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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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old people learned to classify small handful of animals as edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. a donkey series about our complex relationship with animals need to be watch now on youtube. d. w documentary, the hello and welcome to this week's focus on your up. it's nice to have you with us just to patient is rolling across the continent at the upcoming european football championship in germany. the tournaments kick off a schedule for mid june was 24 teams competing for the title. germany is looking forward to welcoming millions of fans from home and abroad to a celebration of all things. football with top teams and star players from all over
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you. now is quite a sensation that georgia has made it into the finals never before has the countries national team qualified for the european football tournament. the joy and excitement with an georgian society is overshadowed by the people's disappointment was covered and to issue legislation, tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets and the capital of tbilisi against the so called foreign agents built many george and the soccer star . so also against the legislation, it is the evening of march 26th into please see a day that will go down in georgia in football history in a thrilling game. georgia has just beaten greece own penalties qualifying for the european championship for the very 1st time. at the georgia,
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in league derby in the same stadium, a few weeks later, the fans are still fired up by the women march telling vicinity why i'm so happy not just my generation, but the whole country has been waiting for this. i'm glad we qualified to put things out, is tempted to push those emails. this means more than anything to me and told them that i was 5 years old. when my father took me a long to see my 1st match up, the national team just got a single, i'm so happy, the stream is come true. it's hold every spot, somebody else. and this is another side of georgia, just a few kilometers from the stadium. thousands demonstrate almost every evening. the police do not shine from responding with force. they are protesting the governments draft laws, which they see as pro russian is passed the law with designate embryos and media as foreign agents. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad,
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it would also endanger george's hopes of ego accession hopes held by 80 percent of the population. in the meantime, we're all against this pro russian law. we do not want our state to accept it. it is an insult to georgians. the political protest has long since reached the country stadiums. dina mo, tbilisi is george's most successful club producing the most international players. and as firmly behind the demonstrators, our country wants a european future. b, it's one of the clubs facebook post. we stand for european values, our future is with europe reads another roman p. p a is the president of dina motor police seat. he probably says that his club was the 1st to take a public stand because we did problem pulling stuck out that the guy is not small
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about it. we are europeans in spirit and of us. we are a freedom loving nation. risk on and freedom is best seen in europe. well, one can determine one's own position and right, so clearly small party. that's how this will flip a while as an outcome and with this unity. so i'm sure trying to open negotiations on joining the european union is the pause it sees the pink suit of his sexual p. p . a has been harassed by the george and government for such statements. but he doesn't want to talk about it on camera. several national team players have also spoken out on social media. yorkie chuck said i'd say for example wrote, it's hard to watch how they are treating my compatriots, alluding to the police violence withdrawal of the law. then we can live together as we did on march 26th political analyst. no, some car i'd say is following the football are statements closely. she studies
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george and football and its influence on politics and society. he was the hold. those statements made by individual football players plus different local clubs are very valuable for us for pro democratic powers. they can influence inc. care each. the protest outside live on coby is really the george and football association president sits on the other side of the conflict. he's a member of parliament for the ruling george and dream party and voted for the law . the players he claims are not taking a stand voluntarily want you to have sign on my know going to any one is entitled to their opinion and to express it over social media or through statements. i've already attractive to your destination from, but i do not accept one side to another pressuring people to take sides in
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sinusitis with see, can you say who specifically? yeah. as a included, i could, but i don't want to go into detail started it, but it was a mistake and everyone in georgia knows that you're device and you're getting his football club receives many millions of bureaus and support from you any further, but he sees no contradiction in wanting to hinder embryos from receiving financial support from abroad. the government is keen to totes the national team success, hoping that the protests will subside and georgians will focus more on the european championships. but the demonstrators are not backing down. they may well find themselves watching the games from the street. the european union has warrants the george and government that is phone adrian slot, could negatively impact the country's progress towards you mentorship. what others
