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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the double the news line from the and then guilty verdicts for 14, hong kong pro democracy activists and aligned to box a version trial. we'll hear from the chinese territory about what this means for the opposition movement. also on the program, nato secretary general edges member countries to allow ukraine to strike inside russia with alliance weapons. as can you've asks nato for help against russian attacks. we'll look at like both ideas at the vice and ukraine's our on south africa, a white collection and results from a boat. the codes are for the building and c pocket to shift power for the 1st time
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since upon the on. so getting a welcome to the program, a court in hong kong has found 14 pro democracy activists guilty of some version. and it's the biggest trying of, it's kind of the china impose the security law on the territory in 2020, which critics i is aimed at stifling descent. now straightly, united states, the amount of the country is to criticize the verdict as politically motivated and to co follow the defendants to be released. a prison in san jose up to home combs, west count new quotes outside people q patiently to enter of the fate of 16 pro democracy activists in the
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hands of hong kong legal system. we've been waiting for this day for over 3 years. i feel very sad that so many people have been lost, tough for so long. the case centers on an unofficial election that was held in 2020 officials said it was a threat to the government. the joshua was among the 47 pro democracy activists arrested. they were charged with conspiracy to commit some fashion under a national security law and post by china that no had been introduced following protests, which so tens of thousands take to the streets to defend democracy. trying to set the law was needed to restore stability. the critics say it's been used to cross political position us on the 1st day,
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only 2 of 16 defendants were acquainted of some fashion. the other 14 were found guilty, a point not lost on laurence now. owing, i should not be the focus for today. i hope everyone will continue caring for our other friends. in the case. these men may be free for now, but the prosecution has already launched in a panic and that real quick polls the floating guilty verdicts. meanwhile, have a good many in hong kong and outside. but the chinese foreign ministry has view childhood international criticism during the week completely oppose any interference in china is internal affairs by individual countries on the basis of current legal cases. and any attempts to describe it and undermine the rule of law in hong kong. young, in fact the of the 31 defendants have already pleaded guilty.
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meaning, oh, but 2 of the 47 people arrested 3 years ago. courage space lines in jail. a lot corresponding to phoebe come in hong kong told me about the likely effect of this project on the territories pro democracy movement. and it is a huge blow um to the whole, hong kong opposition came and the movement itself as this is the largest national security trial, since the security law watson post, but be taking a phone call in 2020 and. 7 if the child took a like over a 100 days and it involves over 40 defends. so this is indeed a mosque prosecution and it is deemed, it is themes as the largest wrong of all to hold on possession, came at once. um, by using these conspiracy to the person in charge. so for many pro democracy
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support, this is not only a product on the defendant themselves, but also on that you pull wins in the move and because of the cost primary election in the, in the back then over 600000 people voted in that election to to choose the candidate to represent them, i'm running for the election. and so um, also um, based of trash has cover most of the most influential pickers and hall calling to joshua ball and many common and foam and all make us and also leading active this. so um, it will definitely have huge impact on the whole society as a whole. so for team guilty to not guilty, what next is expected in this lunmark case? well, um the 47, the 45 come sick to defend. this will have to face tens and saying um in the next
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couple of months, they will make that mitigations in june before receiving the actual sentences. um, and we also have to waive the remind to that um they up the 1st and charge on the pages to national security so all carries a maximum sentence off life imprisonment. so for the old devices all these primary election, they are likely to receive the heaviest sentence. um uh for the auto save my like, um, how's it goes it show for several years to maybe like up to 10 years. so um it is a very sophia charge and um, it is also post the monitor that how the international community is responding, especially one of the defendants host, australian citizenship and the australian i for minnesota also responded to this case very quickly. so we will have to see what a this case will evolve into some diplomatic control the see in the coming feature
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. i can save. you save the call in hong kong. a nato foreign ministers, a meeting in prague with ministry ad full ukrainian focus us extra estates on to me blinking is among those gathered in the check capital as us faces increasing pressure from allies other restrictions that prevent you crying from striking targets in russia. had off the meeting next to the secretary general against delton, but said it was time for those who are members to reconsider whether that weapons could be used to hit beyond do you transport? i believe that's the time has called me to consider some of these restrictions to enable their kindness to really defend themselves and restaurant in for either the content they the ukraine on ukraine across according to the national, the right to defend themselves. this is showing the new instructor on there. ok for self defense includes also striking military targets and
