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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the only news live from the day and the guilty verdicts for 14 hong kong pro democracy activists. in a landmark, some version trials will take your life to the chinese territory to find out what this means for the opposition. also on the program, israel sees is control of the buffers between garza and egypt. excessive aims to prevent how not smuggling weapons into the gospel, the move, but also stove attention to ukraine, asks nato members to help protect it's against russian and attacks. look at the wind, this suggestion is printing so comfortable the
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i feel good and welcome to the program. on comes high cost has found $14.00 pro democracy activists guilty of subversion. they were part of the palm column $47.00 group. it took costs and unofficial primary election in 2021. okay, so i'm charged to the national security of the patient imposed on the territory. it says lifetime public dissenting. what was once run, asia springs, 6, you have to risk putting that face lifetime prison sentence. 2 of the defendants were acquitted. they say they're still concerned as legal proceedings are still going. i probably will now say each other, or they'll say, well, i would say this case is finished because of the proceedings this going on. i am
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unable to see too much to bear with me. thank you very much for the consent to the order. the problem is, with this case, please, please carry on your samsung even because the tendency for the publication may apply for you. so i cannot make any motion or do you have right now and with emotions? i actually uh, i do. com. yeah, i can look for the person well, straight to hong kong or be joined. corresponding to phoebe. com. welcome save weeks . let's start with the background. to this case, walter, has these people done to a lot of them in court full version a. well, let's take you back to 2019. when the lawsuit, antique governments bookman,
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erupted in 2019 a way of hundreds of thousands of protesters, the mom's, the authorized to use for universal suffrage, and it's investigation into police brutality. so back then, the opposition came hopes that they will have a very good chance to win more seats in the upcoming. let's just say the election because of the overwhelming public support. so they organized and no official primary election among the post office. 3 supporters in order to shop least a candidate for themselves. uh for having the. * channels to be on the safe side and the actual election um and some of the candidates um also how to uh, pressure the government uh by the towing uh government budget they are elect to within the pilot moved in order to pursue for protesting months and um that's i,
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the 1st thought it was way before the national security law was made public. although the election day was actually held around 10 days after the law was imposed. despite the patient's warnings. um, it has drawn a massive rank of high turnouts with over 600000 people turn out to fold in. that's primary election. okay. so that happens um uh, basically in regards of a subversion, we have 16 people in colt, 14 with whom were found guilty and we heard from 2 who were found not guilty. do we know why they were found not guilty as well? um the 2 of them um the judges sat in the 3rd, they say they're not sure about that content of the participation in the primary election. and also the fact that one of them actually joins is the whole scheme at
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the latest ation. and so that's why they were found in the same, but for the majority of the defenders who are denied the charges. they are now conflicted, because the judges says a, a such seemed like a primary election and also like um, the opposition came gaming majority and seats in the parliament. it's all those things are realized back them them. it would have created a constitutional crisis in hong kong, according to the judges and based that's such like um, planned to visit indiscriminately. vito and government budgets would need to, um, sup, birching state power. and so, so that is the reasonings of the judges. okay, so when this national security law was imposed on hong kong, they would be worries that this would be the death knell for the pro democracy movement and has not proved to be the case. well
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we have to remember this is the largest secure to, to use trials since the law was imposed in hong kong. so that's why this is a very landmark verdict today that we have the largest wrong up of almost all of the most influential positions that grace and hong kong you. including those like a joshua long and many of the former law made because were very popular among the public and home calling also them. 7 many young and leading to this include that in this case. so this is the case that like the critic phase, pushing the whole opposition came at once. and by using this version charge, it is a very closely monitored case. on the national level, we have seen many western countries visually statement opposite the fed ex i'm and as, as we cut breaking the verdict today in court imposing we have seen adoptions of the western diplomats including those from the u. n. many european countries,
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but also um like attendance going to upset the results of these k. so this is really like, will have fairly large impacts on the society of as hell. i q. phoebe 3 become an uncle. this is a quick look at civil stories and making headlines, some stuff in south africa. where are the results from the electra showed that the african national congress is on cost to lose. its majority is still in the lead with about 43 percent of the votes. fall upon the democratic lions around 26 percent. the and so he has moved south africa since the end of the pods. the government shot dead, the position manual tons of s and in the southern mexico alfredo company that was shut down as a political rally. old and 20 people running for local offices being killed. they had have nationwide elections due to take place on sunday. the search for survivors
