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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm CEST

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when the, what do you think? leave us a comment for life and don't forget to subscribe to our channel, the sex is wonderful. fulfilling the best thing in the world. but is it really all the typed up to be bad sex does exist, it can hurt leaving you feeling empty, your unsatisfied or it can be just plain boring with cooking, for example, we accept that practice makes perfect, but we expect to get sucks, right. the 1st time you need experience the correct ingredients and quantities that, of course, the right kinds of spies. one person loves, might not be to another person's taste at all. time to talk about sexual desires
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and needs. welcome to in good shape the . there's a silver, felipe said, man can never get enough sense why women usually just point in the mood german scientists have discovered that men do tend to have more sexual desire than women. but about $1.00 and $4.00 women, one more sex than the average man. but probably boils down to hormones, while men's levels remain largely study menstrual cycles and mid a pause affect women's hormone levels. so what happens when women get horny? being the motor effects has 2 sites, sexual arousal and sexual desire, or maybe don't. this is melba toast. she's
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a gynecologist sexual arousal is the physical part, like feeling the heart rate increase or sensing the will button, glitter swell up, or getting what. but what is just as important as the psychological and emotional part of the sexual desire, or our libido. and we veto is mostly fueled by 3 specific hormones, often called sex hormones. testosterone is one of these. yes, it's the hormone that's commonly linked to guys, and there are signs of masculinity being harry, more or less sexy body odor, sperm production, and so on. but it's also present in women, although at lower levels, studies suggest that the singles and poly amorous women have higher testosterone levels. but how testosterone influenced as women's libido is still not really
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understood. next step, and perhaps the most important for the female libido is estrogen. among other things, it keeps the lining of the vagina healthy and smooth, and it's important for providing lubrication, so you don't get hurt during sex. roughly speaking, when estrogen is up, sex drive is up. when estrogen is down, sex drive is down. a point in the woman's life when estrogen levels decrease this man a pause, but they also drop when the body is able to support a pregnancy. for example, in times of color deficit or right after childbirth who. busy ringback 3rd, progesterone is hormone is like the opposite of estrogen in terms of sex drive because it's preparing the body for a possible pregnancy. in short, when progesterone levels are high, sex drive is low. these 3 hormones are on
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a constant roller coaster ride in our bodies. every month, over and over, it's the opposite latoria or menstrual cycle. and it also makes our sex drive go up and down. but nature put some logic behind this, around abi lation. testosterone and estrogen are weakened. that's the time when we are most fertile, and when which women experience the strongest desire for sex. progesterone is a rather low at that point, the libido also fluctuates throughout women's lives. ready pregnancy affects the libido and many women. after all, your body is going through a lot of changes. some women have an increase desire for sex, and some don't want to have sex at all. aspect childbirth. many women experience lowering the veto. again, hormones play a role in this, your body is being flooded with prolactin,
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the hormone that triggers to press to produce smoke, but it's side effect as it's the pressing the sex, right? well, menstruation, pregnancy, breast feeding, mental pause. these are faces that guys don't experience to date. there's a general consensus that there's more to libido than hormones and body functions, but accounting for psychology and stress and all the other factors. they're still upset assumptions that man have a higher sex life than women. but before picture is rather complex. so trying to compare meta analyses suggest that men do indeed have a higher sex drive than women. so there seems to be a truth to that. but many of the studies have been looking at how people behave. and 1st flirts are the early dating phase, which is one guys indeed seem to one sex more often. in heterosexual relationships, though, another meta analysis shows a slightly different picture. whereas it often does get to a point where one partner just doesn't want sex as much as the other. it might be
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the man or equally the woman who has the stronger sex drive. and another study looking at couples and long term relationships suggests that guys often under estimate how much their partner, one sex. it's important to keep in mind that all these studies so big differences in libido from person to person. and also very important. there is no rule that says how often you should have sex. when it comes to libido, there is no one level that is right or wrong. if you're comfortable with your sex life, that's what's healthy. even if you have no desire for us, excellent traction. only if you feel that your libido is too high or too low, and it's causing psychological stress. this is when you should seek for help. in most cases, people complain about their libido being too low, and there can be multiple reasons for that. even though you might hear that from nearly every health issue, stress can be one of the reasons for low sex drive. because stressed out bodies
