yesterday or the economy square. people were literally crying. one b a. the news came out that the government pushed through the billing department. now it didn't. com. is it, is it started big shop for,
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for many georgians here because the, the, they realized space, they were telling me that the wake of coal was ready for them last year, when the government decided to introduce the field for the 1st time. and given the directory of the government and the official statements from the, from the ford in georgia in poverty, they say they knew already, di, suggest today's and failed would, would come into force. so for many of course it's just very disappointing, momentous for so many is also a doc day for george and democracy and for the european future of this country to say, science, it's silvia going to protest in different locations across the, across the country. and they going to do that up to october elections, to show the government that they are not going to let them each of them on this policy, even so if it was already adopted in the parliament, you mentioned the a european future for george. what does this blow mean for georgia submission to
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become a b, u member? one day of the while we have seen that after the introduction of the sales, the relationship between the watson georgia has been strange. i after a while or the you saw the nothing is rudolfo georgia. last december, georgia received the you kind of the, she said she was alone and waited. achievement full for many georgians that actually prove their commitment to the european path. but the, uh, the, uh, the opinion is size. now the sanctions are no tools out. that'd be a big revoking of staff counted as safe is not ruled out either. you are still writing to these travel bonds in georgia and officials and some of the essentials are expected to follow. at least that was actually probably 5 by the us. senate says so it's going to be very tough and very dark and coming few weeks for georgia
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and it's reputation in the west. very pretty fee kind. this will be reversed. well the protests doesn't that, don't the stocks are they say that the only way to reverse is authors higher and shifting their here is to uh, to locked and now the government looks over elections now it's it's, it's also a very complicated question. how the elections there and to respond to elections could be conducted when many and g as are probably going to face. so some fines on legal persecution to this country. right, you've got the mazda reports and from the c. thank you, maria. let's have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines. the 1st president amend. what am i call has wrapped up is 3 days state visits, germany and a wide range of meeting with johnson that will of shots mccullen, told reporters he had no comment on whether fronts would send military instructors
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to new cranes by paris. what support to you as long as necessary goals? we said as well must end this operation in reference to the south korea has a choose north korea of sending thousands of balloons full of fresh and ex permits across the board. up towards these are investigating the incidents and have want residents to stay in those balloons, carrying leaflets with messages critical down young regularly sent the other way by south korea inactive as your price president for the landscape cyber security cooperation agreement the fortunes of doing a tour of western europe, rowdy supports you as well. come by. the thoughts of these presidents much settled and battled to salsa in lisbon. earlier as evidence, do you receive the promise of a $1000000000.00 worth of military aid from belgium, including 30 f. 16 find to rush as president
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vladimir putin has strengthened serious consequences if west of countries allow ukraine to use wisdom weapons to strike targets in russia. so far, most of keeps west and supplies of said the alms cannot be used to hit targets on russian sold, bought fonts as president obama, and my call said this should be allowed in some cases, washington, as rudolf such a possibility for us weapons, the debate is intensifying as russian forces appeared to be gaining ground in eastern ukraine, ukraine's 2nd city hockey in the countries northeast. in recent weeks, increasingly, a target of russian attacks, a russian also claims it has made territorial gains in the heart of the region which borders russia. ukrainian president loading there's a lensky has warned, rushes, preparing and offensive again. tar. keith. he says,
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restrictions on western weapons are crippling. keeps the ability to defend itself when they move in. would you boys boys big fire any weapon from their territory at hours? and they've been so that's the biggest advantage that russia has. we named more of them, but we can't do any. they go to their systems which are located in russian territory with, with western weapons. we don't have any value right except problem. but no need to achieve you installed in baggage, calling on numbers to lift those restrictions. he says, ukraine should be allowed to use western weapons to attack positions inside russia . some of the sections, overall us have no messages. i think we should not consider doing those to sections because by having too many restrictions we are trying to handle the printing on forces on their back because they're not started using that capability to defend themselves. the united states has already sent you
