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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live in from berlin tonight, the head of nato wants. the guard rails removed in stockton bag says that ukraine should be allowed to use western weapons destroyed inside russia. it comes as keeps asks nato to help defend against russian air strikes. like we look at why both of these ideas are so divisive, also coming up guilty verdicts for 14, hong kong, pro democracy active is like we ask, what does this mean for the future of the opposition? we've been there and south africa, all the break of change, the party that has ruled the country since the end of apartheid may soon be out of
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office and out of the file. the library golf is good to have you with this on this thursday. we begin with nato foreign ministers of nato, our meeting in prague with military aid for ukraine. at the top of the agenda and us secretary of state anthony blinking is among those gathered in to check capital as the us faces increasing pressure from allies over restrictions that prevent you brain from striking targets with western weapons inside rush on the head of the meeting nato secretary general, you in stoughton bag said it was time for data members to reconsider whether their weapons to be used to hit beyond ukraine's borders. so i believe that's the time has come to consider some of these restrictions to enable their kindness to really defend themselves and restaurant in for either the content they,
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the ukraine on ukraine hoss, according to international law. the right to defend themselves isn't showing the new instructor on the rock for self defense includes also striking military targets and a judgment printers targets outside ukraine. while we're brussels bureau chief alexander phenomena, she joins me now from prague. alexander is good to see you. we heard you in stoughton bag speaking there, so i'm wondering, is it just a matter of time before nato changes, it stands over weapons and how they can be used by ukraine in the war against russia of the world's friend. i think that the pressure is certainly growing on allies to agree on that we heard from you in stalls and back and i think his position and the position of his staff at nato headquarters is very clear on that that ukraine has every rides to defend itself. and that it also includes attacking
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legitimate military targets on the russian territory. and so we heard from you and still from the quite a, quite a passionate plea. he argued that it cannot be, that the russian troops are sitting just across the border. so actually on the front lines and they're launching their attacks from that point to from their military base, is there an ukraine is not allowed to use western made long rage weapons to attack those positions. however, we also have to say that he is urging allies to reconsider the limitation restrictions, but need to is not providing weapons to ukraine. it is up to individual allies to decide what kind of weapons to are providing and whether there are any restrictions on the use of those weapons. and there are some members of the alliance. first of
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all, most of course, the u. s. and germany who are very skeptical, when we talk about the usage of the west and made weapons in ukraine. yeah, we, we have heard that from the us president from the german chancellor. the that we don't want to do anything that would escalate this conflict. so what about that risk of being brochure has made it clear how it views arms that strike its territory as a total escalation? that is what the kremlin is saying. the kremlin is a threatening the west at that the conflict could escalate. and of course, there is a real risk for germany, but also for other allies, especially for the you as they don't wants to be dragged into a direct conflict with russia. however, we also have to say that over the course of this war in the last 2 years, we have seen that the individual allies change their strategy and kind of a did, they were willing to provide it to ukraine. we had the discussion about western
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mates, tangs, they were then provided to ukraine. we had the discussion about whether it is okay to provide you created with of $165.00 to jets. now you play in pilots are being trained on those of fi to jets and they will be provided to train. so we cannot rule out that the defense of some still skeptical allies with regards to the questions. uh, what kind of a tax ukraine at ukraine can use the wisdom made weapons for that. they also can change their stance on that question. you've got to use alexander of knob and with that beautiful scar line there in prague behind you. alexandra, thank you. thank you. a court in hong kong has found 14 pro democracy active is guilty of subversion. it's the biggest trial of its kind after china imposed a security law of the territory back in 2020,
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which critics say is aimed at stifling descent australia in the united states or among the countries to criticize the verdicts as politically motivated and to call for the defendants to be released to a prison design tools up to a home comes west count lou. lou quotes outside people que patiently to enter the fate of 16 pro democracy activists in the hands of hong kong legal system. we've been waiting for this day for over 3 years. i feel very sad that so many people have been locked up for so long. the case center is on an unofficial election that was held in 2020 officials said it was a threat to the government. i think joshua wong was among the 47 pro democracy activists arrested. they were charged with conspiracy to
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commit some fashion under a national security law and post by china that no had been introduced following protests, which so tens of thousands take to the streets to defend democracy. trying to set the law was needed to restore stability. the critics say it's been used to cross political opposition. on such day, only 2 of 16 defendants were acquainted of some fashion. the other 14 were found guilty. a point not lost on laurence now. told me, i should not be the focus for today. i hope everyone will continue caring for our other friends in the case. these man may be free for now, but the prosecution has already launched an appeal against the real quick polls. the 14 guilty verdicts, meanwhile, have a good many in hong kong and outside. but the chinese foreign ministry has he,
