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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from believe is royalties has control of the buffer zone between godsa and egypt. it says, gets famous to prevent from us smuggling weapons into cause that, but the move could also still tensions with egypt. also coming up 14 pro democracy activists are found guilty of psychiatric bar ports and home. com. we lost our protest funds and what this means to be a position movement that the youth brain says it does not have the means to defend itself from rushing into thoughts and asks, mutual members to come to a page. we look at why the suggestion is proving so controversial,
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the i'd be to expand as you're welcome each management. if you say that has taken full control of a strip of land that's of as a buffer zone, because on egypt, these barely ministry claims to philadelphia caught adult, provides a weapons smuggling root into gaza for her most benefits. but it's also a key part of a delicate piece arrangement between israel and egypt. each man is also deep and it's in custom into rough uh, in southern gaza. is really helicopters firing towards rafa near the southern most city and garza where israel's military says it is seized control of a key stretch of land, of the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord or that as long served as
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a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. every muscle in him in recent days find the forces, have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado. along the border between egypt and wrestling, she met the philadelphian cardoso and as an oxygen pipe for a mazda 3, which it regularly transits width into the costs of stripe. the shoot the cover to bills and cover the capture of the court or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate israel's relations with egypt. cairo is accused israel using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land. this latest development is also a signal, israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza despite growing international calls for to stop israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops, and rafa assuring them they will push on one afternoon for me calling. we're here
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for a couple of reasons. this is the last time i asked for a guide that remains with all the tasks abilities, molly and we want to dismantle it as well. they can talk about the fia is rolling system. it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how mos took and the up tobar 7 terre attacks. despite condemnation from allies in 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount. it is rarely bombardment and rough on wednesday hit a building in this so um neighborhood. meanwhile, the homeless run health ministry, and now the death toll and the cause of war had risen above $36000.00. the problem is that that means the federal oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of cvd in infrastructure and browsing and presidents. it's and there's no end in sight.
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israel's national security advisor says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on for at least 7 more months. and i also do delta correspondence, rebecca auditors in jerusalem. why israel j is operations and does already continue, at least till the end of the well barish israel has maintained since the get go since the very beginning of this war, that it's main military aim is to eliminate how about how about us now as we're seeing israel hasn't managed to do that, so found it continuing to carry on that military and in russ or as you just heard in that report there. and we're also say fighting was human areas that had been officially created and confirmed. you know that they had pulled down tobin central and northern gaza and then come off of fighting a guerrilla warfare. many experts are in fact warning of what they say might be for revel. you know, as
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a sort of like insurgency style welfare happening in gaza that israel won't be able to come back and say to the as riley population. we did it, we eliminated her moss. and therefore, we're inevitably going to say this for drag on. that's certainly what experts a saying, and of course we have the issue of hostages. there's you heard in that report and we've been talking about now for months is rel, needing to also be able to come back and bring the hostages back to the many people in israel who calling for that. now of course, you've also got the political angle, benjamin netanyahu really fighting for his political survival. and knowing that when such a time comes that of the war ends, he will have to face questions regarding how something like october 7 was able to happen under his watch. he's made saying it's not fair, it's not right to have to answer those questions as was ongoing and that would come at the end of the war. so there's little incentive on his part as well to, to try to bring this to a close. but definitely the main aim is going to be because of this, this,
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you know, desire of this state of climate. they're going to eliminate tomas and bring back the hostages, something that they haven't been able to achieve to the state. and rebecca, how much consensus is data amongst the is riley's about this ongoing offensive of the quotes since the very beginning? again, you know, israel has most is right, you have the majority of his riley's has been in support of this. they see this is inevitable. they see this as a must have they want to see a must eliminated and that's the rest. they don't want to see another attack happen like what happened on october 7th, all understandable there. um, you know, there are of course voices within israel, a small amount of voices who, who don't want to see this will continue that are calling for say, saw and a small owing number of people who are calling for anything could be done in order for us to just to be able to bring it back. so they calling for it, you know, any deal to be made with him also that they loved ones can come harness things be
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headed, of course, by the families of the hostages. but that is a growing voice here, but by and large overall we're seeing, you know, the support maintain for this, for this conflict until it's route it manages to meet that amazon a midnight and come off. but the media landscape here should be said is very different. the discussion in the mainstream media here isn't what we're seeing on international news and reading and international papers. it's much more focused on the hudson situation and the threat of hamas and, and people suddenly out hoping that the israel will be successful in meeting those names. and in the midst of all of this, rebecca, the u. n. is wanting a family and that is also saying that the amount of demand in a to enter in gaza has dropped by 2 sides. students is ready to begin this assault on rough uh this month. what is the, is there any government saying about that as well? the as riley government paint a very different picture, they say that a lot more 8 is getting in, but the numbers, the way that it's calculated,
