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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw use of life from then the german a follows the us and changes its policy on weapons to you. christ spelling says it will now allow keith to use german weapons to hit certain targets inside russia. moscow wants to move quickly to old. i will also in the program as focusing in india's election is it's, as we look at prime minister in the rental mode, these differing methods of trying to win over voters in the south and north of the country the
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until the welcome to the program. we begin with the news that broke this morning that the german government here and there is authorize to ukraine, to use weapons supply by germany, to stripe certain military targets inside russia. but only in defense of the eastern hockey region. move mocks, a shifting policy for band, and then follows us present. jo bivens oh, good decision to allow you trying to use american weapons to strike certain targets on russian. so these loose ends restrictions are intended to help ukraine beat back versus latest advances. yeah, hockey. oh yeah, i spoke with actually political correspondent need a honda and asked about this that change of hobb by the gym and government. it is a change of house indeed. and it comes icing because 2 things happened. one, the situation on the ground for ukrainians has been guessing very, very difficult hawkgrove, especially as under loss of pressure and the notes by the government's folks pressing where they announced that decisions that we have
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a copy of. that one explicitly mentioned is that the german government always monitors the bustle ground situation carefully and then re assess is just what kind of support you're creating needs. and they have reached the conclusion that russia has been, and i quote, planning, coordinating and carrying out a tax on pocket from locations on russian territory. so germany has now joined the group of nations that think that ukraine needs to be able to attack the souls and not just the effect so that they must be empowered to target those installations from wherever. so launch is those attacks in order to be able to prevent pressure from attacking, rather than trying to bring down all those real kids. but the 2nd thing that happened is, in my view, equally important. the us have now officially given their ok for american weapons to be used for especially these purposes. and this has been one of the guiding principles for the german leadership. they've always said they will absolutely not go to a loan. that was a recurring message by the german townsend. every discussion about every new weapon
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system that ukraine has been asking for over the last 3 and a half years. and that definitely must not be seen as the one going forward. and leading essentially the support for ukraine militarily, and you have to add that the note also stresses that ukraine has the rights according to international law, to carry out those attacks on military infrastructure, even in russia on foreign territory that, that is covered by international law. if they set the purpose of self defense, so one more take away from all of this. this is the decision does appear to show that germany does trust the ukrainian leadership. because so far they've always adhered to the elements that they've been given of the allies. and the quick what then on germany's refusal to send taurus long range, cruise massage to ukraine. is this decision allowing the use of jem and weapons likely to influence that long standing refusal not at the moment ukrainians
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have been asking for the torres the states of the ok missile system for a long time and the german challenge that has equally long and for an equally long period said no to days, and i don't think it's going to change it and sharing this decision here, germany has now given you kind permission to use the weapons that it or has already delivered to ukraine. and that means, for example, western systems like the how it's a 2000 all the multiple loans rocket system off to they have a rates of up to 300 kilometers. and that is considerably different to the up to $500.00 kilowatts of kilometers that the torres would potentially be able to reach . ok, thank you for guiding you through that. i mean, i, chief political correspondent, nina has the latest yet spelt, the book says the alliance is determined to show in ukraine's past to membership. the lines, the secretary general was speaking as amazing of a native foreign ministers in prague. call to discuss that continuing support for
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keep and its attempts to be powered by us. all our invasion. you said moscow should not think it could wipe out the wall and said president putin had been threatening native since the stock of the conflict. but they would not be due to health defense . this escalation, self defense is the for the monthly right. it isn't strange. and then you, instructor ukraine has the rights on the responsibility to protect its people. and we have the rights to help ukraine. a poll, it's right of self defense. a lot correspond to band reagan has been following about nato a summit to joins us from problem. welcome bantam. tell us more about what the secretary general's been saying. that you installed, that, made it very clear that the nato has every right to support ukraine. because this
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is also in tried international law. you can help the state that is defending itself against an aggressor, and that does not make nate to it. so the a will party and started back also shucked off all the threats from most ago and said this is the usual things that we are hearing from put in. and he was not very impressed by that. and he pledged that the nato been now make it's help for ukraine, more sustainable and mode yorba. and then it'd be a multi n u, a program. now combined 40000000000 euros that will be provided for ukraine. and then they to states on our drumming up this money and the dubious decision at the nato summit in washington at mid july. and this is also designed to make the ne tools help for ukraine, more trump proof as a site here at nato. so if donald trump gets back into the white house,
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they want to make sure that the us is still providing help and the, the neutron can not retract. i mean everything from nato's program. if that really happened, we have to see and it's of course, it's not clear that trump did return, but they did wants to be prepared. ok, thank you for that. the band found to be good in proc a voting in india is election ends tomorrow and the 1st of june with that 1st results due next week, 5 minutes starting their end remotely and his b j. p policy a widely expected to win the tub. but it's not clear whether he'll gain the super majority. he wants to achieve that he needs to boost his popularity in the south of the country as dw is that shelter, yada reports from the capital of time will not through can i? that's proving difficult. the stage is known as the economic powerhouse of india, but remains relative, unresponsive to mr. motors into nashville. this message joshua