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of popular new guineas, land slide has load. hundreds of people with battery. that's a slapped rescue efforts of room 100 foot by the remote location. an unstable ground and the 6 bodies have been the team can stay as of a 2nd line slide and growing prophesied lives distilled at least 65 people in bangladesh and india. i clung to miles, made land full on sunday, causing months, and triggering lands lives. almost a 1000000 people have been evacuated in thousands of homes, destroy israel's military size. it's taking full control of the strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between jobs and egypt. is right, the military claims that how must militants have been using the philadelphia holiday tool to smuggle weapons into garza. but the route is also a key part of a delicate piece arrangement between israel and egypt. israel is also deep and its incursion into rafa and southern gaza is really helicopters firing towards
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rafa near the southern most city and gaza, where israel's military says it is seized control of a key stretch of land. the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord or that as long served as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. every muscle in him. in recent days aside, the forces have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado, along the border between egypt and wrestling. she may send a death and card or so as an oxygen pipe for her mazda 3, which it regularly transits width into the gospel strip to shoot the cover to both and cover the capture of the cord, or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate israel's relations with egypt. cairo is accused israel using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land. this latest development is also a signal,
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israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza despite growing international calls for to stop israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops, and rafa assuring them they will push on one afternoon for me calling. we're here for a couple of reasons. this is the last time i asked for a guy that remains with all the test abilities molly and we want to dismantle, is about the 5th. israel insists it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how mos took, and the up tobar 7 terre attacks. despite condemnation from allies in 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount. it is rarely bombardment and rough on wednesday head of building in this so, um neighborhood. meanwhile, the home us run health ministry in now the death toll and the cause of war had risen above 36000. the problem is that
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that means the federal oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of cvd and infrastructure and browsing and presidents. it's and there's no end in sight. israel's national security adviser says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on for at least 7 more months. let's get more from journalist coming out. we'll go hot a condo. well, welcome back. curry. i'm said, tell us then how, how israel's capture this philadelphia card or how that's likely to affect is rails the relationship with egypt. the way it's. busy the only boards the to the gaza strip that is, was not under 40, is really controlled. and in addition, that is a protocol or an addition to the camp. david peace treaty from 2005. that is, when is,
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when was drew from this for the agreeing that there should be some kind of demilitarized zone. know is where it is claiming that they're on the front of ration in control of this cory door. and they're doing this in order to prevent smuggling. they also claiming that they've found several times and swear weapons potentially are smart gate to, to how much it is. if you decided strongly denying this, they're saying that they destroyed since 2013 business when the military gave you the photography. so it took overpowering you that since this time they destroyed hundreds of tunnels in this area. and what did you feel patients that then that dis allegations to what is really just there to justify izard's illegally operation in the off by end to to prolong it. it's also the way it's discussed here, really in cairo, they say is a need some kind of military success that they didn't get it. there are any reports from us intelligence from this like a week ago where it was said that about the only one source of that i must fight
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this were killed on to now 65 percent of it. 20 tons this the migration. so it is really needs some kind of military success and this is how they present this. now the situation think of that, of course, that is in the end of this and seeing that this is all strongly denied for the person so. okay, so now that israel has militarized this demilitarize of how is agent likely to react? so i think that's fine to de escalate dissertation is we have a better situation of a situation really worsting that's already bad in a few days ago. there was an egyptian soldier to exchange that it was fire was the israeli army. interesting that we didn't get any complaints about this and either from the is really not that just i, they both seem to try to put to the left on it. but this incident shows they put 10 sheet for escalation that is created by the fact that the is there in,
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in the texas troops. now in that off, i really facing each other in on both sides and a quick was on humanitarian access to gaza view and saying that the amount of humanitarian aid entering the territories drops by to study. since the israel began, it's a sold on rough up this month and everything thing that one is about 5 and what are you hearing about now? what do we have 2 important crossings and dishonest? this is the kind of mobile cell, the crossing that was close on may fifths, and then the buffer crossing was close on may seven's. since that time, the egyptians refused to coordinate with israel to do to the take over the is there any army of the border crossing? then under us pressure you ship to agree temporary to allow entry or some 8 and cut them of a sudden, uh 20 days later, but that was less than 24 hours that it was open to on the trucks,