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varies the way that the wind calculates. it calculates it is different to how these riley is doing, is really to include the numbers coming through places like ashed on port, which is on the as riley sign. but that's not including trucks that then actually entered into israel. so we're seeing a huge drop in the amount of a d u and saying of a warning for a very long time. but simon is intimate eminence. and now is saying, you know, 50 trucks a day or 58 trucks, it should say on average, compared with nearly a 180 before. this may 7 incursions. that is not file file few within the $500.00 to $600.00 trucks that they needed to stave off of the humanitarian catastrophe. that's unfolding. may we now live with the for the moment. the thanks so much for joining us. rebecca auditors introducing them. meanwhile, chinese president change and being has promised help for the guys us group and spoken in favor of a peace conference saying the war cannot continue indefinitely. after meeting with the top representatives of out of countries, he indicated china support for the creation of
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a palestinian state to move on tending g shirts and the china family support senior, the 10 percent off of independence, the state of palestine that enjoys our full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as a capitalist of having go to share, follow some time totally. and then hope that supports pilots times full membership in the un. okay. and supports a more broad base, a thorough tanf and effective international peace conference. go me or shoot you all the a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. government has trump debt an opposition candidate for may uh, in southern mexico alfredo pub of that i was gone down to political rally. more than 20 people running for local office have been to the head of mission by connections that's been take place. this sunday. the jewelry and
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donald trump's hush money tried, has completed his 1st day of deliberations without reaching a decision. the former us president is accused of concealing payments, made to an adult film actress shortly before the 2016 presidential elections, if found guilty, prompt could face up to 4 years in prison. is based movie mobil. harvey weinstein may face new charges of sexual misconduct. prosecute as in new york, told a judge that more people have come forward with a sole claims. weinstein is waiting for a re trial in your file for convictions on rates and sexual assault charges. but over time, you depot the 16 year prison sentence for rates in california. and strong winds have blown an american airlines blame from its position box on a tom, i guess a text is airport. the plane was unoccupied at the time. severe storms in the region field and injured doesn't mean,
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as well as causing widespread to hong kong. next, where a landmark case in a lead marquez, i'm afraid, i'm sorry, the cities high court has found 14 pro democracy active is guilty of subversion. the acts of this up on the so called home phone for the service, which includes the default, you know, on the personal primary election. in 2020, they were charged on the message to go to law the aging and folds on it says the wife talk public defensive because once frank issues for us to to deactivate let's face a lifetime in prison. dw correspondence phoebe calling has been following the case in the city and told us how the judge is justified. they've addict of the well, the rest is the largest national security file today and home policy and spacing in post the security level here in 2020. so what's been covering and following the
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product with hundreds of members from the public sale that they, that the judges half of like come stick to 14 out of 16. also defendants who feed it not q t. so only 2 of them were found in this, at the moment. so to get a, with all the defendants will see that due to the earlier $45.00 out of $47.00 of them canal convicted of this charge are sufficient. conspiracy. the suppression. so the judge said if the quote. 5 of that primary, these instrumentality would have created a constitutional crisis and the defendants were seeking to, in this frequently be told the government such as if they're elected in order to paralyze the governments and the into the, into the i'm like that to, to that. but just in the functions, i'll say, of course he's and regarding the present take out the parts of say,
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i'm not sure about that intends all set for this patient in the primary so that they found them not duty at the moment. can you talk a bit about the background to this case? maybe, why have these activists organized an unofficial primary election? so yeah, we will have to take you back to um, 2019 the one that uh, massive antique i've been looking and happen. uh, 5 years ago. um and in that coming uh let's just say people action the opposition came up to i'm getting the majority in the problem. and so, um they organized and then uh and, and the official uh, primary election among the democrats democratic forces. i'm hoping to apply to candidates with the highest time seems to be me election so that they kept pressure the government to respond to the protesting months i'm in. that's probably election despite the warning, somebody's saying over 600000 people turn out to vote. and now it has become f as
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in all of the charge and they, um, offenses, all of so close conspiracy to the person to be where does today's judgment leave hong kong pro democracy move on slow. this is one of the most landmarks that it seems um the secure to know about putting place in hong kong that is closely monitored by the international communities have today. well, i've seen a 1000 south western diplomats like coming here to observe. the verdict is not only like um, like another day in hong kong, but it also read the find a room full of opposition most months with theme. that's the constitution because also it is friday like action such as like all the nice thing. i'm an official primary in order to i'm hoping to kind of paralyze that governments or trying to pressure the government to achieve the mom status seems as like um,
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criminal in beijing, eyes to be now like unlawful as well. so it's not only like family st coast as now in hong kong, but people buried that even like any actions within the institution, or at that one, it seems as legitimate in the pots could now be a criminal. we leave it there for the moment. phoebe com. thanks so much for joining us today. yeah, in your up nato. foreign ministers are due to meet in prague later today with ministry aid for ukraine. expected to top the agenda us, i can feel safe. anthony blinking has already arrived and the check capital ahead of the informer gathering us in, bucking videography and allies to help you frame print up it's long term forces. i thought you praying, sir. easy does not have the means to defend itself from russian meta tags and has aust nato members to come to its aid. let's look now at the challenges keith is
