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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the winners, log from berlin is rails military says it has taken complete control of the strip of land that links garza to egypt. it has to move aims to prevent from us smuggling weapons into gaza. meanwhile, israel continues bombarding, raphael as international condemnation rises over civilian casualties. also coming up paul's close in south africa and what's being called the most important election in 30 years. 20 queued for hours to vote. as the amc 5 to keep its hold on power and desperately seeking shelter,
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congress done or bear the brunt of an unprecedented heat wave made worse by climate change. the on the call for link to our viewers on p b. s and the united states and all of you joining us from around the world. it's great to have you with us. israel's military says it has taken full control of the strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. israel says how mos uses tunnels in the 14 kilometer long philadelphia corridor to smuggle weapons from egypt into casa, is really military has stepped up. it's operations in southern gauze, despite the international criticism over mounting civilian casualties in the city of ruffled. israel's national security adviser says the offensive in gaza is expected to go on at least until the end of the year. well here's is really army
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spokesman, daniel ha, gary and dressing. the latest developments in gaza maybe mahoney in recent days. id forces has taken operational control of the philadelphia corridor along the border between egypt and dropped off from the philadelphia, colorado stuffed as an oxygen pipe for how much to which it regularly transits weapons to, to cause us trip open. couple stress on correspondence. rebecca rivers has more on israel taking control of that buffer zone between gaza in egypt and what it means for the situation on the ground. well, that's right, and you just heard it there from the senior military spokesman daniel. hi gary, saying that they had indeed taken control of that border region area, known as the philadelphia kartel, that they had found some twin t tunnels they say along that border area and they also found rocket launches, place very close to the border, some just 10 to 40 meters, they say from that board area,
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i got ready saying that they would do that. how moss, i tell you we're taking advantage of the proximity to the border in the knowledge of that or host i suppose that is ro wouldn't bone that region because it is just so close to the egyptian border. now as you just heard there know, hi gary saying that it had they, this had served as a mass oxygen pipeline. and the by securing this area, they have cut off the weapon supply that home us will still have potentially maintaining and able to use. now the, the, they say that the age of these rarely military say that they have been updating egypt on the developments. and we haven't had a huge amount of reaction from, from age of yet, but certainly one source telling addiction media one senior sol, suite hearing that there are no truth in the statement about these tunnels. it's certainly going to be interesting to see how the egyptians react to the news on this border region given the, the pace agreement that is held between the 2 countries. yeah. how could this
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impact israel's relationship with egypt you think of, or what is difficult to say at this stage, nicola, you know, israel has been saying for some time that it wants to, that has wanted to take control of this border region. it's something that agent hasn't been a very cain to, to promote the egypt has long been worried that they would be that a rafter incursion. and that, that more military bombardment in that area would cause an influx of palestinian refugees into age if that's something that they was saying that they, they wouldn't do. in fact, that on several occasions, egypt has threatened to rip out the pace, tracy between israel and egypt, now that area, or along the border, has been a demilitarized zone since the camp david accords. 1978. and since 2005 has been on the egyptian control before this, rafa invasion though, we do know that in his riley delegation went in,
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went to egypt and went to cairo to discuss the operation with the egyptian officials. so we don't know the details of those discussions, but it could be assumed that this operation and won't be as read. these were planning was conferred to the egyptian. so it's going to be interesting to see how egypt balances domestic pressure is. there's a lot of support for palestinians within agents, so it's going to have a lot of domestic pressure from its populace to a balance is also a piece tracy, which is benefits from by way of, of us age. so, you know, it's certainly going to be interesting to see just how agent react to this latest development, but at the, at this stage. but it's still too early to say keep us updated on all the developments there. that was rebecca rivers in jerusalem. thank you so much. i to the south african, our polls have just closed and what's being called the most important parliament re election since the end of apartheid at stake is the african national congress. 30
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your absolute majority. polls indicate that support for the amc has dipped below 50 percent, which means the party mice be forced to share our party leader and south african presidents their over. i'm opposed to voted in his home township of so h o expressed confidence in an amc victory despite it's for showing as of run up to the election. and a short while ago, i spoke to our correspondent diane hawker in johannesburg. that was right after polls closed, i after about reports of voting delays at the polling stations. indeed they are definitely voting delays at some of the voting stations where i'm standing in the oakland park area, for example. some people have been standing and waiting to vote for several hours. now the policy from the i e. c, is that if you're in the line at 9 p. m, you will still be allowed to vote. and these people are still waiting here,