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feel like to be branded as a citizen with non western origin? mohammed as alarm from pockets on fields discriminated against. he won't deny his origins, but has live. huff is life in denmark, in a district of the countries capital. and no, no power can together with many other immigrants to many according to the government, which wants to get rid of what they call parallel societies by forcibly reset link residents. the movers have already arrived and behind the huge tarps covering these buildings lies a so called parallel society. at least according to the danish government and its view. it's a neighborhood where too many people with non western backgrounds live people like mohammed ocelot. so see they've driven around 60 percent of all residents and their families out of here until recently,
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copenhagen's meal in the park and neighborhood was almost exclusively inhabited by immigrants, but after the passing of a new danish law and taking aim, its so called parallel societies. this will no longer be tolerated. the responsible housing association must distribute the previous residents across other neighborhoods, while old apartments in new in the park and are being renovated. 2 of the 4 apartment blocks have been sold to private investors, outlet, then locked in for the fact that my home country denmark has passed such a discriminatory law against citizens like me, boss is both shameful and disappointing. yes, please. uh, we skim no school from the swamp. born in pakistan is the elected spokesperson for the residents and constantly has to console his distress to neighbors. the name of the and his wife are allowed to stay in the on the park and because he has lived here for over 35 years. but they also had to leave their apartment because of the renovations to say, uh it 10,
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no more. do you see the 2nd balcony from below and they continue to see that's why we raised our children, the sun. well, we sent them to school on them and later to university, most people here the government, led by the social democrats, has identified around a dozen residential areas across the country that are now threatened with the same page as me on the parking for meeting their criteria of being a parallel society at some point the honda wonder, but yeah, these are societies in which other values apply? no societies where people don't turn to the police, but want to solve problems in their own way or excited where people don't work. it's, these are mainly people with roots in the middle east and north africa. well, you have to be honest about that. i think it has nothing to do with racism. it's simply what the statistics tell us. decency profit. how does that, does that from gang violence,
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suspicion of terrorism to drug dealing unit parking is constantly in the headlines . but statistics show that less than 3 percent of its residents have a criminal record. according to mohammed osmond for him, the accusations are just a pretext. there what about apartments and buildings ever done to anyone, or they also criminals to do with the support of danish human rights activism for home? it awesome. and the other residents wanted challenge the law on all levels, right up to the european court speak because they believe their chances of being heard are good. this is a, it's a violation of discrimination rates. be chose usually to target certain groups because their address was here, not because they have done anything on or simply because they had the name that they they were been several demonstrations in solidarity with me on the parking residents, but so far, no nationwide outcry against the eviction. quite the opposite poll showed that the
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majority of the day and support the government's tough emigration policy. and some can young with the veteran and really well just look in sweden where people with different ethnic backgrounds are causing problems such as gain crime, hoping you want the model of and the can say, i think something has to be done as soon as you want to say that the, the whole phone system said before, and i think it's good when young adult students and pensioners and people of different ethnic backgrounds come together in the neighborhood. like those moves. if you're but then you have to control it. not just allowing anyone to move in their company, see a box of food, but from a home. it awesome unit park and it was never a parallel society. it was a housing project where a sense of community and cohesion prevailed upon the life of me and go to the kids used to be able to walk from one courtyard to another, to hear everything was open the law then the, now they're turning every block into a close development upon that you can live with me and goes and then awesome has to
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pack his bags again. another temporary apartment awaits him. since the one he has been assigned to still isn't ready. and because he can no longer afford the old one after the renovation, as you go through to the rent used to be around $800.00 euros. now it's supposed to be 2000 terrible in new in the park in the movers will be coming and going many times in the coming months and will homage us loans home will never be the same again. us now we'd like to introduce you to mario sons from spain. he lives a life between light and darkness, spending most of his time in a rugged landscape he is mostly on his own. he enjoys the loneliness and solitude office, workplace high above the cliffs of the mediterranean sea. and his jump, he says, is all he ever dreamed of. so how come he's one of the last of his kind in spring?
