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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. germany follows the us by changing its policy on ukrainian weapons. veterans service cave will now be allowed to use weapons. it supplies to hit some targets inside russia. moscow wants to move quickly to follow pool on. so coming up, donald trump becomes the 1st us president to be convicted of a crime. a jewelry in new york finds him guilty of full to find documents to cover up a sexual encounter with an ad, all tube stuff in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.
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and as one thing in the, in the election near as it's, and we looked at 5 minutes to minutes or more of these efforts to win over voters in the south of the country and how the challenges he faced is that different from the north, the, i'm british manager, welcome to the program. we begin with some breaking news coming in the government. yet in berlin has authorized ukraine to use weapons supplied by germany to strike certain military targets inside russia. but cruise to me only in defense of the eastern hockey region, the more lots of tiny points for berlin and follows the position by us president joe vidal, who idea gave keith to not to use american weapons to strike certain targets on russians or in the news the sections are intended to help ukraine beach fact rushes
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latest advances. yeah, kind of key. so let's get more of this from our chief political correspondent, nina, how is the nina? what more can you tell us about this change, of course, from the german government. so 1st of all that it is quite a change of course indeed. and it comes because 2 things happened. one, the situation on the ground for ukrainians has been guessing incredibly difficult. hawk if is under a lot of pressure in the notes by the government's folks pass and from germany that we have a copy of explicitly mentions that the german government always monitors the buffalo ground situation very carefully and keeps re assessing just what kind of support do credit needs and they have reached the conclusion that russia has been, and i'm quoting from that note planning, coordinating and carrying out to tax on cochran from locations on russian territory . so germany has now joined the group of nations that think that you've tried needs
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to be able to attack the source and not just the effects. so they must be empowered to target russian military installations from when russia launch is those attacks in order to be able to prevent for us it from attacking rather than trying to bring down all those real kids. but the 2nd thing that happened is equally important. in my view, the us gave the arrow k efficiently for this to happen. and this has been one of the guiding principles for the german leadership. they will absolutely not go with a loan. and we know that that have been intense discussions and consultations between the most important allies, all of ukraine, including the u. s. and germany, where they came to an agreement now who followed who i wouldn't even say masses that much. the fact is that the left. so it's can go out to the german public and say, i am not going to go it alone. he's repeated this an every discussion about every new weapon system that ukraine was asking for. over the last 2 and a half years,
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germany doesn't want to be seen as an attack by russia. and you have to add that in the notes, the stresses that ukraine has, the right, according to international load, to carry out those attacks on military infrastructure. because attacks on foreign territory are colors by international law. that's how the general government sees that if they serve the purpose on self defense. and one last thoughts on this latest decision, it appears to show that germany does trust the ukrainian leadership so far they've always had head to the limits they've been given by the allies. but the could this cause of re think on germany's decision not to deliver those towards a long range. it caused me signs that ukraine has been asking for lots of deadman sounds like keeps being asked about whether or not he's going to deliver the tourist. that is, of course, the state of the art is all system that you've trained has been asking for for
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a long time. but i don't think that the latest decision will influence that. having said that, we saw in the note that the democrat them and stresses that they keep reassessing the situation that we will have to keep in mind. the torres has a range of up to 500 kilometers. so in theory, from the northern most point of view crane, you could hit targets in the moscow region. but if the german government finds itself thinking that the situation requires a rethink in terms of weapons deliveries and possibly torres would be amongst those things. but that is not what we're talking about today, you know, as an invalid. thanks very much for that update us and moscow as no one does that any strikes in russia with best and weapons could make nato, a clear participant in the war. but at the meeting of nature, foreign ministers in prod, secretary general and stilton bag insisted that the alliance is not the direct deposit you of the contract. well, i welcome the dollars or providing support to,
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to your training many different ways. ukraine has the right for self defense. we have the rights to help to kind of hold the right for self defense. and that does not make nato allies party to the conflict. that was the case back in february 2022 . that was the case last year and that means the case the doctor, brussels, better to products under phenomena as following the nature meeting, enjoying this now from prague. alexandra, do you expect more countries to follow the lead of the us and germany? no. a while i think for us that's the 1st of all we really need to stress that this is a major development today that the us now followed by germany is saying that giving you create the permission to use their weapons, to strike with the rush that because that is what you quinn has been asking for as the forces struggles struggle to stop the new russian offences in the area of