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facing from the skies. good air raid sirens sound over keep last year. while overhead air defenses shoot down most of an incoming russian attack, russian missiles continue to strike targets across ukraine, including the vital part of odessa in the far west of the country. ukraine's president, the loading there's a lensky, has called on nato members to set up an air defense shield over his country to protect it from russian missiles in an interview with the new york times. so lensky said, so my question is, what's the problem? why can't we shoot them down? is it defense? yes. is it an attack on russia? no. us made patriots. surface to air missiles are expensive, but effective. some types have
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a range of over 100 kilometers. patriot missiles have already been deployed inside nato members, including poland and romania, which border ukraine. a natural air defense shield could protect parts of western ukraine including odessa. but the capital key would be out of range. supporters say that would take pressure off ukraine, allowing it to concentrate its resources on the front line. while some german politicians have embraced today to air support. it's an idea of the government has so far rolled out. and natalie, i talked with many families, frank led bridge. i asked him why the idea of nato countries providing air defense cover over ukraine is so controversial. or the reason is that it's extremely significant where this to happen throughout the 45 years or so. the cold war, i'll lead us with that experience is highly competent. it made every effort to avoid western troops, a trip to us troops of whatever kind,
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coming into open conflict with russian or soviet military assets or indeed soldiers . those are the risk that of, of course, this would constitute in itself, escalation of the trouble is, of course, escalation in all was operates as a ratchet effect. the lex, escalade top doesn't come down. so then what, what happens when these competent troops is they, would that the come get hit the disagree? i would suggest whether it could be deployed in ukraine itself by russians. and the answer is, of course, further escalation says a real danger. and they said, of course, the implications of the us eventually will be drawn into this. i suspect that will be reluctant to do that, but we will see more than 2 years of all we have cross the point of escalation, many times have instead of being one use of escalation from russia, for example, that would be nuclear plants, for example, and nothing much has come to pass on the, i'll be not including
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a new phase and the war in which creative ideas are required for the next steps. as well as to put, to put it mildly. and of course, what we have now did not have in 2022 is a real prospect of the crating defeat. it's every asset we've made in the past has largely failed getting sanctions now costing about for ideas. but this will be very significant to be having a west to combat troops engaging with russian forces and that is extremely significant. and by the way, we talk a lot of new came up. there are all kinds of steps between this kind of action a nuclear and there are options available on both sides. but the point, the fact that was that we're talking about options available on both sides and the situation by the way, but russian has what's called an escalation dominance is really disturbing. and people should think very carefully hello taking steps like this. that is also the debate about allowing ukraine to strike targets inside russia using western weapon
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systems and friends. presidents under the macro has been saying that you've been should be allowed to quote, neutralized bases in russia. from where strikes i launched. that sounds like a reasonable argument doesn't yes, and it operates around particular on call kit. but i think the point made is fat and that they do the rest of the striking crating forces and your credit is called stripe parking lot school council battery. finally, it was striking, as my com says rightly the launch sites off of rest and miss thoughts. however, another policy doesn't make much sense, is that the russian re, or the russian as to the operational rate is quite quite large. but of course, it is very skinny as much. that's a great difference in striking someone like crimea, the claim plans with the training lines. but the don't pass a striking with west in ms. laws into metropolitan associates. so i need a person has made it very clear that there's a significant step change and get careful so have to get into. and the most
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important thing is if we were to allow the practice to do this, that those are very strict. absolutely for real cause commitments on that talk to type only military targets. we kind of have where this to happen, civilian casualties that be a very serious step and a very serious misstep. but that's take place a would that work? uh, i think the rest of the drive me could without taxes other just much reason for, for, for retail actually it's large scale. so when it comes to this word involved but, but for purely minutes you talk, this is a good argument for it. i suspect, but obviously the friendship they dismiss us do that. i can't see the americans agreeing to have an election yet. they don't want to come directly involved in this whole lot of schools with escalation with nature. there's always the risk of thought happening. i don't think we're going to see us themselves cheating this. and then there's another problem by the way. i'm not stokes, the french and the british don't have a deep stocks that already digging into that supplies on. i suspect the,
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the numbers of mess up all would be very limited and therefore the effect quite limited. i will leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. and if alice frank leverage, thanks, brush in dallas capital daily, it has reported an all time high temperature of $52.00 degrees celsius in neighboring artist, on temperatures have also exceeded $52.00 degrees and be some things i thought of these have i would speak with the state in those hydrates and avoid unnecessary trouble as the number of heat stroke cases times a team of international scientists say it's dangerous heat. they have like the one in south asia becoming more likely due to human driven climate change. the air in hot ones, hot stifling, she lives in what is one of the hawk displaced this on the planet right now? temperatures here in the southern sense, brogans have thoughts about 52 degrees with no fall and no proper shelter.
