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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news lives from button. israel expects the will in garza to continue until the end of the year. a top official says the baffle is far from over. as heavy artillery pounds rough on hundreds of thousands have fled, garza as international condemnation rises over the civilian casualties. also coming off on the program, polls open in south for current. well, the thing called the most and poor some selection. and so she is, is the ruling amc about to lose that script on power from boston to boston, luna, via germany. the spanish football joint net gym and coach frenzy slick. we'll find
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out what that means for the europeans game. the money keeps mckinnon. good to have you with us, as well as national security advisor says officials expect the slicing in gaza will go on for at least another 7 months. the comments com is israel steps sockets offensive on the city of rasa, displaced an outcry of a civilian deaths. the homeless run health ministry in garza has published new sig, is saying more than 36000 people. i've now been killed in the territory since israel started its military campaign in response to the homeless terrorist attack on israel last october. dw correspondent tanya claim. i as in jury slim and she gave us this update on the situation in russell. it was we're getting report set,
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intense bombardment is going on in different parts of the office also in different areas across the cause and strict man in the north. but also in central cause or with injuries reported and with a desk told that is a wrong thing the now we understand that from eye witnesses that they have seen tongues you know, advancing into what the center of cough as of tuesday. i'm with and fighting. also we've come up, but that is also a test, so we don't get many details there from the is really military on the movement stair, but the as far as national security advisor talking on s b headset that basically 75 percent of the philadelphia corey door that is the border area between uh egypt and a golf a is now in control of israel, which also is problematic in terms of the relationship with each. but that gives
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you a sense of how is wireless advancing so that, that, and we also, of course get you know, that over $1000000.00 people are estimated to half now left the city, the town is emptying out also from areas that have not been cold yet ordered by the military to evacuate as people are fearing the advance of the military. and of course they have been saying they don't know exactly where to go because they don't really feel that there's any safe place for them to go right now and got them. israel says it's offensive and roughly is limited. but how of these new advances, these strikes being seen internationally or well, i think 1st of all you have to say i think posting and saying cause i don't really see it as limited from with 3 understand because they, they are under heavy bombardment. they have to leave once again, many of them have been displaced multiple times, and that has been echoed olson,
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the criticism by the international community on, uh, the area know across software that has been ordered to go in the beginning of the war. and of course, this incident on sunday or with 45 people have been killed in many, a severely wounded. a created a lot of out which international lee and of course condemnation also from the united nations, but by many vote leaders, so to speak. but it hasn't really changed course it's ro is a determined to keep on going. there they have said they have to go into rafa a to remove a mouse from power and know that has been repeated attempts by the international community to involve the un security council to call 465. we understand that a z area is currently circulating a draft to the un security council. we don't know when this will be voted on, but asking for a ceasefire to release all the hostages,
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as well as an immediate hold to the operation or the offensive. and also we have to wait and see how this will go down. but this comes, of course, after the international or criminal court of justice has called for on hold to the offensive and, and also that's what we're seeing right now. that is ro is advancing its troops of the in the alpha. tanya, thank so much for that update, that's the w's, tanya see. my in jerusalem to south africa. now as i was saying, is underway. and what has been called the most important part of entry election since the end of a pa sized state is the african national congress policies, the c absolute majority. now polls indicate that support. so the amc has dipped below 50 percent, which means the policy could lose its 1st. it's 3 decades long. hold on office policy, meta and south african presidents around pose that went to his home township of the
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west. so where he cost as those and remained optimistic he set about in a n c victory. so this is the day really fell down, pick up the saw, decide on the future or on country or should be the government of south africa. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my heart to thoughts that the people were once again, invest confidence in the applicant miss. now on best to put to you to lead to this country a correspond diane, who occurs being following the election from a polling station in johannesburg since the early morning. she sent us this update . so we've been visiting voting stations across to had this book. and at this voting station in oakland park, they are hundreds of people who are standing in line, still waiting to vote. i want to give you an impression and show you just how many
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people are actually waiting to vote here. they are young people, mainly standing in this queue, many of them who are students from a nearby university, the university of johannesburg. and they have said that they've been waiting for 3 hours, some for more than 3 hours. in fact, to vote at this voting station. it's quite interesting because one of the things that is quite significant about this election is that they are 11000000 young south africans who have registered to vote. and it's expected that they will have a significant role to play in this election. that's 11 millions of africans under the age of 14. another interesting number for the selection is that they all over 50000000 women registered to vote in the selection. and looking at the people that are standing in these queues, they are quite a number of women who are also standing, waiting to vote. now, of course, the voting stations across south africa will be open until 9 p. m. so anyone who is
