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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. a large box of bars on trial in hong kong ends in guilty verdicts for forcing pro democracy activists. we lost our protest funding what this means, but the opposition movement also coming up. it's reality is, is control of the buffer zone between the cost on each. if it says it's game is to prevent from us marketing weapons into because on the move, good. also stoke tensions with these are the
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british manager. welcome, you know, land bookcase. hong kong is high, gold has found 14 pro democracy activists guilty off the version, the exodus of both of the so called home phone. 47, we approve that to pause on official the primary election in 2020. they were charged under the national security. know the aging imposed on home phone. it has wiped out the public. discern demarco's once frank h s b a c t x. the risk faced a lifetime in prison. the doesn't correspond to. phoebe collins has been following the case in the city and told us how the judge is justified. they've addict of the. well, the rest is the largest national security file today in hong kong seems facing and post the security level here in 2020. so what then covering the following um the product with hundreds of members from the public so that they, that the judges half of like comes back to 14 out of 16. also
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defendants who feed it not q t. so only 2 of them were found in this, at the moment. so to get up with all the defendants will see that due to the earlier, $45.00 out of $47.00 of them to pick 10 of those charge off sufficient conspiracy to suppression. so the judge said if the quote of that primary um these instruments, uh, they would have created a constitutional crisis and the defendants were seeking to indiscriminately be totally, they've got some, such as if they're elected in order to paralyze the governments and the into the into the, i'm like bet you to that, that's just them assumptions off the floor sees and regarding the present take out, the court says they, i'm not sure about that. intends all set participation in the primary so that they
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found them not duty at the moment. can you talk a bit about the background to this case? maybe why have these activists organized and unofficial, the primary election? so yeah, we will have to take you back to um 2019 the one that uh, massive antique. i've been with mens hopkins uh 5 years ago. um and in that coming uh let's just say people action the opposition came helps to i'm getting the majority in the problem. and so, um they organized and then uh and, and the official uh, primary election among the democrats democratic forces. i'm hoping to apply to candidates with the highest time seems to be new election so that they have pressed out a government to respond to their protesting months. i'm in that's probably election despite the warnings from beijing over $600000.00 people turn out to vote and now it has become evidence off of the charge and they, um, funds, it's all of so close conspiracy to the person maybe where does today's judgment
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leave hong kong pro democracy move on this? well, this is one of the most landmarks the it seems um the security and all bucks put in place in hong kong that is closely monitored by the international communities head today. we have seen adoption, south western diplomats. um, um like, uh, coming here to observe. the verdict is not only like um, like not a day in hong kong, but it also read the find the room for um opposition last month. but seeing that the constitution because offset his birthday like action such as like all the nice thing and an official time right now to, to i'm hoping to kind of paralyze the governments or trying to pressure the government to chief. the mon status seems us like criminal in beijing eyes to be now like unlawful as well. so it's not only like family st. kosa salon,
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hong kong, but people buried that even like any actions within the institution or at that one, it seems as legitimate in the past could now be a criminal. we leave it there for the moment. phoebe com. thanks so much for joining us today. a quick stepped out, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the search for survivors has slowed down in pop. i knew guinea often a landslide varied hundreds of people as they slept. rescue efforts have been hampered by the remote location and on the stable ground. only 6 bodies have been to please so fine fios if a 2nd glance light on growing i've done one has struck dead an opposition candidate for me in southern mexico. alfredo pub data was gone down as a political rally. more than 20 people running for local office have been killed ahead of nation by directions. that's gonna take place this sunday. and the
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strong winds have blown an american airlines plane from its position parked on the tarmac at the texas airport. the plane was occupied at the time, severe, strong in the region, have killed and injured doesn't. does. one is causing widespread israel's military saves the test, taken from control of the strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. these rarely ministry claims to philadelphia caught a dog, provides a weapon, smuggling root into gaza for how boss benefits. but it's also a key part of a delicate piece arrangement between israel and egypt is ryan has also deepened its incursion into rough uh, in southern gaza. is really helicopters firing towards rafa near the southern most city and gaza, where israel's military says it is seized control of a key stretch of land. the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord or that as long
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served as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. mahoney. in recent days, 5, the sources have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado, along the border between egypt and ref phone. she meant to send a death in card or so as an oxygen pipe for a mazda 3, which it regularly translates width into the costs of stripe. the shoot the cover to bills and cover the captor of the cord or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate israel's relations with egypt. cairo is accused israel's using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land. in this latest development is also a signal, israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza despite growing international calls for to stop israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops. and rafa assuring them they will push on one afternoon for me. come,
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we're here for a couple of reasons. this is the last time i asked for guide that remains with all the type of abilities molly and we want to dismantle is about the 5th. israel insists it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how mos took the october 7 terre attacks, despite condemnation from allies in 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount is rarely bombardment and bravo on wednesday, head of building in this. so i'm neighborhood. meanwhile, the how must run health ministry announced a death tool in the cause of war had risen above 36000. the problem is that definitely the federal oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of cvd in infrastructure and browsing and presidents and there's no end in sight.
