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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from brother guilty verdicts to 14 hong kong pro democracy activists. and i'm done democracy version trial. we'll hear from the chinese territory about what this means for the opposition movement. also on the program. israel sees is control of the buffers between gaza and a gmc, using a mass of using it to smuggle weapons into the concepts. but the move is also stuffing tensions with the agent. the answer. okay, welcome to the program called in hong kong as fund 14 pro democracy activists
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guilty of subversion. now it's the biggest trial of its kind after trying to impose the security law on the territory. in 2020 i ended stifling descent australia and the united states from only countries to criticize the verdict is politically motivated and to call for the defendants to be released. a prison in san jose up to home combs, west county lou lou quotes outside people q patiently to enter the fate of 16 pro democracy activists in the hands of hong kong legal system. we've been waiting for this day for over 3 years. i feel very sad that so many people have been locked up for so long. the case centers on an unofficial election that was held in 2020 officials said it was a threat to the government. the joshua wong was among the
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47 pro democracy activists arrested. they were charged with conspiracy to commit some fashion under a national security law and post by china that no had been introduced following protests, which so tens of thousands take to the streets to defend democracy. trying to set the law was needed to restore stability. the critics say it's been used to cross political position on the state. only 2 of 16 defendants were acquitted of sebastian. the other 14 were found guilty, a point not lost on lawrence now going to be i should not be the focus for today. i hope everyone will continue caring for other friends in the case. these man may be free for now, but the prosecution has already launched in
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a panic and that real quick polls the floating guilty verdicts, meanwhile, have a good many in hong kong and outside. but the chinese foreign ministry has childhood international criticism, toronto during the week, completely oppose any interference in china's internal affairs by individual countries. on the basis of current legal cases. and any attempts to discredit and undermine the rule of law in hong kong for quite some time. the of the search he won, defendants have already pleaded guilty. meaning, oh, but 2 of the 47 people arrested 3 years ago could face life in jail. w correspondence, phoebe called in hong kong, told me more about the likely effective this verdict on the territories pro democracy movement. and it is
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a huge blow um to the whole hong kong opposition came and the movement itself as this is the largest national security trial. since the security law watson post but be taking a phone call in 2020 and. 7 if the child took a light loss report over a 100 days, and it involves over 40 defends, and so this is indeed a mosque prosecution, and it is deemed it as themes as the largest round up of the whole of possession came at once. um, by using the conspiracy to the person in charge. so for many pro democracy support, this is not only a berdigs on the defendants themselves, but also on that you pull wins in the mood and because of the cost primary election in the, in the back then over 600000 people voted in that election to to choose the
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candidate to represent them, i'm running for the election. and so, um, also um this trash has cover most of the most influential pickers and hall calling, cooling joshua ball and many common and foaming all make us and also leading accidents. so um, it will definitely have a huge impact on the whole society as a whole. so for team guilty to not guilty, what next is expected in this lunmark case? well, um the 47, the 45 come sick to defend. this will have to face tens and saying um in the next couple of months, they will make that mitigations in june before receiving the actual sentences. and we also have to leave the remind to that um they up to person charge on the pages to national security so all carries
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a maximum sentence off life imprisonment. so for the old devices all these primary election, they are likely to receive the heaviest sentence. um uh for the auto save my like, um how's it goes it show for several years to maybe like up to 10 years. so um it is a very sophia charge and um, it is also post the monitors that how the international community is responding, especially one of the defendants host australia is us citizenship and they'll straighten it out for minnesota. also responded to these case very quickly. so we will have to see what a this case will evolve into some diplomatic control the see in the coming feature i can save you save the call in hong kong. is looking at the most or is making headlines around the world will stuff in spain where parliament says not over the past the comforter virtual. i'm just the bill. the legislation names to
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drop legal action against more than $300.00 nationalist officials. an activist has been positive testimony separate, has been since inspect 11177. mo, most has supported the chase, 172 voted against major foreign ministers, a gathering in pro with ministry aid for ukraine. expected to talk the agenda. your secretary of state times and lincoln's already a ride ukraine has closed on nato allies to provide more help and protecting its aspects. wanting that he doesn't have the means to defend itself against russian at times. protest as in new zealand, the demands of protection for the rights of the maori people, the end of the indigenous communities, thousands fill, the street house before the government disclosed a new budget that includes spending cod, some social initiatives, demonstrations accuse the provenance of undermining, retrieves event protects indigenous rights. this is miles military
