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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. israel's military says it has taken complete control of a strip of land linking gaza to egypt. it says the move aims to prevent from us, from smuggling weapons into the gaza. is real, has expanded its round operation in southern causes that a spite international condemnation over civilian casualties. also coming up a hong kong court finds democratic activists guilty of subversion under a china imposed national security law. will ask our correspondent what this means for the opposition movement there and valid counting has begun in south africa and
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what's being called the most important election since the end of a part time. the amc fights to hold on the power the welcome to our show. i'm assuming there's we invalid. israel's military says it has taken full control of a strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt is really military claims the philadelphia cord or provides a weapon smuggling root into the gaza for homeless militants. but it's also a key part of a delicate piece arrangement between egypt and israel is really helicopters firing towards rafa near the southern most city and gaza, where israel's military says it is seized control of a key stretch of land, of the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord, or that as long served as
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a buffer zone between garza and egypt. mahoney in recent days, id sources have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado, along the border between egypt and ref phone. she meant to send a death and card or so as an oxygen pipe for a mazda 3, which it regularly translates west into the gulf of strip to shoot this over to bills and cover the capture of the court, or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate israel's relations with egypt. cairo is accused israel using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land. this latest development is also a signal, israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza despite growing international calls for to stop. israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops, and rafa assuring them they will push on the why not new for me coming. we're here
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for a couple of reasons. this is the last time i asked for guide. that remains with all the type of abilities molly and we want to dismantle is about the israel insists it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how mos took the up tobar 7 terre attacks, despite condemnation from allies in 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount it is rarely bombardment and rough on wednesday head of building and this so i'm neighborhood. meanwhile, the home us run health ministry announced a death toll and the cause a war had risen above 36000. the problem is that definitely the federal oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of cvd in the for destruction and browsing and presidents and there's no end in sight.
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israel's national security advisor says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on for at least 7 more months to israel and the us are still calling the raffle offensive limited. we ask defense analysts, michael clark, what an all out offensive would look like. well, i'm thinking the defense would look pretty much like what they're doing. to be honest, it's hard to see what way this offensive is limited. because they moved 5 brigades . i think they created 2 divisions onto a 100 and 62nd. and the 90 example in division for this phase of the operation. and they put a 9 case division to the knolls. and they mobilized our to 13 brigades there. but they were too big divisions at a 13 per gauge. they mobilized 10 of them, 5 brigades, going to the know 5 brigades working in the south, and they're pushing as fast as they can. and so they moved into the eastern
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outskirts then to the central rep for another move to the west. i mean this on the buildings they go whenever they see target, so i mean, they were bombing yesterday that the cut out as a couple of days ago, the tunnel assault on an area of attend to the area because they felt that they had to particular and a terrorist to me to how much people using rubbing and how that not go. they say they sold, they have them. so they went after them regardless of the civilian casualties that, that caused. so to be honest, i can't see any difference between what they do now. i don't know a lot of defensive defense that unless michael clark, they're to south africa now where votes are being counted in what's being called the most important part of the 3 election since the end of apartheid at stake is the african national congress parties 30 year absolute majority polls indicate the support for the amc has dipped below 50 percent, which means the party might be forced to share power. results are expected within
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the next several days to or correspond to diane hawker has been following the election angel. how does court today? she sent us this update as bullying stations closed earlier voting stations closed at 9 p. m here in south africa, and those who are still in the line all waiting to cost the vote from across the country. we've heard that they are still a number of voting stations with they are hundreds of people waiting to cost the votes. it will be a difficult time for many of them in some parts of the country, the temperatures have already started to drop, such as, yeah, and, and the spread we've, i've, i've had to put on this one jacket. others in the line. don't have that kind of way, the protection, some people have also been complaining about all hungry and how tired they all of the spending hours waiting in the queue. the easy stuff also have a long night ahead of them. they will have to start counting votes. this evening
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and start sending those numbers to the national results into the national results. and to will then start correlating those numbers from old $23000.00 voting stations around the country. and that means that the i c is in a race against time because they have 7 days within which to announce the final election results in the past. they've announced them within $3.00 to $4.00 days. of course, they seems to be quite a high vote to, to not this time around. and therefore we'll have to wait and see how long it will take for them to announce the results. indications off that by this weekend, we could begin to see who has won the selection. diane hawker in johannesburg. there to the landmark case, hong kong is high court has found 14 pro democracy activists guilty of subversion. the activists are part of the hong kong 47 weeks. the group that took part in an unofficial primary election in 2020. they were charged under the national security
