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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. donald trump becomes the fast us presidents to be convicted of a crime. a new york jury finds of guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a sexual encounter with an ad dolphin actress in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. also coming up a change of policy on you claim us officials say president joe biden has given keith permission to use american weapons on some targets in russian penetration. and as voting and india is an extra nero's age. and we looked at prime minister, none into them all these efforts to win over voters in the south of the country and
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how the challenges he faces. there are different from the north, the time being expanded to welcome to the program. a jewelry in new york has found former us president donald trump guilty on old 34 accounts. in his hush money trial . he was convicted of full divine business documents to influence the 2016 president and election by coveting up a sexual encounter with an adult film. stop the decision. mix trump the 1st former all shooting us president to be convicted of a crime guilty. northwood. any former president wants to hear, and perhaps on surprisingly, not one that trump except this this is
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a great price. the is going to be november. they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here. new york jury disagreed. they convicted him on also he for charges of falsifying business records. we did our job. many voices out there. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken. prosecute has successfully argued a trump tried to cover up and a legit affair with adult film style, stormy daniels before the 2016 elections have use laser. the us as well into another election deal with the risk between democrats and republicans. is depot than ever. outside the courtroom reactions reflected that wrist.
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some jubilant. last week, gerald, the take me back. are those insisting the judgment would only make the effect in trump. chris strong go. goes to jill, gets out or gets bell or whatever. we're going to go over trump. how's it gonna change my mind that you just got in trouble? you have a big deal. the deal for trump, it might be the former president could spend up to 4 years behind bars and use go on by criminal convictions, would spell the end of a politician's career. but in 2024, nothing is guaranteed and i us don't look at us funding benjamin a lot as goober in washington dc. but the trump is likely to spend time in prison. a soviet charges against donald trump, a so called non violent class, the felonies,
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those at the lowest level in new york in each of these $34.00 accounts carry the possibility of several years in prison. budding conservation is not given because this some legal experts say that it is unlikely that trump will being costs are rated given. he hasn't previously been convicted of a crime we will find out on july 11th. that's when donald trump will be sentenced. a sentencing that will happen just days before he officially becomes the presidential nominee of the republican party. but the question, the question, of course is, can he contest elections following a conviction? so is a candidate for a federal office like the presidency? donald trump is restricted only by requirements in the us constitution, and that we are requirements that quite straightforward. so the president must be at least 35 years old. must be a natural born us citizen and must have lived in the us for at least 14 years. and this nothing on criminal convictions, so is
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a convicted felon. donald trump can still run for office. and even if donald trump is sentenced to prison and wins the presidency, that would, of course, a post, a practical complications because somebody will, experts also say that a resulting constitutional crisis would require, for example, that his sentence be suspended so that he could still fulfilled his duties as the nation's chief executive of trump uh has said that the rear of that date is going to be on november. the 5th we he bleed volts due to this conviction there's a lot that can happen until the presidential elections in november. we see that donald trump and joe by now still neck or neck. if we'll look at polls and we just need to remember here that donald trump even saw his support increase off the other 4 sets of criminal a indictments last year. so it would not be surprising, very support also increases and that's also what we've seen and was referred from trump campaign. and that they manage to financially capitalize it. this also,
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as they did on his impeachment because just minutes after this verdict was announced, the trump campaign send out a fundraising, emailing, which trump. a i am a political prison, i the online portal that the trump campaign use us to accept it. donations was also down possibly to a lot of the traffic so we can expect that the trump campaign will manage to financially capitalize it from today's the verdict as well. and we are also expecting an appeal to this verdict, do we already know on what grounds the dumps legal team is indeed prepared to to appeal. he will almost certainly not have to begin serving any sentence until after all of these appeals done. and that was certainly take place even off to the november election possible arguments that his lawyers could use in their guests to have this verdict thrown out could be a stormy. daniel's testimony, for example, that his lawyers, coal,
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irrelevant to the case. it could also be the statute itself because to convict trump and the jewelry had to find he had falsified records with the intent to commit or conceal another crime. but it does not specify what the the crime is. and the 3rd reason it could be the presidential immunity, well it's not clear yet which of his arguments they will use. what is clear is the donald j. trump and now being the test, former us president to be found guilty of felony crimes. this verdict indeed punches the 2024 presidential race into uncharted territory. we leave it there for the moment. the benjamin about is proved by joining us from washington. d. c. thanks very much. we stay in the us where officials are saying president joe piper has given ukraine the go ahead to use some american weapons to strike targets inside russia, but only to defend the hockey region. the decision lock sort of us and, and policy by washington, which has restricted the use of his weapons to avoid the risk of
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a direct confrontation with moscow. ukraine has been edging the us to change tech since russia launched a new offensive on how to keep this month, the head of nato and stopped him back, has also called a members to lift restrictions on the use of the west and weapons. and here's what you started upon arrival in broadway neutral, foreign ministers are meeting to discuss how they coordinate ministry aid. do you grand to? well, i welcome the dollars are providing support to, to ukraine in many different ways. ukraine has the right for self defense. we have the rights to help to create, uphold the right for self defense. and that does not make nato allies part due to the conflict. that was the case back in february 10 to 22. that was the case last year and that remains the case. no brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena is following the day to meeting and joins us now from prod. example, good morning. what else did the yen salt and back say, as well?
