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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 8:15am-8:30am CEST

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us to stay home during the day as much as possible and that's it for the moment. coming up next to our program mapped out. i'm british strategy in the building to be a buckhead and about 45 minutes. we'll see you then the by the let someone else through the c d highlights of selected for you, you every week in you a box, subscribe. now. in the world of free speech, free press access to free information for every stop trainings and next take action detail. use global media for 2020, for a bunch of any register. now lots dissipates from all over the world on waiting to share their solutions. and to shape tomorrow and
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join us and register now for the d. w. global media for in 2020 for the this is the world's deadliest board submitted terrain. gmc thousands dies year every year trying to cross from north africa to europe. the. the european union is claiming schumann writes, the people are drowning on its doorstep. calls politics of late tonight. the new is struggling to deal with migration, with severe consequences. we will show you where europe is creating walls, how the continent is losing its values on the way and who is profiting
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the this is vito, an island of them to do is a place for tours to relax, but also home to seems like these overcrowded boats arriving from africa because loved to do that is closer to africa than it is to the rest of europe. and is the main destination of the deadliest migration roots in the world. since 2014, almost 30000 people have died or gone missing while trying to cross the mediterranean. so why are so many people taking this risk? some are playing wars and persecution. they have the legal right to apply for asylum. but to do so, asylum seekers have to be on you territory. others are migrating because they're
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escaped in poverty, which is not a legal basis to claim asylum in the u. neither group is usually eligible for a visa to enter the that's why many take these irregular migration routes and are ready to risk their lives. the past. you know, the standard one serious man tried to eat didn't try to prevent is because politics of late tonight. it's not active, the jewish people we are gonna have to touch them with, just have to let them by providing help in reasonable and off time. that's all stirring research or unit core and backup. she focuses on the use, the silent policy and migration that you and it's members, states coast guards have saved many people in distress. but critics say that you isn't doing enough to protect refugees and migrant. and there has even been reports
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of 3 coast guards illegally pushing boats out of the waters. you have flats to protect refugees under international treaties in 2023 alone, just over 1000000 people applied for asylum in the country. but many have no chance of being granted asylum in most countries say too many people are coming. we have our international obligations we will fulfill them. we have done that in the past. we do this now, but we as europeans, will decide who comes to europe and under what circumstances and not the smart lesson try. for schuman smugglers and traffickers, irregular migration to the new is big business. they can charge thousands of years per person for the journey. first thing, as many people as possible onto the boat in 2023 in
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italy alone. more than a 150000 people arrived by see these are the top 5 countries they came from. and as we saw, many of them entered italy through i'm producing but just look at how small the island is. it has around $6000.00 residents. more than twice that number of migrants and refugees arrived in just one week and september 2023. the putting a huge strain on the islands infrastructure and creating discontent among the to the residents have experienced this time. and again, the guy got 3 days. i wish i bought the the, the, the, the, the,
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this is george, i'm a luni. it least fluoride leader who was largely elected because of her um time migration stuff. the k as in um to do that is the perfect background for her message. i know you cause was inside. they look, i'm anthony. did you say that they know what the impact of yet some of the other one that's all that the face of either of these that and if you but then, but we'll see that is to, to, to model thought it gets you on a feel for insurance yep, it updated me, got to look on. maloney is among those profiting from the chaos that one will show up when i do question it as are many other populace politicians in the u. says migration research, are you calling about a need to call them and they need this issue. i'm so migration, migration, crisis, monthly, etc, etc. because this isn't part of the piece of the speed site and it's been playing out for maloney and others who demand this connection. traps is where the face that
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they won't see in your spare me, even in your countries but took in a lot of refugees, are joining that demand in 2014 only very little of the external border. what's fence now there are 6 times as much to keep people out . and even more senses are in the works. most experts say border reinforcements are not a short fire method to prevent irregular migration. what if i were just to not prevent people from making their way to your in the 1st place, because they did not catch up on the reasons for my ration. and so what happens in reality is that my racial pathways redirected journals into even more dangerous loans. we've seen that here in the balkans menu, let the war in syria use these routes from turkey to enter the u. but in 2015,
