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tv   Barbie - The Perfect Woman  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 11:15am-12:00pm CEST

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sarah advising this city's residence to stay home during the day as much as possible. that's it for the moment, but coming up next, bobby gets a makeover for a new generation as an instagram, influenza, and that's on a dock phone. often a short break. i'm going to spend a june between see you here in about 45 minutes and that type of data. so much for the 1st 2 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on not starts june, 1st on dw, the
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forever young forever beautiful bobby, so loaned, so perfectly styled, so super slim with the longest legs in the world. no one looks like a no dog has it been made to korea and so many jobs, even introducing the male ones then this a companion can really with dimensions, but somehow place it to aside probably wouldn't be, bobby, if she was who is a head of the time diversity of cools the
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or the hi my name is this is a i live in west hollywood, california. i'm a barbie influence sir. barbie as an icon. that's just adult for kids. so many bar b as a great role model, inspiration, lifestyle, and then i to do it. maybe i could live without her, but with bar v, my life history, lamb times better. bobby sends a fence for life between adults and there's something of a bobby good. she owns the world's largest collection and it's even in the guinness book of records. $18500.00
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spanning the decades to this little native knows the history of the long legged long, black know of the she's been passionate about bobby, since childhood. child to dawn life, i think model on the spirits of focusing, also flexible. if i used to play with her all the time as a child, because i'm we only want to follow these and that's how it all started. whole school, then i packed it all the way in late to unpacked it for my daughter, susan, but she didn't want it. and then i realized that she's such a reflection of her time. and that's when i started to buy a replacement policy. the ones that were broken, the for the special thing about bobby, was that she was actually a dress up doing like a paper dress up to back then in the 3 dimensional way up until forget. it wasn't that much money to buy a new outfit. it wasn't a throw away society, i would say we were more sustainable back then. then we also day look forward to things were altered and posted on and fixed on my hand. and that also worked very
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well with bobby as being hired for the bobby closer sales. what i. ready ready ready my 5, the history of bobby goes back to the 1950s fairly on the market. she was over the best seller for little girls who wrote had been born the 1st into it. so at all the guy just down the street handler, bobby's creation. it's the story of a successful business woman, bird weight. first things 1st it will began in sunny california. ruth was from a polish jewish immigrant family and grew up with, you know, and siblings. in the high school, she met eliot to become a product design and her husband and business partner loose was clever and vicious
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. with l. e. s and the mutual friend she found at the motel company, the 1st product of wooden picture frames and old houses was grace inside the company go quickly and soon the handle of family could afford expensive vacations to you're. in 1956, they went to sun. ready they had to have sponsors and unusual toil in the shop windows. ruth was electrified. she never seen anything like it. a beautiful grow, not with its own style. she immediately very nice to potential and bullshit. ruth was a toy designer to a marketer. she had a daughter named barbara. she didn't like the options that her daughter had in terms of dogs. they were baby dolls for nurturing play. and ruth wanted more
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options, the english legs to sleep with the siege twice. actually products from the german tablet build with a room? she punched lines. lily was the star of the papers daily cartoon. the she was sassy, sexy, and confident. the just acted to click. she was sitting with linda. you should hit the jackpot of the toy industry, the click of lots different tiers. i see it. ruth handler was clearly progressive for her time. she saw this doll in the shop window and thought i'd put,
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that's what i want to make on the doctor. so she said to us who implemented her business idea and brought adults to market and because that's tough, she said, every little girl needs adults project herself into her dreams for the future to come effects from them time the and so bobby was, boom res handler borrowed the name from his own door to barbara. she works fees receive with designers and fashion professionals on the new model. whose me from the stock provided would not be a simple though. bobby was to have a life a the dreams funds. so do the good size of the months, which is what i think it was very progressive for the time. if you really look at the context in which the stall came to market and i hadn't thought to after all, it was the 1st adult dogs who before that little girl is only ever played with baby dolls. and that was somehow preparing them for a mother role. the football guys thanks very much. i love to tune barbie was the
