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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is due to be news live from the live guilty on all counts. this was a november donald trump is defiant after becoming the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime. new york jury funding. he committed business fraud when he made payments to an adult film star who go to washington for more. also coming up us officials say president biden has given the green light for ukraine to fire american weapons across the russian border. it's a policy reversal inputs,
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new pressure on ukraine's european allies to take the same stuff the load. welcome to our show. so you can do the in berlin. a jury in new york has found former us president donald trump guilty in his harsh money case in manhattan . the decision makers, trump the 1st former or sitting us president to be convicted of a crime. the jury concluded trump falsified documents to cover up a $130000.00 payment to silence and adult film star head of the 2016 election. trump was found guilty on of $34.00 counts. trump blasted the verdict insisting he did nothing wrong. let's have a blessed a. this is a great price. there really is going to be november.
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and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here. it's ok i'm finding, finding drug crowds and working with meanwhile manhattan district attorney alvin. brad defended his decision to bring the case following months of attacks from trump and his bankers. while this defendant, maybe unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or favor over to benjamin alvarez goober, in washington, benjamin there been a lot of 1st with donald trump. we can now add another one to the list,
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the 1st former president to be convicted of a crime. that's right. another 1st, that is definitely a moment that will go down in us history because this verdict punches the 2020 full presidential race into uncharted territory. donald j trump is now the 1st and full my us president to be found guilty of felony crimes. what was quite surprising, he is that this verdict was reached off. the george deliberated for nearly 12 hours over the last $82.00 days, and ultimately found donald trump guilty on the $34.00 accounts. we know that the next step is sentencing. what exactly can we expect from that procedure us? that's right. so this charges against donald trump are all a classified as non violent class, the felonies, that's the lowest level in new york. and each of those accounts carry the possibility of a several years in the prison by the incarceration is not
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a given. because as some a legal experts say that is unlikely that nono trumbull being costs are rated given . he hasn't previously been convicted of a crime we will find out on july 11th when it donald trump. percent is a sentence and the sentencing will happen just days before is officially it will become the presidential nominee of the republican party in the events he is sentenced to prison. and then when's the election could he actually serve from prison? showed answer yes. but 1st, let's look at the requirements for a candidate. if full federal officer, trump is restricted only by requirements in the us constitution, and those requirements are quite as straightforward. my, you must be as nice or he, she is 35 years old. must be a natural born us citizen, a must have lived in the u. s. for at least 14 years. so that's nothing. i'm criminal a conviction. so is a convicted felon. donald trump can still continue running for office,
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but if he's sentenced to prison and wins the presidency of cause would oppose as several practical complications. and some legal experts say that the resulting constitutional crisis would require that his sentence, it'd be suspended, so that he could actually fulfill his duty as the nation's chief executive. when we heard the response from trump, as well as the response from his prosecutor alvin brag what other reactions have been out there. so that's been several reactions. one of them may have from and his son who was also there. he was sitting behind him. eric trump, and he said that may 30 as 2020 full might be remembered as the day donald j trump one the 2020 full presidential election. quite similar to what we also heard from mike johnson, the speaker of the house of the representative, a close ally of donald trump. and he said, and i quote that it was a shameful day in american history. he said that the trial was purely
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a political exercise, not a legal one, and he ended his statement saying the president trump little rightful the appeal, what he called and upset verdict. he also said that we will win another one and michael cohen, a key witness. and transform a lawyer set the 2 days an important day for accountability and the role of law and only moments after it. donald trump was found guilty on this 30. you for a criminal court, a court's present by the set. and i quote, there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office and that's at the butler. benjamin were less than 6 months away from that election. to what extent can we expect us to actually turn voters off? the death remains to be seen what we saw after the indictment is that many actually supported him. there was an increase in the polls and we know that this might also happen after this verdict. so with his campaign that only
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a few minutes after this voted was announced to send out yet another fundraising email team, which trump said, i am a political prison. i have the online portal that the trump campaign do use us to accept donations was also it down so we can expect that the trump campaign will manage to finalize a, to financially capitalize. and from a 2 days verdict this, we see that the poles, it'd between donald trump and joe biden also still remain neck a neck. so on one. so we can expect that he will be able to capitalize financially from this and verdict if you also manage to go up into polls and remains to be seen of course. well i dw correspondent benjamin alvarez group in washington. thank you . more big news out of the us officials, they're saying president joe biden has given ukraine to go ahead to use some american weapons to strike inside russia. that decision marks a significant reversal in policy by washington, which has restricted the use of its arms to avoid the risk of