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the solitary beam of light. 23. not a call miles long. the, the photo then mess out all done in under lucy, a lighthouse, mario sons has lived in for 32 years. he's the one that spans last light housekeepers to him, but will know by that. but i, so i think sometimes i feel like i'm a squatter in paradise. i'm going to, i don't know. i think i don't deserve to work in such a beautiful place and it's a real privilege to see of working. and i only realized that myself, after a few years in a little space coast, was one's home to 500 lighthouse keepers like mario today, he says that number is closer to 15. mario's work consist of
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a strict daily maintenance regime now connected to the grid. 160 years ago the light was generated by oil of the i saw there was always something magical about lighthouses set about 40 the light and shadows, a beacon in the darkness and not only for the ships they also cast the spell over me that you have a different perspective from here, the internet and the all the windows need, regular cleaning, so it's not block any light. but the 63 year old is used to the dizzying heights. like a little bit. i never thought about it. if i was sent to the highest inhabited lighthouse in the mediterranean and 222 meters above sea level will be the if i didn't have a head for heights, i'd have had a bad time all these years ago. for the, the
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mario is proud of his lighthouse and he knows that the old technology is still indispensable in modern times. and ok, basic gps is great to that. i mean, but almost all ship captains. i would say they watch for beacons, a company model, and then there could be a problem with the satellites, obviously out there guessing not. but the lighthouse is always there within reach of a piece, a goal. with that feeling, mario grew up in madrid, almost 400 kilometers from the sea. you had a bar there until he decided to become a marine signal mechanic. far away from the big city. the when you leave the city, you realize that you're part of nature. on the one hand, you realize that you are independent and can do more than you think on the other and that you're just a tiny dot on earth. it isn't going to be the mario
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also maintains the photo, the mohawk of the newest, and most modern lighthouse in spain. it's uninhabited, so everything here is remote control road. this is what the future looks like. mario only needs to check in once a week. then they don't fight on, they will. my lighthouse is 160 years old. this one is just 325. so they represent a change in the world of work in the past. how many people worked on site everywhere? yes. what about a home on today? remote working and working from home are very important. it's the same with lighthouse us on it. i think it's a shame, but that's progress. level of feeling as i see. it's only a matter of time soon. all lighthouse is will be remote controlled. here, mario is set to retire in a few years, but if you can, you will continue to look after the lighthouse museum, keeping the memory of his profession and his predecessors alive. the experiencing storms here, bottle helping ship wrecked people being
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a base on the coast. all that will be lost in the end of it because i mean, are you good? my photo will remain i was i the last lighthouse keeper on this side say if i don't say that it's nice to be part of this heritage. i need to know what i'm about the the, the 2nd and i'll always remain connected to the lighthouse. somehow they'll have to deal with me here until i die and scatter my ashes in the sea. they've got to you that had to have the photo. the missile done will continue to live on sending it's raise over the sea, but remotely, the when i think of ukraine these days wore death and destruction come to mind. but there are places in ukraine like we'll show up in the far west. we'll live on full sooner, rather peaceful setting,
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presuming to be the one of the safest places in ukraine. the city is a sanctuary for people wanting to start a business making or show up a hot spot for i see companies a busy help which some belief is developing into your pin silicon valley who shut out in the far west of ukraine is considered one of the safest cities in the country. the bombing of har keep in the northeast, is driving more and more people to the safety of western ukraine. the city and the carpet and mountains is now also attracting computer, and i t specialist the debrief at the source angel. the i t company from heart, even northeastern ukraine, has just the set up shop here following a dramatic increase in russian bombardments in recent weeks. relief the boxes from harkey have arrived a separate storage uh which is 16 square meters. uh over the foot and its fully
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load it bloss. it'd be a place or money or some laptops or lots of stuff which makes a difference of 5. 35000 computer companies and i tease specialists have set up shop here. international clients are afraid of the risk elsewhere. a startup scene is emerging. 29 year old mirror slab of might which helps new arrivals find an office and housing which is fine shut out. and the trans carpet and region are increasingly becoming a refuge for companies fleeing russian bombing. but we should not wait until the war is over to rebuild everything, get them in this region. at least we have already started. when, when the fall from the visible dog. and it's already visible, new apartment, buildings and offices are springing up everywhere. digitalization has made great strides here, as it has elsewhere in ukraine. most people have their ideas and drivers license on
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a smartphone app. one of the larger companies to open its doors here is petterson apps. c o, that host are back is convinced that the ukrainian heights, the sector will boom here thanks in part to its proximity to the you. so he's a to hop on a plane and to be there and to, to do a workshop to the assumption that was small. and this assumption, this is unique. so this is how we can be competitive because there is a score this competition from india. there's competition from the southeast asia. so for us, for our industry, there's a lot of competition. the company is mostly made up of young people, many of them fresh out of university who shuttle its proximity to western ukraine's campuses is a huge benefit. and together with his team, all that has just developed an award winning app for the scan to navy an airline, i say yes to the potential in the central european class. so in the past and the focus was some of the current from germany, from friends, from scandinavia,