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1st all that had its own life did its own thing and could be whatever the child wanted. the board hobby was launched as a test and was presented at the toy fed usa on march 9th. she was an instant hit sold down so immediately because in the 1st year of the 300000 bobbies was sold to handle is good at getting the message across. and we've been a few years mattel's become a will establish, to make the, the international toys say in noon book, this is where decisions have made them the toys of the future. with a numerous sales potential. children's toys never go out of fashion,
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thoughts. they always have to be reinvented. battelle has had one of the largest stance he, if he is the bobby gina, this is now can you finish the standstill? bob, the starlight ferry. barbie palms is a hair do from barbie of swan lake top barbie, mermaid hobbies, and then a couple of normal classic barbies. so they were good at moving with the times. and of course they also understood the diversity movement is given to teach that. i've standing in front of our fashion east of line, which is the most diverse style line in the world. we are big believers in the expression if you can see it, you can be at. we celebrate the fact that barbie said over 250 careers, she can do anything. that means you can do anything as a, as a child when you grow up. so, really proud of the way the brand is representing such positive role models for girls. mattel's has done
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a lot to bring bobby's ideals to the world. the company's skillfully combined business marketing and the founders cause the feed mountains home and every year the company owners, women, without spending career b as an empowerment and box it up to bobby, the era of old white men's dominance. and dick gates of good. she has succeeded in nearly every industry. the south bobby's c. r. i'm a guns for me to the science, bobbies. she's the celebrity. jane. good m this, the model here long before she's a scientist to spend 10 life researching how similar age. so to us. awesome. how will we related how the apes live? she's a role model and you can play the reset, you not review. she's really changed how we view apes. we in regard of the other role model of course. and it's really very important towards dental is the extra
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notice of him to him. i'll say women who explore space out of crumb. samantha christopher actually is the role model here. and she herself, is an astronaut and she's now come on to and that's just so cool. work as a go i to can dream of being in space. i'm doing research that even though the question or who can be an astronaut, still throws up the biggest gender gap today. my goal is to 56 years old. when they drew us, you know, they dro men and not women. and i think this toy you can change that regardless and learn from this one thing you can't accuse, bobby also despite the beauty in the 1950s, she's never been that use siri or typical house wife right from the start. bobby has been a working moment. national surgeon, no job is beyond the fact that she's always freshly coiffed and super slim in vehicle of the inside to have money because this poor could see vertica you on the
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one hand you have this progressiveness even of the careers. the 1st adult dogs, the but on the other, this beauty ideal that barbie and bodies which is completely unrealistic and can also have negative effects on little girls. i think it was her blonde hair that did it for me me. as a child, i wanted to be blonde for a very, very long time. and i beg to my mother to let me die. my hair, blonde family, even though i was going, i don't know, 6 or 7 years old. and i think that had something to do with barbie's to tune the she was the absolute ideal for me. naturally belong. the beauty idea lives in 19 fifties. blown meant angelic, virtuous and sexy. the typical marilyn monroe snap knows and cinched waste. the plastic cloak been mentioned when they'll
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say yes, i want to be like my bobby. i don't think most parents click up on it and say, oh, that's a problem. then we have to think about it, talk about what it means instead on a totally down plate. and that sort of helps the 1st no, or for the 1st boundaries. and the 1st ideas of what a body should look like. it was in a positive for those for me, bobby, using the tool and the searching is sick because he's living her life to the front of the it was the origin is the bobby dollars off. the rule of tara could check for him, and that's why bobby has these loan exaggerated legs, and that looked fine. but actually, i always thought of her as a dressmakers don't understand the loan legs look good for griffing cliff. it's very important that you can play with a toy and back in 59 when the 1st of all became onto the market. it was fashionable to a high pump. well, so that's why bobby stands on her tip toes. the often fades,
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but some states. yeah. how much remind these of it in this display case? let's go a bit know we have the 1st tough of the sixty's or can, you can see that the dresses are most of the cost of, of the name kind of the microsoft. like those can either sniffing is sick, i lie, no. was totally in the pony tail. the puffy has dialed on. these are the typical looks that people had at the time. that's how i talked to you. how much wind haga todd, the ever changing bobbie world? logical and economical concept between adults and is not only an explicit and super collective. she's also a to doctor because bobby is now valuable as a collect design. so this is a bubble cut from the early sixty's verse,