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childhood, international criticism, 215. the weight completely oppose any interference in china is internal affairs by individual countries. on the basis of current legal cases, under any attempts to describe it and undermine the rule of law in hong kong, for quite some time the of the search you want defendants have already pleaded guilty. meaning, oh, but 2 of the 47 people arrested 3 years ago, could face lined in jail or the president of the philippines for denmark as junior will deliver the keynote speech at the start of a meeting on friday, known as the shangri lot dialogue tensions in the south china sea are expected to play a big role. some 3 trillion us dollars, a trade pass through the disputed waters each year. but they've become the sight of
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escalating tensions between beijing and manila. and the dispute at south china sea filipinos civilian flotilla is shadowed by the chinese coast, gone. its mission to deliver supplies. to the filipinos fishermen, miss scarborough. so the activist group is called, this is ours, which volunteers have written in tagalog on the boys that flow to here the just the 100 vessels that set off and leave a handful reach that destination many to and back of to being followed by larger chinese coast gunk ships. the stand off is one of the number of maritime incidents that have started the tensions between manila and beijing. he'll a rival claims to a number of locations in the waters west of the philippines. the leaders the scarborough sol, is one of the disputed areas. its photo fishing grounds full within the philippines,
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exclusive economic sun, which we can see and yellow here. but they're also within china. so cold, 9 dash line. china claims the area within the spine to 2016 international court ruling. it had no legal basis to do so. they jane has dismissed the philippines civilian mission as a publicity stunt. but also it keeps many less frequently aggravating. tensions in the south china sea just seems, or if the philippine side is bent on having its own way towards china, will take the necessary measures. routes of firmly defend its jane a bit right on your end to interest. do you find made such a donkey tree? since those comments tensions have risen even further in the region with aging launching, who games around the philippines? know the neva, taiwan. citing the defense ministry in taipei. reuters football,
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which is the chinese will planes also flew into the bushy channel which separates taiwan and the philippines. manila didn't directly address paging. slate just renewed. is that at a navy cetera. many last week, the philippine defense secretary, such as country, was committed to defending its territorial interests with drain moriello. bear with me more modifying pomp and i paid a family's between us and like minded nations. mark paintings are not more instead of all the exercises in moving also our significance other parts in early may, manila already states large scale board rails with its mutual defense, treaty ally, the united states. it involves more than $16000.00 military personnel and infuriated aging. also last week,
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the philippine coast gone to announce the opening of new security outpost. wanna find northern island, a stated response to china military build up in the a tie one over the past 2 years. and a way to come to threats, including quite foreign intrusions. what i'm doing now by here is in freights all his deputy director with the asian maritime transparency initiative at the center for strategic and international studies. mr. frank tides good to have you with this we know that the president of the philippines, mister marcos, he's taking a tougher law and then his predecessors have when he comes to trying his actions in the south china sea. what are you expecting to hear him say in this speech tomorrow as well? i think he's going to paint the philippines as being a, a real defender of the international rules that actually affect everyone. these
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tensions between china and the philippines have gone for over 2 years. now where it's basically every few weeks. okay. so the 2 sides are coming to serious contact between their coast guards between their fishermen and alicia. we are, and i think he's gonna know what a little pressure on the region to, to show more support than they've been getting for, for this position that they've been forced into in south transit. and you say the, the, the incidence that we've seen between china and the philippines, they have, they've grown more tens. um, they've happened more frequently. where do you think this is, is heading? i mean, can we predict where it's headed? i mean it, it's hard to predict the china is certainly hoping that they're able to stop the philippine resupply emissions. the 2nd thomas show and that the philippine shipped that is grounded there on and which the philippines has marines on. they're hoping
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that ship is going to fall into the water and obviously the philippines does not want that to happen. and really the us does not want that to happen. um, there's a strong incentive to the us to show the value of its alliance with the philippines here, given a historical track record of you know, questioning of that in the philippines, especially after the 2012 incident where china effectively sees control of scar. russell. we know that other countries i'm going to come back to the us in just a moment. we know other countries, aside from the philippines, they have claims to the south china sea, enjoying that. it has disputes with them, but it doesn't seem to resort to the same kind of intimidation tactics a why is that? how would you say beijing views the government in manila as well? you're absolutely right. there's other claimants who have very similar claims in