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the har. keith city, the 2nd largest city in ukraine will other countries follow? we will see there are some of them who are very cautious. one of them is not delivering any weapons to ukraine at all. it's hungry. others have not in post any restrictions on their weapons deliveries to ukraine, among them the baltic states or poland. but many are also saying, we don't want to speak about our arrangements with the ukraine publicly, because we don't want to telegraph our intentions to the kremlin. so we'll see whether there will be any public announcements here today. let's talk about the countries. if you're doing a while for us in germany, what exactly are the allowing ukraine to do? is well, in the official statements of statements, the german government is saying that they are allowing q crane to use
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a german weapons in line with the international law. but they also mentioned the harkey region specifically and that is also watch the u. s. officials are saying that the permission is 1st and foremost for the region of harkey, because the front line there is, is pretty much the same as the border line with russian troops sitting across the border on the russian soil and launching their relentless attacks from there. so you, crean will be permitted, as it seems to use the gym and u. s. weapons showed miss lyles and munitions too. as to like russian troops there across the border, they logistic hops and their new nations depos. however, using the western provided to long range missile, it seems still to be a taboo, according to as officials just so not allowing ukraine to use those long
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range midsize. some of them can hits a targets a 300 kilometers away on the russian territory. so that is excluded at the moment, as it seems. so in the midst of all of these developments has to be the need reaction from russia. yeah, we've heard from the machine video of the former russian president who is now one of the most hawkish voices within the russian security council. and he wants the west of an upcoming escalation. a he warns the rest of it's not laughing when it is speaking about the possibility of using technical nuclear weapons in ukraine . so quite a warning there. and he's statement as well as the statement by the spokes person of the russian foreign ministry. they are mentioning the use of long range massage
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against russia, and i think this is meant as a clear warning as a red line for russia not to use them for a tex deep in the russian territory of buds. this is a warning, and as i mentioned, the western nations, those who provided to ukraine with a such a long range missiles don't seem to be allowing ukraine to use those weapons to try deep in the russian territory. the douglas alexander phenomena in prod, thanks very much for that update. thank you. through the other major news story of the day now donald trump has been found guilty on all 34 pounds in his so called harsh money trial. the former president was convicted of falsifying business documents to cover up an extra marital sexual encounter in order to illegally influence the 2016 presidential election. the decision makers,
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trump the 1st form or sitting us president to be convicted of a crime job falsely accused the cold of being rigs. and here's the lawyers say they will appear on the verdict. a guilty on old search. he full accounts, donald trump, mine used to being front page news, cooling, best buy dicked, an injustice. this was a rick disgraceful trial. there we are. just going to be november said by the people and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here. waiting to do a thing. well, i'm a very serious it man. but in new york, jerry disagreed. it unanimously, found the former president guilty of conspiring to bind the silence of adult film style stormy daniels before the 2016 election. and then falsifying business records to copper top,
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we did our job. many voices out there and the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken to outside the court house celebrations as the guilty verdict was announced. i've been here for the last week. the take me back, which i'm go from. trump supportive. it's a disgrace. what happened here? i made it to your home. i made a big also. we support trump. i never bought it from the 1st time. we do it this time. this is the 1st time a former us president has been convicted of a criminal offense. and it could mean jail. for most politicians it would spell the end of that career. but this is donald trump, and instead he's likely to use this guilty verdict as campaign few ahead of november's elections. and uh yeah,
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i asked the dw correspondent benjamin out about his group, but in washington dc. whether tom is likely to spend time in prison, the soviet charges against donald trump, a so called non violent class, the felonies, those at the lowest level in new york. in each of these $34.00 accounts carry the possibility of several years in prison. budding conservation is not given because this some legal experts say that it is unlikely that trump will being costs are rated given. he hasn't previously been convicted of a crime we will find out on july 11th. that's when donald trump will be sentenced. a sentencing that will happen just days before he officially becomes the presidential nominee of the republican party. for the course of the question, of course, is, can he can test elections following a conviction? so is a candidate for federal office like the presidency? donald trump is restricted only by requirements in the us constitution,
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and that we are requirements that quite straightforward. so the president must be at least 35 years old. must be a natural born us citizen and must have lived in the us for at least 14 years. and this nothing on criminal convictions, so is a convicted felon. donald trump can still run for office. and even if donald trump is sentenced to prison and wins the presidency, that would of course, a post, a practical complications because somebody vill experts also say that a resulting constitutional crisis would require, for example, that his sentence be suspended so that he could still fulfilled his duties as the nation's chief executive, trump, uh has said that the rear of that date is going to be on november. the 5th we he bleed vote due to this conviction. so there's a lot that can happen until the presidential elections that november. we see that donald trump and joe by now still neck on neck. if we'll look at polls and we just