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figuring out very common that the little thing goes missing. that's because it's separate and also quotes and the head of clothing, the side, or children not to, to on it the colon. we have to wait until it boils between the 2 of those quotes, toys of the to be used to them on. and i think it's really nice to give these aging toys on a new lease on life most on clean repairs . come in so regularly that i actually have something to do every day. the connect to the oil is bringing the finance to the fast. i also get small possible send to me to make it worth while stuff and on the
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phone on furnace escalade. so i stopped by just coming out the had was then as close i have to take another look here. okay, this is one with a pumps and there are some with a policy and some without surprise, the head is always waved. and so actually the system of the one to find you have to make sure to keep that direction is tend to push for by behind the reception for britain's top community model, whose professional name is tweaking the yes, at the very beginning, we only have to dolan fashion, they follow the latest fashions closely, and the 1st to liberty told was tweaky. that was the very 1st one and she was very slim and she had her own special wardrobe. the,
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the celebrity bobby was born. those based on real life model, it's at old role models. so go we noticed that in 2021, women made up only 15.5 percent of workers in the stem sector in germany, which is a real shame. and that's why we at barbie, have made it our mission to show young girls in particular more female role models in this area from as construct even as a child. i couldn't get enough of my grandfather, seafaring stories, like you, we've not done that. when i grew up. i wanted to be on the water. you're being a pirate, wasn't an option. so i asked myself, was plan b. i didn't realize at the time this explorer as pirates and stainless what actually ways main main knob on the
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yeah. the, the $51.00 and cause this is our one of a kind barbie which we give to special women as a sign that it's so important to be a role model, especially for young girls on have fun with your little mini mean. of course, the aim is to give young girls a great role models, which is 24 that we actually met with nice being involved in the dream that project quite a while. now, in the beginning i was reluctant because i thought my town plastic toys marine research no way. then the objectification of women physically and secure receive up . that's a no go to say, i speak to other women who would take you against women being defined by abilities . and they say dream gap is a good project. go for it. so to sum up,
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you could say there are big problems and small problems. and one of the world's biggest problems as the so many goals grow up without access, not just toys, but also to dream for an offer. the 3 you in science, fashion, sport, so politics, bobby knows what she wants is about being daring enough to do anything. further. the foreman of exciting champion is a bobby. and so the state i had an accident in 2018 since then i've been a paraplegic. it was the way i dealt with the accident showing that even if you've had rotten luck, you don't have to sit at home and get depressed. you can enjoy life stuff. that's why i got to bobby's a female role model of what i always say. what we come see here becomes aspired to toys and parenting a so influential. and it's important to include diversity from the very beginning. the bobby's world expands as social changes become
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apparent, the keywords today, diversity and inclusion. in 2023 bobby wants to go with down syndrome. so right so, so the ball b, i was like what the rounds? say a lot bill would to the drivers go to is pretty. so the see is perfect. let me and i pay for like a what the children have to say about diversity, the to, sorry, i think it's actually quite good to them so that other goals he played with bobby, none, but there are other people who don't like them. and look a bit different,
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some at, but this is not a bad thing or just as i run the slow loves position. so i think it was good that more of being made. now just because it's not nice if you leave someone out next and one who called them names are just because the different to me of the toda fanatic on settings, not every person can be the same as you to personal. okay. and it would be we're just everybody was the same class. the that's probably must have been the it's the, the bobby put, the problem is worth it. even though we now have these bobby dollars in wheelchairs with skin disorders and procedures. they use um it will take a long time to catch on. so because it will be a very long time before the same number of fees, those are in house health decided lets me some young
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life. i think what fascinated me most about her was that i could dress her whatever way i wanted the stick once she had this really, really long dress and i'll pick them up, but it was removable when i dressed her in a short skirt. i think i'm on and in general, what fascinated me so much about the whole barbie universe was simply that i could do anything i wanted to succeed. i could to shape it as i pleased you. i could travel with her, so to speak, to wherever i wanted. and i think that's what i like the modem. i find that she and i could sort of choose it ourselves, tables. okay, turn the way down the 4th of july, ever. you decided to take a camping for me? no, no. you force me to take you campaign. the only decision i've actively made for this 4th of july to get star spangled hammer. uh huh. can we go home early? like now?