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a judgment printers targets outside ukraine as well to best buy satellite as a member of the buddhist dogs. following the fast committee for the greens, which is a part of germany's that governing coalition government, a welcome to the dublin with tobacco. i'm due back the secretary general's that calls on a tow countries to allow you try to use that weapons to hit targets in russia. yes, good evening and yes i do. and i'm not alone with that's our last weekends. and sophia, the nato p. a diploma tearing the supplement, the assembly of the nato mats and uh, with their within that i think the ration we say to those in our declaration we stated very clearly after the, after mr. salt berg explains basically the current issues and the current situation to us as well. very clearly within the hour the ration was stated that just supported the dream in its international right to defend itself. we should lift some restrictions on the use of weapons provided by the nato allies strikes
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legitimate charges and restaurants and uh, as a member of nato p i. i have to outlined that district duration but voted on was only one single, voted against that of one single member of the ph. so of course i do support discourage. uh, yeah, debates or to the this the situation in the situation. what, what, what van decides, the people who say the germany would risk being drawn into a wide, a war in ukraine under those circumstances. we deliver their weapons to ukraine to defend themselves. and yes, we do. that's because we believe that grain is not only fighting against a dresser, but also for freedom and for europe seeing freedom as well. but the moment we deliver just weapons, those weapons become ukrainian weapons, and drain is
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a states attacked by 4 dresser and therefore, backed by international law. they are allowed to defend themselves and defending themselves. eastern means being able to strength, military targets that are reduced to attack ukraine. and i think i just stop doing that because you're a big balance. and your 1st of all is pretty much the same one. you gave me in your, your 1st on so, so just to go back to it, let me just repeat the question for you. because people will say that germany risks being drawn into a why the war in you cried if it's allowed, was gem and weapons to be used to strike russian targets, which is not now the case. so what would be your response to them about why gemini, i should remove those restrictions, a dozen of german german weapons anymore. we delivered them, we provide them, but they become draining and weapons. this is the importance of distinguishing what should be important to distinguish that within international law. and the other thing i really want to outline towards those people is gender stand. what's
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happening and you train and the videos and the horrific pictures we saw on the weekend from talk if, where'd civilian infrastructure and civilian people were striked and, and so many people died actually, i think those pictures outline what's actually at stake. and then you have to situation on the front line and i know and i'm very, very excited about to check initiative to, to gather ammunition. but the 1st are the 1st of those are munitions are getting to be delivered in june. if everything goes well, there is a very dire situation and the front line, so there is a needs to be able to defend themselves for you drain young's in every way they kept. and i wouldn't rush the state flew down about when russia says it would, because the use of a weapons provided by nato countries to strike at its territory as an escalation.
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that's a risk. your happy to take this is not backed by international law or russian. russia it was that's kind of not the here know that is it invasion? great. i'm just errands that you buy into an option your if this sounds like a risky yeah. that you are prepared to take to there is a risk of restaurants deciding to attack other countries just by deciding to do so . and drawing lines the restaurant is thinking of now is just the same situation. it's a decision by the restaurant when they say, now we want to attack a certain country and they did that with the drain and small i, i'm pretty sure they are currently focused on you train. and therefore, i think our efforts must remain on supporting ukraine as well. and of course they can try to friends us. but we need to understand this war. they are fighting. there is a threat itself to the whole international community and to europe,
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especially. and this prep is ongoing, this is not a single point where it is escalation and suddenly becoming a trend to year. this war is a french 20 and we need to understand that so drawing now another line from russian perspective won't change that they already threatens us and that they're currently every single day threatening us. ok with this aggression on ukraine. but i'd say that very serious, i'd like to also understand we need to well support those we're fighting against best. so that's clear. thank you for allowing your position upset, clinic thomas back out of the greens policy. thank you. thank you. we'll take a look now at some of the stores making headlines around the world with ours is in jeopardy, say for people have been arrested on dozens of computer service shut down. and what they say is the largest ever operation against malware and guys cyber crime. this thing involved the number of countries and was coordinated by your of pulse malware
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allows cyber criminals to secretly connects to people's computers as fulton's interest. purposes. science problem is not over the past, the controversial unless the bills, the legislation aims to drop legal action against more than 300 naturalist officials and active as we've been taught. kinda loading of san francisco since 2011, 177 low make supported the change 172. so to the game, protest as in new zealand, demanding protection for the rights of the model, the people on of the indigenous communities, thousands fill, the straits house before the government disclosed a new subject that includes spending cuts on social initiatives, demonstrates the cues, the prime minister of undermining a treaty that protects indigenous rights. slovenia is that prime minister of robot gall upsets these governments. he's getting ready to recognize the palestinian states of it'll become the latest you are paying country to recognize the