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and the q actually snakes around the, the block. and we've heard from other colleagues in the media that they are either voting stations with the similar situation. so that does mean a long night for these people standing in the queue as well as for i e. c. stuff who off to the vote is done actually need to start counting those votes. the stakes are high. diane, what makes the selection so significant is well, there's a number of things that make it so significant the 2 years off the democracy. we are voting once again, and that's a generation of, of, of growth and movement in south africa. they are number of new voters voting this time around and a lot of key issues that voters are speaking about. i spoke to some voters at this very voting station earlier on about why they are voting and they raised the number of issues such as voting for jobs. voting to make sure that we have
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a consistent electricity supplied. let's take and listen to some of what they told us. oh, i don't think there is motivating me to forward his bad um our parents for the full party to countries. so we want economy change. we want to see that start the frequent evolving. yes. this election needs to be contested before what keeps work . is that what you then can just work and get with this can be on the same page regarding the uh, the issue about to the agency coming back or not coming back about to you by. deluca thinks by the look of things in the mood in the communities i bought the amc, it looks like they're going to do when they get into what extent can the selection be seen as a referendum on the amc is leadership and i think it can be seen to a large extent as a referendum on the agencies the to ship
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b and c has been in control here in south africa governing this country for the past 2 years. and many voters have spoken about the experience with the amc in those cities. so i'm saying that it has been good and they've received things like water and electricity and housing, which they never had before. pensions is also been a big issue among some votes of elderly voters who wouldn't have had access to pensions previously. but from many other voters, they view is that the amc has not done enough. they are concerned about the high level of corruption within the amc and those associated with the amc. and they feel like the amc has perhaps not that enough to ensure that south africa's economy stays on an even keel. and when you hear those sentiments, you definitely get the sense that voters are thinking about the lot, plus the tiers and voting based on those last the to yes. so what happens next? when will we actually know how south africans voted today?
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well, after the, the, the votes concluded, then the real work will begin for start from the i e. c. that's the independent electoral commission here in south africa as well. i use the stuff will actually begin vote counting the votes this very evening with in voting stations. those votes will then be the tallies, will then be transferred to the national results center. we will start to start see those trickling in. now the i you see have 7 days in which to finalize the results . but in the past, they've actually done it. the last time usually concluding those results with in about 4 days. so they, they give an expectation, at least that by the end of this weekend, we should have a clear indication of who's leading south africa, if not by early next week. we'll definitely know who has won the selection. diana harker reporting from johannesburg. thank you so much. i a quick look now at some
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of the other stories making headlines around the world today. the jury and former us president donald trump's harsh money trial has begun its deliberations. trump is accused of falsifying business records in connection with payments made to an adult film actor to prevent her from speaking publicly about an alleged sexual affair between them. if found guilty from could face up to 4 years in prison, belgium police have searched the residents in the offices of a european parliament employees. the belgian prosecutor says the employee played a significant role in a russian influence operation. and the suspect is to have paid sitting members of the european parliament to spread the pro kremlin propaganda columbia, as congress has voted to band both fighting south american nation is one of only 8 countries in the world for both sides are still held despite a significant decline in popularity in the past few years is approved by the president. the new law will come into effect. in early 2028.
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the south korea now were hundreds of balloons filled with trash and suspected excrement have landed, send over the border by neighboring north korea. the balloons called gifts of sincerity by north korea have provoked an angry response from sol. what's called the dangerous hundreds of these balloons, arrived in south korea overnight and are scattered across the country, the gary trash, and what the army said looked like vcs sent across the border by north korea. it has less locals and so worried he does. okay. in terms would have to go with his home. it was so creepy and scary that the balloon must have fallen down. because north korea designate a specific target to really, i mean everyone was scared at that moment. i wonder what would have happened if
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there wasn't just rubbish to even look at this it but viruses or chemicals because the title continued and i thought war could break out right away down the deposit is a little strongly. that's how i felt. if this situation worsens, that would be war. since security don't know how far north korea will go. i was very anxious. they think they put on north korea has said that the balloons were in retaliation to these inflatables, which were sent by south korean activists. that contained what north korean authority is called propaganda. leaflets alongside us be 6 with gape up content. south korea has called this latest act, dangerous. it has deployed its military to inspect and collect these bags of fields from across the country. edward howell is the lecturer and politics at the
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university of oxford and the korea foundation follow a chatham house and we're good to see you. let's dive right into this rather bizarre story. is this the 1st time this has happened a good evening tom. this is a slightly strange incident, but it's not completely on her adult in the sense that north korea did give us some form of warning from us as a speech by um, the vice minister for defense. and what's interesting here is that this is not the 1st time that we've seen north korea say it. we do something to south korea. we anyhow to go to buck 2021 north. chris said it would blow up the integrating liaison office and it did um, its particularly strange in terms of the, the contents of, of the balloon. but what we see is that no screen really is wanting to take