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still standing in the queue at that time of night will be allowed to vote, but they all can sense that things are moving too slowly here. and that they should have been more resources given to this voting station when you compared to other areas that we've been, 2 things do seem to be moving, moving quite slowly, and they aren't, isn't that much activity in terms of people going in and out of the voting station, but the is still a feeling of excitement amongst those standing in the queue. they saying that they will wait until this evening to cost the vote because this is a significant election full. so that's what gets why significant you might as well there are a number of reasons south africa is going through a bit of a change when it comes to all circumstances. yes, they are number of issues that boat is one to see, tackles going forward, such as the ongoing energy crisis and the long standing economic crisis. and many
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of the voters who we've been speaking through to throughout the stay one to see and change when it comes to jobs in the country to the economic perspective. and so i'm gonna say that it's time for us to see new leadership in government. and that was the w, corresponded diane, who will cover pushing from jerry on his bike. let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines today, and the powerful psych loan has killed at least 65 people in bangladesh and india. it's likely in ramallah, which made land full on sunday, moved inland, causing floods, and triggering lands lights. almost a 1000000 people have made it back to aces and thousands of homes have been destroyed. south korea has a keys, north korea of sending thousands of balloons full of trash and excrement across the border. authorities are investigating the incident and have one residents to stay in those balloons, carrying leaflets with messages critical or shown young or regularly sent the other
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way by south korean act to this. columbia is congress has voted to ban full slicing. the south a south american nation is one of the only 8 countries in the world where both sites all still held us, despite the significant decline and popularity in the past few years. if approved by the president, the new law will come into effect in early 2028, and belgium police have searched the residents and offices of the european parliament employee. belgium prosecute us as the employee plays a significant role in a russian influence operation. and is suspected to of paid assessing members of the european parliament to spread pro kremlin propaganda. suppose news for you now and the spanish football giants barcelona, have named the form of germany coach. have the flick is the new manager. the 59 year old is beat out of work since being followed by germany in september. it previously led buying munich to
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a famous travel of trophies in 2020. it's his 1st job's outside germany, and he succeeds zavy hernandez, who was dismissed on friday, a demo meadows from dw sports, joins me here in the studio to tell us lots more about all of this month. how much of a surprise is this? how do you collect joyce joining the buffalo now? it's a little bit because he's never worked outside of jenny before, but then the media and sort of been reporting this for quite a while. obviously didn't end well for him with jim an a, a string of friendly defeats mindy. he got fired, but he has got pedigree obviously cuz he won the champions league the bonus league around the gym and cope with fine. and in 2020 i'm one of the trophies as well, but he doesn't tend to stay in jobs very long. he left binding 2021 after for that with the board. so i don't think boss of funds can expect him to stay too long. he's only signed a 2 year contract and that might be it. okay, so tell us about the ma'am. he's replacing,
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i mean wasn't savvy meant to be staying about? salina j. c was a fairly strange situation because he wanted to leave with us alone. last year, a big surprise because they have got financial issues. this season hasn't been quite as well. ranma did have been away with the spanish league. and a few months ago we suddenly announced he was, it was quitting at the end of the season. there was too much pressure, even though actually the board wants to stay on and you know, they over at she last see. and so it was like also that playing and in a different stadium and not playing the new chemical is being rebuilt. so people didn't really expect him to do so well. and then the, the board basically got together and said, no, we, we kind of wanting to stay there were reports about slick may be coming in, but eventually mice was swayed chevy to stay. but then he gave it very, we had pressed comments, we said all things are very difficult at boss or a know it's going to be tough next season. the board hated that. so i think just persuaded and just say that in fact to which is why we've ended up with slick sort of the 2nd choice, but do you okay. all right, and it just seems to be a real sort of merry go round of, of coaches in europe at the moment. so, i mean,
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i mean, are there any more appointments that we can expect? yeah, i mean we've got milan, you've dentist, chelsea without coaches. but just united may be soon, and of course having you, me by munich, i've been trying lots of different manages, haven't managed to get one for the door. it looks like vincent company will be appointed in the coming days. now that's quite strange because he's just been relegated with berkeley from the english premier league. no, normally the caliber you'd normally expect 5 minutes to bring in, but he's young. he's 3080 learn to pet bloody older matches to city the place of of, of fiber and brand of football. and that seems to be well by looking for. but, you know, really now has been said no, because he's staying with jimmy. ralph rodney said no, because he's staying with austria. who else was the so many more, i mean, the chevy, alonzo labor to is. and so basically, if we're on this, mr. company is about a choice, but he won't mind to enjoy it. it's meadows from dw spell, it's thanks so much for that to bring us up to date. now,
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levels painting by the italian, most of caravaggio has finally gone on display in madrid. it is one of the round to 69 works by the 16th century office. the painting of jesus wearing a crown of thorns had been mistakenly attributed to a different office and was set to go on auction for just 1500 years. but when ex, but realized it was in fact, a real power of ideas, spain sculpture, ministry stepped in with an export ban. according to media reports the what was been sold for 36000000 euros. and it's now being restored and is on display. at madrid's products, you see you what can dw in use as a reminder of our top story. as well as carrying out new strikes on the city of ruffled and southern gaza to spice, of global outcry, of the increasing numbers of civilian deaths view and security council. as they may seem to discuss a drop for the resolution to end israel defensive in russia,
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following a strike on account for displays, people on sunday which killed 45 would that you are up to date stump film is up next to it has an investigation into how asset managers have hidden money in switzerland. that's a long list of lending institutions. confidence across the my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good, everyone to king check out the award winning called called don't call back good.


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