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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the israel bushes on whether it's offensive in dogs that despite international condemnation, heavy onto the re power process. as thousands of guns continue to flee, the city will. so coming up on the sho, moscow house threats, serious consequences, but with russia appearing to make gains in eastern new crane. some nato members say it is the length of breakups of booth. and the loud keith take these west and weapons and targets inside russia. the
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money keeps indicating great, have you with us. israel national security advisor is reported to have said that slicing and goals that will go on for at least another 7 months. the comments com is israel steps off. it's offensive on the city of ruffled despite outcry of a civilian deaths, the health ministry, and garza has published new figures saying more than 36000 people of now being killed in the own slave. since israel started its military campaign in response to the hum of the terrorist attack on israel last october, the w correspondent tanya exceed that is in jerusalem and she gave us this update on the situation and rasa. it was. we're getting. we've always said intense bombardment is going on in different parts of the office, also in different areas across the cause and strict man in the north, but also in central cause a with injuries reported and with a desk told that is
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a wrong thing. the now we understand that from eye witnesses that they have seen tongues, you know, advancing into more of a center of cough as of a tuesday with and fighting also with us. but that is also a test. we don't get many details there from the is really military on their movements there, but the, as far as national security advisor, talking on this be headset that basically 75 percent of the philadelphia corey door . that is the border area between uh egypt and a dollar. so is now in control of israel, which also is problematic in terms of the relationship with each. but that gives you a sense of how is relatives advancing. so that, that, and we also, of course get, you know, that over 1000000 people are estimated to half now left the city, the town is emptying out also from areas that have not been cold,
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yet ordered by the military to evacuate. as people are fearing the advance of the military. and of course they have been saying they don't know exactly where to go because they don't really feel that there's any safe place for them to go right now . in gospel, israel says it's offensive and rough but is limited. but how of these new advances the strikes being seen internationally? well i think 1st of all you have to say, i think a power stand in thing cause i don't really see it as limited from with 3 understand because they, they are under heavy bombardment. they have to leave once again. many of them have been displaced multiple times and that has been echoed also in the criticism by the international community on, uh, the area know across software that has been ordered to go in the beginning of the war. and of course, this incident on sunday or where 45 people have been killed in many,
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a severely wounded. a created a lot of out which international lee and of course condemnation also from the united nations, but by many vote leaders, so to speak. but it hasn't really changed course it's ro is a determined to keep on going. there they have said they have to go into rough of a to remove a mouse from power and know that has been repeated attempts by the international community to involve the un security council to call 465. we understand that a z area is currently circulating a draft to the un security council. we don't know when this will be a voted on, but asking for a ceasefire to release all the hostages, as well as an immediate hold to the operation or the offensive. and also we have to wait and see how this will go down. but this comes, of course, after the international or criminal court of justice has called for on hold to the
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offensive and of off. but what we're seeing right now that is ro, is advancing its troops of the, in the near thank so much for that update, that's the w's, tanya see. my in jerusalem a has a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and those things underway in south africa, or in what could be a landmark national election or just the routing african national congress thought majority that it has held since the end of the plus side. the selection results are expected on sunday. the printing president of them is the lensky has signed the secure c corporation agreement report. your goal is on a tour of western europe to rally support. polanski was welcomed by the portuguese president in lisbon on tuesdays. lensky received a promise of a $1000000000.00 worth of military aid from belgium, including the f. 16 by 10 russians. let him in person
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has threatened serious consequences if western countries allow ukraine to use western weapons to strike targets in russia. so full list of kids, west and supplies of said their arms cannot be used to hit targets on prussian soil . the fronts as president menu and mccall said they should be allowed. in some cases, washington has ruled out the possibility for us weapons, but the debate is intensifying as russian forces appear to be gaining ground in east and ukraine. ukraine's 2nd city hockey in the countries northeast. in recent weeks, increasingly, a target of russian attacks. russia also claimed it has made territorial gains in the heart of the region which borders russia. ukrainian president loading there's a lot in ski, has warned, rushes, preparing and offensive again. tar. keith, as he says, restrictions on western weapons are crippling,
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keeps ability to defend itself. when they move in, would you boys boy stick hire any weapon from their territory at hours and they've been so the biggest advantage that russia has, we named was them, but we can't do anything to their systems which are located in russian territory with western weapons. we don't have any dying right except problem, but no need to achieve yet in stoughton baggage. calling our numbers to lift those restrictions. he says ukraine should be allowed to use western weapons to attack positions inside russia. somehow lost the restrictions, although i have no. uh, my messages, i think we should not consider doing those so sections because by having too many restrictions we are trying to handle the printing on forces on their back because they're not started using that capability to defend themselves. the united states has already sent you acquainted to attack comes a long range missiles seen here,