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produce a hormone. cortisol, which suppresses testosterone levels to in many women's contraceptive pills, can wrap down libido, mostly those that are called combine pills and contain the hormone, jester, gen, or, per justin. but some women report, they still want sex, is often without the mil. some even have a higher sex drive, or one of the most important things that impact your sexual desire is sex, that you don't enjoy many women report pain during sex, and that's not normal or the way it should be. there are different reasons for pain during sex. one might be, you're rushing it, we're not really taking your time, you need to get the moot. so how can you boost your libido? well, it helps if you feel good in your own skin. working out is never a bad idea. exercising, for example, also improves your blood flow,
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which is important for getting aroused ended. strengthens your heart is also important as your heart beat increases when you get ready for sex. there are most of chips out there on stoops that supposedly make your sex drive fly just there is no scientific proof for that other swear by certain herbs, like monica tribute list or rest, rest jim saying organ, go what studies on their effects have either been pretty small or didn't show a clear results for many who feel like they have lost their spark for sex, especially people in long term relationships. it helps to plan sex like you'd plan to date. this might seem unromantic at 1st, but it can actually grant you time to get into the mood and raise your libido. this brings us to one more thing, knowing what you really want and need from 6 to bring your pleasure is essential and then communicating it through your partner. and there's a very simple way to find out what feels good,
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a solo sex. when you get to know your desires and your body, well, it's much easier to have a healthy veto. now, after all that, what would you guess makes most people have the weekend? yep. that's what another study found. that doesn't necessarily mean a lively libido every friday night, but it shows sex drive isn't just something that's switched on and off by hormones . it needs time. we need to feel comfortable with our partner and ourselves. and we need to 1st know what brings us pleasure in order to seek it out. sounds a bit cheesy. yes. but in the end, a healthy libido just sparks joy. the. the simplest and most on complicated form of sex is with me, myself and i. masturbation can make you feel better about yourself, it can also improve sexual satisfaction. so women say at ease is period paint, try
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a frequent to judge elation, even cuts men's risk of developing prostate cancer. that leads to a rise in testosterone levels from then. hormone plays a key role in many processes. we doing an experiment with these 2 men. for 4 weeks they going to try to increase that to stuff to road and levels of wellbeing naturally called candice 29 and he studies business. he also writes a raft is his passion. yeah. yeah. well, you know, he wants to exercise more too. that's good for our experiment. this is cause he's 39 and he works in human resources in morgan every morning, off the guessing up i do a short yoga workout to about to get the day off to
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a good start to mobilize my joints and stretch, checking. the 1st thing we want to find out is how much to stop the throne is already present in the 2 men's bodies. a blood test reveals that caused levels a normal. it's around $506.00 non of grams per deciliter hopkins levels around the high side of normal. that's 68390 grams. that's a, that's a loss. those man have very good levels. so improving that may be tougher tree. a hot kind of wants to get fit to and also to increase his diet high, we'd like to remain calm and stressful situations of a full weeks. folks will try to increase the testosterone levels naturally. for starters, therapist do a program of intensive weight, training and interval training, including body weight, exercises, and joking with sprint phases. the always,
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the insurance training helps you then body that about that the lowest your test scores through levels of system. that's why this type of exercise is good for sure . intense bias of internal training are important to help the 2 subjects build up muscle. when muscles contract, they send the signal to the 2 or 3 times. it releases a growth hormone, and symbol tenuously stimulates the testicles say in 10 release testosterone. it causes muscle cells to grow to stuff the room effects 6 in 2 ways. that's not the tradition. plus whether a man's penis becomes hot or not, something to do with testosterone and type, but it's also linked to investigative health. however, the general libido is very dependent on testosterone, on things to produce it, the body needs vegetables, whole grain products, and healthy fats. great,
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sweet. choose all set these to stuff to room production, funding unannounced. great for you. jesus special because it contains bag of molten via a bag of molten blocks and enzymes that breaks down pissed off during the test of thread that's already being produced is retained longer type thing i. oatmeal products contain of being a co side. the 2nd replant compounds helping show there is more free testosterone in the body. complex carbs also keep hungry at bay and your weight steady. that's important. but then making a bowl with rice, vegetables, nuts, it doesn't have to be anything fancy. the main thing is to use the right ingredients and don't stance on the oil. step one, finding that isn't to phys, healthy fat, so absolutely necessary unsaturated fatty acids because they protect like this. so
