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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the business, the doubling use of life from funding guilty verdicts for 14, hong kong pro democracy activists and the non box subversion trial. we'll hear from the chinese territory about what this means for the opposition movements. also on the program. the risk of death on the list increases for millions in india as a record breaking feed wife continues. exports savings, longest spells of hot weather will watson as the planet boards do us exercise on to the blank and tells may to our members that power lies in unity. as you cry, it asks the alliance to help defend against russian. a tasks will look at why that suggestion is proving so comfortable
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the answer. okay, welcome to the program. a quote in hong kong has found 14 pro democracy activists guilty of subversion is the biggest trial of his kind. after china impose the security a little on the territory in 2028 at stifling descent australia on the united states or among the countries to criticize the validates as politically motivated and to call for the defendants to be released to prisons and tools up to home combs, west count, new quotes outside people q patiently to enter the fate of 16 pro democracy activists in the hands of hong kong legal system. we've been waiting for this day for over 3 years. i feel very sad that so many
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people have been locked up for so long. the case centers on an unofficial election that was held in 2020 officials said it was a threat to the government. the joshua was among the 47 pro democracy activists arrested. they were charged with conspiracy to commit some fashion under a national security law imposed by china that no had been introduced following protests, which so tens of thousands take to the streets to defend democracy. trying to set the law was needed to restore stability. the critics say it's been used to crush political position on size day only 2 of 16 defendants were acquainted of some fashion. the other 14 were found guilty,
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a point not lost on laurence. now. i should not be the focus for today. i hope everyone will continue caring for other friends in the case. these man may be free for now, but the prosecution has already launched in a panic and that real quick polls the floating guilty verdicts, meanwhile, have a good many in home call and outside. but the chinese foreign ministry has he, childhood international criticism, toronto during the week, completely oppose any interference in china's internal affairs by individual countries. on the basis of current legal cases. and any attempts to discredit and undermine the rule of law in hong kong for quite some time the of the 31 defendants have already pleaded guilty. meaning, oh, but 2 of the 47 people arrested 3 years ago. good space lives in jail.
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a lot correspondence, phoebe called in hong kong, told me about the likely effects of this verdict on the temperatures pro democracy movement. in date, it is a huge blow um to the whole, hong kong opposition came and the movement itself as this is the largest national security trial. since the secuity law watson posed, but be taken at home call in 2020. and if the child took a light loss report over a 100 days and it involved over 40 defendants. so this is indeed a mosque prosecution, and it is deemed, it is themes as the laws is wrong about the whole of possession came at once. um, by using these conspiracy to the person in charge. so for many pro democracy support, this is not only of the dates on the defendants themselves,
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but also on that you opened in the move because of the task primary election in the, in the back then over 600000 people voted in that election to, to choose the candidate to represent them. i'm running for the election. and so, um, also um this trash has to cover most of the most influential fingers that home call, including joshua well and many common and folding all make us and also leading active this. so um, it will definitely have huge impact on the whole society as a whole. so for team guilty to not guilty, what next is expected in this landmark case? well, um the 47, the 45 come sick to defendants will have to face tens and saying, um in the next couple of months they will make that mitigations in june before
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receiving the actual sentences. um, and we also have to waive the remind to that um they ups with us and charge on the pages and national security store carries a maximum to sentence offline. and so for the older guy says all these primary election, they are likely to receive the heaviest sentence. um uh for the all the save may like, um have to go through the show for several years to maybe like up to 10 years. so um it is a very sophia charge and um, it is also post the monitors that how the international community is responding, especially one of the defendants host australia is us citizenship and they'll straighten it out for minnesota. also responded to this case very quickly. so we will have to see what a this case will evolve into some diplomatic control. this the in the coming feature i can save. you save the call in hong kong. as written
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here where the ongoing h waivers, posing an increasing threat to human health temperatures, a soaring to more than 45 degrees celsius in major cities in the countries north and west india. of course, no strangers to hate ways, but these periods of unrelenting high temperatures caused by climate change becoming more common, an x, but say that getting was the sunset. so the daily mocking and to another school ching day. dusk brings much needed relief. jones for residents to cool down the over the map. it was extremely hot between 11 am and 2 30 pm. it was unbearable and traveling for everyone. hope the
