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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the in israel expects the will, and garza to continue until the end of the year. a top official says the baffle is full for movers. heavy aunts hillary pounds, rasa hundreds of thousands have fled gaza as international from the nation rises as of, of civilian casualties. also coming up from the program, south africans q up to this and what's being called the most important election in the see is, is the ruling amc a bound to lose its grip on pallets and desperately seeking shelves of pakistan's, pull the product of an unprecedented heat. wave made was like time to change, the
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money keeps making and welcome to the program is rails. the national security advisor says officials expect the slicing and goals that will go on for at least another 7 months. the comments com is israel steps south. it's offensive on the city of rasa, despite an outcry of a civilian deaths. how must run health ministry, and garza has published new figures saying more than 36000 people of now being pills in the territory. since israel started its military campaign in response to the homeless terrorist attack on israel last october, dw correspondent tonya claim i as in jerusalem, and she gave us this update. it was we're getting report said intends bombardment is going on in different parts of the office. also in different areas across
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the cause and strip menu in the north, but also in central garza, with injuries reported and with a desk told that is a wrong thing. the now we understand that from eye witnesses there that they have seen tongues, you know, advancing into what the center of cross off as of a tuesday with and fighting also with us. but that is also a test. we don't get many details there from the is really military on the movement stair, but the is most national security adviser talking on s b headset that basically 75 percent of the philadelphia corey door. that is the border area between uh egypt and a golf is now in control of israel, which also is problematic in terms of the relationship with each. but that gives you a sense of how it's wireless advancing. so that, that, and we also, of course get, you know, that over 1000000 people are estimated to half now left the city,
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the town is emptying out also from areas that have not been cold, yet ordered by the military to evacuate. as people are fearing the advance of the military. and of course they have been saying they don't know exactly where to go because they don't really feel that there's any safe place for them to go right now in. got them. israel says it's offensive and rough but is limited. but how of these new advances, the strikes being seen internationally as well? i think 1st of all, you have to say, i think posting and saying because i don't really see it as limited from with 3 understand because they, they are under heavy bombardment. they have to leave once again. many of them have been displaced multiple times, and that has been echoed olson, the criticism by the international community on uh, the area know across software that has been ordered to go in the beginning of the
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war. and of course, this incident on sunday or with 45 people have been killed in many, a severely wounded. a created a lot of out which international lee and of course condemnation also from the united nations, but by many vote leaders, so to speak. but it hasn't really changed course it's ro is a determined to keep on going there. they have said that have to go into rafa a to remove a mouse from power and know that has been repeated attempts by the international committee to to involve the un security council to call for cx 5. we understand that a z area is currently circulating a draft to the un security council. we don't know when this will be voted on, but asking for a ceasefire to release all the hostages, as well as an immediate hold to uh, the operation or the offensive. and also we have to wait and see how this will go
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down. but this comes, of course, after the international or criminal court of justice has called on hold to the offensive and, and also that's what we're seeing right now. that is ro is advancing its troops at the end of the 20th. thanks so much for that update, that's the w's, tanya see? my in jerusalem to south africa. now web hosting is underway and what's being called the most important part of entry election. since the end of a possible light out state because the african national congress policies see a absolute majority holds indicate that supports the amc has dipped below 50 percent, which means the policy could lose its 3 decades long hold on office, the policy data on south african presidents around with jose went to his home township us the west. so what he costs his vote and said he remains optimistic about and amc victory. so this is the grid so that i've got this on this
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side on the future, off on country or should be the government of south africa. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my heart of thoughts that uh, that people will once again invest product. we did in the applicant miss, now come back to point to you to lead to this country. a correspondent on whole crew has been following the election from the pulling station in johannesburg since the early morning she sent us this update. so we've been visiting voting stations across to had this book and at this voting station in oakland park, they are hundreds of people who are standing in line still waiting to vote. i want to give you an impression and show you just how many people are actually waiting to vote. yeah. they are young people, mainly standing in this queue. many of them was students from a nearby university, the university of johannesburg. and they have said that they've been waiting for 3
