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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

3:15 pm
the some of the that the law offices i so i money tips and can, and i'll be back up with something to our new international headlines. thanks so much for watching. the ones move for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining, but this time a research team will study the possible risk funds in order to minimize that we have an opportunity to to get it right before we start environmental activism of
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skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to the entries. deep sea greed does june 7th on the w. the download to keep us a loft reduce off may feeling you know in game let me kind of see if i am going to be scrolling sort of golf space. why do you need to be the coordinator? how are you? i'm in idaho. all cause that was fine. you know, paint gave them one to nick, gave them the wind, her when go and give her own run in the house these, this one go. what is that people with a i was called the,
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the, the one of the biggest moments i would say was when i got to these adults, kids the, these things already with. but i think that i do live even by thought the i had one person by g, attended to me, and i just got taught them on my own phone. i was very much like, you know, you live in jail. this was the light on when i posted it. i remember it blew up and for the court, the main thing was that i bought a car from but the good steam that they went to for the kids for the performance and the that's what i do with is the follow social. my name is me,
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how do you say and of people to be is it to them is start to books that things to them handy? um, what did you $23.00 adults i mixed content around java and entertainment. i think it's, i've been loving savvy of that i started building even what i excited, enjoying the social media. do you agree station that that is the the last part is you need to be updated with the training so i am going to be scrolling. okay, this is working, that is working this on this trending lot is can be made and to get me wide as you need to be that sort of adults big, but do you need to read it? yeah, the i m android. do you needing broke up when it was seen to print? and after that, at the, in my finding the of these,
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the i spots it to death be 3 i a i will call you to, to, to so if you do want to become curv i. e, i so we should be put up the i then it will be to for that piece to what will you do the fire is that, i mean i'll be to himself. i'm 52 years old and i'm a whitney. i melisha invested there me, i usually between a law school to be come in to get to the bus i d 's that know premier's extra printing. yes for the managers. so to a know, really to get rid of that addiction unit ice, trying to harness the digital image shift into a positive dc. so that like also really at the, to a i that and i'm a team to the want to build the state of like cleaning the see why don't reveal the do the
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more the highland games and medic nicholas now carlos are in dire mountain tops. me feeling all in the game, maybe you can see it know why they can come phone gun from 9 o one p and let him give him the lower while at the bottom. pardon me if i had i they haven't been robbed and also stopped stuffing. here i am tom the list in har remote. hey, i'm trying to. hi liz. he was up and then i was in need of the one. i'm not in the, the highest one hop and if he had been left off in my chair, i won't have time for say that that was the one that's how you're taking hip hop going to me, i was a fab hugo. liam can cut and nothing's hung up on me that night, and then the one doctor on 10. and then on the a cell, hey,
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i'm my home is actually violet and a phone. so when you're doing this stuff gotten you taken care of the when you're asking any questions to be i yeah, it should be good answer. in a fair week it doesn't have any biasing d i n p really to discriminate you like how human can discriminate? do the was to contribute the built that you to see see i and to problem what did the proceed the quicker like we should be active, shoot that he did and to make sure that everyone can use happens, which means that i need to be under very books, specialty, i guess the
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way i would like, you know, they, they would come on for myself and then beyond having been to fill out the forms seem to work on the website you, if you want them done. i mean, probably based on the 4th week i'm cutting, i couldn't the funny thing to me was 500 was a nice pond hoc. all been king. can one of them happened to me? he pulled in half on the farm me. unfortunately, when you said to me, when the, my long pain stuff for the week on the face you out to me, god, me the capital one card thinking, hello. the hiring someone. i live one time we,
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i am the queen thing and can bring all the new put him out. i mean, if i'm going down my bank, if he will try it out the see if we may be near the top of it off one of the i or the team. yeah. last time i don't pay and then what say the, i think the place it is just increasing because it's become very competitive. i think everybody can be an influence of today. and some of the other ways. the fact is that the op unit, the for the one, these are all for you on a going to be consistent. now you'll support duties, and that's the duty. no order was already will take me around
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3 to hold us. it'd be being boasting that she and d id walkability affects this when somebody uh, comments on your body, or they will say something which should have already been says you need to sort of evaluate also that it's the perspective about me. that's more delay and that's when you do, what do you need to be mindful you about how to into take care of them and how do we all social media with some of these if i don't feel like the really oh, i do really see a lot of females, that activity you know the to it
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because we don't have anyone that was mentors but yeah, i think they, we are slowly going to this and i thing, right. if we have small females more like a very quick professional e i or thanks the most that goodman, tardy young with me. then i think we can have a very quick with many the feelings in the future. the to me wow. like when the young man followed by a gun metal one selim gabe cra, appointment cry, stuff down. painted is bought here is long. yeah. i'm gone. you know, then you have a high cost and if you don't want
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a, lindsey i'll call on guy to money. i'm done. this is courtney. how are you? i'm because i in a whole ball cause i was trying to you know, paint in front of the victim the why and her when glen gimme one, monitoring out the last one. he didn't even turn real life in. can you hear me little and here, but him even go through up and like on the yeah, he's on the phone. see me not after. oh, come on. even my own. get me writing the meaning you can use, i lead high, happy to an awful lot, leaving the map and that was me up by turning hot let up will was a problem. so if you that will come, not that any of hall, nobody can not. was it was printing them in terminal medina, one minute web gun palms that might allow one megabyte path. it doesn't involve a badge. how little com the
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the time which i was into into and then suddenly i was like, i don't want to be out of my house. and this happens, this is for the or that was like this, not that booth. then what? or what am i going to send? i've started putting it in to the men going. thank you man, because they don't want in but as of to it's picked up. so a lot of people are making entertain mendota. they can be gone during, but shot the look on things a lot dire. i've seen a few people actually put it out and i'm doing is a lot of people are going to do the same all process as i am, like the whole audience managed and oh, not finding the one. i was everybody's loving it. there is a pain point, but i made it very, very relate to blend very i had this you. what is the point to the
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lawyer cleared, the more you know, and you, the more you know how to connect with you. the ego africa. rubies is still in the meeting. people say it's important for us to begin connecting this data to be able to compare it and see
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whether there's any health impacts. and this little device as opposed to how we quoted these a low cost for you to monitor. does it more? a co africa, the next on d, w. look, the environment, trends, technology companies, digitalization, stall, tops, new markets, new media. the world is accelerating. sees the opportunity to try new things. take flights with the that we use business magazine made in germany. in 60 minutes on d w. get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you on the have you have
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a one to delete it from port on it. please go to the spot on the on expected sides of the around the world. we are seeing people come up with new ideas and joining together to protect the environment that includes such as autism. up to this on young people will meet some of them today. welcome to go off because i am sandra co homes that we know video rights yet in comp. hello. you've done that. does right, sandra, when it comes to new solutions. we need size of course, but we also need audio history.