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the rush and stoughton back talk about all the topics that are here on the agenda, including the new defense plan steps, nato is implementing right now, but he put too much focus on ukraine because he as well as everyone else. he understands, of course, that this is a very critical time with you, creating and forces struggling to stop. then you russian offensive, near the city of car cubes. you install some back arch elyse to step up their efforts. we know that you create and it's lacking air defense systems that there are still waiting for western made ammunition and so weapons to arrive on the battlefield. so that is swati of insulting doug was talking about, as well as his pitch to provide ukraine with long term financial aid in the future . you know, going back god exams up to that us distinction to allow ukraine to use american weapons to strike inside russia. do we know exactly what the us is allowing?
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well, according to you as media reports, i think us officials the permission that the u. s. is giving to ukraine to use american munitions and some, besides, to strike inside russian territory is very limited. it is limited to the region or of car keys and we have to understand that the front line there is the border line actually, and the russian forces are launching their relentless attacks on the city of harkey from across the border. so reportedly ukraine will now have the permission to strike russian forces on the russian soil, their logistical hops, and also their munitions at the post at their at. but that is not the case with the long range midsize the most powerful weapons that ukraine got from you. as a that they are still not an option here. enter
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a u. s. is not the lowing ukraine to use those long range missiles to attack the targets on the russian soil. but could this initial move with the us be able to wait for other nato countries to get on board a well, there's, you know, that, uh, do you as is playing the most important role within the lions and many native countries of our looking to america for for leadership and we have seen over the last of the course of the last days of some nato countries saying that yes, it is important to allow ukraine to use width and made weapons to strike within russia. so we may see any announcement that, but of course it is also important to stress that the on nato countries who have never imposed any restrictions on the weapons deliveries to ukraine. but some of them just don't want to talk about that because they don't want to telegraph their
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moves and decisions to the kremlin. we leave it there for the moment, dw alexander phenomena, and broad thanks very much. thank you. all right, quick look. now it's all of the other stories making headlines around the world. lead results from south africa, the election showed the african national congress for the and c on foster news. it's been sorta thing for the 1st time in 50 years. more than half of the votes have been counted, the agency is feeling the need with about 42 percent and followed by the democratic alarms at around 23 percent. so being used by mr. robert golub say's his government is set to recognize palestinian statehood. it wouldn't become the latest geography and country to recognize the palestinian states following arlen, norway, and spain. most un members recognized by testing and stated, but few western countries have taken that step 1000, stand out in jerusalem for the annual energy beach, acute pride march the event is usually a mix of both politics and coughing,
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but it took on the last some but aspect this year i meant the conflict between israel and from us in gaza. the, as you be thinking of community dedicated the march to calling for the release of hostages, still being him from us to india next, where the countries must have been extreme is nearing its end. june. first is the final voting day with the results expected on the next week, brian minutes to an end or more the is aiming for a have trick as to when most seats in the fall, a month than ever before. now some experts argue that to do that, the bgp needs to improve on its own. the attorneys in the southern ended up coming lotto state is crucial in that regard. more these kind of leading time a lot to meditating on an island at the very southern tip of the country. these images are from the vic and i'm the rock memorial in come their commodity. i just want to show you how the of travelers do tonight. the capital of total,
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i do to find out why the region is so important. in this election. joshua con. the beef hub off to a nice city industries agency just tell me law, do you think this could land me in jail? in some parts of india, at least those that are leg by the building b, j. b parties. this is being housed me and on a move that is considered sacred by the majority committed to your team. this is a huge issue within the beads if you've seen them adult and policies in north india, but children, so these doesn't divide. in fact, in places like this, if you can do muslim, everyone comes here to eat. nobody has any restrictions on eating. this money comes in is a hindus and comes to regularly with his son to enjoy a b snack. he says, politics cannot influence people's food choices in this house,
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and that he puts solid up what i want board for butler that does me want to not to eat load, although no one said he would need to decide that he ought to be in a, in a state like them and i do beach if he does not have the political standing. he loved that to yeah. now that i don't you can work in the north automatically, but not in our speed. yeah, not very common law do is noon footage diversity and social equality. it's a multi layered society, much like the northern parts of india, but differences between hindus and muslims on not politicize to you. and it's not just the religious harmony that they're protective about. this hill is some is what is the oldest language is in the was it's center to the identity of people in some, in nato. and there's a sense of fright attached to it. like people here feel that if we should be good for the state, it could impose in the language of them and whether it's the exclusion or the idea