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hours some for more than 3 hours. in fact, to vote at this voting station. it's quite interesting because one of the things that is quite significant about this election is that they are 11000000 young south africans who have registered to vote. and it's expected that they will have a significant role to play in this election. that's 11000000 south africans under the age of 40. another interesting number for the selection is that they all over 50000000 women registered to vote in the selection. and looking at the people that are standing in these queues, they are quite a number of women who are also standing, waiting to vote. now, of course, the voting stations across south africa will be open until 9 p. m. so anyone who is still standing in the queue at that time of night will be allowed to vote, but they are concerns that things are moving too slowly here, and that they should have been more resources given to this voting station when you
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compared to other areas that we've been 2 things do seem to be moving, moving quite slowly, and they aren't, isn't that much activity in terms of people going in and out of the voting station . but that is still a feeling of excitement amongst those standing in the queue. they saying that they will wait until this evening to cost a vote, because this is a significant election full of africans. why significant, you might us. well, there are a number of reasons south africa is going through a bit of a change when it comes to all circumstances. yes, they are number of issues that boat is one to see, tackles going forward, such as the ongoing energy crisis and the long standing economic crisis. and many of the voters who we've been speaking through to throughout the stay one to see and change when it comes to jobs in the country to the economic perspective. and so i'm gonna say that it's time for us to see new leadership in government. and that was
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the w, corresponded diane whole kind of reporting from john and spike. now rushes, a lot of that person has threaten serious consequences if weston countries allow ukraine to use west and weapons to strike targets in russia. so for most of keats, west and supplies have said that arms cannot be used to hit targets on russian soil, but fronts has presidency menu. and my call said this should be allowed. in some cases, washington has ruled out such a possibility for us weapons, but the debate is intensifying as russian forces appears to be gaining ground in east and ukraine, ukraine's 2nd city hockey in the countries northeast. in recent weeks, increasingly, a target of russian attacks. russia also claimed has made territorial gains in the harkey region which borders russia. ukrainian president. the loading
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is a lensky, has warned, russia is preparing it offensive against har. keith, as he says, restrictions on western weapons are crippling, keeps ability to defend itself. when they move in, would you boys boys big fire, any weapon from their territory at hours? and they've been so the biggest advantage that russia has, we named was them, but we can't do anything. they go to their systems which are located on an russian territory with with western weapons. we don't have him dying right. separate our but no need to achieve yet in stoughton baggage. calling our numbers to lift those restrictions. he says, ukraine should be allowed to use western weapons to attack positions inside russia somehow lost the restrictions, although i have no uh, my messages. i think we should not consider doing those the sections because by having too many restrictions we are trying to handle the printing on forces on the back of the not started using that capability to defend themselves. the
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united states has already sent you acquainted to attack comes a long range missiles seen here, and file footage, with a range of up to 300 kilometers. lifting restrictions would allow ukraine to hit targets, such as any troops build up in the belgrade region where russia is believed to be building an air base cave would also be able to attack supply lines to rush and control crime. mia, which are seen as critical for the crumbling, is war effort on our recent visit to keep the british for. and secretary david cameron said ukraine could use weapons provided by london any way it sees fit, including inside russia. but other partners, including germany, are so far on willing to grant you claim that permission fearing it could increase the risk of direct confrontation with myself. well, to ben hodges is a retired us of the tenant general. and the former commander of us forces in europe,
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new joints. we now in the studio, welcome back to c, w uses products. have you with us. um, can we start with this pressure that is building to allow you crane to use western weapons to strike russia, including obviously wesson's from, from the us. can i ask you a few a take on that? well, of course it's overdue, and there is no legal or moral or military reason to restrict ukraine from using weapons for attacking targets on the other side of the russian border. and i think that there's a growing recognition among european leaders that if you crane fails, that europe is going to be confronted with a russian attack against nato countries. so it's much better to do this now, rather than have to confront it down the road, which they will have to do. and there's also a humanitarian part of this. i mean, they don't want to be seen as standing by, as every day ukrainian civilians are murdered by russian or teller strikes. so can,
