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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news life from berlin is royalties is control of the buffer zone between gaza and egypt. it says it's a used to prevent from us smuggling weapons into because of the move could also still tensions with egypt. also coming up 14 pro democracy activists are found guilty of subdivision by force and home phone. we lost off on respondents what this means for the opposition move. once that
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the, i'm been expanded to welcome israel ministry say is it has taken full control of the strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. these rarely benefit claims the philadelphia caught it all, provides a weapon, smuggling root into gaza for how boss many times. but it's also a key part of a delicate piece arrangement between israel and egypt. these right has also deepened its incursion into rough uh, in southern guns that is really helicopters firing towards rafa near the southern most city and gaza. where israel's military says it is seized control of a key stretch of land. the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord or that as long served as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. every muscle in him, in recent days,
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besides thoughts as have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado, along the border between egypt and rest phone, she meant to send a death and card, or 7 as an oxygen pipe of a mazda 3, which is regularly trans. since west into the gulf of strip to shoot this over to bills and cover the captor of the cord or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate israel's relations with egypt. cairo is accused israel's using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land. this latest development is also a signal, israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza. despite growing international calls for to stop. israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops in rafa, assuring them they will push on why not new port? because we're here for a couple of reasons. this is the last time i asked for guide that remains with all the testability smalley and we want to dismantle it as
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a call they can talk about the fia is rolling system. it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how mos took in the old tober 7 terre attacks, despite condemnation from allies and 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount it is rarely bombardment and rough on wednesday hit a building in this so um neighborhood. meanwhile, the home us run health ministry announced a death tool and the cause of war had risen above 36000. the problem is that that means the federal oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of c, meeting e for destruction and browsing and perseverance. and there's no end in sight. israel's national security adviser says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on
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for at least 7 more months. let's get more off. indeed, of the correspondence, rebecca auditors in jerusalem. rebecca, why does each barrel say operations and gaza will continue, at least in the end of the as well barish israel has maintained since the get go since the very beginning of this war that it's main military aim is to eliminate how about how about us now? as we're seeing is ro hasn't managed to do that. so assigned to continuing to carry on that military and in ross or as you just heard in that report there. and we're also say fighting was human areas that had been officially created and confirmed. you know that they had pulled down tobin central and northern, gaza and then come off of fighting a guerrilla warfare. many experts are in fact warning of what they say might be for revel. you know, as a sort of like insurgency style welfare happening in gauze that israel won't be able to come back and say to the israeli population, we did it,
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we eliminated her mouse. and therefore, we're inevitably going to say, this will drag on. that's certainly what experts a saying, and of course we have the issue of hostages there is you heard in that report and we've been talking about now for months is rel, needing to also be able to come back and bring the hostages back to the many people and it's relevant calling for that. now of course, you've also got the political angle, benjamin netanyahu really fighting for his political survival. and knowing that when such a time comes that of the war ends, he will have to face questions regarding how something like october 7 was able to happen under his watch. he's made saying it's not fair, it's not right to have to answer those questions as was ongoing and that would come at the end of the war. so there's little incentive on his part as well to, to try to bring this to a close. but definitely the main aim is going to be because of this, this, you know, desire of this state of climate. they're going to eliminate tomas and bring back the hostages,
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something that they haven't been able to achieve to the state. and rebecca, how much consensus is dad amongst the? is riley's about this ongoing offensive as well? since the very beginning, again, you know, israel has the most is right of the majority of his riley's has been in support of this. they see this is inevitable. they see this as a must have they want to see a most eliminated and that's the rest. they don't want to see another attack happen like what happened on october 7th, all understandable there. um, you know, there are of course voices within israel, a small amount of voices who, who don't want to see this will continue that a calling for a safe spot and a small but growing number of people who are calling for anything to be done in order for the hostages to be able to bring back, so they cooling for, you know, any deal to be made with him also that they loved ones can come behind that things be headed, of course, by the families of the hostages. but that is a growing voice here, but by and large overall we're seeing, you know,
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the support maintain for this, for this conflict until it's route it manages to meet that amazon emanating him off . but the media landscape here it should be said is very different. the discussion in the mainstream media here isn't what we're seeing on international news and reading and international papers. it's much more focused on the hudson situation and the threat of hamas and, and people suddenly out hoping that that israel will be successful in making those names. and in the midst of all of the sort of back of the un is wanting of family and then is also saying that the amount of demand in aid entering cause has dropped by 2 sides. scenes is around began this assault on rough uh this month. what is the israeli government saying about that? well, the israeli government paints a very different picture. they say that a lot more is getting in, but the numbers, the way that it's calculated, varies the way that the un calculates. it calculates it is different to how these riley is doing, is really to include the numbers coming through places like ashed on port,
