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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie, but from the berlin to nights the head of nato says he wants the guard rails removed against don't break, says you, crane should be allowed to use western weapons destroyed inside russia. we'll look at why keys. biggest factors are forwarding back also coming up tonight, south africa, on the break, and change the parties that ruled the country since the end of apartheid may soon have to share power and guilty verdicts for 14, hong kong pro democracy act of this to like we asked what does this mean for the
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opposition move? the bridge off is good to have you with this on this thursday, the foreign ministers, nato, our meeting tonight in prague with military aid for ukraine on the agenda. your secretary of state anthony blinking is among those gathered in the check capital. the us it is facing increasing pressure from allies over restrictions that prevent ukraine from striking targets inside russia. know ahead of this meeting. nato secretary general you in stoughton bag so that it's time for data members to reconsider whether their weapons can be used to hit beyond ukraine's borders. take a list, i believe that's the time has come to consider some of these restrictions to enable
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their opinions to really defend themselves and restaurant in faith of the content they, the ukraine on ukraine. the hoss, according to international law, the right to defend themselves, isn't showing the new instructor. on the rock for self defense includes also, striking military targets, digits and printers, targets outside ukraine. well, the foreign minister of why fi is also at this need a meeting. and she explained the lack of stance on how it's weapons can be used by ukraine, along with how other data members have discussed weapons restrictions. actually this question is not on the table for the ministers. it's each country's individual question that's not took alyssa, why discussion? but we have, had exchanges was a natal when i still worked for my to over the shortly off as a start of the war when it was clear. so to create and will be fighting. and the serve will be a link to your periods of all support. that's what countries can supply,
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what kind of supply will be coming party to see, to the war. and it was very clear consensus among variety of factors that ukraine's right of self defense, which is under un chucker up to $51.00. includes, is the ability to strike legitimate number 3 targets on the russian transfer from which it's very likely is that there are so we will be attacking or is already a testing or, you know, enabling civil war and so on, so forth. so that was, that was a whole sort of discussion because it was important for the allies to understand that they will not become part, it doesn't work. so that has all been discuss further. it's a disco, it's a decision for each individual. so as far as lovely is concerned, we have never ever put any restrictions on the workings we support the fuel crime because we have no thought take this award. so we are so in accordance with international law, so very clearly we are comfortable with some there is
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a whole set of other countries will have said, zip loads. the countries who have not said anything the terminal enforced restrictions. so, you know, it's, it's a reality that was like v as a point minister speaking with this earlier, here's a quick look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. authorities in germany say that 4 people have been arrested dozens of computer servers and shut down in what they are calling the largest ever operation against malware base and cyber crime. sting involves a number of countries. it was coordinated by euro poll. malware allows the cyber criminals to secretly connect to people's computers for malicious purposes. are only results from the south african election shows that the african national congress is on course to lose its majority. it's still in the lead with about 43 percent of the votes followed by the democratic alliance party with about 25
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percent. the amc has road south africa since the end of a part time. a lot of the details that so then he is a prime minister, robert go low, says that his government is set to recognize palestinian statehood. now it will become the latest european country to do that. following ireland, norway in spain, most human members recognized palestinian statehood. but few western countries have taken that step or get back now to those south african election results. early result showing that the african national congress is on course to lose that crucial majority. partial results show that the amc still in the lead with about 43 percent of the votes followed by the democratic alliance party with 25 percent. now if the agency fails to win, at least 50 percent of the national vote, it will be for worst, may be forced into sharing power for the 1st time since the end of apartheid in
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1994, gmc has ruled south africa unchallenged since then. it's now headed by president silver. i'm opposed to the final results were expected by sunday. here's what the 1st deputy secretary general of the african national congress had to say about the results so far take unless it was the width of 5 and that themselves as indicate to them that whatever that was predicted, it'd be, i have been proven wrong. we are way above what was predicted. is it possible that percentage of the in see saved for the latest? see if i out of the vows we asked in the city full percent. and you do believe that once all of the stations of all of that as well as submitted, then the in c capital flips and met with the report. this is a can reflect to be a lot of reflecting going on for sure. let's go now to our correspond to diane
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hawkins. she's standing by in johannesburg. thank you to see you. i, i know we're still waiting for final results, but these early indications they are not good for the 8 and see what his cost is. i mean, this is, this is what plate tectonics, this is a seismic shift, isn't it? what's causing the change? it really can be considered a seismic shift if you see, look at with amc comes from in previous evictions. in the 2019 election the party ended at 57 percent. and in previous elections it was well above 60 percent. and for the party at this stage to be at the moment less than 50 percent. i think it is going to need the ac need is to make some serious reflections on what is leads to this sort of a change in voltage sentiments from the people that we've been speaking to in the months running up to the selection. and even yesterday, those were voting,