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british. i'm currently ready tuesday. i've got everybody, but what can i say? but i said, we have to work in the fields and look after the kettle bells that sound nature isn't a bad. the head, the children are sick because of the heat, their vomiting and have diarrhea and fever. this is what happens in these temperatures or do this through on a normal will do trying. the heat is notating the risk to children. many people are suffering in the high temperatures. experts won't have a public health crisis. as the heat wave drives on, the waves are particularly problematic if they left for a longer period of time in addition to the intensity. so usually the 1st day of extreme heat is a problem for human health, but especially the 2nd and later days of extreme. ready are additionally difficult
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because the human body doesn't have time to recuperate as an extreme heat period extends on the extreme heat. looks set to continue dalio thora to use a will to shortages are likely they're advising listed to use residents to stay home during the day as much as possible. well, the crew looks a good is on a system scientist at the indian institute of technology, a move by a welcome to d w. how is this current heat wave different from what india would normally say at this time if you as well, this area is arriving on monday, $23.00, which has been a rough part of one year. we had in fact discuss this on this very child before the 2003 warming was more than expected because we combined the global warming because
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nino and unfortunately it's much higher than what as daniel green suddenly unites that media global warming. as we know, the net is stored in the ocean as bench out, maybe the 2022 underwater whole panel on the added water vapor and made it much worse. and we have still been seeing that the so then our summer has arrived. but the other thing is the long term trend of warming or the middle east, as chips that the winds or the radium see so daily. instead of getting dryer, winds that actually getting very new made winds from the warm air a bmc which is why fire? that's a few showers last night. but this and maybe they combine with the high temperatures . the heat index is unbearably high, which is what is different this year. okay, so we have el nino, this under was the volcano as well as shifting a wind cards. those will sound like a normal natural phenomena. so how much of this should we be looking at them and
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blaming climate change for, or why everything is now happening in the global warming world. so it's a warm world, so everything has a component of deals and warming. so just as new and shifting winds would not have done it, the winds themselves have to they, they call the global warming or the middle east. so everything is happening within global warming, but it's coming up as a post allow me. yeah. so next year we'll likely look not as bad, but the duration intensity and frequency and the extent of the heat waves are increasing. so this is danielle stone. you know, we climate change basically lost the dies. everything that should happen once in time. yes. is going to happen now, maybe once in 5 years or once in 3 years. so that's what we're looking at. it's not just gonna change every year, but every few years it's going to spike the natural things like the heat base season. right? so given these di warnings from scientists like yourself,
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and what is india is government doing what kind it do to protect its people from these extremes, the best thing is india as invested well over 500 $1000000.00 in improving the early warning systems. so $1.00 to $3.00 days, $2.00 to $10.00 days, the weather for us have become much more accurate and the natural disaster management management agency works closely with the damage or all of the departments. and it puts resources in place. and the type of hydration centers share the public transport early one is work well. so it is doing very well this the of the number of that stupid he's big star, slightly higher because we got much warmer than we expected. and people are not bad . but in general, the mortality due to these climate hazards have come down. so it is compared to at least the neighbors. and the other in developing countries has done the normally when imagine managing the disaster and developing and developing its early warning systems. ok,
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so some good news in that at least. thank you so much for guiding us through that. so clearly a system scientist will go more to go to thank you. thank you. we'll take a look now at symbol of the stories make headlines around the world in wisconsin and spain where i file them and says, natalie passed the controversial. i'm this the bill. the legislation a was to drop legal action against more than 300 nationalist officials and activists who would profit of catalonia separate just the movements uh, in 2011, 177 bo mike has supported the change. 172 voted against protest as in new zealand, demanding protection. so the rights of the mile re, people, i'm of the indigenous communities. thousands fill the straits hours before the government disclose the new budget include spending cuts on social initiatives. demonstrate has accused a prime minister of undermining a treaty that protects indigenous rights. the only results from the south african
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election shows that the african national congress is on coast to lose its majority . it's still in the lead with about 43 percent of the votes from a 5 the democratic alliance. cotton with around 25 percent. amc has rules south africa since the end of the process and the government has shot dead, an opposition may or candidates in southern mexico. i'll fight a couple that was shot down as a political riley on wednesday. more than 20 people running for local office have been killed ahead of nationwide the elections due to take place on sunday. nights of foreign ministers will meet in prob blazer with military aid for ukraine . expected to top the agenda us secretary of state todd to be blanket has already arrived and the check capital s u. s. is coming under increasing pressure from allies of restrictions that prevent you probably from striking targets in russia. tribes cold on these nights on nato allies to provide more help to protect its
