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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w use live of from the israel pushes on whether it's offensive in god's that despite international condemnation, heavy upset, or 8 pounds rasa is thousands of dollars and continue to leave. the state will say coming up in the program must go. this trenton serious consequences, but with russia appearing to make gains in east and you find some native members say it's time to break into the loud west and wesson's to hit target inside russia,
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[000:00:00;00] the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program is rails. the national security advisor is reported to have said that slicing and goals that will go on for at least another 7 months. the comments com is israel steps south. it's offensive on the city of ruffled despite an outcry of a civilian deaths. hum, us run health ministry and gaza has published new figures saying more than 36000 people have now been killed in the own place of israel star students military campaign in response to the homeless terrorist attack on, on israel last october. utility correspondent tonya claim is in jerusalem and she gave us this update on the situation in russell. it was we're getting repose,
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said intends bombardment is going on in different parts of the office also in different areas across the cause and strict man in the north. but also in central garza, with injuries reported and with a death told that is a wrong thing. the. now we understand that from eye witnesses that they have seen tongues, you know, advancing into what the center of cross off as of a tuesday with and fighting also with him us. but that is also a test. we don't get many details there from the is really military on the movements there, but the as far as national security advisor, talking on s b had said that uh, basically 75 percent of the philadelphia corey door. that is the border area between uh egypt and a golf a is now in control of israel, which also is problematic in terms of the relationship with each. but that gives you a sense of how is wireless advancing so that, that, and we also,
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of course get you know, that over $1000000.00 people are estimated to half now left the city, the town is emptying out also from areas that have not been cold yet ordered by the military to evacuate as people are fearing the advance of the military. and of course they have been saying they don't know exactly where to go because they don't really feel that there's any safe place for them to go right now in gospel. israel says it's offensive and rough but is limited. but how of these new advances, the strikes being seen internationally? it was thing, 1st of all you have to say, i think posting and saying because i don't really see it as limited from with 3 understand because they, they are under heavy bombardment. they have to lead once again, many of them have been displaced multiple times, and that has been echoed olson,
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the criticism by the international community on, uh, the area know across software that has been ordered to go in the beginning of the war. and of course, this incident on sunday or with 45 people have been killed in many, a severely wounded. a created a lot of out which international lee and of course condemnation also from the united nations, but by many vote leaders, so to speak. but it hasn't really changed course it's ro is a determined to keep on going there they have said they have to go into rafa a to remove a mouse from power and know that has been repeated attempts by the international community to involve the un security council to call 465, you understand that a z area is currently circulating a draft to the un security council. we don't know when this will be voted on, but asking for a ceasefire to release all the hostages,
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as well as an immediate hold to the operation or the offensive in an offer. we have to wait and see how this will go down. but this comes, of course, after the international or criminal court of justice has called on hold to the offensive and also that's what we're seeing right now. that is ro is advancing its troops of the, in the near thank so much for that update. that's the w cxc mount in jerusalem. this is a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and a powerful psych loan has killed at least 65 people in bangladesh and india. slice land. ramon which made land full on sunday moved inland, causing floods and triggering land slides unless the 1000000 people have been evacuated as of thousands of homes have been destroyed. facing is on the way in south africa and what could be a landmark national election. all suggest the ruling african national congress cost you
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a n c could lose the absolute majority. it has held since the end of the policy side . so selection results are expected on sunday. columbia is compressed as low as it is to find full size thing. south american nation is one of the only 8 countries in the world level sites also help us to spice. a significant decline in popularity in the policy is if approved by the president, the new law will come into effect in early 2028. south korea has the keys, north korea of sending thousands of balloons full of trash and ex, from and across the board. as far as caesar investigation gets didn't have room residents stay in doors, balloons carrying leaflets with messages. critical of showing. yeah. all regularly send the other way by south korean. on to this now the georgia in parliament has dismissed
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a presidential veto of unusual which has prompted weeks of mass protests. critics say the legislation known as the for an agents bill will restrict media freedom and of the structural just chances of joining the european union. a see also with this while i'm in the assignment so inside parliament to go to the ruling georgia dream party finally got its way. the power and influence bill now can become the law. my mobile, a georgia nightmare for these protestors angered at a party in the law and they say will destroy democracy and make georgia more like russia as well as best their hopes of joining the european union. we're just about to betray by the governments. no, we're saying that we used to say no to us and all, but now we're saying no to us and government in assigning of the ruling parties unwillingness to tolerate, to send a member through walter and one of the few law makers to oppose the proposal. this was the 2nd time the party had tried to push through the bill based on