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a clean its attack comes a long range missiles seen here. and file footage, with a range of up to 300 kilometers. lifting restrictions would allow ukraine to hit targets, such as any troops build up in the belgrade region. where russia is believed to be building an air base on our recent visit to keep the british for. and secretary david cameron said ukraine could use weapons provided by london any way it sees fit, including inside russia or other partners, including germany are so far on willing to grant you claim that permission fearing it could increase the risk of direct confrontation with most well. the earlier i spoke with our correspondence around the country bank and keith and ask them about the debate surrounding ukraine attacking targets in russia. well, um, it is very important. it's a survival issue actually for your brain. that's how it's being debated. because ukraine has been asking, it's less than causing us to have that's
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a possibility to strike the russian profile with western weapons from the very beginning of russian invasion in 2022. and the answer was always no, because the boss was feeling escalation and was trying to avoid it even a small chance of it. so russia was very, very aggressive at the time of frankness with nuclear weapons. it's doing the same now as well. just remember a few days, those nuclear drills with technical nuclear weapons. but what's really new now is, is that you can, he's been very vocal about it asking less than partners putting more pressure on the united states on other allies about in partners in, in west, on, um, in, in west, in the world, to, to, to allow to strike a rush improvement and the reason is the pain is in a much weaker position. now then it was just half a year ago. it is, it's a, it's honor, it's exhausted. there is nothing off emanation, knows enough weapons. and we're actually is building up forces in the notes in the hockey region as it just showed in the report. and there is
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a growing fear here in ukraine, that's russian lifestyle and multiple attack in summer. now you've tried repeatedly a tax fuel depos in military airports in russia. what, what kind of weapons does ukraine use that? well, um, there is not much information, at least official information about that. um, ukraine has been targeting critical infrastructure like like refineries. uh, and it is also being taught a good thing reportedly, um the military targets like airfields and what's, what's interesting of those targets well, hundreds of miles away from the russian ukrainian border. so you can't was using mostly soviet's equipment on the floor for a long distance or less distance attacks on the russian mandatory feels that used soviet style. drones, it's used also small are more than drones own ukrainian manufactured drones. when
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we talk about the black sea, your brand is using completely its own developments and those see drones in the back seat of a very effective in the past months against the rush of lexi fleets. they've kind of says, it does not get enough weapons. you've just touched upon this uh, what's the situation on the front line at the moment? well, i would say the pressure is slowly growing on the opinion on the ukrainian forces. we have reports this morning from the ukraine admitted to the officials. that's irrational, as it was, a robo was able to have some small tutorial gains in the region of the nance towards the city for groves. there is also continued severe, fierce fighting in, in the north, or a russian, the opinion, both the hockey region in the town of of, of chance, which is very close to the border. russian forces were able to advance a few weeks ago and ukrainians are trying to hold them back door to gain some positions. but now it is still so the situation is still can be described that the
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ukrainian forces are outcomes and the old number went to rank of that report and some t. thank you very much. roman to south africa now where the polls have opened the country is costing balance for what's being called the most important part of mentor election in 30 years. both indicate the ruling african national congress posit, could lose its absolute majority for the 1st time in 30 years. see was a key plans of fight against the file size on task once every election since upon sites in, in 1994. many votes, as i'm not satisfied with the state of the country, suggesting the policy may not stay in office of correspondence, dan, who is in south africa, and she told us how voting has been going so far. well, things look like that going very well here. had i am in so wait, so at
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a school and show a low an area here, and it's actually the voting station we president for. i'm a post that is expected to vote. so voting stations opened at 7 o'clock this morning across the country. so far indications, all the things are going well. they haven't been any reports of major incidents. the i. e. c has been giving regular updates via press briefings as to how things are going, and they will give us an update the little bit later on today. due to indicate how many people have voted and whether they have been any problems, what's best for everything looks like it's going well. voting stations ok open on time with some minor glitches, but it seems like so i've, africans will be able to cost the ballots in the majority today, but them give us a bit of background. it's been said this election is the most important vote in 30 years. why as well? so that's because seems to be quite a pivots to point in its history for