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ends up in the states. now for the extra digits you so i guess nothing going through right now. okay, thank you john. this kind of elbow holly in kind of thank you so much. you're welcome. time each president is vision ping has promised help for the gaza strip and spoken in favor of a peace conference saying the will cannot continue indefinitely. meeting with top representatives of arab countries, president james painted, his country supports the creation of a palestinian state. as soon as i'm attending, just sure, it's any sign of family support senior, the 10 percent off of independence, the state of palestine that enjoys our full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as a capitalist of having go to share balance and having totally live how it supports pulse times full membership into un. okay. and supports
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a more broad base. authoritative and effective international peace conference. go neo shows you all the good nights are foreign ministers do some aging prod, license with military aid for ukraine. expected to top the agenda, your secretary state as me, lincoln as well as old. so when you arrive in check, capital us is coming under increasing pressure from its allies of its restrictions that prevent your price. in striking the targets in russia, trains also called on nato allies to provide more help in protecting its space. wanting that he doesn't have the means to defend itself against russian attacks is a look at some of the challenges k of is facing from the skies. good air raid sirens sound over keep last year. while overhead air defenses shoot down most of an incoming russian attack. russian missiles continue to
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strike targets across ukraine, including the vital part of odessa in the far west of the country. ukraine's president, the loading there's a lensky, has called on nato members to set up an air defense shield over his country to protect it from russian missiles in an interview with the new york times. so lensky said, so my question is, what's the problem? why can't we shoot them down? is it defense? yes. is it an attack on russia? no, of us made patriot surface to air missiles are expensive, but effective. some types have a range of over 100 kilometers. patriot missiles have already been deployed inside nato members, including poland and romania, which border ukraine. a nature air defense shield could protect parts of western ukraine including odessa. but the capital key would be out of range. supporters say that would take pressure off ukraine,
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allowing it to concentrate its resources on the front line. while some german politicians have embraced today to air support. it's an idea. the government has so far rolled out defense expert and eco long, a one served as uh, as chief of staff in gym. the so defense ministry is now senior fellow and munich security conference. so welcome to d. w. and what do you think of the ukrainian president's request that night? so shoot down russian missiles in flight over ukraine. nato should have decided this by themselves already. it's perfectly legitimate under international law. and it is definitely affect if we should help with using our ad defenses at the eastern boulder of nato. and you to shoot the missiles and drones in ukraine over ukraine that uh, without in the orange, it's recreate us own of safety. but it's also, if you're trained
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a possibility to move their defense efforts further to the east to hockey, if 2 people to the front line where they are badly needed, i think it should be done. okay. nature is consistent arguments as being the direct confrontation between nights island. russian forces would constitute an escalation that nato does not want. so how is negative countries attacking russian miss files not a direct confrontation? i'm not sure if that is a natal argument. because the and starting back, i think it was very clear that it's the decision of member states and some member states. they seem to be ready to do this. some others are making the argument that there might be an s good to tarry risk. i would want to have maybe believed in that argument 2 years ago. but now that christmas us have already been for the loan and the headquarters of the black sea fleet, and save us topple and russia did not react on this. uh,
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other action has been taken really to really good things, sinking a very important russian warships i think, to escalate the risk is extremely low. it's just a question of political will to do this. and under international law, you are not becoming a policy of the war if you're just helping to defend a country that is under aggression. we have seen this with the collective defense for the ad against the air attacks against israel. similar things could be done for you create this war isn't going so well for you. creating the guns in our minds and the allies a slow and often reluctant. could it be argued that presence, that logic is actually trying to edge nato into a confrontation with russia? i don't think so. the ukrainians, including presidents, have lensky, has been consistently saying, give us the tools and we will stop the russians. we are too slow and to reluctant to give the ukrainians to, to end up by not giving ukrainians to, to us,
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to stop the russians. we are actually increasing the risk that we will have to fight the russians by ourselves. it is a certain amount of time. so no, i don't think that zalinski is trying to drag nature into this. but he is showing that international law permits more possibilities to departments on your crane. and actually using right now, and i think is arrive and making the point. you're on your way to prague, where nights are foreign ministers do survey to discuss co ordinating ministry to ukraine. what are you expecting to come off of these talks? well i hope that there will be a clear message, unrestricted on lifting the restrictions on the use of weapons that have been delivered by up close this situation. the hot different use to meet the board of regents with roster make clear you need to use the rest and the liver weapons and ammunition to fire again and the rest of the other side of the boulder.