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a russian law at requires media, non profit groups to register as agents of foreign influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, critics fear it will be used to silence the opposition to georgia. dream ahead of october, the elections brussels one. the law was incompatible with georgia speed to join the you. but the prime minister says it will somehow accelerate the process to list only the chances of opening negotiations this year before the initiation of the bill was 0. now these chances of increase significantly though it's up to the best. it's a message. these protestors aren't buying for them. the law has driven home the choice, georgia. it faces the future as part of a democratic european family or, or secretary and rule. and to return to the kremlin, or bates,
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the russians vladimir solution has threatened serious consequences if the western countries allow ukraine to use western weapons to strike targets in russia. so fall most of keeps west and suppliers have said that alms cannot be used to hit targets on russian soil. but frances president, evaluated my call and said this should be allowed. in some cases, washington has ruled out such a post possibility for us weapons, but the debate is intensifying as russian forces appears to be gaining ground in east and ukraine, ukraine's 2nd city hockey in the countries northeast. in recent weeks, increasingly, a target of russian attacks russia also claimed has made territorial gains in the heart of the region which borders russia. ukrainian president loading, there's a lensky has warned. russia is preparing it offensive against har. keith. he says, restrictions on western weapons are crippling,
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keeps ability to defend itself when they move in, would you boys, boys big fire, any weapon from their territory at hours? and they've been for the biggest advantage that russia has. we named more of them, but we can't do anything to their systems which are located on russian territory with, with western weapons. we don't have any value, right? separate law, but no need to achieve you installed in the bag is calling on members to lift those restrictions. he says ukraine should be allowed to use western weapons to attack positions inside russia. some of us have this the restrictions, although i have notes of my messages. i think we should not consider doing those to sections because by having too many restrictions we are trying to handle the printing on forces on the back of the 3rd using the capability to defend themselves. the united states has already sent you, created to attack comes
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a long range missiles seen here. and file footage, with a range of up to 300 kilometers. lifting restrictions would allow ukraine to hit targets, such as any troop build up in the belgrade region where russia is believed to be building an air base cave would also be able to attack supply lines to rush and control cry. mia, which are seen as critical for the crumbling is we're effort on our recent visit to keep the british for. and secretary david cameron said ukraine could use weapons provided by london any way it sees fit, including inside russia. but other partners, including germany, are so far on willing to grant ukraine that permission fearing it could increase the risk of direct confrontation with most well. and your thoughts just released indicates the world experience about $26.00 more days of extreme heat
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over the last year. the highs that wouldn't have occurred without my made climate change. several climate research periods analyze data from the is 1991 to 2020. to reach that conclusion. they found climate change caused $26.00 extra days of extreme heat. in the last 12 months. in january scientist announced that 2023 was also the overall foxes here on record. a currently parts of asia are experiencing severe he waves pack stone is one example where temperatures have exceeded $52.00 degrees celsius in recent days. the air in ha ha, ha, is by plane she lives in. what is one of the hawk? there's places on the planet right now. temperatures here in the southern sense, probing, have sort of 52 degrees with no power and no proper shelter sheets exposed to being just 11 feet high. that to me that i have to say that again,
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there is no sign and i suppose the sun is scorching up. a car is hiding away at us. but where can i go? good and you that they have to put a degree longer. they cut in focused on around 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty 9. so despite the punishing heat, many people are going to be at home or the color we have to work. you're going to have a choice of the can feed out children that to me or the workers focused on sorting temperatures come after the countries to breakfast april, since 1961 exports, it could be the 16, but that it brings the human meet to try me change of the 2022 slots and boxed on. so one part of the country stops most under water and because millions and economic losses investment in the deposition mechanisms, cortez focused on div with
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a fix of the time it change much better. the governmental pockets back the trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life from the, the, the already warning systems. and they asked us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear there's something ought to be done, find the fee, induct dish and has its limits. but buck is kind of responsible for less than one percent of greenhouse gas emissions. and unless looper, greenhouse gas emissions are not 15 people in countries focused on, we've continued to peer to treat this burden. are you watching dw, in use? and here's a quick reminder of our top story for you. israel is carrying out new strikes on the city of rough on himself and dogs, the dislikes of global ox outcry, of the increasing numbers. so that in that video and security council has been meeting to discuss a draft resolution to end as well as offensive and process as follows and is really
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striking a company displace people on sunday was killed by the time with that. the law offices nice. i money keeps mccain, and i'll be back to the alice, the new international headlines. and thanks so much for watching the ones move for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is,
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i'm looking at the potential of dc mining. but this time,