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terms of very easy use, overlapping with china is 9 dash line. um, but i think that china has been a little surprised with the philippines, new approach in terms of publicizing the, on the water activities, so directly, and so instantaneously inviting media along on these rise. um, the other claimants do not publicize what's going on to the same degree at all. and in fact, vietnam, malaysia are, are known to be a lot quieter and deal with these things more in the private negotiations. so in terms of the philippines, a response here, i think that it's kind of caught off guard and china has been forced into a position where it's, it's responding and, and unfortunately that's only escalated attention. the philippines has increased security ties within us as you were saying, especially under president marcos that the 2 nations had they have
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a mutual defense treaty that goes back. but 70 years, there is the worry in washington that the us could be dragged into a dispute with china if things escalate with the philippines. what are the chances of that happening? would you say definitely middle of washington and even beijing or are, are all worried about the possible invocation of the mutual defense treaty and, and the triggering of that alliance commitment with these tensions. i think currently they're focused on trying to keep that from happening. um, but it's a tough thing to do when every few weeks a philippine ship is getting its window is blown out by a water cannon from a much larger china coast guard vessel. we've had people getting injured and i think in the case that a casualty occurs. it will be very hard to keep that,
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that treaty commitment from coming into effect in some way. so i think, you know, they're having to consider what that would look like right now. you have the possibility of escalation. it seems to be growing. by the months you could say mister harrison very thought, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. we appreciate your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. all right, has a quick look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. crime investigation authorities here in germany say that 4 people have been arrested in dozens of computer servers, shut down in what they call the largest ever operation against malware based cyber crime is being involved the number of countries and was coordinated by europe holt . malware allows cyber criminals to secretly connect to people's computers for malicious purposes. springs parliament has narrowly passed
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a controversial amnesty bill legislation age to drop, legal action against more than $300.00 nationalist officials inactive as we have been part of cavaloni as a separatist movement since 2011. a 177. lawmakers afforded the change a 172 voted against to to india. now, where months in range have hit the countries of south 2 days, sooner than expected. providing some relief from the countries unprecedented gateway, the residence of sweltering delhi and other areas. they continue to suffer under conditions posing an increasing threat to human health temperatures. hubbard as high as 47 degrees celsius in daily today. he waves are common in india, but these unrelenting high temperatures, caused by climate change are becoming more common. and experts say they are getting worse the sunset, so the daily mocking and to another school
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ching day. dusk brings much needed relief. a chance for residents to cool down all but there's a guy over the map. it was extremely hot between 11 am and 2 30 pm unbearable and traveling for everyone. autopay. so let me finish. i'm getting ready to see a database here. but what can i say? what i said, we have to work in the fields and look after the kettle, my website on nature is that what happened to my children are sick because of the heat, their vomiting, and have diarrhea and fever. this is what happens in these temperatures or the restaurant i normally do, drying the heat to snow,
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turn the risk to children, how many people are suffering in the high temperatures? experts won't have a public health crisis as the heat wave drives on the waves are particularly problematic if they left for a longer period of time in addition to the intensity. so usually the 1st day of extreme heat is a problem for human health, but especially the 2nd and later days of extreme. ready are additionally difficult because the human body doesn't have time to recuperate. as an extreme heat period extends on the x treme heat looks set to continue their legal store to use a will to shortages are likely they're advising the cities residents to stay home during the day as much as possible. all right for morning i'm
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joined by the team of harrison. she's a director of the climate impact platform at c g i a r d. it's good to have you with this. let's talk about water. how severe are water shortages in india now a good time. thanks so much for having me and this, um, so uh the, what the price is particularly right now in the lead. it looks to be quite c, b r because of the little close of the knob. but it's, it's a bit more than that, even because of any thoughts to water and hide. it seems like the one that we're experiencing right now, what the demand increases in every possible way. you need more water for the power generation. and on top of that you have power outages, so the ability to draw water from either to visit or, or from groundwater decreases. so all of these activity compounds the walk to crisis. that is what you're seeing right now. and there was something i really