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from america. and obviously potential of working boys declines even in the bowling, the extra phonics lock. yeah. and hungry because us as a company, we haven't been so much in ohio and it's so rather than the ukrainian i t sector is growing, even if it's at a slower rate than before the war. the government has created tax incentives for entrepreneurs bounding companies. their current tax rate is only 5 percent, extremely low by e u standards in europe needs. those brings those people was the skew as most of the skews, and we have those people and we have the motivation for people to be there in the vars. numbers and hundreds of thousands of the german chamber. a foreign trade in keys sees the potential for a european silicon valley and who showed above all ukrainian. the i t companies have benefited from the outsourcing of european companies. ukrainian software
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developers are far cheaper to employ up the unit. and because um, i believe that ukraine as a whole and perhaps the i to sector in particular is a good asset for the european union to quit. and we have some real expertise here that we lack in other parts of the you to uses and they're innovative, they're well educated. and now they're even battle hardened, and therefore extremely flexible. extreme succeeded. so while the country's general economy is suffering under the pressure of war, the i t sector in western ukraine is booming. here's a new business plan in case you're interested in being a gas. phenomenal success move to brussels and apply for trial restaurant. the full run allows you to run a dining facility for a few months without any financial risk, including free consultation. and the advice times may be a bit difficult for the restaurant industry. but the badge and capital prides
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itself on his coat and every tradition ac. but as you see, the phone part gets lock was born in vietnam, but has lived in belgium since childhood. for many years, she wasn't charge of communications for large companies, but she finally got tired of it. now that her 2 children have grown up to use, trying out a drastic career, change mid on it. if you scroll through the streets of vietnam, there are very simple restaurants that offer a single meal on planning 3 or 4 such dishes here to fix. these are many crepes hors d'oeuvres made from rice flour turmeric and coconut milk cocoa mix. how this is received in brussels remains to be seen on lock, took over the fully equipped small restaurant in mid april for 4 months with rent subsidized by the process of region where more and more restaurants are going bankrupt, your lead. then this is alarming. the go, our main metropolis,
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which is urgently looking for motivated restaurant, hers in the city, that's what the, what is and projects co quote we execute. these are established restaurants with chef that change every 4 months. this way, they can test all their concepts with minimal risk. the lock is lucky to come from a culinary family. her mother and aunt both long retired or helping her to get started. her niece comes into help with serving and washing up. having the families help is great, except when space is an issue. started pushing that, that'd be small, need a much bigger kitchen in the next place, because it's difficult to work here with 2 or 3 people. and while i do what we can hardly turn around, there is no place just for drinks and plates pile up on the order counter. these problems actually show like success. after just a few days,
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the small restaurant is sold out for the 1st time. the motion to approve you on board. no food left to prepare. no drinks left with them. all. it's really tough to predicts what to have on hand to these on friday. for example, i sold a lot of beacon dishes, is your so i prepared a lot of beacon food for saturday and then didn't serve a single one of again. it's difficult to evaluate. soon as you see, i read it one day loc, couldn't open up her restaurant at all because of the sort of rookie mistakes customers complained, which is actually a good sign. the restaurant is small with cutlery and cans and recycled. sustainable furniture after the program ends locked, definitely wants to open her own restaurant and bring what she's learned here with her. the as well as that wraps
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it up for this week's edition of focus on europe. hope you enjoyed the show. good bye for now. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the large, the environment, trends technology come list, digitalization, stall, tops, new market, new media. the world is accelerating these the opportunities to try new things. take flights with d, w. 's, business magazine,
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made in germany. in 30 minutes on the w of the the front steps for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is looking at a potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to get to it right before we start environmental activists of skeptical is this true nature conservation on the green washing rule bill billions to be made out to pub documentary, deep sea greed, stats, june 7th on t
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w. cost about is not. why does that? because now i'm lisa and to the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between moses a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope that you will tune in march around the block, and then just go see a quote. you can make sure and i should call you so yes, 2 sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight for con dreams of another world. the scots june fast d w.
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the, this is the, the news life from berlin is royalties has control of the buffer zone between gaza and egypt. it says it's a is to prevent from us smuggling weapons into gaza. but the move could also still tensions with egypt. also coming up 14 pro democracy activists are found guilty of subdivision by a 4th and home phone. we lost our part, responded what this means for the opposition move. one fact the


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