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and file footage, with a range of up to 300 kilometers. lifting restrictions would allow ukraine to hit targets, such as any troops build up in the belgrade region where russia is believed to be building an air base cave would also be able to attack supply lines to rush and control cry. mia, which are seen as critical for the crumbling war effort on a recent visit to keep the british for in secretary david cameron said ukraine could use weapons provided by london any way it sees fit, including inside russia or other partners, including germany are so far on willing to grant you claim that permission fearing it could increase the risk of direct confrontation with most whoa. and ben hodges is a retired us lieutenant general, and the former commander of us forces in europe, and he joins me now in the studio. welcome back to the w use as products have you with us? i'm can we start with this pressure,
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but is building to allow ukraine to use west and weapons to strike russia, including obviously wesson's from, from the us. can i ask if you take on that? well, of course it's overdue, and there is no legal or moral or military reason to restrict ukraine from using weapons for attacking targets on the other side of the russian border. and i think that there's a growing recognition among european leaders that if you train sales, that europe is gonna be confronted with a russian attack against nato countries. so it's much better to do this now, rather than have to confront it down the road, which they will have to do. and there's also a humanitarian part of this. i mean, they don't want to be seen as standing by, as every day ukrainian civilians are murdered by russian or teller strikes. so can, and should the us give any ground here? do you think that's likely? um, i think it's, it's eventual and that's where this has gone the last 2 years is because the
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administration, the binding ministration, which has done well on so many aspects of this has failed the critical task of laying out the strategic objective. you therefore end up with policies that are not connected to an end state. and so it seems like the, the overriding concern is don't provo, russia, and that's why we are where we are and what i think is terribly, it's, it's terrible policy bad strategy. which brings me very nicely to my next question because of course, those who are against allowing ukraine to use the west weapons this right. rush out, worry about escalation. we said president bruce and suggesting that western countries needs to be careful about what it all might lead to. how seriously should that be taken? well, of course you, you have to take them seriously because they have thousands of nuclear weapons and because they clearly don't care how many innocent people are killed including their own. so it won't be a moral decision by the kremlin. but i think there's almost 0 chance that they
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would use a nuclear weapon, because there's no benefit to them to use nuclear weapon. the real benefit for russia, whether nukes is when they threaten the use, because they see how we hesitate. we deter ourself. i think it's extremely unlikely that they would use a nuclear weapons still, i can't dismiss it, but i see no likelihood that they would actually do it. if we can talk about what is actually happening in ukraine right now. it is a critical time, especially vulnerable, given russia's recent recent push along the front lines, particularly in the north east. we know that the troops of the police it. what do you make of west thing stand right now? i think it's important to keep in context where we are after 10 years of war with russia having every advantage, they still only control about 19 percent of ukraine. they have not been able to significantly exploit any of their top technical successes like back moved last
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year or of difficult back in february. they've barely advanced a few kilometers beyond these places. what they're doing now, of course, is there pushing their mast infantry against ukrainian defenders along in the vicinity of har keep. but it, it's clear to me that russia does not have the ability to knock ukraine out of the war. they don't possess that kind of capability. so their only hope is to try to overcome ukrainian defenders with artillery and an infantry attacks and, and wait for us to stop supporting ukraine. that's i think that's really their only hope. so when people are doing like, oh, my god, ukraine is, is losing, like, wait a minute, they weren't 6 months without getting any ammunition from us. and the russians could not even take advantage of that. okay. can i ask you your view on germany as long held position on taurus cruise missiles, the counselor charles has refused to provide a key with them because he says they could potentially reach moscow. what do you
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think? well, of course i can't reach my scale. i think this is a bad policy decision about the bonus counselor. i think it's tied to his concern that germany does not have a nuclear weapon like france and u. k. do. and he's probably worried that if, as a trump administration, that germany would be without any sort of nuclear guarantee or, or deter it. and so he's extra hesitant, but i think germany is going to be confronted soon. if you crane fails, they're going to be confronted with millions more ukrainian, refugees coming into germany. and they're gonna be confronted with a russian army that if it is successful, will absorb hundreds of thousands of ukrainian troops. so it's in germany as best interest that ukraine defeats russia and ukraine. retired us the tenant general ben hodges. thank you so much for your time today. thanks for the privilege. it's now
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a long lost painting by the italian mazda caravaggio has finally gone on display in the trade. it is one of around just 69, works by the 16th century office. the painting of jesus wearing a crown of thorns have been mistakenly attributed to a different office and set to go on ocean for just 1500 years. when experts realized it was, in fact, the power of ideas explains culture. stepped into an x that according to media reports what was been sold to assess the 6000000 euros. and it has now been stored and is on display. at madrid's cross you're watching don't use his reminder of our top story. israel is carrying out new strikes on the city of rockland solven's goal is that a spice of global outcry of an increasing number of the un security council has the basing to discuss a draft resolution to end israel defensive in process following strike one attempts
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