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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 1:15am-1:30am CEST

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right, for increasing numbers of civilian done the right, that's it for now we'll be back soon with more headlines. the meantime you can find out more online dw dot com. thanks for watching the we are all set and we're watching closely all the to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. the green. oh, you update the green innovations, super green and green, turn the gray off electron mobility and green revolution
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global. so listen to all kinds of problems to fix your thoughts on the topics. subscribe to those channels. we've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a the a t p as a loft predict off may feeling, you know, the game made me kind of keep i employed to be scrolling sort of golf space quite a need to be the coordinator. how are you? i'm there for the help all cause that was fine, you know, paint gave them one just to make this gave them the wine her when go and give her own one in the house. the display goal was, is that people with a, i was called the,
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the, the one of the biggest moments i would say was when i got to these and adopted the these things already with. but i think that i did do, it was even better the i had one person that you attended to me and i just got taught them on my own phone. i was very much like, you know, you live in jail, this will go like that. and when i posted, i remember it blew up and for the court, the main thing was that i bought a call from, but the courts team that they went to for the kids for the performance and the that's what i really like to follow. so my name is me,
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how do you say and of people to be as it to them is tied to books that's links to them handy. um what digits are 3 adults? i make content, i don't java and entertainment. i think it's, i've been loving savvy of that i started building even when i started enjoying the social media team. i agree station that, that is the last part is you need to be updated with the trend. so i am going to be putting okay, this is working, that is working this song, this trending lot is, can be made. and to get me wide as you need to be that sort of adults big, but you need to read it. yeah, the i m, android you needing broke up when it was the defense. and after that, at the,
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in my finding the of these, the, i thought that to death be 3 i a, i will call. it's easy to so if you do want to become curv i. e, i. so we should open up the i think it will be developed to what we can do. the fire is that, i mean it becomes up. i'm 52 years old and i'm a whitney. i melisha invested there me, i usually between a lot of food to be come in to get to the bus i these that know premier's extra previous product managers. so to know really to get rid of that, i think sion many ice trying to harness that deleted ship into a policy the sweet. so that like also really at the, to a, i the, and on the team to the want to build the state of like cleaning the sea. why don't we be able to do the
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more the highland games and medically clear hot? oh god, all those are in dire mountain tops me feeling all in game. you can see if the why didn't come phone gun from 9 on monday. and let me give, give me one more while at the moment, pardon me? if i had i they have when rob wells and fat stuffing. here i am. tom got off the phone with him. so i realize with sending her remote, hey, i'm trying to. hi, liz. who is up and then i was in need, how are the one i'm not in that he highest one hop. and if he had been left off and my parents won't have time for the past or the one that's how you're taking hip hop in to my, this is beth lanham. can cotton nothings hung up on me like i have been in the ones i've gotten 10 product and i'm nothing the cell,
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hey i'm my home is actually violet and a phone. so when you're doing a stuff gone, you're taking cost. when you're asking any questions to be i yeah, it should be can answer in a fair week. it doesn't have any bias c b, i thank you really, did you screaming it? you like how human can disagree me that do the was to contribute the built the to c, c i and to problem what did that versus the with the like, who should be active? shoot that he did. and to make sure that everyone can use happens, which means that i need to be under very book specialty, i guess the
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way i would like, you know, they would come on for myself and then be on hunting. then you have to offer the farm them to work on the websites with you and i'm gonna kind of you probably meet on the 4th week i've been contacting, i wouldn't have the meeting going to me or the 500 drops was a nice pond hoc. all been king, can one of them happened to me. he pulled in half one half of our me fortunately before he said to me, when you get low, my loan payment stuff for the week on see if you out me got me the popping up coupling calling about thinking how to finding some lower one . can you give me not a yeah. queen,
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queen. oh. then you put him out. i mean problem things. oh my bank. if he me try it out. the see if we may be near the top of that one of the i or the team. yeah. last time i don't paying them what today the i think the place it is just increasing because it's become very competitive. i think everybody can be an internal incentive in some what are the ways the fabulous? i thought the unit one, these are all for you all have gone to be consistent. now you have to put add. that's the 3. no order was already will take me around
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3 to hold us and do things the listing that she and i do watch the effects is when somebody uh come inside your body or they will say something which should have already been to you to sort of evaluate also that it's the perspective about me that's more to laugh and that's when you do, what do you need to be mindful you about how to take care of them and say, will you be all social media with some of these if i don't feel like the really, oh, i didn't really see a lot of females that activity. you know that still
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because we don't have anyone that was mentors but yeah, i think they, we are slowly going to this and i thing, right. if we have small females more like a very good professional e i or psych seamless that goodman, tardy young with me. then i think we can have a very good a women need a feeling in the future. the to me it was like when not in my house, i a government long spelling gable preop on crying stuff down, painted is bought here. is long. yeah. come and gone. you know, then you have
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a high cost and if you don't want and then you out on guy to money that you're going down. this is courtney. how are you? i'm because idaho bought a car that was found, you know, paint in front of the victim in the wind, her when glen give me one long last, when he didn't even turn real life in can in little and see you. but him, i mean, go through up and like on he yeah, he's on the phone. see me not after all the funny of them. i don't get me writing the meaning you can use that lead. hi. taking that into their own awful lot. savings or them? yeah. and that was me, yeah, they kind of let up will was up for me. so if you that, well, i'm not that any of hall. nobody can not was, it was put anything down in time last month in mid on a minute. no problems that might allow the mega if that's exactly install a outside have little come of
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the time, which i've been into into it. and then suddenly i was like, i don't want to be out of my house. and this happens. this is what he was like. it's not that i boost then what, what am i gonna spend? i started putting an end to the men going thank you man because they don't want him . but as of to it's picked up. so a lot of people are making entertain mendota. they can be gone during, but shot the luck on thing july. i have seen a few people actually put it out and i'm doing a lot of people are going to do the same on process as i am like the good audience managed and oh, not finding the one. i was everybody's loving it. there is a pain point, but i made it very, very, to need to blend very. i had this you,
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what is the point to the lawyer cleared, the more you know, and you, the more you know, all to connect with you. the overall is becoming a european silicon valley and the slowest of ukraine is being said
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from bombing, it's a safe haven for the will. we read for i to specialists as center for does have and young software developers, the focus on your next on d, w, conflicts zone, a special edition on the european election. we have a lot of new challenges, anybody's outside of the role, which has influence inside. how can people trust the elections? they don't know whether that voting for a russian pop it, or somebody who's just the s t is the most popular party among young world has a job in sebastian investigates. the question is democracy under threats conflict? in 16 minutes on d delta u, conflicts crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board
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is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the hello and welcome to this week's focus on your up. it's nice to have you with us. just to patient is growing across the continent at the upcoming european football championship in germany. the tournaments kick off is scheduled for mid june with $24.00 teams competing for the title. germany is looking forward to welcoming millions of fans from home and abroad to a celebration.


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