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hungary tried to prevent people passing through its territory. the country's prime minister is known for his right wing rhetoric. now many high sizes on now many how many of them went in tip size as ad should really a little bit on the door. little what from where you go to a sluggish out of a hot satellite in 2015, hungary started building this fence along its border with serbia which people found other ways to migrate to the you know, means that smugglers can raise the price is because they can use as a some arguments because this process and this brings us back to them to do is one
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of the main destinations for migrants and refugees. right now, friends obviously cannot work in the open water. so the e u is going for another strategy that was shown at home, is he fade them up? they bought offense that illegality, most of the boats that arrived here in lump. it was a part from tunisia about 200 kilometers away. in summer 2023, georgia maloney, jones, europe and commission providence was left on the line on a trip to tunisia, we are here as team europe. m team. europe wants to egypt to stop migrants from leaving its charles in return to news, i was offered a lot of money, a package of up to 1000000000 zeros in investments, including around a 100000000 for border security. we both have a vast interest in breaking the senate called business model of smugglers and
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traffic course. it is horrible to see how they deliberately risk human lives for profit. so we will work together on an antique smuggling operational partnership and we will support to new york with border management. the objective is to have a whole list stick approach to migration policy, rooted in the respect for human rights. but it's human rights that make this deal highly controversial. look at who the you is making the deal with president case sites. not only cut down onto these just a position, but on migraines, to a woman will look at the family that got to. busy by now. busy what i get the vision in the future will this to this is that i'm been on march. he works for 10 years. just leading rights group
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that monitors the situation of migrants and refugees. he says that was the help of you can use our ramped up. it's naval control, it helped him stop 80000 migrants and refugees on the way to your the, to see a sub system kind of looks at our, um, let community shop for the homeless little dot. i can see it the, the thought of putting to visiting the items and how that's what to do and the, the, i would do, i just the idea, well, wish agreement i scanned it, call me my digital items, will have it all by hundreds of other people waiting to the parts were allegedly driven outside the town of sparks and are still living there in miserable conditions. the tides, what will be so shots, and about the joys? yes, i know it's a big headed motherfucking. somebody. and you parted up with other autocratic leaders to essentially keep migrant and refugees from coming and apart from
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billions of yours. these leaders also receive something else. leverage it's euro because liable to blackmail from these countries because it shows to the world, there is nothing that you're afraid of and you're right. geez. fakes hershey and use most prominent migration deals since 2016. the country has received up to 9000000000 zeros for essentially preventing my friends and refugees from entering the you. look what happened in 2020 turkey reopened. it's border with greece and the migrants and refugees moved towards the greek bar to police use force to control the crowd. to diss and thousands of injuries were reported. turkish president bridget pay of algo, i'm headed essentially use human beings as leverage. trying to pressure the user
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even more money with a new migration packed, the us know, planning to even further outsource enforcement. for example, with centers. edu, external borders where asylum seekers can be helped. critics say the pact as a bi trail of the you values and as we've seen, the book has already been willing to compromise its values. but populous human traffickers and autocrats are profiting and experts degree. none of the measures will stop people from trying to get to hear, even at the cost of their own lives. conflicts zone a special edition on the european election. a lot of new challenges, anybody's outside of your role,
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which have influence insights. how can people trust the elections? they don't know whether the voting for a russian pop it or somebody who's just p s t. that is the most popular party among jungle. it is a john tim sebastian investigates. the question is democracy under threats? conflicts the next on d, w to the point strong opinions, clear positions. international perspective is europe on the verge of a major shift bar, right. political parties are gaining strength ahead of the european elections. and it seems like you've gotten are the days when conservatives dismissed them to form coalitions this week on to the point europe so far, right. attempting parker support and service to the point in 16 minutes on d. w. right? he's got any issues with a lot say what the
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whoa it's orleans in january of this year, mocking the mother of 3 fascist activists in rome in 1978, almost 18 years after the defeat of the rice. there can be few single gestures send about design to send such a shilling warning and you see pictures like that in your what goes to your mind. we are reminded so on the.


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