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statements. thanks for calling island boy. in spain. a most un members recognize that the palestinians face of the few western countries of taking the step of israel's ministry size. it's taking full control of a strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. these writing, the ministry claims of how much the militants have been using the for the delphi, colorado to smuggle weapons into casa the roots. also a key part of a delicate piece arrangement between israel and egypt. israel has also have deepened its incursion into rafa in southern gaza. is really helicopters firing towards rafa near the southern most city and gaza, where israel's military says it is seized control of a key stretch of land. the 14 kilometer philadelphia cord or that as long served as a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. every muscle in him. in recent
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days aside, the forces have taken operational control over the philadelphia, colorado, along the border between egypt and restaurant. she met the philadelphia cardoso and as an oxygen pipe before him, a mazda 3, which is regularly trans, sits width into the gospel strip, to shoot the cover to both and cover the capture the cord, or where israel says its troops found these rocket launchers could complicate israel's relations with egypt, cairo is accused israel using the allegations of smuggling to justify legally occupying the stretch of land. this latest development is also a signal, israel's deepening offensive and southern gaza. despite growing international calls for to stop israel's military chief of staff, visit a troops, and rafa assuring them they will push on what happens when we come up. we're here for a couple of reasons. this is the last time i asked for a guide that remains with all the testability smalley and we want to dismantle is
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about the 5th is rolling system. it needs to carry out the rough operation to rescue the hostages. how mos took and build tobar 7 terre attacks, despite condemnation from allies and 8 groups, a like a civilian casualties mount it is rarely bombardment and rough on wednesday hit a building in this so um neighborhood. meanwhile, the home us run health ministry announced a death tool and the cause of war had risen above 36000. the problem is that the oppression has been conducted in such a way that the number of civilian casualties and the destruction of cvd and infrastructure and browsing and presidents. it's and there's no end in sight. israel's national security adviser says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on
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for at least 7 more months. now the results from south africa's election to show that the african national congress is on cost to lose its power of entry. majority possible results show the items to be used in the lead with about 43 percent of the vote followed by the democratic alliance policy with around 25 percent. if the i n c fails to at least 50 percent of the national votes, it may be forced into coalition for the 1st time since the end of the call 5. 1994, b and c has ruled south africa and challenge since then. i just had it, i bought a car into presidents. i still run the proposal. final results are expected by some that's got more from correspondent time. ok in johannesburg. welcome dot com. as i said, that we're still waiting for the final results, early indications, although and so you will probably have to share our um, what is calls this loc last?
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no, excuse me. what is cool is there's lots of support as well as this election has been i think that's a serious test for the amc government. in particular, they have been a lot of concerns raised by citizens about how the amc has managed the government over the last. the 2 years and we're seeing the results of that management in the the results that we're seeing on the, on the, the coming from the i. c national result, st. at the moment. um, the amc has had a number of, of issues including corruption. they've been also problems with managing the energy crisis and an ongoing economic crisis. and these results, as we've seen them so far, can be taken as almost a referendum of the conduct up until this point i. e. c has only counted about 2500000 votes, best best fall. and they saying that it's about 21 percent of the old voting
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dressed districts. so of course it is a long way to go, but it is worth noting that in the elections the amc would have been above the 50 percent mark, even this early in the vote counting stage. and then that would be some variance as it went along. okay, and if we presume that the i and say, does the much as the biggest party, what i'm most likely to say coalition with, as well, that's $1000000.00 question, i think. yeah, in this election, they are so many parties participating in this election. and to be quite honest, it's quite, it's quite difficult to give a, put a prediction this early on as to who they could choose to get into a coalition with, if they do. part of the reason for that is that the ideological backgrounds of these parties very significantly. and everybody of course, once they own policies to come to the full. but you have a, for example,