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a multiple volk, a tube stones on yourself because we are now, north korea's leadership says that this is in retaliation for a south korea, sending balloons from their side. and that it might just be the beginning. why do you think we're seeing this happen now? so north korea has never responded well to um, south korean. whoops, sending a n t d b, all kaylee flips, containing usb sticks of south screen movies for instance. um, across the board. uh, what we're seeing now though is earlier this year, north korea has made it very concert to change of policy towards south could, can don't, has moved away from the unifying the peninsula as it go. and what we're seeing is north korea ventures nice south k as h ultimate for its ultimate at both suite. so even though we, we haven't seen any signs of actual war,
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we all seem north korea escalated publications, particularly low level publications lenses, relatively speaking to south crew. how is south korea likely to respond? we heard a woman in our report there who was expressing fear that this might lead to an all out war. is that a likely scenario? i think we need to remember that kim, done the nose. that's an all out rule, not least a war involving nuclear weapons will me solves, but lead to the ultimate destruction of his regime and his state. that said, we should not be complacent. and i think this assess the precedent for taught publications that we might see between those screwing cells clear the question about biological weapons as well is always one of those quite well known. we know that north korea has tried to make biological weapons,
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but very little is known about it. we noted in the pulse they didn't know the dogs of chemical weapons. so i think we need to be very wary about film young's development of all the types of capabilities. nope, just nuclear weapons. how far do you think kim john own is currently willing to escalate? i think the government has a host of domestic issues within the country, but kingdom has made very clear and he made very clear 3 years ago. but he wants to accelerate the development of north korea's conventional and on conventional capabilities. and we are witnessing this, particularly with the spice of a lot launch that failed earlier in the week. i think kim duncan, however, is still very keen to betray itself clear as no space ultimate enemy, in addition to the united states,
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and also maintain domestic control over his population. so they are both international and domestic level factors influencing kim duncan's decisions here at or how the university of oxford thank you so much for this insight in the us capital daily has reported in all time high temperature of 52.3 degree celsius. that's a national record for all of india and neighboring pockets done temperatures of also exceeded $52.00 degrees in recent days. authorities of urged people to stay in doors, hydrate, and avoid unnecessary travel amid increasing cases of heat stroke. now, a team of international scientists says the dangerous heat in south asia has become more likely because of human driven climate change. the air and cannot harding's hot stifling. she lives in what is one of the hawk displaces on the planet right
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now. temperatures here in the southern sense, brogans have thoughts about 52 degrees with no fall and no proper shelter. she's exposed to dangerous 11 feet high. going to me that i have to sit in, he's, there is no fan and i have to sit in my hot in the heat. the sun is scorching up because the heat is eating away at us. but where can i go get into that? they have to physically run to the cuts. in fact, it's done around 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. so despite the punishing heat, many people have gone just stay at home, the color we have to work and the weather. we don't have a choice, i'm. we have to work and feed out children and everything or whether it's hot or cold or what about the focus on food, things, temperatures come after the country for breakfast, april, since 1961 exports. it could be the 16 but that it brings the human meet to try me
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. change the 2022 flats and focused on so one part of the country felt most under water. and because millions and economic losses investment in the deposition mechanisms hotel focused on these with a fix of time, it change much better of the, the government of pocket stocks. they're trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life. from there the, the, the early warning systems and they ask us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done find the fee. it duct ition has its limits, but focused on this responsible for less than one percent of greenhouse gas emissions . and unless global greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, people in countries like focused on, we've continued to peer the treat,
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this button, especially the armoire, is an urban planner and the founder of the karate, urban lab, or research unit, and pack hassan. she told me more about the intersection of urban planning and climate change. so i will be signing is about how we build equity. and this is not just a question of how cities have been done. some boxes found which is not a concrete model as fault. and the whole problem with the problem seems forwarding to the being able to and i'm sure this is generally kind of all over and some other challenge as far as the system. but what makes it a particular conundrum in terms of the sections of the thing to who i mean, i'm just trying to change the impact is subsidies also produce what is known as the busy time which i find entity, nighttime temperature is for instance, we actually have been increasing, this is we've searched what we've done in the crashing of them up to show there's a significant change in my time temperatures. so they, it's the interaction between the retries of warming trend each particular price challenge. with the sewing temperatures. as far as to be like could actually and