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aspects of war. but it doesn't have the means to defend itself against russian attacks. so here's a look at some of the challenges keith is facing from the skies. air raid sirens sound over keep last year. while overhead air defenses shoot down most of an incoming russian attack. russian missiles continued to strike targets across ukraine, including the vital part of odessa in the far west of the country. ukraine's president, the loading there is a lensky, has called on nato members to set up an air defense shield over his country to protect it from russian missiles in an interview with the new york times. so lensky said, so my question is, what's the problem? why can't we shoot them down? is it defense? yes. is it an attack on russia? no, of us made patriots. surface to air missiles are expensive,
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but effective. some types have a range of over 100 kilometers. patriot missiles have already been deployed inside natal members, including poland and romania, which border ukraine. a natural air defense shield could protect parts of western ukraine including odessa. but the capital key would be out of range. supporters say that would take pressure off ukraine, allowing it to concentrate its resources on the front line while some german politicians have embrace today to air support. it's an idea of the government has so far rolled out speaking in prob, us secretary of state. and to me, blink and highlighted nato strengths on the importance of staying united were more likely to prevent a detour aggression when we're united, when we're working together. and the foundational promise of our alliance that an attack on one is an attack on all sense. the most powerful message to would be
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aggression is that if they attack one of us, they have to take on all of us. and that is actually the strongest way the most effective way to prevent aggression in the 1st place. track here through its actions, through its leadership is, is really giving life and substance to the alliance to the meaning of collective defense. and i think that sense a very powerful message in europe and in fact beyond i'm to be blinking. speaking that let's get more on this from dw is alexandra from nominate who's in prague. i'm from actually political edison kind of clifton a. who's that in that in welcome. both i so we start with you alexandra, 2 questions in one and tell us more about what mr. blinking has been saying, i'm always expecting a substantial as substantive decisions from today. some well this is the informal meeting of the native foreign ministers, so we do not expect them to come up with the certain decisions. but this of the
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fact that this is an informal meeting gives them the chance to speak about a lot of different topics. also some issues at that are kind of uh, contentious with being of the alliance. and it's actually quite interesting. that's a not in the statement what that we heard from a secretary blinking, but before arriving in prague he hinted that you as could be thinking about tolerating ukraine using western made weapons to strike inside russia. he pointed out that the key element of the u. s. h to ukraine has always been the about, is that the ability to adjust to changing conditions on the ground. so there is so far, no change of the you as the official position, but some she understands that this could be coming because we have the this discussions,
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t n growing calls on allies to lift their limitations. restrictions on western weapons delivered to ukraine. we heard from the install back the nato secretary general for the 3rd time, i think in a very short time, urging elyse to reconsider the restrictions that they post on weapon deliveries to ukraine, saying that they need to enable ukraine to really defend themselves. and when we see how difficult it is for kids to stop, rush of offensive in the car, keep region how difficult it is for them to protect civilians. there. we understand that that might be what they need to be enabled to be able to use the weapons to target the launching sides inside the russian territory. okay, not just the us un, under the source of pressure. i became a customer here in balance. a tell us about the pressure germany is and of similar
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restrictions on each weapons as well. but what i felt was put slightly on the spots. yes. and can, when amount of them a call, the french president was he and pulled out some map showing where those strikes from russian territory were coming from emanuel my call saying that he would be in favor of using those weapons to strike points from weapons of the fluid onto ukrainian territory. while i've sold then stress that this might, he might have a different perspective being a nuclear country. so that's more than a hint that it makes a difference whether you have nuclear weapons and allow ukraine to do something like that, or not. an address that there is a lot of historical weights here in germany and a lot of costs, and that is actually allowing or sold to gain some points in the opinion. polls with what are sold for fusing to send cruise missiles, the likes of which france and britain have already sent to ukraine. one of the
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weapons said by western allies come with separate agreements which are not published on how these may or may not be use. so, although the nato secretary general is trying to get something of a common line, and it's individual permits that sort of music lensky ukraine's present will be off to the end of the end. it will be up to every single individual state at germany very slowly with this town, so that won't be one of them. that's allows striking russia with german weapons. ok, thanks about me having to pay the customer here in. but then we also heard from alexandra on that in prague. thank you. bye. in the middle east where israel's military says it has taken full control of the strip of land that serves as a buffer between garza and egypt is right. the military claims how mass militants have been using the philadelphia car,