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size 8 has taken full control of the strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. he is right. the military claims that how must militants have been using the philadelphia college will to smuggle weapons into gaza. but the route is also a key part of a delicate piece arrangement between israel and egypt, as well as also have different dates incursion into rafa in southern gaza. is really helicopters firing towards rafa near the southern most city and gaza, where israel's military says it is seized control of a key stretch of land. the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord or that as long served as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. every muscle in him in recent days, id sources have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado, along the border between egypt and restaurant, she met the philadelphia in colorado. so as an oxygen pipe for a mazda 3,
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which is regularly trans, sits width into the gospel strip, should the cover to bill up and cover the captor of the cord, or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate israel's relations with egypt. cairo is accused israel using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land in this latest development is also a signal, israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza. despite growing international calls for to stop israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops. and rafa assuring them they will push on one afternoon for become a we're here for a couple of reasons. this is the last time off for a guy that remains with all the test abilities molly and we want to dismantle it as well. they can talk about the fia is rolling system. it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how mos took,
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and the up tobar 7 terre attacks. despite condemnation from allies in 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount is rarely bombardment and bravo on wednesday, head of building and this. so i'm neighborhood. meanwhile, the how must run health ministry and now the death toll and the cause a war had risen above $36000.00. the problem is that definitely the federal oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of c, even e for destruction and browsing and presidents. it's and there's no end in sight. israel's national security adviser says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on for at least 7 more months. so how is israel is that capture of the philadelphia car doors likely to affect the countries relationship with egypt as
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journalists coming out go holiday in kyra or what it's. busy the only boards the to the gaza strip that is most not under 40 is really controlled. and in addition, that is a protocol or an addition to the king david peace treaty from 2005. that is, when is, when was drew from this for the agreeing that there should be some kind of demilitarized zone. know is where it is claiming that they're under, for an operational control of this cory door. and they're doing this in order to prevent smuggling. they also claiming that they found several prominence with weapons potentially are smug it to, to how much it is if you decided strongly denying this, this thing that they destroyed since 2013 business when the machine didn't tell you, gave me the. ringback after photography, so it took overpowering you that since this time they destroyed hundreds of tunnels in this area. and what did you feel patients that then that this allegations to
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votes is really just they have to justify insurance, illegally operation in the off by end to to prolong it. it's also the weight it's discussed here really in cairo. this is a need some kind of military success that they didn't get it. there are any reports from us intelligence from this like a week ago where it was said that's about the only one source and that i must fight this with kids on to now 65 percent of it 20 funds. it's been over a sheet. so it's really nice some kind of military success, and this is how they present this. now dissertation inc cousin of course, that is in the end of this and it's saying that this is all strongly denied for the party. so, okay, so now that israel has militarized this demilitarize of how is agent likely to react, that i think they try to de escalate dissertation is we have a better situation of especially really worsting that's already bad in
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a few days ago. there was an egyptian soldier to exchange that it was fire was the israeli army. interesting that we didn't get any pages about this either from the is really not the different site. they both seem to try to put to the lid on it. but this incident shows they put 10 sheet for escalation that is created by the fact that the is there in, in the texas troops. now in that off, i really facing each other in on both sides and a quick was on humanitarian access to gaza view and saying that the amount of humanitarian aid entering the territories drops by to study. since the israel began, it's a sold on profit this month. i never think that one is about to find me. what are you hearing about now? what do we have 2 important crossings in this house? this is the kind of i was selling, the crossing that was close on may fifths,
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and then the buffer crossing was close on may seven's. since that time the egyptians refused to coordinate with israel to do to the take over. is there any army of the border crossing? then under u. s. pressure you ship to agree temporary to allow entry or some 8 and cut them of a sudden 20 days later, but that was less than 24 hours. that it was open to on the trucks and stuff in the states. no, for the extra digits you. so i guess nothing going through right now. okay, thank you. just kind of, i will go, holly and kind of thank you so much. you're welcome, bye us. and finally, another new volcanic facia has opened up in south west iceland, the columbus along cracking the f. b on spewing lava on wednesday, the 8th interruption in the region in the last 3 years. yeah, it is mostly unpopulated though. the law of a house for c, evacuating the famous blue lagoon spot. i'm in the of my fishing town. i'm going to
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make that fits your up to date. i'll have more world news at the top of the our next on the w. we take a look at the struggle to deal with migration knots and mapped out in just the one small step for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is unlocking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to get to it right before we start environmental.


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