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israel's national security adviser says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on for at least 7 more months. let's get some analysis now from monday in the middle and she's from the wall studies department in the king's college london. good to see you, buddy. not why does israel se operations and does already continue at least till the end of the yeah, to good morning. well, what we have to understand is that such corporations are very complex and it's a very optimistic assessment that the operations will continue for at least 7 months. i wouldn't be very cautious on naming a timeline in terms of when this operation might. and because looking at history of counter insurgency complaints, they can go on for the kids and the military victory doesn't necessarily mean that
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the war is over. therefore, i'm sure is that it is sad for it. more political reasons to relieve some of the pressure on israel rather than an accurate assessment of what might actually happen on the ground yourself. that is mainly for political reasons. and i'd like to sort of like to potentially expand on that because i think really families are on the wallet generally saying at the state at a i'm a bit strong, her boss can not be done militarily. so you're saying that this operation could continue even beyond the end of the because it is primarily for political reasons. is that correct? as well? what i'm trying to say here is that a military defeat of how mos in its present form and shape doesn't necessarily mean that israel will be more secure. and the reason for this being is that from us is not only a military organization that has an ideology. so what is essentially happening is
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that the civilian casualties that are mounting in gaza might be pushing the population that would have been neutral, perhaps prior to the war to support him off and to carry on its ideology. so in a sense, if you destroy militarily all of the homos fighters, you don't know how many of the really and population of those children whose parents have been killed will be joining to carry on the cause. and that it will not be an immediate thing. but that has to be a political plan for reconstruction of cause and for ensure of ensuring law and order in order to prevent it from happening. and doesn't these really mean if you notice of course they know it, but it's not the task of the military to solve political questions. i think it's a task of the political leadership to ensure that there is a viable political and state military can do only so much and it has its out
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objectives. however, it is the political leadership that have to take care of that situation. and i think the international community has to also be involved in resolving this crisis that we're seeing and paving the way for what is going to happen to gaza once the military objective is achieved. is that a way for isabel to achieve its miniature objectives at the same time as protecting civilians? it is a very difficult task to protect civilians while also trying to destroy from us. one of the reasons being is from us, does live amongst the civilians. they are not wearing designated uniforms in many cases, so it's very difficult to distinguish them from civilians. the as a problem is the problem of military necessity and proportionality when does military necessity eliminating se and key leaders of how mos out ways
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the collateral damage that it would cause and long as a civilian. so you have a lot of ethical dilemmas to solve. what do you do? do you cause a lot of damage, but take all domain home off leadership or do you take it slow, potentially risking more this over a long, over a longer period of time and do more surgical brenda and leave it there for the moment. thanks for joining us, that everybody numbered on from the law studies department of things from this funding. thank you for having me. been rides on his presence agent being has promised him for the gaza strip and spoken in favor of a peace conference saying the wall cannot continue indefinitely. after meeting with the top representatives of out of countries, he indicated china support for the creation of a palestinian state to move on tending g shirts and the china family support see establishment of independence state of palestine that enjoys followed sovereignty
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based on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as a capitalist of having go. as to sir palaces, having totally little hope that supports pulse times full membership into un. okay . and supports a more broad base, more authoritative and effective international peace conference. go neo shows you all the good. and finally in iceland, new volcanic fisher has opened up in the country southwest. the kilometer long crack in the us began spearing leather on wednesday. it's the 8th 3rd option in the region. in the last 3 years, the area is mostly unpopulated, but the lava has false evacuation of the famous blue lagoon spa and the nearby fishing town of going to vic. that's it for the moment, but stay with us because coming up off of the break,
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doctor room looks at what it's like to move without a sense of smell. i'm going to expand a g invalid. thanks so much for watching the pure black again in about 45 minutes. from now, we'll see you then to back the type of data. so much for the task is, is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and slides. mean, well for con dreams of another world wake up on last starts june 1st on dw, the.


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