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need to remember here that donald trump even saw his support increase of the full sets of criminal a indictments last year. so would not be surprising. very support also increases and that's also what we seen and what referred from trump campaign, and that they manage to financially capitalize it. this also, as they did on his impeachment because just minutes after this verdict was announced, a jump campaign send out a fundraising e mailing which from. a i am a political prison and the online portal that the trump continues to accept. it donations was also down possibly to a lot of the traffic. so we can expect that the trump campaign will manage to financially capitalize a from today's a verdict as well. we are also expecting an appeal to this verdict, do we already know on what grounds the dumps legal team is indeed prepared to to appeal. he will almost certainly not have to begin serving any sentence until after all of these appeals are done,
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and that will certainly take place even off to the november election possible arguments that his lawyers could use in their guests to have this verdict, ronald could be a stormy daniel's testimony, for example, that his lawyer is called irrelevant to the case. it could also be the statute itself because to convict trump, the jewelry had to find he had falsified records with the intent to commit or conceal another crime. but it does not specify what the crime is, and the 3rd reason it could be the presidential immunity. well, it's not clear yet, which of this arguments they will use? what is clear is the donald j. trump. now being the test, former us president to be found guilty of felony crime, this verdict indeed punches the 2024 presidential race into uncharted territory. we leave it there for the moment. the benjamin about his crew by joining us from washington dc. thanks very much. i quickly, if not,
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some of the other stories making headlines around the world are the results from south africa as an action show, the african national congress for the n c on pause to news it's majority for the 1st time in 30 years, more than half of the votes have been counted, the guarantee still in the need with about 42 percent followed by the democratic alonzo at around 23 percent. so really as prime minister robert go log and say is his government is set to recognize palestinian statehood. it can become the latest geography and country to recognize the finest in the states. following ireland, norway and spain, most un members recognize palestinian statehood, but few western countries have taken that step. voting in india as an action weight ends tomorrow. that's the 1st of june with fast results due next week, prime minister in the movie and his be there, be faulty, are widely expected to win upset tom in office. but it is unclear whether he wouldn't manage to gain the super majority. he's aiming full to achieve that mostly
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needs to boost his popularity in the south of the country. as either of those surely got the reports from the capital of common language in my staff is proving difficult. the states known as the economic bar house of india. but remains relatively unresponsive to of all these him do next. and this message joshua con, the beef hub off to a nice city in the southern. see just tell me law, do you think this could land me in jail? in some parts of india, at least those that are leg by the during the parties. this is the house and on a move that is considered sacred by the majority committed deal came to this is a huge issue within the, the difference between them, adult and policies in north india, but children. so these doesn't divide. in fact, in places like this, you can do muslim. everyone comes here to eat. nobody has any restrictions on
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eating this money. gun then is a hindus and comes here regularly with his son to enjoy a b snack. he says, politics cannot influence people's food choices in this house and that he puts solid up what i wouldn't hold for a button and that tells me what not to eat dog. i don't want that. he would need to decide that he ought to be in a folder in a state like them and not to be japan does not have the political standing 11. yeah . now that i don't, as you can work in the north, i don't know, but not interested. i'm not clear a domino to is noon footage diversity and social equality. it's a multi layered society, much like the northern parts of india, but differences between hindus and muslims on not politicized here. and it's not just the religious harmony that they're protective about this who is some is what are the oldest languages in the was it's center to the identity of people in some,
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in nato. and there's a sense of fright attached to it. but people here feel that if we should be good for the state, it could impose in the language of them and with a huge close heavy idea of nationalism. tonight is also good. huh. a pop band. beard and varies from the states. the highest assignment is to move in somebody not doing actual expense. the largest number of m. p, 's from the south to the indian parliament to who the voters here is focused on promises of economy development. in contrast to his hendo nationalist speech in the notes where his speech is, would repeat, it's really just rhetoric. so we don't know the people in the name of religion. we don't debate people in the name of the reason we want to go into law, but we want to get more of
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a family member from the lien. we want to investigate the young voters here say that'd be peace out of touch with the reality on the ground. it would take a major ideological shift for the party to resonate with them as an out of it. i would hungry that was the prime minister to act according to the call and susan of india. india was known for the secularism for, for its unity and all of that to give it back to stairs at a higher platform forward for people for certain community wide bringing don't opening don't people of another community? i think that's precisely why these it'd be, hasn't not to you if it's goal of coming into something, not or, or the vendor totes for that. my goal is deeply rooted in its culture and yet highly progressive. i mean, i do is a complex region, but religion doesn't mix as well with politics as it does in the north. with more, the magic well killed this time. and he need divine intervention.