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which is one of the parties that he's doing quite well in this election has said that he would consider a coalition. but one of its main issues that he, once any coalition partners to consider is how the land issue will be tackled. that's one of the key issues. they feel that the south african land is still in the hands of too many white peoples. well, i'm in my job at the minority in this country and they feel that they needs to be an equitable distribution. now the question is whether the a and c would wouldn't to a c to any kind of a coalition took the deal with the land issue. the democratic a lions which is another big party has for the past few months, being campaigning, saying that they want to risk you start africa from the amc. and so if they say the amc is the big bad wolf which we should be rescued from, could they get into a coalition with them? it's very difficult to say, but i think that positions in government would be a key factor if coalitions what to be discussed, who would get what kind of cabinet positions and which policies the different
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parties would be able to agree on over the next 5 years. that could go into the next 5 years of policies. so the independent electrical commission has said that to turn out a seems hi, how is that likely to impact the process of counting votes? well of course, this is at the moment still and the totally saying that they see to not these high we saw very long shoes at various voting stations across the country. and there is a seems that many people went out to vote the i ac saying that if the to not is higher than in 2019, it could mean that the results could take a bit longer to be finalized. another issue is that in this election, there is a 3rd ballot that incorporates independent candidates, and that is also adding extra time to vote counting. the i see said earlier,
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i need to press briefing that they held at the venue where i'm spending that. in fact, some voting stations around 3 o'clock this afternoon was still counting votes, and that's just an indication of how things are but delayed, seemingly by the large numbers of people who turned up. at the moment we are still expecting results to be finalized by sunday. but of course the i see will give daily briefings with they'll give us a regular updates of how far things sped and they have a website where they giving the the results in real time. okay, thank you diane. i think they'll be comfortable in time. ok. and javascript to india when monsoon reins of hit the size of the country 2 days soon of unexpected providing some relief from the countries unprecedented. the hey wife, a residence as well as spring valley and other areas continue to suffer under the conditions closing and increasing threat to human health. temperatures hovering as
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high as 47 degrees celsius in daily heat waves are common in india. but these unrelenting high temperatures caused by climate change becoming more common, an ex, but say that getting worse as the sun set. so as a daily mocking an end to another school jing day. dusk brings much needed relief. a chance for residents to cool down on the map, it was extremely hot between 11 am and 2 30 pm. it was unbearable and traveling for everyone on the finish. i'm getting ready to see i've got everybody. but what can i say when i said we have to work in the fields and look after the kettle? my website's on nature is bad,
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but i have the my children are sick because of the heat, their vomiting and diarrhea and fever. this is what happens in these temperatures or so on. i normally do trying, and the heat is notating the risk to children. many people are suffering in the high temperatures. experts won't have a public health crisis as the heat wave drives on the waves are particularly problematic if they left for a longer period of time in addition to the intensity. so usually the 1st day of extreme he is a problem for human health, but especially the 2nd and later days of extreme. ready are additionally difficult because of the human body doesn't have time to recuperate. as an extreme heat period extends on the extreme heat. looks set to continue
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dalio thora to use a will to shortages, are likely sarah advising this city's residence to stay home during the day as much as possible. which indeed the news live from valen. here's a reminder about top story this. our course in hong kong has found 14 pro democracy activists guilty of subversion. it's the biggest trial of its kind to china, impose the security law on the territory in 2020 australia and the united states and countries to criticize the verdict was a good motive. i did, and nicole full of defendants to be set you up to date the print gospel, affable, using the top of the hour in a moment, 10 on the dw tim sebastian and paste gas from opposite sides of the political spectrum. it's flow once it's straight at state farm, right. talk to escape,
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move. power is, comes stuff the,
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the, the conflict zone a special edition on the european election. a lot of new challenges, anybody's outside of the role which has influence inside how can people trust the elections? they don't know whether that voting for a russian pop it or somebody who's just t s t is the most popular party among young world. isn't john tim? sebastian investigates the question is democracy under threats? conflict next on d w. but we'll tell you
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d. w, the world of free speech, free press, open access to free information for every stop dreaming. i'm next to take action d, they'll use global, easier for them. 2024, a bunch of money practiced in no autism and it's from all over the world. i'm
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waiting to share their solutions and to say, tomorrow to join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2020, for the italians in january this year. mocking the mother of 3 fascist activist enrolled in 1978, almost 18 years after the defeat to the right. that can be few single gestures accent adult designed to send such a shilling warning. and you see pictures like that in your what goes to your mind we are reminded so on the darkest
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hours of this car.


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