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uh so that could be, i think, one result, some countries i think, willing to move forward on that as well. all right, well that it looks like that we just about got big by the way, knology. so doing the, let's leave it to a band. the code at the, to the technology piece would be less of thank you so much for talk us through that . so clearly that's if an expert nico elanda from the munich security conference. thank you. so let's take a look now at small world news will such a new zealand, where protests as a demanding protection for the rights of the maori people and other indigenous communities. thousands fill the straits just hours before the government disclose the budget. one that includes that spending cuts on social initiatives. protest is accused the prime minister of undermining a treaty to protect indigenous rights. disgrace movie mogul harvey weinstein. my
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face new charges of sexual misconduct. prosecutors in new york told the judge that more people have come forward with assault claims. as the one scene is waiting for a retry than usual conviction sounds like the sexual assault charges over time. in april, a 16 year prison sentence for rights in california is unaffected. strong winds have blown on american airlines playing from his position, parked on the thomas i to texas airport. and the plane was an occupied at the time . severe store delivery details and introductions, as well as causing widespread power outages. collections to the problem, it will be held across the e you next week ad right, when parties are expected to make magic gains in front of the national riley is ahead in the polls process, present. jordan, but by della is campaigning on a nationalist anti migration platform is support is told the w y, the backend, this young politician this is the man they've come to see
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jordan, but didn't need, can needed for francis nash, new rent. and the new young face of the far right then you had dish rarely in the northern french city on obama. his message is resonating this load, you know, we came to support by della so that he makes friends shining again as it deserves to you that he does the job on the european level. and the, the gives us back our place to, to say on the which we've lost a bit. let's go, we're not gonna tell you, press a home because he understands the people he's there to save us. he understands out that he helps out and what we are looking for and what we want. it helps us getting out of the mass transit is currently in sausage city. there's high reasons, attempts to broaden its appeal. the national really remains here, a skeptic and anti immigration. it wants tougher board checks and less power for the you repeat the legs as well. so during the names will be a vote of
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a vote for francis identity against a lot of and my goodness, a vote for purchasing power and against inflation. when else a vote to exist in the face of the risk of a raised vote to keep from the law, even the face of those who would like to see it disappear. despite it is a populace message. some people in france want to hear these european elections from mirroring domestic politics in many countries. far right. parties are pointing strongly ahead of the european elections. political analysts say if they had the rate the far right, national randy would change the political make up of the you would come down to just praying to come unlock it. re establishing the principle of a national priority to national preferences with say, for national lead made products for national corporation. so the whole,
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he couldn't me, i would say foundations of the european union would collapse. but that would largely depend on their ability to cooperate with one another within the you, you have to remember that is a long tradition of disagreement on the far right because these guys, national lease. so by definition, building and trust special group where you are able to, to have come on, you know, reviews come on, programs, etc. is more difficult for that kind of bonnie's been for, let's say, question them across all readings, right? just last week, senior figure, my really pen said her apache would no longer cooperate with the far right to and it just put germany in the parliament. whatever the political consolation in parliament for right parties in deb otis feel confident to make gains in the selections. you're watching day w news is a reminder about top story based our israel's ministry. so that's expanding complete control to be strategic strip of land separating
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a garza from egypt move codes. the further step tensions with focus on your is next close to taking a look at have football stars in georgia spending against back up the
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the, the overall becoming a european silicon valley. the far west of ukraine is being sped from foaming. it's a safe haven for the will we read for i to specialist as center for does have and young software developers, the focus on europe. next, on d, w. haven for russian money, money belonging to put in his country jones is said to be hidden away in
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switzerland. disappoint you, sanctions private. jeff mentioned this secret bank accounts a paradise for collective crowns and war criminals. on the trail of the legal, russian billions in switzerland. in 45 minutes on d, w, the road of free speech, free access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action. hello dw global, easier for them 2024 in bunch of any practiced in now lots of minutes from all over the world. i'm ready to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow.
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join us and register now for the dw global media for in 2020, for the hello, and welcome to this week's focus on your up. it's nice to have you with us just to patient as well. we across the continents at the upcoming european football championship in germany. the tournaments kick off a schedule for mid june was 24 teams competing for the title. germany is looking forward to welcoming millions of fans from home and abroad to a celebration.


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