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tonight is also good. huh. i'll put that on there. and 32 states. the highest assignment is to move in somebody not actual expense. the largest number of m. p 's from the south to the indian parliament to route the voters here . he's focused on promises of economy development, in contrast to his hendo nationalist speech in the notes where his speech is, was replete between the just rhetoric. so we don't know the people in the name of religion. we don't debate people in the name of the reason we want to go into one another. we want to get more of a problem into members from the ultimately we want to investigate the young voters. he'll say that be peace out of touch with reality on the ground. it would take a major ideological shift for the party to resonate with them as i would humbly
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that was the prime minister to act according to the call and susan of india. india was known for the secularism for for its unity and all of that to you by the stairs at a higher platform forward for people for certain community wide bringing don't opening don't people of another community? i think that's precisely why these it'd be, hasn't not to you if it's goal of coming into somebody not or what the vendor tells for that my goal is deeply rooted in its culture and yet highly progressive. i mean, not do is a complex region, but religion doesn't mix as well with politics as it does in the north. when would the magic will kill this time? and he need divine intervention that most indeed other correspondence, shelly, or other of who will find that report component shadow. you were talking of divine intervention. that is that what that means? remove the seeking as he begins to days of meditation on an island and coming
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another celebrities as can be seen as that you might remember in 2019 i had a big election dissolves. he had chosen to go up north in the himalayas to meditate, but this time it's so the southern most staples kemati, which is also one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in india. so it's, it's, you know, one can't help but see this as a politically significant move. so it's almost as if, you know, he's trying to send a message to the voters in the southern part of india that he values them and the region matters to him. in fact, a few days ago, in an interview to an indian, the media house, he said that he feels that he's been chosen by god himself of you know, to, to come. and so the people of india and gord mixing do things so. so not only does he where his religious pride on his sleeve, but also likes to showcase so his spiritual side by going to these popping up in agreement sites. so british, so maybe god is making him do things,
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but prime minister and that in the more these alter the most popular and most popular indian prime minister in a long time. you have he lacked support in crucial southern states like tom alondo . why is that? why do you write bush, mister moody, is one of the most popular prime ministers in the history of india. in fact, people here say that they vote in his name as opposed to the bulky, the b to be bulky, that he represents. but in the south, the dynamics of a different, the 5 states that farm southern india could not to go on to produce that and gone out canada and told me not to the hold a quarter of the parliamentary seats varies. uh, for instance, tell me not to it since 39 and please to the indian parliament, which is the highest amongst these the southern states. so it's no surprise that a prime minister moody visited this state of more than 7 times this year. and this is the reason why his politics doesn't resonate in this state. a one is that his,
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him to center politics doesn't resonate in a state which has had a history of social justice and equal rights movements. and the other reason is that uh, the reason is the parties of d and k and the idea and to have had a strong heart on the state of for decades. know which the b to b is finding very hard to break through. and as i said in my report, it will be more progressive and high electricity rate. uh and uh, more employment opportunities for young uh, and, and, and the woman. and so kelly movies of picks, that in the election, bradley's has focused on development rather than the religious issues, whether it best foods or not, be with no on june till 4th, june, june 4th. but the beach appease local representatives. incoming auto told us that they are confident of getting a 12 to 20 seats in the state, which experts say is highly a vicious. i guess we can see on the 4th of june, we leave it there for the moment, charlie, other than denny. thanks so much. thank you. or
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on to another election, the european parliament elections, which are set to pick off in europe in less than a week, falls in germany, suggest the conservative christian democrats are likely to do better than on other policies. but the fault item, tentative for germany, is also making an impression, despite being my ad in controlled c o a truck, the election campaign has and that it's fine. those fees. and why political thought these are still buying for voters in germany. lead this nationwide for just the guns over def christian democrats speak. come out, stop, therefore lowered by the german jobs plus social democrats. if the boards that are right, the greens are set to start for the most using 6 points. in the meantime, the far right alternate to for germany would increase that as the spicy points. the idea that the far right could get more seats in the european parliament has been