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there was a sense that south africans with tie it with a number of things that they've been seeing going on. for example, corruption has been a major concern for many of the votes. as young voters in particular were very frustrated and continued to be very frustrated about the ongoing jobs crisis that links to an economic crisis. and when we spoke to those were standing in the queue . many of them was saying that they needed to see change and they were taking the selection as the opportunity for them to make sure that that change happens. and on the boards that you see behind me, we seeing the results of those sentiments from different parts of the country. the boards are reflecting the national results thus far, as well as the provincial results. and those tallies that are showing that the agency at this point has not yet reached that 50 percent mark. and if we, i assume that the agency does ambridge is the biggest party, but that doesn't have
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a majority which party who will be the most likely coalition partner for the at this stage it's very difficult to say because even the amc leaders are a bit reluctant to speak about coalitions, they all of a painting the picture of confidence saying that they'll only start talking about coalition partners later on in the game. but what we do know is that, you know, of the political parties such as the economic freedom fighters, they've said that they wouldn't be completely opposed to a coalition with the amc, as long as they could reach an agreement on some policy issues. there's also the m k party, which is a recent edition to south african politics. it's late by for most of african presidents, jacob summa, and they also fall look like they will get a decent amount of votes at the moment. they sitting at about 9 percent of the over all votes. and the is some speculation that there is
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a possibility that the agency could look to the m k parties for that for those coalition tools. but of course, it all comes down to a junk in full full positions. and with these parties will be able to agree on important policy issues for the next 5 years. okay, who responded? diane hawker, in janice berg of this night. this time of election results watched by a thank of a court in hong kong, has failed. 14 pro democracy, acted as guilty of subversion is the biggest trial and it's kind since trying to impose a new security law of the territory back in 2020. that law critics say is aimed at stifling descent australia in the united states. or mike, the countries that have criticized today's verdict saying that they were politically motivated, they have also called for the defendants to be released. a prison in san
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jose up to home comes west county new quotes outside people q patiently to enter the fate of 16 pro democracy activists in the hands of hong kong legal system. we've been waiting for this day for over 3 years. i feel very sad that so many people have been locked up for so long. the case centers on an unofficial election that was held in 2020 officials said it was a threat to the government. the joshua was among the 47 pro democracy activists arrested. they were charged with conspiracy to commit some fashion under a national security law and post by china that no had been introduced following
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protests, which so tens of thousands take to the streets to defend democracy. trying to set the law was needed to restore stability. the critics say it's been used to cross political position us on the 1st day, only 2 of 16 defendants were acquitted of sebastian. the other 14 were found guilty, a point not lost on laurence now. owing, i should not be the focus for today. i hope everyone will continue caring for our other friends. in the case. these men may be free for now, but the prosecution has already launched in a panic and that real quick polls the floating guilty budgets, meanwhile, have a good many in home call and outside. but the chinese foreign ministry has few childhood international criticism, $250.00, and the weight completely oppose any interference in china is internal affairs by
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individual countries on the basis of current legal cases. and any attempts to describe it and undermine the rule of law in hong kong for quite some time. the of the search you want defendants have already pleaded guilty. meaning, oh, but 2 of the 47 people arrested 3 years ago. good faith lines in jail. who are corresponded to see because it gives you an hong kong and she told us what is expected next in that landmark case as well. um, the $47.00, the $45.00 come sick to defend. this will have to face tens in saying um in the next couple of months, they will make that mitigations in june before receiving the actual sentences. um, and we also have to waive the remind to that um they ups with us and charge on the pages to national security store carries
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a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. so for the organizes of these primary election, they are likely to receive the heaviest sentence. um uh for the all those they may like um have to go to cho for several years to maybe like um up to 10 years. so um it is a very sophia charge and um it is also post the monitored that how the international community is responding, especially one of the defendants host australia's citizenship and they'll straighten it out for minnesota. also responded to this case very quickly. so we will have to see what a, this case will evolve into some diplomatic control this the in the coming feature or that was, or if you'd be calling reporting there from hong kong, watching the w is use reminder now of our top story. native secretary general, you in stoughton bag says it's time for data members to reconsider allowing that ukraine to hit targets in russia with weapons provided by data members and spoke
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in a meeting in prague. a plate of foreign ministers where keeps vegas backers face increasing pressure to lift those weapons restrictions. i'll be back at the top of the hour with mobile news followed by the day to see you that the thing was like a stepping point. you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safety from the train. you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the world wide in such a passion life, at least something that is coming very very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines, the innovation green.


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