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europe to ease headed to the polls, the european elections get under way next week and thought i'd policies are expected to make big gains. one country where they are forging ahead in the polls as friends, that the rights being national around the policy of not even the pin has been here as cleaning up as provided some damage to try to become electable data on those these. the louis reports from one place where they have made invalids, the department of la cruz in the central front. she went on the campaign trade with a young socialist, hoping to turn the tide. go to good morning, something for the 9th of june in 17 year old on to one shovel once to convince status, the socialist currently predicted to come 3rd of the right choice in the upcoming european elections. but many here are likely to cost a different date to good morning. my dear pin elections will happen on the 9th of
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june. been by there are many people here have fated for the far right? national riley. how to explain that. but maybe we should give it a go. yeah, 9 different people more days past. i'm so many people here will vote for the national rally like myself. but what's the hypocrite? we don't have a choice of the for the i don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past. what mistakes the past the front or bardello hasn't a heart, anyone can use the far right task like normal that as a former builder, and i only get 39 years of support per day. so it's ridiculous. no mind. yeah, that's all right, so cancelled social welfare. all mean only ship all in a truly i just want to abolish it for foreigners. i thought it did not shock. what was it? hold on to one is convinced he couldn't make even bates was like these change the mind somebody going to say exact and they don't realize the national reality is still the same party with the same ideas. that's scary in the far right suggest the parents solutions that don't solve the problems that we provide. real solution is not people's problem,
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the boss. but with the far right leading in the polls and the you problem entry elections in front, making his voice heard wouldn't be easy for antoine. especially in an area like this one to go. the rubber larry is where the national riley has consistently been gaining ground since the early 2 thousands, 2 years ago in the decisive run of a to francis last presidential elections fall. right. candidates, marine, the pen came 1st in 40 percent of the districts here in the bottom. all of that cause lots, despite the fact that a party doesn't have any deep roots here. none of the mayor's in that close uh, from the national riley, the nation in raleigh. is trying to appear to disgruntled date, as he say, mainstream potties has been cutting down on public services and not provided enough jobs for people in the countryside. imagery, so they know we care about it. definitely, we want to increase their purchasing dollars, make them feel secure,
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dignified and proud again. were present across the whole country, even in the most remote areas. they look, you do. but for antoine, the national release head start is older movies and to give the contain his old even if thoughts an up his truck as long as you. good day, sir. i'm here about the european elections your way. by the way, you don't want to vote on its own town, we are on the ground. meanwhile, i haven't seen nothing around the members campaign here in the close. we're hoping to overtake the 2nd place renaissance party, so that we become the main to position to the national are really nice, especially looking at to the next presidential elections in 2027 and president. my call con, drawn again. it was an extra credit. it i'll send it to find a month, even though the socialist on the right to him the he is of my class potty members task nice ahead. the nation and rally is predicted to get twice as many bites as
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them. and finally, the wild south lead has wrapped up in tahiti, represent a surfing champion. a toggle fell out uh has won the protocol so that our crews to victory with 3 amazing waves recovering from some disappointing loss as the season . the former unemployed gold med list will not be competing of the upcoming games in patters, but his victory here saw him beat us on a big sofa. john john florence for the pro 5 a happy jump that you're watching dw news. here's a reminder about top stories. germany has followed the us by changing its policy on your premium preference. lillian says he will not be allowed to use arguments supplied by germany to hit setting targets inside russia, but only in the defense of, of how to key regions. and a new york port has found former us present donald trump guilty on all counts in his harsh money case. it said default to 5 documents to cover off of payment to
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silence and adult food started ahead of the 2016 election that you're up to date coming up. best. these all special coverage about the new you assigned them? no, i'm going to expand the g invalid. thanks so much for watching the news. by the
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is the failing migrants. forget what you know about the usual political debate or for the 2024 european election. we are flipping the script. those people, the qualified stand up section, voters discussed if not vision, even though it has to be numbers. so politicians are going to be your comment, flipping the script next on d, w to the point strong,
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clear position. international perspective is europe, on the verge of a major shift bar, right. political parties are gaining strength ahead of the european elections. and it seems like gone are the days when conservatives dismissed them to form coalitions this week, onto the points europe so far, right? attempting parker support and service to the point in 60 minutes on d. w. 97 for board winning offer is available. language buildings um and has never been sent to the it could be green. very green. all this blue p s. twine,
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twine to some lovely red. definitely pull just a yes. yes. that's what you present on purple samples. very special. that's in the georgia. choose your favorite color. people are coming, but those people have not the qualified spend that's that we need. it's not letting the asian, even though it has been landed. so if i understand you correctly, you're suggesting mutual input for more than one european immigrants. no, i would never use the word the 4th to get what you know about the usual political debate. for the 2024. you repeat election? we flipping the script walters will be at the center of the debate. and politicians will ask the questions on topics, shaping the election like migration i'm doing. yeah, i do think that or do you is fading mind once right now.