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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight us president biden has given the green light for ukraine to fire american weapons across the russian border. it's a policy reversal that comes as ukraine urges other allies to take the same steps. also coming up guilty verdicts for 14 hong kong, the pro democracy activists. tonight we ask, what does this mean for the future of the opposition and the south africa all debris could change the party that as we move the country since the end of the parts i may have to share power. the
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library golf. it's good to have you with this you as president joe biden has given ukraine the go ahead to use some us weapons destroyed inside russia. it marks a significant reversal in policy by washington, which is restricted the use of its weapons to avoid a direct confrontation with law scout or to take the story now to our washington bureau chief and his pulse. he's been following this developing story for us and just tell us more about what we've been hearing from the white house. several media reports indicate that presidential biden has authorized ukraine to use american revenue revenue re, sorry to defend the car keys by striking inside russia. according to these reports, brand new as officials who actually wish to remain anonymous has confirmed this
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information. we haven't heard anything from the white house at this time, and i think it's also important to note that this policy urging ukraine not to use american provided long range, midsize, and other munitions to offensive strikes inside a rush, all actually remains unchanged. yes, that's an important point to make long range weapon reading. nothing has changed there. so what could this mean then, for the more in ukraine considering that russia has made in roads in the last several months to ride, most co has made significant advances in ukraine's eastern nets or region and also the north eastern hockey region. or ukraine, of course, hopes that by now being allowed to target the russian military installation along the russian ukrainian border. they can fetch or repel of russia's advances and
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protect these regions. however, president biden has been cautious in his approach because he of course, is concerned that such actions could escalades the situation and potentially leads to a global conflict. you know, i had recently of the opportunity to speak with ukrainian lawmakers here in dc. and they express their frustration with a delayed response from the bus saying that they believe that if they had received the military support, they requested earlier. the war which have already come to an end, well, for the statement to make their use in his pull in washington with the latest on this news that the us president has said yes to using some us weapons around the 40s region into russia in the industry here's a quick look valid, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the jury and
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former us president donald trump's hush money trial has informed the judge that it has reached a verdict that verdict is expected to be announced shortly. trump is accused of falsifying business records in connection with payments made to an adult film actress to prevent her from speaking publicly about an alleged sexual affair between the thousands turned down to jerusalem for the annual l. g. b t q, friday, march the bench, usually a mix of both politics. in part you take more of a solver aspect this year. i'm in the conflict between israel and tomas in gaza. the o g 2 q community dedicated to march the calls for the release of hostages and still being held by football. so the, as a prime minister of robert gold says that his government is set to recognize palestinian statehood. it will become just the latest european country to do this. following ireland at norway in spain,
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most un neighbors recognize tell us to the and statehood. but the western countries have taken that step. a court in hong kong has failed. 14 pro democracy active is guilty of subversion. notice the biggest trial of its kind since china imposed a new security law of the territory back in 2020 critics say the law is aimed at stifling descent australia in the united states or among the countries that have criticize today's verdicts. calling them politically motivated, it's also called for the defendants to be released to prisons and tools up to home combs, west town, new quotes outside people que patiently to enter the fate of 16 pro democracy activists in the hands of hong kong legal system.
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we've been waiting for this day for over 3 years. i feel very sad that so many people have been locked up for so long. the case centers on an unofficial election that was held in 2020 officials said it was a threat to the government. the joshua was among the 47 pro democracy activists arrested. they were charged with conspiracy to commit some fashion under a national security law and post by china that no had been introduced following protests, which so tens of thousands take to the streets to defend democracy. trying to set the law was needed to restore stability. the critics say it's being used to cross political position. on such day, only 2 of 16 defendants were acquainted of some fashion. the other 14 were found
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guilty, a point not lost on laurence now. owing, i should not be the focus for today. i hope everyone will continue caring for our other friends. in the case. these man may be free for now, but the prosecution has already launched an appeal against that request holes the 14 guilty, but dick's meanwhile, have a good many in hong kong and outside. but the chinese foreign ministry has he childhood, international criticism, 215. the weight completely oppose any interference in china is internal affairs by individual countries. on the basis of current legal cases, under any attempts to describe it and undermine the rule of law in hong kong for quite some time. the of the search you want defendants have already pleaded guilty . meaning, oh, but 2 of the 47 people arrested 3 years ago could face lined in jail.