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elsewhere where in the southern region of sense other parts of body kind of concern . that's one thing we hear a lot about nowadays is investment to make cities more climate change resilience. but that is really expensive, impacts on is in an economic crisis. so how feasible is this really? um, you know it's, it's very feasible. it's quite feasible. this is, this is not just a question of economic crisis. it's also question of our budgets. i'm to spend when it comes to certain kinds of disasters. and uh, so for instance, there is a fair amount of money out of k to the, at the ground level $2.00 is plants and address mitigation. but as far as extreme heat has concerns, this is really not on the radar. and this is not true because he to something that is very old and historically relevant to, to southeastern cities and talk to sure in general. you know, we've lived with keith for centuries for millennium, but now as to our shows how rising of the specials are shifting,
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what we mean by the human non non human bodies capacity to withstand these temperatures. we need to allocate specific kinds of we need to air mocking targeting funds for, for heat risk mitigation at the community level, which is precisely what you're shown at the very beginning of the you know, your, your presentation today. and we heard in that report that progress on is responsible for less than one percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. now from your perspective, what should richer and more polluting countries which usually goes hand in hand do to help those whose carbon footprint is considerably less. but we're more vulnerable, a new key. there is no question that the global north owners look over the south big time. and this goes back to, you know, the coloring history, use of the engineering and changing ecosystems and you know, supplement, huge impacts on don't stand alone. they interact with certain kinds of the starts and dimensions, which that goes back to the colonial area,
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which have re engineered all the ecosystems which are internal. so breaking down. so absolutely, we need the decorations, we need money, money is to flow in. so that has to happen, but singleton, you see the government within pakistan, especially at the local scale that the municipal scale has to raise greater of interest that have to be very precise kinds of interest in teams. and it's just a level of awareness as far as heat and temperatures are concerned, but it's a very different things and its impact among populations. so we have the heat management plan. we have the metro logical department back next citizens, but that's not enough because one of the risks from extreme heat, whether it's chronic heat, acute heat is actually risks from indoor or c things so. so we need to understand how extreme keith works, both in the contract. so what happens to the outside and also what happens to the inside within people's homes, especially those who have very limited access to infrastructure, such as energy and water and then to nation and live in grades. and after they said
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conditions, it was professor of city and regional planning, gnashing armoire and the founder of the karate, urban lab. thank you so much. thank you. and some news from the world of sports now buying munich, have appointed booths and company as their new coach. after a month's long search, several top candidates had rejected the german club. the 38 year old has signed a 3 year contract that is despite his team for late leaving, just been relegated out of english, premier leak button fire and see if intentional in the former belgium international is makes german because he played for hamburg. that's always a plus at bar munich, come pony replaces to my sofa after byron's 1st season since 2012 ended without any trophy. meanwhile, spanish football gibes as the barcelona i have named the former in germany. coach
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has the slick as their new manager. the 59 year old has been out of work since being fired by germany in september. it previously legit. byron unit 2, a famous travel of trophies in 2020. this is his 1st job outside germany. big succeeds chevy up on this was dismissed by barcelona on friday. finally, in iceland, a new volcanic fisher has opened up in the south west of the country. the region and c h are options in the last 3 years alone. the kilometer long crack in the earth began spewing lava, hours ago. the effected area is mostly on populated, but close to the famous blue lagoon spa and a major geothermal power plant. latest or options come as a blow to the residence of the fishing town of grand, of a cool not been allowed to return to their homes. since last december, when lava began to encroach on the town, separate water and electricity supply lines. and with that,
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you're all up to date, but don't you leave us now because after short break, i will be back to take you to the biggest stories of the day. and i hope to see you there. the
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haven for russian money, money belonging to put in this country jones is said to be hidden away in switzerland. disappoint you, sanctions private just mentioned is secret bank accounts. paradise for collective cross and war criminals. on the trail of the legal russian billions in switzerland in 45 minutes on d, w. the or
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a business. but we will tell you the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw, and use africa every friday on d, w. in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in minecraft. instead of going to class others can attend classes, the minions of children, of the wills, collins going to school we ask why?
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because education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds. the of russia attacks ukraine from bases inside russia. then why should ukraine be allowed to fire back with a weapon supplied by the west? that's the question posed by french president emmanuel mccall, speaking in germany this week, and his eyes that would not amount to an escalation of the war. now the white house disagrees. washington does not encourage keith to use weapons it has supplied inside russia. that's put an end to speculation about that position shifting for now at least the discussions. what do we put in is well aware off,
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which might be the reason his warnings against playing with fire.


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