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a direct confrontation with moscow. russia has intensified a tax against ukraine in recent months, often from sites on its own territory. key will now be allowed to use us weapons against those russian targets that have nato has urged other members, members to take the same step. the george barrows is a russia and ukraine analyst at the institute for the study of war in washington. you told me how keith is now permitted to use american weapons and what remains off limits us. yes, right now we know that the ukrainians are only allowed to use our artillery for counter battery fire. we know that the ukrainians are allowed to use gimler as the highmark, the rockets, to be able to strike russian forest concentrations, command control, logistics, pokers, and that sort of thing. off the table right now are, do you pay and the ability to use attack on longer range procedure in the fire missiles at the head other targets. we also know that this is specifically only for the border areas adjacent, the heart here, and not the rest of the other regions of russia. does this potentially open the
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door to other permissions to use some of those weapons that are currently off limits? i think so, you know, the part of it we've seen with all kinds of aid from america going to ukraine is that it's always sort of a small amount of quantity, a small policy change. but this is the 1st tiny step that becomes necessary for larger changes and larger directions. for a long time, not striking russian territory has been a sacred cow, and the russians have been able to leverage a defacto sanctuary zone to optimize its rear area for economic efficiency to project force and to ukraine. and now with us reevaluating the russians to have this and exploit the sanctuary, i think we're actually going to start seeing that we actually can indeed push back on the russians. the russians are entitled to a safe space and that we are able to strike legitimate russian military targets without any sort of catastrophic escalation. you believe in this will have both tactical ramifications for khaki,
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but also strategic ramifications for the entire war. that will be my hope in my intent right now. there's a tremendously large area around ukraine where the russians have set up their logistics there for sustainment and everything that they're using to project or power into ukraine. any commander, when they're conducting operations, they have to make a choice between efficiency and sustainment and protection by opening up more of your brain. i hope, as we, i hope that the policy makers will continue to go down this path. we will enable the ukrainians to threaten more, the russian rear force the russians to actually invest resources and protection. forced the russians to turn their limited air defense and electronic warfare, athens to the interior shop, and therefore degrade rush, the ability to get material to the front end ukraine. there's been a lot of debate on this issue, especially here in europe. what kind of dangers does it bring with it briefly if you can? sure. i think there's, there's actually very,
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very small risk. we can never completely out rule the risk of any kind of nuclear escalation. but, you know, if you're going to be intellectually robust about it, it's very small because even if we can work to use a weapon, the same logic that kept us safe during the cold war with nutrition for destruction, the logic still holds true today. final question, real quick, does this put more pressure on european allies or less pressure on them? you know, i think it actually, uh, it puts a little bit of both. i mean, up from many european states. they've been the ones that been reading the charge, united kingdom and france and sweden and poland. i think the pressure will increase on germany for certain, but on some other european states. they've been the ones pressure in washington. all right, george balls and washington. thank you very much. thanks for having me to. early election results from south africa show that the african national congress is on course to lose its parliamentary majority for the 1st time since the democratic rule began in the country 3 decades ago. a partial results show the agencies once
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overwhelming support has fallen to 43 percent of votes. while the democratic alliance party has around 25 percent. many young south africans say they're hopeful for political change. tracking the early results of a vote that could bring the biggest political shift and south africa's young democracy. the african national congress or in the party has ruled south africa and challenged since the 1994 elections, which ended apartheid. we spoke with hall verde remained a reality for many we now. 30 years later, south africans are waiting to see if their country will take a new significant political step. it was for the political system as it is not. okay. not a key. and this is that 11 savage people, but then it says those who are already in power. and that's my perspective on that
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. so i'm expecting a new project. so far results show the n c is facing a stirring test to hold onto its majority. everybody else go was, it was do here, then we had all defendants each said to 40 and will quite set that to go in and do the beauties irrespective of what is happening now we either need except for what we do not task and we've quite comfortable with it, while the party is still in the lead, if it fails to win at least 50 percent of the national vote may be forced into coalition for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. and what the potential to and the parties political dominance. many hope to see a new era of co governance. that was the agency is being in power for too long. they need to let others govern because everything has its time that
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the others government, but they did not just be one positive, not another lot for the young voters hope to see an end to corruption scandals. rolling power cuts and high unemployment the people. but we want to see an end to poverty as they use in south africa. there's still some way that had the independent electoral commission says the final results would be delivered by this on the deadline. so they're watching. do you have the news? here's a reminder of our top stories. new york court has found former us president donald trump guilty on all counts and his harsh money case sitting falsified documents, the cover of a payment to silence an adult film star head of the 2016 election us officials say president joe biden has given ukraine to go ahead to use some us
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weapons to strike inside russia. it's a policy shift for washington, which had feared an escalation of the conflicts. the head of nato has urged other members to take the same step because they are headlines for now. we'll be back soon with more. thanks for watching the you'll see about the video that goes in the media may google, google. i've got that done by get other stuff into that, and i'll give you the order with a mature to let up joel media dog comment key more people than the eval on the world wide and such. but did you have you ever use them in addition to the method of doing it, like godaddy, how do you get find out about on the story in from icons? can you see is what old card tires have to do with the production? here's a hand.


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