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sony chang was one of the candidates in the 2020 primaries. he was also of a close ally to joshua wong. he managed to flee before the mass arrest, and he now lives in the united states. he gave me his take on what the court decision today means for the future of the pro democracy movement in hong kong. is going to be tough. i mean, i sat, right, i mean, because i said this friday and before this product or we have the national spiritual, we have the article 23, which is an auto federal, controversial. so simply the law that hope to dismantle the political freedom that hold on people once at the right. if you asked me whether or not i would anticipate, there will be like my scale most button in homes on the street in the near future. i think the answer is no, right? however, i will say hong kong people when it gets up because there's too many ways for them,
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like i mean underground, also for, for thoughtful offices to sustain and maintain the momentum. i tried to lift the hold on identity to use my symbol, to contact the beach and narrative. that was the hong kong pro democracy activism. sunny jang. there. early results from the south african election showed that the african national congress is on course to lose its majority. partial results of the agency. still in the lead with about 43 percent of the votes followed by the democratic alliance party with 25 percent. if the amc fails to win at least 50 percent of the national vote, it may be forced into sharing power for the 1st time since the end of apartheid in 1994 amc has ruled south africa unchallenged since then and is now headed by countries president 0 from of, of the final results are expected by sunday. now here's what the 1st deputy
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secretary general, the african national congress had to say about the results so far. so it was a, what's the 5. and that, that was as, as indicating that whatever that was predicted, india has been proven drum. we are way above what was predicted. is it possible that percentage of the nc saved for the latest? if i add the valves we asked in at the 34 percent, and you do believe that once all of the stations of all of that as well as submitted, then the in c capital flip method that we for that's the these take so far. i asked our corresponded diet hawker and johannesburg. if south africa is facing a seismic power shift, it really can be considered a seismic shift if you see, look at with the amc comes from in previous evictions. in the 2019 election,
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the parties ended at 57 percent. and in previous elections it was well above 60 percent. and for the party at this stage to be at the moment less than 50 percent. i think it is going to need the ac need is to make some serious reflections on what is leads to this sort of a change in vote to sentiment from the people that we've been speaking to in the months running up to the selection. and even yesterday, those were voting, there was a sense that south africans would tie it with a number of things that they've been seeing going on. for example, corruption has been a major concern for many of the votes. as young voters in particular were very frustrated and continued to be very frustrated about the ongoing jobs crisis that links to an economic crisis. and when we spoke to those were standing in the queue . many of them was saying that they needed to see change. and that they were taking the selection as the opportunity for them to make sure that that change happens.
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and on the boards that you see behind me, we seeing the results of those sentiments from different parts of the country. the boards are reflecting the national results thus far as well as the provincial results, and those tallies that are showing that the agency at this point has not yet reached that 50 percent mark. and if we assume that the agency does emerge as the biggest party, but that doesn't have a majority which party who will be the most likely coalition partner for the at this stage is very difficult to say because even the amc leaders are a bit reluctant to speak about coalitions. they are a painting, the picture of confidence saying that they'll only start talking about coalition partners later on in the game. but what we do know is that, you know, of the political parties such as the economic freedom fighters,
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they've said that they wouldn't be completely opposed to a coalition with the amc, as long as they could reach an agreement on some policy issues. there's also the a m k party, which is a recent addition to sub african politics. it's lead by for most of african presidents jacobs who my and they also fall look like they will get a decent amount of boats at the moment. they sitting at about 9 percent of the over all votes. and the is some speculation that there is a possibility that the agency could look to the m k parties for that um, for those coalition tools. but of course, it all comes down to a junk ink for 4 positions. and with these parties will be able to agree on important policy issues for the next 5 years. okay, who responded diane hawker, in janice berg of this night this time of election results watched by a thank just with the breaking news just coming in the jury in
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former us president donald trump's harsh money trial is found him guilty. he was convicted of all 34 charges of falsifying business records in connection with payments made by an adult film actors to prevent her from speaking publicly about the alleged sexual affair. donald trump becoming the 1st ever former us president to be convicted of a crime could face up to 4 years in prison. again, that is breaking news that is just coming across former us president donald trump today found guilty and in new york courts on all 34 counts in a hush money scam trial. you watch and you got the new state with the w. a news at the top of the hour we will have the latest on this and the rest of the days. history making news, i bring golf for all of us here in berlin. thanks for the company to see you next to the
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questions. got any issues with a lot say what the .


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