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and should the us give any ground here? do you think that's likely? um, i think it's, it's eventual, and that's the way this has gone the last 2 years is because of the administration, the body ministration, which has done well on so many aspects of this has failed the critical task of laying out the strategic objective. you therefore end up with policies that are not connected to an end state. and so it seems like the, the overriding concern is don't provo, russia, and that's why we are where we are. and what i think is terribly of this terrible policy bad strategy. which brings me very nicely to my next question because of course, those who are against allowing you crying to use uh west to weapons this right rush out, worry about escalation. we've heard president person suggesting that western countries needs to be careful about what it all might lead to. how seriously should that be taken? well, of course you, you have to take them seriously because they have thousands of nuclear weapons and
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because they clearly don't care how many innocent people are killed including their own. so it won't be a moral decision by the kremlin. but i think there's almost 0 chance that they would use a nuclear weapon, because there's no benefit to them to use nuclear weapon. the real benefit for russia, with their nukes, is when they threaten the use, because they see how we hesitate. we deter ourself. i think it's extremely unlikely that they would use a nuclear weapons still, i can't dismiss it, but i see no likelihood that they would actually do it. if we can talk about what is actually happening in ukraine right now. it is a critical time, especially vulnerable, given russia's recent recent push along the front lines, particularly in the north east. we know that the troops of the police, it's what do you make of where things stand right now? i think it's important to keep in context where we are after 10 years of war with russia having every advantage, they still only control about 19 percent of ukraine. they have not been able to
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significantly exploit any of their top technical successes like back moved last year or of difficult back in february. they barely advanced a few kilometers beyond these places. what they're doing now, of course, is they're pushing their mast infantry against ukrainian defenders along in the vicinity of har keith. but it's, it's clear to me that russia does not have the ability to knock ukraine out of the war. they don't possess that kind of capability. so their only hope is to try to overwhelm ukrainian defenders with artillery and an infantry attacks and, and wait for us to stop supporting ukraine. that's i think that's really their only hope. so when people are doing like, oh, my god, ukraine is, is losing, like, wait a minute, they went 6 months without getting any ammunition from us. and the russians could not even take advantage of that. okay. can i ask you your view on germany as long
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held the position on taurus cruise missiles, the counselor charles has refused to provide a key with them because he says they could potentially reach moscow. what do you think? well, of course, i can't reach my scale. i think this is a bad policy decision about the bonus counselor. i think it's tied to his concern that germany does not have a nuclear weapon like france and u. k. do. and he's probably worried that if, as a trumpet administration, that germany would be without any sort of nuclear guarantee or, or deterrent. and so he's extra hesitant, but i think germany is going to be confronted soon. if you crane fails, they're going to be confronted with millions more ukrainian, refugees coming into germany. and they're gonna be confronted with a russian army that if it is successful, will absorb hundreds of thousands of ukrainian troops. so it's in germany as best
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interest that ukraine defeats russia and ukraine retired us the tenant general ben hodges. thank you so much for your time today. thanks for the privilege. here's a look at some of the of the story is making headlines around the world today and belgian police of such the residents and offices of a european parliament employee. the belgian prosecution says the employee played a significant role in a russian influence operation and suspects it to have paid fishing, members of the european parliament to spread pro kremlin propaganda. south korea has the keys, north korea, of sending thousands of balloons full of trash and excrement across the border. authorities are investigating the incidents and have one residence to stay in those balloons. carrying lease slips with messages with a critical appeal yang regularly sent the other way by south korean act to this. columbia is congress has voted to ban both slicing the south american nation is one
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of the only 8 countries in the world where both fits both sites all still held us. despite a significant decline in popularity in the past few years is approved by the president . the new will come into effect in early 2028, to and then south west iceland and you, fisher has opened up in a volcanic region. but a scene acer auctions in the last 3 years. the one columbus along the crack in the began spewing lava. just a few hours ago, and this comes as a blow to the residence of the fishing town, grinned to vic who have not been allowed to return to the homes since december. the pa for sikes and his hills at least 65 people in finding dash. and india flights loan remo which made land full on sunday, moved inland, causing floods and triggering land slides. almost a 1000000 people have been evacuated in thousands of homes,
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have been destroyed. now india is capital delhi has reported an all time high temperature of 52.3 degrees celsius. that is a national record to india and neighboring pac hassan temperatures. also extremely high. they've exceeded 52 degrees that in recent days. authorities all urging people to stay in doors to hydrate and avoid unnecessary travel. amid increasing cases of heat stroke, team of international scientists say the dangerous he's in south asia has become more likely because of human driven climate change. the air in hon, i'll cartoons hot stifling. she lives in what is one of the hottest places on the planet right now that bridges here in the southern since brogans have sort of $52.00 degrees, which no follow and no proper shelter. she's exposed to dangerous levels of heat.