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a number of reasons. firstly, because of that fits the sort of a landmark that we've obtained. but also because there is a possibility that they could be some kind of shape up at the national government level. the amc government in the previous election, one with the 57 percent majority. however, the awesome predictions that they might slip below 50 percent in this election, and it has meant that it has been quite a vigorous campaign season here. a lot of political disclosing the country about what vote is one to see change. they are a lot of issues that voters are very concerned about, such as the electricity crisis, the economic crisis and the jobs crisis. and those are all issues that will lead people hopefully to cost the vote. will obviously have to see which way they go. but those are strong, motivating for effective to get those votes as to the pulse. now security is often the concern if election time, what measures are in place. indeed, security is
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a concern. south africa is a country that's known to occasionally have community protests and things clear up like that. in the last 2 days. for example, we did see when there was special votes underway in the town to from time to eastern cape that there was a protest that disrupted the 1st day of special votes. as a result, the police have taken additional member emissions to ensure that the vote continues in a smooth process. this has maint calling in additional personnel and be the army has also deployed 2800 military personnel to ensure that a valid papers reached ations on time and that people are allowed to vote. thank you very much, dan. over there before the process from so way to hands as to the us now lawyer, as in donald trump's harsh money trial, have delivered the final arguments in going to happen. courtroom. the jury will
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start deliberations on wednesday to decide informing us presidents sites prosecute . just say trump knowingly falsified business by goes head off the 2016 presidential elections to conceal a sexual encounter with the film. perform a stormy daniels, se trump gave $100000.00 in exchange for not going public medi then false. the law, the payment as legal expense on has denied anyone. it's the 1st time a former us president has ever faced criminal prosecution. the new york case centers on whether donald trump violated campaign finance laws had of the 2016 election. trump, who's expected to be the republicans candidate and this year is november presidential election, was required to be in court every day. the trial wasn't the session from beginning to end. he repeated his claim that he was the victim of a political, which would be
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a lot of different places right now. and i'm sitting here additional going for a long time. it's very unfair and the judge has been selected as you know, it's very next year. what's going on during the heated trial, trump was repeated, we find from violating the judge's orders not to publicly attack witnesses. at other times, trump was reportedly observed falling asleep in the court room. one key witness was adult film actress. stormy daniel's one who testified that she had a sexual encounter with trump and accepted a $130000.00 payment to keep the story quiet. as another star witness was from former lawyer, michael cohen. he testified that trump was directly involved in arranging a complex scheme intended to cover up that hush money payment. during the 2016 presidential campaign, 12 jurors will now decide whether prosecutors have proved that trump was falsifying business records to get around campaign,
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finance disclosure laws. their decision must be unanimous. a conviction would not prevent from from running for office. the republican front warner is also facing other criminal charges, but the new york harsh money case is likely to be the only trial decided before the november election. this was the new york people i've been treated to another spectacle, this one known as manhattan hinge that's thanks to clear skies across the city a phenomenon that happens twice a year. and the setting sun perfectly aligns with his sittings. proud st. thomas is gathered on major sofas across town to see the small celebration, which sometimes it's fuel do for the nose today. and that's it from me and the news team from now. i mean, i purpose mckenna, whatever was,
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was updated for you at the top of the next god office and fill in from me and the whole you've seen the
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is as revise on buying european in t v. sore, cherry, and machine exports boil and gas to the european union and offers generous gifts to the politicians. are they really being paid at the turn of line di, just this stomach, human rights violations, corruption in europe. the next on d, w. look, the environment, trends, technology companies, digitalization, stall, tops, new markets, new media. the world is accelerating. these the opportunities that the
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challenges to try new things. take flights with the that we use business magazine made in germany. in 60 minutes on d w. sermon, what's the meaning of it is available language learning gem and has never been sent to the at could be green green. all this blue p s planes flying lovely to read. definitely. pull just to yes. yes. that's what she present. purple topples very special. that's in the georgia,
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choose your favorite color. azerbaijan, a former soviet republic bounded by the caspian sea of the country's people and media are routinely suppressed. and yet the country is becoming increasingly important for europe due to its considerable gas and oil reserves puncture. bob came here as an election observer on behalf of the council of europe. it was the 1st election where i saw a mass of electro fraud must see by the federal because they inhabit intern.


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