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she's exposed to dangerous 11 feet high, letting me that i have to sit and he's there is no fan and i have to sit in my hot in the heat. the sun is scorching up because the heat is eating away at us. but where can i go get into that? they have to physically run to the cuts inbox. it's done around 40 percent of the population lives below the power design. so despite the punishing heat, many people have gone just be at home, the color, we have to work in the winter and we don't have a choice. i love, we have to work and feed out children and everything, or whether it's hot or cold or what about the focused on folding temperatures come after the country for breakfast april, since 1961 exports attribute these extreme, but that it brings to human, meet the climate change of the 2022 floods and focused on so one part of the
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country stops most under water. and because millions in economic losses, investment in a deposition mechanisms hotel boxed on these with a fix of time, it change much better the government to park us back. they are trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life from there. the, the already warning systems and they ask us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on the communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done find the fee induct. ition has its limits. but bach, this time is responsible for less than one percent of greenhouse gas emissions. and unless local greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, people in countries like boxed on, we've continued to bear the treat this burden of some sports news now
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and by a good day have a pointed vincent company as the new coach. after the months long search several top candidates had projected the german club. so to you to it all the company has signed a 3 year contract. bestest by 16 bentley, having just been relegated out of the english of premier need by on see potential them the former belgium international. he also speaks german because he played for a 100 company replaces almost to cool off to buy an end of the season. but that's a pro fee for the 1st time since 2012 invited spanish football giants, barcelona have named the former german national guards on c flick. as a new manager, the 59 year old has been also flex, is being fired by germany. in september, he previously led by munich through a famous trouble of trophies. intrinsic 20. it was the 1st job outside germany.
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slick succeeds solve the hernandez who was dismissed by a bustle, luna, last week. and finally in iceland, a new volcanic fisher has opened up in the country southwest the kilometer long cracking the ads began spewing lava on wednesday. it's the 8th eruption in the region. in the last 3 years, the area is mostly unpopulated, but the lava has forced evacuation of the famous blue lagoon spa and the nearby fishing town. often to vic, if you're watching the w 2 as a quick reminder of our top story updates is best. but if you say is if it's taken complete control of the strategic strip of land. so financing does an egypt, it saves, gets a mr. prevents from us marketing weapons and took, goes up for the move. would also stoke tensions with egypt.
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that's it for the moment, but coming up next off of the break conflicts own debates. what is at stake if followed by policies come out ahead in the upcoming european parliamentary connections, i'm going to expand a j p and relate and we'd be back here in about 30 minutes. then the
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conflict zone, a special edition on the european election. we have a lot of new challenges, anybody's outside of the role, which has influence inside. how can people trust the elections? they don't know whether that voting for a russian pop it or somebody who's just or is the most popular party among young world isn't john tim sebastian investigates the question, is democracy under threats? conflict next on d w. when you can't smell any things. but
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when everything smells the rate of smell related disorders has increased. since corona virus. how important is all sense of smell? and what's his life like when it's gone? in 45 minutes on d, w. the runs for robots back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is, i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk funds in order to minimize that we
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have an opportunity to to get it right before we can start environmental activism. of skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to the entry deep. the greed does june 7th on the w. it's holly i was in january this year mocking the mother of 3 fascist activists in rome in 1978, almost 18 years after the defeat of the rice. there can be few single gestures that send about design to send such a shilling warning and you see pictures like that in your what goes to your mind. we are reminded of.


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