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which is only as rarely sign that that's not including trucks have been actually entered into israel. so we're seeing a huge drop in the amount of a, the, you insane of a warning for a very long time. but simon is intimate eminence. and now we're seeing, you know, 50 trucks a day or 58 truck that i should say on average, compared with nearly a 180 before. this may 7 incursion, that is not file file few within the 500 to 600 trucks a day needed to stave off the, the humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding there. we now live with the, for the moment. the thanks so much for joining us. rebecca auditors in jerusalem a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the jewelry in donald trump's hush money trial has completed its 1st day of deliberations without reaching a decision. the former us president is accused of concealing payments, made to an adult film actress shortly before the 2016 presidents and elections, if found guilty,
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prompts could face up to full yes. in prison. dispersed movie mobil. harvey weinstein may face new charges of sexual misconduct, prosecute as in new york during the drugs that more people have come forward with assaults claims. weinstein is waiting for the re trial in new york, off the convictions on rape and sexual assault charges. but over time, in april, the 16, the prison sentence, for rate in california was not effective. the strong winds have blown an american airlines plane from its position parked on the tarmac as a texas airport. the plane was occupied at the time, severe solve. the reason have killed an injured dozens as well as causing wide spread out to hong kong next. where and a landmark case uh, the cities high court has found 14 pro democracy active is guilty of supplies of the activist, part of the so called all 4070. i'm
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a group for the 2 box. and then unofficial primary election in 2020, they were charged under the national security. no. the virginia post on home phone . it has lifetime public defending multiples. once rank h s v s c t. the activist could face a lifetime in cuz you know, because when phoebe calling has been following the case in hong kong and jars me from the see be good morning. watch as being the immediate reaction to this maddox a while this is the largest national security. this policy facing the 62020 more than a 100 days to finish this trial, and most of the defendants have been changed for more than 3 days since you today. and today the judges amounts as uh, i'm fairly low. but i think that 14 of the defendants heating not q t,
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and i'll come back to that. so only 2 of them. at the moment i'm the judge says in the statement in the quote that the, the conspiracy time re election implemented, the judge said he would have created a constitutional crisis in hong kong. and um, the judge also said that the defendants were doing to indiscriminately. 7 fetal and got them about texas, they are elected in the parliament. and that would be to um like interference and disruption to the. 7 7 so on the to. 7 but thing to say power under the national. 2 see things to be the budgets and also the past. what i got to do is find to paralyze the. 1 to find like the powers, all bad, all m p 's,
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but not the judge says the problem is paper i'm not absent. so it basically denies many of the defense arguments off all the defendants and the lawyers. i'm. 7 the judge also said that any time to process and the system must my on the plan m c m substitute k about this to a pretest dependence. um this just sat there, i'm not sure about that intends. 7 to participate, so therefore they are switching. so in total power of $47.00 defendants $45.00 of them and now found due to. 3 only 2 of them did you talk a bit about the background to this case by have these activists organized an unofficial primary election, or what will have to bring you back to the massive anti government movement in 20195 years ago on that as of late to like make food testing
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done like we test the 5 thousands of protesters off to the government to keep them unit passes, coverage and also to investigate police for tennessee. so on the opposition came $12.00. 7 6 for a majority agent upon the men seem to come a mess, spoke election in order to pass the government to respond to protest. so that's why they come up with an unofficial primary election that you know that there's something based on the, the, the candidate stop that to the house highest time. so when the election, but um, they also became something about like they want to feed the buses. there, um, do you think i'll get back to it on a one on so that's something i think on the q 5 base saying that something that profess below id with the moment the. com. thanks so much for joining us today. is some sports news now and the buyer and the unix have a pointed vincent company as the new coach. after
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a months long search several top candidates had projected the german club. so t a t at all company has signed a 3 year contract. that's just by 15, bentley, having just been relegated out of the english by me and lead, but by on see pretense and in the form of belgium international. the also speaks german because he played for humble company the place has promised himself after by on end of the season. but that's a pro fee for the 1st time seems to try and find to be in iceland. a new volcanic sea show has opened up in the country southwest, the kilometer long crack, and the odds began spearing lava on wednesday. it's the 8th through ruptured in the region in the last 3 years. the area is mostly unpopulated, but the lava has forced evacuation of a famous blue lagoon spa and the nearby fishing town of green to big with that you're up to date,
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but stay with us. so to look into the growing problem of addiction to mobile devices that's coming up after the break. i'm very strategy in abilene, thanks so much for watching. and remember, you can always uh, have all access to all the latest news and information on our website. that's dw dot com until you back here in about 45 minutes about the house. i mean for a station in the rain forest continue carbon dioxide emissions,


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