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a tool to smuggle weapons into gaza. but the roots is also a key part of that data, cut the pinks. everybody's been between israel and egypt. israel is also decent. it's incursion into rafa in southern casa, is really helicopters firing towards rafa near the southern most city and gaza, where israel's military says, it is seized control of a key stretch of land. the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord or that as long served as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. every muscle in him in recent days find the thoughts as have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado. along the border between egypt and wrestling, she met the philadelphia cardoso and as an oxygen pipe before him, a mazda 3, which is regularly transits width into the gospel strip to shoot the cover to all bills and cover the captor, the cord, or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate
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israel's relations with egypt. cairo is accused israel using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land. in this latest development is also a signal. israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza despite growing international calls for to stop israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops, and rafa assuring them they will push on one afternoon for me. come, we're here for a couple of reasons. this is the last time i asked for guide that remains with all the chaise, molly, and we want to dismantle it, as a call they can talk about the fia is rolling system. it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how moss took the old tober 7 terre attacks, despite condemnation from allies in 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount is rarely bombardment and bravo on
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wednesday, head of building in this. so, um neighborhood. meanwhile, the homeless run health ministry announced a death toll and the cause of war had risen above $36000.00. the problem is that the oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of c, even e for destruction and browsing and perseverance. and there's no end in sight. israel's national security advisor says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on for at least 7 more months. so how is the israel capture of a philadelphia college or likely to affect its relationship with agents? i asked to join this, that came out go hot a in cairo as well. it's. busy the only boards the to the gaza strip that is most not under 40 is really controlled. and in addition, that is
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a protocol or an addition to the king david peace treaty from 2005. that is, when is written, who's drew from this for the agreeing that there should be some kind of demilitarized zone know is where it is claiming that they're under, for an operation and control of this corey door. and then they doing this in order to prevent smuggling, they also claiming that they found several prominence with weapons essentially are smuggling to, to how much it the egypt aside and strongly denying this. so they're saying that they destroyed since 2013 business when the military gave me the. ringback after photography, so it took overpowering you that since this time they destroyed hundreds of tunnels in this area. and what did you feel patients that then that this allegations to what is really just they have to justify insurance, illegally operation in the off by end to to prolong it. it's also they wait. it's discussed here really in cairo. they say, is there
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a need some kind of military success that they didn't get it? there are any reports from us intelligence from this like a week ago where it was said that's about the only one source of the how much fight this were killed on to now 65 percent of the 20 funds has been over a she so is really needs some kind of military success and this is how they present this. now the situation and cousin of course that is in the end of this and saying that this is on strongly denied for the person. so that's a journalist coming in. i will go hot a condo, speaking to me. i will only be watching dw, nearby from berlin. his reminder of our top story, hitler's out. because in hong kong, as find 14 pro democracy, active as guilty officers version somebody's trial under replacing impose killers. you know, i, i think the soon as it show up to date, i'll have old world news was off of the out of next on dw, focus on zillow or has a report on the georgian people start taking a stand against the actions that go,
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that's next here on data, the
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is overall, it's becoming a european silicon valley. the far west of ukraine is being said from bombing, it's a safe haven for the will. we read for i to specialist as center for stuff up and young software developers, the focus on your next on d w when you can't smell anything. but when everything smells the range of smell related disorders has
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increased since corona virus. how important is all sense of smell and what's his life like when it's gone in 45 minutes on d w the sometimes to show you i found that you out to the highlight for sure. every week. nothing was happening. i know, did i right just do it and i'm hoping dw newport task. thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually about move join us as we travel around your,
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facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. and i need to talk to you back, just a subscriber id. listen to paul, gosh, then we'll take you along for the ride. the to hello and welcome to this week's focus on your up. it's nice to have you with us, just to patient as well. we across the continents at the upcoming european football championship in germany. the tournaments kick off a schedule for mid june was 24 teams competing for the title. germany is looking forward to welcoming millions of fans from home and abroad to a celebration.


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