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uh that to me that i have to sit in he's there is no fan and i have to sit in my hot in the heat. the sun is scorching up because the heat is eating away at us. but where can i go get into that? they have to physically run to the cuts. in fact, if done, i don't 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. so despite the punishing heat, many people have gone to stay at home. oh yeah, the color we have to work and the weather. we don't have a choice. i'm not going to go through what we have to work and feed out children and everything, or whether it's hot or cold or what about the spark of sand folding temperatures come after the countries to breakfast april. since 1961, experts attribute the 16 but that it brings the human meet climate change. the 2022 flats and focused on. so one part of the country felt most under water. and
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because millions and economic losses, investment in the deposition mechanisms, good health focused on these with a fix of climate change, much better the governments of pocket stock. they are trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life from the, the, the already warning systems. and they asked us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done find the fee induct. ition has its limits, but box is kind of responsible for less than one percent of greenhouse gas emissions . and unless the global greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, people in countries like focused on, we've continued to peer the treat this button. and so we can get more on this story from dw use, the initial java. good. see you, venus. so tell us more about how this in this heat wave is impacting
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a pack is done and it's people i'm yeah, let's start with children education of children. if, if in fact that millions of children are not going to school because of squared hate because there's a fear that they different that can get the hydration. they get good, get, they can get enough this. then let's talk about it that are hundreds of patients of heath strolled in the affected regions and hospitals have to deal with that. and um, yeah, if, even if you're not outside, if you're not directly exposed to fun, if you're at a house 5 in focused on your cooking food for your family, you're doing it in an incredibly hot environment and therefore your health also gets affected. so we do the mean and millions and millions of people are being affected. and when we talk about the economic impacts, focus on is going to cause amik prices. and if the people that are already struggling, they've gone to fort not go to home and small businesses because of fall,
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but out they just because the demand of fall, what hasn't please, i'm the countries experience and fall without producing small businesses get to the effect, gets infected, i think those are that contributes that aren't 25 percent of pocket funds due to be that is being impacted. the heat is disappoint drops of wheat fruits and register. so really, every parts of life has been negatively impacted by these very difficult to my, my take a, the environment and pack is not, of course isn't the only country, is it in the region to be experiencing? he was like this now. um they bring in the is also on the sporting temperatures box of central indiana north in india, millions that are under a so where heat we have that and this is quotes and all sorts of problems. in some parts of india, there's almost like a public health crisis stood up thoughtful, separately daily to reduce the weird water shortage people's biggest pole running very slow running water at homes. people have to wait in all of us to get water
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from the tanks. and i'm here, it's not one of the heat with that i bought some indian states and bung. lot. dish has been hit by a cycling that has been separate people finding that this has caused it at one of the longest site loans. and just recently of on the son was devastating floods. second hundreds of people for the entire region is under or facing where we're at the event of co sign to say that this extreme was a will continue to get worse because of climate change. so is the region for pad. so to prepare these countries have to invest in a deposition mechanism, for example, to have time, which is an infrastructure to have warning systems in place to timely alert. people often approaching disaster focused on is reading from an economic crisis of honest on doesn't have money by not dish on india are investing in the doctors and
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mechanisms, but scientists now see that adapt patient alone is not the on. so we understand that you're not facing a crime with crisis. we are facing a climate emergency. and unless the industrialized was stopped or just stipulate it uses the global greenhouse gas emissions, these kind of the where to read the events will not be stopped. so the key is that the world has to take time it emergency feeder, play, and drastically deals of greenhouse gas emissions. utilities bina chava. thank you so much finish, i suppose use now. and by and munich has appointed vincent company is the new coach officer a month long. such several top candidates had rejected the german club. the associate, your old company has signed a 3 year contract less despite his team brand. lee, having just been relegated out the english premier league the by and see potential in the form of belgium international. crucially,
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he speaks german because he used to place a humbug company for places to allow us to pull off to binds 1st season. since 2012 ended without the trophy. meanwhile, spanish football joins barcelona, have named the full my germany coach henzy flickers, the new manager, the 59 year old has been out of work since being funded by germany. in september. you previously led buying munich for the famous trouble of trophies in 2020. this is his 1st job outside gemini flicks and sees is ivy hernandez who was dismissed by ball selena. on friday it watching the w news life from bell. and here's a quick reminder of our top story for you. as well as carrying out new strikes on the city of rasa and southern gulls. i despise the global outcry of increasing numbers of sit in the in depth view and security council. and as they may seem to discuss the draw for a resolution to end israel's offensive and rough us that's following
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a stride on account for displaced persons on sunday, which killed 45 and without your up to date. so india is the next. i'm you could speaking in the
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. ready ready eco indian, these bridges are a lie. main colonies of living room bridges in northeastern india are over and from intact 20 were using a traditional to the uniting nature and craftsmanship in perfect harmony. ego, india. next on dw, it's getting hotter and hotter interest and 12 is thinking fine
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with ease of backing extreme with it because of climate change. but also due to the timing pioneers, i know transforming the living spaces from great to green, building a vessel of employment in 60 minutes on dw, the comes out to the highlights new every week in your inbox. subscribe. now cost about why does that mean? because now i'm liza the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between
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moses video and audio production, 5 d w. i hope video with you and in the, the buildings and construction sex george's responsible for a staggering 37 percent of globally greenhouse gas emissions. hello, and welcome. i'm sorry, got the body and you're watching is equal in death. the construction sec, dodge entities, waste causes evolution and also contaminates water. it's 0 li, homes out environment, but there are ways to make the sex delmore sustainable. so let's look at some ideas to build green. india as mountain stadium also for this has some of the countries most scenic is.


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