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law, the paging and post on hong kong. it has wiped out public consent in what was once ranked ages. free is city activists could face a lifetime of prison. let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the jury and donald trump's hush money trial has completed its 1st day of deliberations with outreaching a decision. former us president is accused of concealing payments, made to an adult film actress shortly before the 2016 presidential elections. if found guilty, trump could face up to 4 years in prison. disgrace movie mogul harvey weinstein may face new charges of sexual misconduct. prosecutors in new york told a judge that more people have come forward with assault claims. weinstein is waiting for a re trial in new york. after convictions on rape and sexual assault charges were overturned in april, his 16 year prison sentence for raping california was not effected. a powerful
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sycold is killed at least 65 people in bangladesh and india cycle. remo which made land fall on sunday, moved inland, causing floods and triggering land floods. almost a 1000000 people have been evacuated in thousands of homes have been destroyed. india's capital delhi has reported an all time high temperature of 52.3 degrees celsius. that's more than $126.00 degrees fahrenheit. neighboring pakistan temperatures have also exceeded 52 degrees in recent days. authorities there have urged people to stay in doors, hydrate, and avoid unnecessary travel. as the number of heat, stroke cases climbs, a team of international scientists says that dangerous heat waves, like the one and south asia, are becoming more likely due to human driven climate change of the air in house titles. hot stifling, she lives in what is one of the hawk displaced this on the planet drake?
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no. temperatures here in the southern sense, brogans have thoughts about 52 degrees with no fall and no proper shelter. she's exposed to dangerous 11 feet high. going to me that i have to sit in, he's, there is no fan and i have to sit in my hot in the heat. the sun is scorching up because the heat is eating away at us. but where can i go get into that? they have to physically run to the cuts in boxes done. i don't 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. so despite the punishing heat, many people have gone just stay at home, the color we have to work and the weather. we don't have a choice, i'm. we have to work and feed out children and everything or whether it's hot or cold or what about the focused on folding temperatures come after the country for breakfast april, since 1961. exports attribute these extreme but that it brings the human meet
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climate change. the 2022 flats and focused on so one part of the country felt most under water. and because millions and economic losses investment in the deposition mechanisms. hotel focused on these with a fix of time. it change much better or the government of pocket stocks. they're trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where that can prevent massive loss of life from the, the, the, the early warning systems. and they ask us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done find the fee it dr. nation has its limits. but back this time is responsible for less than one percent of greenhouse gas emissions. and unless globally, greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. people in countries like focused on,
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we've continued to pear, tree dispersion, which companies and south korean officials say north korea has fired eva raj, a ballistic missiles toward its eastern waters. south korea said it detected around 10 suspected short range, ballistic missiles fired from an area near the capital beyond. yay! the provocation comes one day after south 3 accused. the north of sending hundreds of balloons filled with trash and suspected extra minutes over the border south, calling it a low class stunt. hundreds of these balloons arrived in south korea overnight and are scattered across the country, the gary trash, and what the army said, looked like feces sent across the border by north korea. it has less locals and so worried he does okay. in terms would have to go with his home. it was so creepy and scary that the balloon must have phone. and then because
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north korea designate a specific target worthy, i mean everyone was scared at that moment. i wonder what would have happened if there wasn't just rubbish to even look at this, but viruses or chemicals, because the pedal continued and i thought war could break out right away because there's a little strongly that's how i felt. if this situation worsens, that would be war. since security don't know how far north korea will go. i was very anxious. they think they put on north korea has said that the balloons were in retaliation to these inflatables, which were sent by south korean activists. that contained what north, korea and authorities called propaganda leaflets alongside us be 6 with gape up content. south korea has called this latest act, dangerous. it has deployed its military to inspect and collect these bags of fields
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from across the country to sports now where greek football club, olympia, coast, pro reyes has won. greece has 1st every european club title, streets of prey as turned into a sea of red teams. color has been set off fireworks and flowers to celebrate the victory. bianca's beat it loose fuel in tina, one to nothing. the goal and extra time of the europe. europa conference, the final the, as you're watching the news. here's a reminder of our top story. israel's military says it has taken complete control of the strip of land that separates garza from egypt. move comes after israel launched deadly strikes in the neighboring city of rafa. despite of global outcry over increasing numbers of civilians,
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the right that's it for now. we'll be back in less than an hour with more headlines in the meantime. you can find out more online at dw dot com and see virtually in berlin. thanks for watching the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. watch now on youtube. my name is the calls back said wow,
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thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad a lot of people.


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