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i get up, skipper. sometimes you gotta do stuff, you don't like in order to make people think you're a ne sister. i don't care about looking nice. yeah, i got that from your out that times them and i'm miss he and the letter you guys have been asking us how we make a body set. so we're going to show you today that we make about a certain yeah. sam and mickey bobby love is from australia, says 2010, the 2 foot civilians through z as the directors of showed stopped motion phillips, satirical and pointed. bobby is always the boss personally, i guess growing up from me, she was every thing she would be hitting me a slight. yeah. in imagination whenever i wanted to do whatever i wanted to be, i could be that 3 body. i could make her be a wonderful house maker. i could make
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a be up. i'll wake up heroin and fight cry. it was so limitless. what you could do with her and what you could imagine with that she could feel entire days. weeks was the way and you'd navigate for it because there was, there was always some different scenario. you could imagine you could build some other well, but you could, you could, you know, enter into it to the concept is clear that children create their own adult who become the directors of their individual fantasies. play up the dream force here at the f one and try to focus on it was only supposed to be addressed up to upsize of him and then the whole thing develop. so you could do role plays when you took the adult with you everywhere enough. you can act out stories with her and you could create these worlds with equipment and accessories as well,
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but that was also something special. so most desirable. so bobby, is always up to date. but what is the changes in society don't quite suit to back to the 19 sixty's. a new movement for women's liberation is launched. and once again, protesters take just or for their demands for total freedom, economically, politically, socially, feminism and bobby being independent and whose grace was always told about my body, my choice, feeling sick, she was perfect. why change it? correct? yes. but it's the waste. absolutely not. be sure if we think should stay as it was, the question was the body trademark is she was fully in step with the times, the 1960s to seventies, the 18th communities,
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good bell bottoms have really big outfits that have body measurements, remains constant extra, extra, extra smooth the criticism got loud. suddenly bobby was b, a p to me is actually on the phone to see what could be done. bobby needs it. community. they'll say, oh scott, the certainly bobby, for, for those wires, of course the upside is there was only develop the door and that was such a big success. so then they produced all the cactus to, to keep all the company, lots of fun to floss as a friend of skip of get a 100 in here. this is skipping here. it's bobby's system. the pantry on m p j and kristi, for example, all also friends was what i get this on hired. these are so those out, their role is because bobby doesn't have children to be the funding and cuisine and she has the, the girlfriend on the cousins or siblings. see kind of quincy colored
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. france came on to the moccasin. 1967, mattel's 1st black told she was mattel's response to the civil rights movement. the struggle against re system was increasingly visible on the streets, equal rights through the social shift didn't go unnoticed. mattel's fancy was a black version of occasion, front seat made with the same mold, the originally black head over the years ahead. awesome oxidised, them 10 great many consider the 1st was not fancy sold, rather unto named black fabi, which came out in 1919 diversity. all business re can be it's all on business. no, thank of course, montana is
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a business. so how can we sell even more those ones at the same time i create representation for all the bipolar children in the country line, who wouldn't tell? identifying with a white the student, if it's young, couldn't the today, black representation in the body will is much broad black bodies. physical traits have also changed, distinguishing them from want bobby's the variations. we're going to choose 10 bobby's appearance and cultural characteristics became more visible in los angeles than you probably. so types of adults are designed and produced by hand using 3 d technology. everything is still made of plastic,
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but 90 percent of it is recycled plastic. as mattel's repeatedly emphasizes, the pro has long found the place in bobby's hey, style collection. we just do it here this way, this, this is, this is how we've done it for so long. and it's like how we create like, can create each one is just these machines are so amazing the, it's the end of the development of bobby variations. the mental relies on today at the very 1st bobby remains present. the original barbie is an important part of our history and it's still a continuing part of the line. but today there are over a 175 different types of barbies. so we're going to continue to evolve. we're going to continue to make sure that we're reflecting the world poughkeepsie around them.