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a cause of concern for many to happen because i have to say i'm a bit worried to the f. d will get even stronger as i think it is really important to take a stance against the far right slot is in the line. has, you know, germany is a country whose economy is built on exports. they use the noise. these people think like that profit companies won't import anything from the channel line. what will happen to the gym and economy that and it, it does of itself. so far, the campaign has been a disaster for the f d. the to leading candidates have been mired and scandalous. one has been accused of allegedly taking money from a pro russian 1000000000 near the other employed, the person who has been invested on suspicion of buying for china. overall majority of 2 months pink. the f d is a threat to democracy. a lot of the issues have also been prominent into selection
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. they going to me is still sluggish in germany. the ward and ukraine shows no end in sight. and migration continues to be a hot topic. just a brief adjusts the main issues driving this election. are these keeping followed by social security, migration, climate change, an economic growth and bodies. we use these last these of campaigning to convince for us to be are the best one equipped to tackle them. all right, let's good model this with a political to corresponding catalino shawn's got to the good morning. how popular is that you in germany? county so traditionally that you has quite a strong sense in germany, and that is still the case even though there is criticism. about half of all gen say that we need to delegate more responsibility to the you. but this group used to
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be larger. when we talk about the question, does gemini benefit from being in the you 40 percent of german say yes. according to this poll and 20 percent say no, but both numbers used to be more in support for the you. we have to add here that democracy is under pressure at the moment, especially with the one you crane. and we still see that germans don't want to return to a nation state. and that is quite remarkable. we saw in the report that it's the greens who have large the last multiple. why is that? so if we remember the last elections father, eugene parliament in 2019, we saw the greens were the 2nd strongest power. they got 20 percent of both a share in germany. now if the polls are correct, they will get about 14 percent, and that is quite a significant drop. why is that true up? well, they have the have been put a ticket back lashes. experts say that they asked training people's will to change with the refunds. and they also implemented policies that were on thinkable
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a couple of years before. like, for example, supplying weapons to, to ukraine. and when we talk about what concerns jim and speeding up to these elections, it's peacekeeping as we saw in the report. and the climate question is just not as important anymore. i went to a green election ready last week and i spoke to people on the streets and they basically told me, not anymore. i voted for the greens before, but not this time because that me down and we see this sentiment reflected in the numbers. and what the german say about the bulk of the government. yeah, it's actually quite striking how harshly they are criticizing the coalition at the moment. out of liberals, greens, and the social democrats. almost 3 in full gem and say that they have this satisfied with the current government and we have to let that sink and the number is huge. and what is interesting about the number is that we see this trend across the political spectrum. so i'm not surprising the,
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the right wing of position is in unison on criticizing the government, but we even see it with voters supporting the coalition with a green and social democrats vote us. they say that they are not to contend either . why is that? well, people say they are dissatisfied with the way that the government is communicating and how coalition partners are dealing with each other. and this dissatisfaction we've seen that grow over the last 2 years. we leave it there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today. guthrie nice sounds, a quick reminder on all of the top story via following at this uh, new york called has found former us president donald trump guilty on all counts in his harsh money case. it said he falls 5 documents to cover up a payments to silence an adult film stop ahead of the 2016 election without going up to date coming up next off of the break to the point debates the
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future of european politics. i made a search in find right, popularity, i'm british manager in berlin. thanks so much for watching the movie. i'm back again in about 30 minutes. you might like to join us then see you soon. but the,
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to the point, the in clear position international perspective is europe on the verge of a major shift far right. political parties are gaining strength ahead of the european elections. and it seems like gone are the days when conservatives dismissed them to foreclosure this week, onto the points europe so far, right? attempting parker support and service to the police next
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on d w. but we'll tell you who we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 60 minutes on d w. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's called about saying it loud. this would have been, you know,
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they say like good everyone to ok. retiring into a microphone. sorry. check out the award winning podcast. don't hold back. is europe on the verge of a major shift? well, supporters of vladimir putin and friends of china soon have more power in the european parliament. according to polls ahead of the european elections, right wing populous nationalists are attracting more voters. but europe's far right is also seeing divisions between the alternative for germany as dates and the french national rally party, around by the independent out stream. do you voters want the union to be? what alliances are being forged? pulls it off on that line. conservative president of the commission is openly courting the votes of the italian head of.


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