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we'll just provide the building blocks for lots of hormones, among them. testosterone, for example, this test system on the whole mind, what is all is released in stressful situations. it's a kind of natural counterpart to testosterone inhibiting its reduction in a month. testicles not necessarily a bad thing, but if the stress becomes chronic and cortisol levels remain raised, then it can lead to chronically low levels of testosterone to how full weak experiment is over time to take stock, where the 2 men able to increase the testosterone levels and that truly the hopkins started out with 68390 grams per deciliter. and so now he's at $704.00. well done. got you started out at 506 mountain grams. now he's at $450.00 for what went wrong. that guy, that kind of guy has
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a good problem just because these levels drop to the dropped she didn't. wells fargo become depends on how i'm feeling on a particular day. maybe have a slight infection or something that causes levels to drop in the system. because even if the 2 men determined to carry on that great make little strength dissolve. the satisfaction that goes with having more to stuff the room is just one factor, but a very important one. a no doubt you've heard people say not having sex for a long time, affects the quality of a man's firm. well, it's not true. us researchers say it has no impact. you also don't need to worry that periods of abstinence will make you lose your sex drive. but about one percent of people don't feel any sexual desire at all. there a sexual fear,
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acceptances key, it's not treatable. but if you have a dropping libido and you're suffering, then you should probably seek medical help. what can help if you're feeling down about your lack of libido? when in doubt, adults who can help assess if it's a mental health issue, where the medical reasons behind it, like low hormone levels, some medication can also dump in libido. stress is the was co print, pressure, lack of time and conflict, a real libido killers, talking about your problems is usually the best best step to find out what you really enjoy. it helps to be open to new experiences. condoms also take a bit of experimenting with to find the right size, form and technique. they don't just protect you from h i v aids. they also reduce the risk of getting h p, v civil. this chlamydia and gonorrhea, pubic lice, scabies and hepatitis worldwide a 1000000 people of de catch
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a sexually transmitted infection. 6 is a wonderful thing on the phone and you didn't have to worry about catching something from it. this upon a really contract limit to the public swimming pool. let's see. there's lots of mess around sexual health and sexually transmitted infections, and some of them are true and some of them are complete nonsense. we'll look at them together. let's check it out. sophie quoting broke coordinates, the youth work over berlin organization that supports people with a strategy or aids during advisory sessions. she gets lots of questions about sexually transmitted diseases. the 1st question, can you contract when media or gunner were you from a public toilet? luckily you cannot get infected with an s t i in a public toilet, except if you have unprotected sex and a public toilet. and so public title is usually a little bit disgusting,
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so it's good to wash your hands as to what so you don't catch a flu or something, but i really wouldn't worry about the s t i. so you can't get s d eyes from using the toilet. what about swimming shore in public swimming pools? the water is normally chlorinated and filtered, but some people still say they got infected. there can be a little bit disgusting if you don't have sex with them. you should be ok, you can also catch some kind of skin problems from a swimming pool. you have storage and that does protect you against victoria and viruses. and again, if someone tells you they got somebody from a sample that i'm most likely lying, maybe they had sex next to we don't know. so cool. it was ruled out to another thing. some people say is that s t eyes can only be passed on through penetrative sex. so when a pain is penetrate, so vagina kissing,
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caressing and calculating are supposedly sick. is that true? so unfortunately, 10 is yes, an s t i just to patch things so or effects um them or to sing or touching private parts of other people. and this is because we have a c as a very different from each other. so we have the tyria for example, media or going to re, uh, which are quite common amongst the younger people. and they can get transmitted. for example, through all those sites. so you can have an infection in your throat. so s t i am calling during the test on 2, penetrative sex condoms are almost 100 percent effective in protecting against infection with a drive be they also significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected with other viruses and bacteria. some people put on 2 condoms, thinking that makes them even more effective. does that actually work? unfortunately, 2 condoms do not give you a dollar protection. it's a nice idea, but doesn't work. why?