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noticed in your, in your 2 minute segment earlier. is that something that people are saying that this is what the nature it is, what can we do? but i see that there is, that needs to be much more. it could be shown that this is not what the nature is. this is what we have dog. this is climate change in action. these were pretty, these were projected per 2 years ago. the typically leaving what was projected at the climate models like from 20 years ago. and we knew that if you keep pumping c o 2 into the most fear, this is what the result in so repeat, i seen that the need much more awareness about that extreme. he does not natural extreme. he does cost by human induced climate change. and at lock the price is, is a part of that because every aspect of the water cycle is affected when we have climate change. let me ask you about the situation with daily deli has been particularly hard hit. during this heat wave, the government has waned the problem on low levels in the yamuna river, which is the primary source of waterford village. but is this the only cause of
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water shortages? or does this get back to what you were saying? they've got the government trying to, to blame it on what low levels of a river instead of climate change. so i think it's highly changed is the driver. and i think we all know that. so it's very clear. and what exactly is happening is with the lower levels of water in the yahoo, not the successor beating the problem. we also have an issue of lack of management of groundwater. so overall in albany, the out of every charge is very low. our groundwater levels are also on top of it. we have follow crisis because of the heat because the power generation of followed demand has gone up. so there is also that issue of not having enough electricity when you need to pump water. so all of those kind of add up, but the heart of the issue literally is the amount of c, o 2, that everybody is pumping into the most viewed and certainly the role of the, of the high income countries in causing kind of change. so this is to be the impact
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of climate change that we are seeing in action. and as i said, what the price is going to grow the box of it. and what about the monsoons we know monsoon season usually brings some relief to india. it can we count on that moving forward? yes, certainly. so want to and has already hit the coast being carried out. and by the time it reaches dates another month or so because the that's, that's how one soon is expected and then we are needing july. so you can expect more heat waves to have be for the bed in the northern parts of the country. pontoons will bring relief for sure. but is also want to know that even the loan soon back to us a lot are also good thing affected by government change. so it's, it's not as it's in order to bunch so normally would be to relieve the long term relief is literally to reduce emissions and to stabilize the climate that stated
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would remain the long term solution or the, the location. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. we appreciate your insights tonight. thank you. thank you so much. i a worldly result from the south african election shows that the african national congress is on course to lose its majority partial results show. the amc is still in the lead with about 43 percent of the votes, followed by the democratic alliance party with around 25 percent. if the amc fails to win at least 50 percent of the national vote, it may be forced into a coalition for the 1st time since the end of apartheid back in 1994. the amc has route south africa unchallenged since then and is headed by the current president 0, right. my folks that the final results are expected by sunday. you want cdw news coming up next on dw news africa, the european union is assisting and human rights abuses and mass expulsion of
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migrant. that's the finding. the new investigation that accuses the you of being complicit in human rights abuses in the comfort mass, expulsion of migrant often dumping them in remote and dangerous border areas in the so far desert. but at the same time, you're urgently needs skilled workers. we will meet the canyon bus drivers being trained by germany to soon make the journey from nairobi to lynn's full. you're watching the w news. here's a reminder to all of our top story. a court in hong kong has found a 14 for democracy. active is guilty of subversion. that's the biggest trial and it's kind of from china, imposed a security law on the territory back in 2022. that ended stifling descent australia in the united states or among the countries that have criticize the verdicts, calling them politically motivated. they've called for the defendants and the cases
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to be released. i bring gulf, i'll be back at the top of the hour with mobile news. so i hope to see you then the, the, the,
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the view will tell you the we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that for the, for the future. in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. are you news african next on d w i how did she become who she is today? why didn't she ever get married or become a mom?
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and what role does he play in hawaii? barbie toy icon role models, the perfect woman in 45 minutes on the phone for a robot back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk fund in order to minimize that, we have an open to me just to get it right before we start. environmental activists,
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oscar tops rules fail billions to be made out to pascal commentary. deep sea greed dots, june 7th on the w. the . this is dw news as i got coming up on the program as european countries tried to restrict migration from africa. all they also could badly funding human rights abuses. and a new investigation says you funded operations, a moving migrants on mass and dumping them in dangerous border areas in the sahara with all the funds from europe and inviting some africans to take up much needed jobs. we meet some prospects in kenya, i'm the president of the democratic republic of congo finally appoints and.


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