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con. the beef hub off to a nice city industries agency. just tell me law, do you think this could land me in jail? in some parts of india, at least those that are leg by the, during the parties. this is the house and on a move that is considered sacred by the majority committed deal came to this is a huge issue within the breeds. if you've seen them with all the good policies in north india, but children, south beast doesn't device. in fact, in places like this, you can do muslim. everyone comes here to eat. nobody has any restrictions on eating this money gun. the is a hindus and comes to regularly with his son to enjoy a b snack. he says, politics cannot influence people's food choices in this house. in that he put solve the word for button, and that tells me what not to eat or the other one said he would need to decide
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that he ought to be in a, in a state like them. and i do beach if he does not have the political standing, he loved that to yeah. now that i don't, you can work in the north automatically, but not in our speed. yeah, i'm not clear. exactly. domino do is noon footage diversity and social equality. it's a multi layered society, much like the northern parts of india, but differences between hindus and muslims on not politicized here. and it's not just a religious harmony that they're protective about. this who is some is what is the oldest language is in the was it's center to the identity of people in somebody, nato. and there's a sense of stride attached to it. but people here feel that if we should be good, hold on this page. it could impose in the language of them and with it, the exclusion or the idea of nationalism can, is also a good hop hopper ballad cleared and
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$32.00 states. the highest assignment is to move the in somebody, not the actual expense, the largest number of m. p 's from the south to the indian parliament to route the voters here he's focused on promises of economy development. in contrast to his hendo nationalist speech in the notes where his speech is, was replete between the just rhetoric. so we do it all the way to people in the name of religion. we don't debate people in the name of the reason we want to go into law, but we want to get more of a fun limit. the members from the lead move on to the state like the young voters who will say that be do peace, out of touch with the reality on the ground. it would take a major ideological shift for the party to resonate with them as a i would home leave. that was the prime minister to act according to the
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constitution of india. india was known for the secularism for, for its unity and all of that to give it back to stairs at a higher platform forward for people for certain community wide bringing don't opening don't people of another community. i think that's besides the way these it'd be hasn't not saved it's going to or coming into somebody not or what the vendor told for that michael deeply rooted in its culture and yet highly progressive. i mean, not do is a complex region, but religion doesn't mix as well with politics as it does in the north. when would the magic will kill this time? and he need divine intervention. when the content on s is a data scientist and all of south versus north, india is great divide. you joins us from a 10 i on india, south eastern coast, a welcome to the top view. i'm there and promote it. needs to do well in, in just southern states to get the super majority he needs and the state of time
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will not ever seems to be the case here. so just talk us through. first of all, the super majority is and whether you think he'll be able to crack stuff in india of the, of the way in which the indian bottom increases the gloves. is that if you need to push through the magenta all by his nationalism to explore the page if he gets on the bottom of the new need for that person in charge of treatment. and that is something that they've been active and get paid for. uh, you know, uh it will be fined by the things that you guys can uh, you know, a few of each time, but uh, in history and what are the novices and uh, what do you do that is any indication, uh, they're unlikely to when anything is level and for that matter they might not willing to to go to the georgia d uh, in other parts of the country as well. oh, you don't find me. tell us they say, what's your question of uh, you know, why is the washing of the b. c for that packet is pushing in the state of time,
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a lot of which there is not one historically, is that it is that anybody in boston's v game need to actually have yourself uh, to uh, to, to achieve the sort of the launch it for the default, of course, which is that the one for you, the entire country as a single civilizational unit, which isn't, you know, you watch people in town, a lot of people tell you that the other civilizations units themselves sides the not the g with the idea of doing this time, which is part of each of these platform is and this is called fast and the talk slowly between these wiggins, the society is at the corner of this particular election bytes that can be j b is the fine to we know what are some of that if i were to think of production, i would say that you did not find it written that it's probably not going to get
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even a single see to see some level, but it gets to watch. right. and a quick, well then about the the b database votes advice which is primarily being face they know of and seen the spacing states. what a comfortable brand of him do. national politics has really factor and you've seen to that, why it hasn't worked out in the south just briefly if you wouldn't mind a shot so good. so it is easy to use this uh, naturalist, but i think it is a deeper uh, issue with please. uh, which is fine for you on actually uh, india, uh for the printer. and you can see this problem. the allocation was being uh, progressive and not being, uh, uh, really just be divided. uh, we'd like to know if the phone has significant issues of being so sort of patient that is why it is the cost is we didn't have. okay. so your contract that the
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country as a whole. so give me for interrupting that. we are at the time, we thank you for your, for your analysis dates of science as new content. honest. thank you so much. i'd say to you up today, have a good day. my name is found on debbie. my name is steve, i'm on the cottage and i think age, particularly, my name is simone. sony. this is india is new generation. what else aid 3 in rosemont help in this country? what did they want to change in the society full of contrasts? the indian aids stuff, do you insist on dw.


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