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because latex is a really, really sensitive material. and you can see that. so if we put 2 on top, they can cost friction, they can actually ripped, it won't be easy to use and it won't have the same protective effect. so if you want to be really sure, and so good about using condoms. i really recommend looking at a couple of things. first of all, do you have the right size for your size of penis and is it so um, within the um, the expiry date? because commons can actually expire, and it should be said that 2 condoms definitely do not double the protection. the 18 is losing s t eyes always have obvious signs or so many people think. if nothing burns all is okay. having no symptoms, go inspection, you're not contagious. so goes to the series, but is that actually the case? the almost 50 percent of the cases be completely without symptoms or have very
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mild symptoms. so you may be genuinely st in your okay, but they may be an underlying infection that will be better off being treated because it's and she said see eyes which causes the most problems because we can have kind of physical damages or effects or we can pass them on to other people. so unfortunately, the only real way to know if you have an essay or not is to get tested. so search does of course come with risk. but if you get tested, you're on the safe side. the for most people such as fast one is with someone they loved. but how do you find that person who used to have to keep your eyes peeled at work? or in the supermarket? or go to lots of parties. now with dating apps, it's all there right? at your fingertips, to do apps really make finding the love of your life any easier. so many potential
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partners and yet still alone. the love with your life must be out that somewhere. but meeting them isn't easy. even back in the 196, these people use computers to try to help to compute a visa, even for the computer. it picks up to 99 partners with every search and recommend somebody suitable. it's fed with a to or about height, 6, religion, education, professions, age, favorite colors, and provide scientific results. you can please call me that soon. or nowadays we mainly use apps to get lucky in love swiping our way to the past that caught in a comfortable relationships formed over the past 5 years in gemini, started online, social psychologist, kinda digging research as love in the internet. age is comfortable, i'm fine. i'm 5, it seems simple and clear cuts off and they think she's with
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a lot of times we want to have everything under control that we want to have loved without disposal and feel we can play an active role. we want to have a date on friday night. this is how we get to it. i'm just clicking the elf. these are all hundreds of millions of people use aging apps and most have love, hate relationships with them. that would delete the app and reinstalling it. they come and live with them all without the helps of change. how people meet. i 11 reason, so many people tend to online dating. is it public spaces of you as hostile to dating? when we're out and about we feel it is no. tell you to talk to people. we see it is too risky and is inappropriate. even if most people would like you to make a come back. i mentioned office we did. so we sit alone swiping away at home, looking for a part that is a lonely business. often you don't know what you're looking for. people have high expectations or different needs possibly have to for most of the
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people listed on single, many haven't deleted the profiles or the checking their market value or looking to fulfill needs aren't being met, or starting renting a relationship that can be daunting. and if you called find a match or your matches disappear without explanation, it can hurt investing somebody down because they need you to feel that you replaceable for like one product in a big marketplace. but not said, if we use this big projection space to confirm on negative worries about ourselves and make up even not season. so if say i was felt beaten, secure about my appearance, then i think that's why you think it should take down. but nevertheless, everyone keeps on swiping and dating different people in parallel, always on the lookout for the perfect match, the choices, boundless, nothing is obligatory that has no con affects in the real world when it comes to
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commitment and reliability. that's that even when people get a 98 percent match, they keep on looking in the hope that the 100 percent match because we have access to all these others. you know, if we say yes to one person, it seems too risky of to say no so often. so is it better to just quit online dating? yeah, honda day you can says it should be more about qualities less about quantity invest . he always invest time in the motion, use online dating for the come to create connections, stuff. but don't let yourself get pulled into this hectic consumers logic. i'm also the week science to sum up online dating is both a blessing and a curse. it can be really frustrating, but it can also lead to some interesting encounters. as always, a lot is down to load. as such as like cooking, there's no one perfect recipe. sometimes it doesn't work out. sometimes it's not
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well do. another time, you might enjoy a 5 course meal. what's most important just to talk to your partner and experiment in good shape, also likes to try out new things. we're already cooking up next week. show. bye for now. the
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. the 2nd major difference, visionaries with a project get involved to create a future day experience that the or how did she become who she is today?
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why didn't she ever get married or become a mom? and what role does he play in hawaii? barbie. toy icons, role model, the perfect woman in 75 minutes on d, w, the event block. and then just to see a quote, you can make sure she call you for use your sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight for con dreams of another world. the boss starts june fast
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d, w for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking at the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to to get it right before we even start environmental activists of skeptical is this true nature conservation? well, i mean the green washing rule bill billions to be made out to pub document trees, deep sea greed stats, june 7th on the w the
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. this is the, the only news life from germany follows the u. s. and changes its policy on ukrainian weapons and says it will now a lot of key to you is to have an weapons to hit set and target inside russian. moscow was the move quickly to own out was also on the program. donald trump becomes the 1st the us president to be found to be convicted of a crime. a jewelry in new york finds him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a sexual encounter with an adult film stock. and it was to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.


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