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religion had never d bobby's thing, but in 2018, it was time mattel's launch the 1st bobby with the head scuff visa fits. how is that created to you before that fine assets for my julia? go towards life over the years bar the a as the come more than just the causes as being of the icon and it does sound version for me. and so does all of the world, including me? i don't know what i really like about 5, be fine. tyneesa adam closer project to job a combination of his job and bobby tonight, julian wants to expands about the unit this with muslim designs. and she posts a creation. so instagram, what's the approximate quote from before?
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that is a way to job for the nieces project is controversial. aim is clear to count to printers and to empower most of those who way hit scott's. yeah, different kind of divers cause although, but around the world the yo existing nice nice how you to be if there is, if i be done with this exactly, let me know that i was thinking of those by his face. then what? see it all wash the job on one day for a social. yeah. but before, yes, i saw an error on the screen on my adult us. you know, what is it not the houses. so it has the software inspiration i came across,
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but the want to know when i was familiar with the small social media prior, be the new york go, you know, put the impression that things like that. so now it's like when a good a to bobby the influence of what's in my bag. never leave the house without this. wow. vantage data data? oh, i was wondering when that went got to protect your skin. tom. this'll match my shoes high. as a social media, the looking for some of the things to do for you on social media, she acts like a real influenza or an extension comes across as a real person, even though you know it's adult. and i think it works very well because many people still have this connection to her from their childhood. so, and also this, you know, set out, you know, is the most likely i,
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so you've probably heard me say this before, but i really try to do my best to live with sustainable lifestyle. and one of the best ways to do this is by helping out animals and other little creatures that might be struggling to live their best lives because of the disappearing habitat which brings me to 2 days project. do you know what this is? it's a v hotel. i feel bad if you didn't know that i didn't know and i seen them all around my neighborhood a be a hotel is a home for solitary bees like mason be. so it's a safe place for them to lay their eggs and store their pollen. i've done the most monitors from jefferson off. on the other hand, i think that i think you also have to be a bit careful because i think it has a different effect on children who still perceive everything very differently. you know, how do i mean when i see it now? i see i can understand it and reflect on it for but back then as an absolute barbie fan, if i've seen barbie on tick tock or bar b as a blogger on youtube, a few, i think i might have lost touch with it a bit. it had to some fission,
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a slice them to send him, but how much of her is the toy bosses? his no. what's the dos equal of us as depend once real life? what's reality here? i just know if any tips for the abbey was never pregnant, never marriage, but can was with her own most from his thoughts about it to tonic relationship. so there was never any talk of 6 special, couple sexy, a sexual, goofy, somehow. and somehow i just wasn't into him prove of that sounds brash, but i only had eyes for birby. yeah. awesome. i just thought you was so cool. and for me it was like yeah, he exists his interest. but i'm not that into him. and i thought she was cool and i wanted all the dolls and variations for them. but yeah, they said to me, i am on the one hand. i see that ken is actually just, well, it's another part of bobby's nice going from 10. is like the how slight because and then this can to without candidates somehow not complete glitched and barbie's,
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famous teenage fashion model, dog 5 and tell those that this was to be a special night then it happened. she met 10 and somehow she knew that she in 10 would be going get it and that's can really sweet, really boring. literally sporting that 6 pack them or $10.00 or more little boys could save themselves and that yeah, i just saw a place that my niece and my nephew, my nephew. so interested already because now i got to play with them all over again in that way again. i mean i'm constantly playing with them now. yeah. so my son, the body. what did you do? oh, good. i scared to marry waiting. unlikely. says uh
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an announcement we thought we'd never made the 2410 and bobby's relationship is in trouble. and and barbie are going to go their separate ways to bobby fan communities as in a state of shock that own this. bobby, ever need a man love as being the home, but the by the, i think the concern, given that we live in a patriarchal society, was that the movement can started playing a major role. i wonder if he'd take all the power unobservable the energy. so to speak, and then she'd just be the pretty trophy wife thought to side to boy. and of course of that what what, what, what does it contradicts the whole bobby idea exist need yeah, i have it. perfect marketing could a twist of fate. love it was 3 united are being kind of been
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a part for about 7 years. ken has been working so hard to win barbie back with grand gestures all over the city all over the globe. and today on valentine's day barbie said yes. we were made for each other. let's go for it and they are back together again and i can oh, i thought i heard your voice do do yes. see, i was just in the bathroom. right? lathering the curves of my body guard and you know what? i was thinking, no police that told me i was thinking that i would much prefer if you were there with me in the bath rudnick, you just lathering the curves of my body. give to just go to the thank you see more or less explicit? never said of directly he still got interesting. okay. things far beyond that. so i'm going to work with now. can you teach me how to do the cool lighting change? of course it's not. no, i'm busy. sam and mickey a k,
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bobby in can don't minutes. the words, the to, to make us have known each other since high school. publish this 1st video in 2010 . today they have a 440000 subscribers on youtube. i think that is entirely an attitude towards lot because she's not an object as much as she has such as this through real feeling because of, of how long she's been around. yeah. to marketing, and she's still a projection of whatever we believe her to be that i can be as drawn. and as i was because my responsibilities ended when you became a massive failure on forest row, she can represent a, um, they a projection of what they could be as an adult. um, as we get older,
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we experience the world. we become a little bit more cynical. there may be more negative projections towards bobby because we put our own biases in own prejudices and attitudes of what a person should be and should represent onto the stone. but at the end of the day, she the love of questing according to mattel's commitment to diversity, is paying off. they say sales within new diverse models are catching up to the classics. this cannot be verified. super celebrities like senior queen the t for a delighted in any case is great that girls will get to see these bar because i wish i had one. you don't, we can see that that is really but, but not much more female as a discard is. so it's really questionable whether this can pos, as a could be model who is weakly scar, please it shouldn't be the else. id
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says, well, i think she's good because she's just to do because some people onto skinny is others. and she's still not here. she's just a bit wider, it's less to high time. so he demonstrates, yes, you well, everyone looks beautiful and everyone has their own opinion of how they look. and i'll be, well, i don't want to look like a bobby doesn't to santa is all some i'm, i'm view, i'm the interesting thing is fixing this on the one hand, we have a much wider pelvis than the classic bobby. but there's no difference in terms of both science. so for example, it's very rare that a woman with this body shape would not have a significant lead. not just on the cold bread. you can just map was probably good if she's meant to represent overweight bills. for example, meeting adult, she's still up usually queen human still on the, on the table. i deal so many. i'm going to advise policy. do you feel i
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do or not? probably a still an integral part of so many children's play with this today. the have come on the spot. you can see from this that bobby's continued. success is the result of hub. moving with the times because he's always the stuff ahead. the noise picks up on top of collision. so i think that's very, very important. and that children can learn from how he's repairs on the lease special women who have achieved something. well, we'll have professions and traditionally men's fields. i think it's very, very important to show this through play. no, certainly to children, but also to adult, to men and women phone things just come come speech. this one seems to show bobby's universe not live as old. so that's the way it was. and the
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way it will always be from one generation to the next, the is the failing migrants. forget, well, you know about the usual political debate for the 2024 european election. we are flipping the script. those people, the qualified stand up section, voters discussed. it's not vision, even though it has to be numbers. so politicians are going to be your comment, flipping the script, fussy minutes from the devil to the point. strong opinions,
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clear positions. international perspective is europe on the verge of a major shift bar, right? political parties are gaining strength ahead of the european elections, and it seems like gardner the days when conservatives dismissed them to form coalitions this week, onto the points europe so far, right? attempting parker support and service to the point in 90 minutes on the w, the we are all set and we'll talk soon, close to the team to bring you the story behind the news. we roll about unbiased information for 3 months. the, the,
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the, this is the, the news life from berlin. germany follows the us by changing its policy on ukrainian weapons. but in search cave will now be allowed to use weapons. it supplies to hit some targets inside russia. moscow wants to move quickly to follow pool on. so coming up, donald trump becomes the 1st us president to be convicted of a crime. a jewelry in new york finds him guilty of full to find documents to cover up a sexual encounter with an adult. full stop in order to influence the out.


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