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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the this is the, the only news life from. but javan a follows the us. i'm changes, it's policy on ukrainian weapons about it and says it will now a lot of key to use to have an weapons to hit set and targets inside russia. moscow was the move quickly to own out was also in the program. donald trump becomes the 1st the us president to be found to be convicted of a crime. a jewelry in new york finds him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a sexual encounter with an adult films dog. and it was to influence the outcome of
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the 2016 electric and with your kid elections coming up at the w a follows a young socialist candidate doing his best, a whole bunch of problems as far right search the i'm feel welcome to the program. we begin here in germany with today's announcement that the german government has authorized ukraine to use weapons supplied by then to strikes the military targets inside russia. but only in defense of the east and hockey pages to move a mox, a shift, and by the policy and follows us president joe biden's earlier decision to allow ukraine to use the american weapons. the strikes, certain targets on russian side of these loose and restrictions are intended to
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help ukraine's beat back russia's latest advances. and the hockey chief political correspondent, nina hoss had told me why that prompted the german government, the change of heart. it is a change of house indeed and it comes icing because 2 things happened. one, the situation on the ground for ukrainians has been guessing very, very difficult hawkgrove, especially as under loss of pressure on the notes by the government's folks, especially where they announced that decisions that we have a copy of. that one explicitly mentioned is that the german government always monitors the fossil brown situation carefully and then re assess is just what kind of support you're creating needs. and they have reached the conclusion that russia has been, and i quote, planning, coordinating and carrying out that tax on hawk if from locations on russian territory. so germany has now joined the group of nations that think that ukraine needs to be able to attack the souls and not just the effect so that they must be empowered to target those installations from web russel launch is those attacks in
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order to be able to prevent pressure from attacking, rather than trying to bring down all those real kids. but the 2nd thing that happened is, in my view, equally important. the us have now officially given there. ok for american weapons to be used for, especially these purposes. and this has been one of the guiding principles for the german leadership. they've always said they will absolutely not go to a loan. that was a recurring message by the german townsend. every discussion about every new weapon system that ukraine has been asking for over the last year and a half years. and that germany must not be seen as the one going forward. and leading essentially the support for ukraine militarily. and you have to add that the note also stresses that ukraine has the right to, according to international, to carry out those attacks on military infrastructure, even in russia on foreign territory that is covered by international law if they set the purpose of self defense. so one more take away from all of this,
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this is decision does appear to show that germany does trust the ukrainian leadership because so far they've always adhered to the elements that they think given by the allies. well, let our secretary general against stultz and buckets that the ministry allowance that alliance is determined to shorten ukraine's path to membership. me speaking at the meeting of native foreign ministers in proc cole to discuss that continued support of game and its attempts to repel russia's old lives invasion. he said, moscow should not think he could wipe out the war and said president posey and had been threatening nato since the status of the conflict. but they would not be due to health. defense is not escalation. self defense is the for the monthly right. it isn't strange and then you, instructor ukraine has the rights on the
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responsibility to protect its people. and we have the right to help ukraine. a poll, it's right. the self defense law corresponded. penne rigate has been not following that meeting of native foreign ministers and that joins is not from prague. a welcome band. what else did you end stilton bucks? i or does the secretary generally stress the fact that there is no need for restrictions on the use of weapons from best and allies in ukraine anymore, because russia's attacks are getting more brutal and more fiercely ins if usefully . and so ukraine can not fight with one hand on its back. he said, that's why ukraine now needs long range tillery to strike back, especially in the shockey region. so he wrote, come to move by many member states that they are now allowing of ukraine to do that . and you also struct of russians threats. he says there's no escalation,
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it's just an the next the size of mia. so the defense, what's happening there and, and it need to be now also try to make the help in the military and also the financial help for ukraine, more sustainable. there will be a multi in your program designed for ukraine. and this is also in the need it because they want to make the help trump safe or trump proof as they say in the case that donald trump gets back into the white house. and they to once wants to make sure that the house is flowing anyway. although trump is opposing this help, and this is also of cause of outcomes by ukraine who are, you know, adapting for a long hall war against russia. and so now that the us and germany have loosened their restrictions on the use of bad weapons by ukraine,
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other countries likely to follow to this many nato allies actually did not have restrictions at all. and some embassies like from poland and sweden have already to get that, that they were lift or their restrictions and the ukraine can use and long range weapons, at least in the shocking region. now that the united states, which is the political in the military lead nation and they to has decided to, to allow that all of us move follow. and that's also the, maybe the reason that germany followed so swiftly and, and the anthony blinking the secretary of state and reiterated here that nature has to adapt to the evolution. and the development developments on the battlefield. so a fresher at tex, like, it does not in shockey, the nato has to respond, and this is what, what is happening right now. and what then about russia's response? well, the response or the reactions from the kremlin,
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where as you could expect them at kremlin spokesman says this as a new round of escalation, ukraine is forced by the wrist to escalate and the, the root of russia, letting me put in also said and that there might be a full fledged war. he was threatening the rest on countries, but as i said, just get started back. the general secretary says this has nothing to vary about this. it usually will be here for most call. ok. thank you. back. i think the correspond to band be got in, proc started the united states where donald trump has been found guilty on page 34 counts and he circled hush money trial. the former us president was convicted of falsifying business documents to cover up an extra marital sexual encounter in which to illegally influence the 2016 presidential election. the decision makers, mr. trump, the 1st full of my or facing us president to be convicted of
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a crime. he responded to the verdict by falsely accusing the cause of being rigged, his lawyer site. that'll appeal guilty on. oh, for the full count. donald trump, the mine used to being front page news, cooling this by dick an injustice. this was a rick disgraceful trial. there we are going to be november said by the people. and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here. waiting, do i thing. well, i'm a very serious it man. but didn't you you, jerry disagreed. it's unanimously found the full my president guilty of conspiring to bind the silence of adult film style. stormy daniel's before the 2016 election, and then falsifying business records to cover a top. we did our job. i mean,
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the voice is out there. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury, and the jury has spoken outside the court house celebrations as the guilty verdict was announced at a loss. delta of all this took me back, which i'm go from from supportive. it's a disgrace. what happened here? i'm a native new york, the we support shop. i never bought it from the 1st time, but we do it this time. this is the 1st time a former us president has been convicted of a criminal offense. and it could mean jail from most politicians it would spell the end of that career. but this is donald trump, and instead he's likely to use the guilty verdict as campaign few ahead of november's elections give or from the deputies washington bureau chief in his poll
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. welcome it is to study for guilty. verdicts made donald trump is going to jail. well, the quick answer is actually no. the charges against him are non violent class e felonies. that means they are the lowest level in new york, and we just drove at each of the $34.00 commons carriers and maximum as engines also 4 years in prison. but the legal experts really believe that it is very unlikely for trump to be incarcerated. also because he has no prior criminal convictions. okay, so talk us through some more of the reactions and to yesterday's verdict. it's really interesting. we just saw in the report people dancing and new york in front of the court house, others protesting. when i came back late last night from the office here in washington to my house, people were literally standing on the streets and debating this outcome. because
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this of course has sparked really widespread discussions and reactions around the country or across the country. i shall say. so the binding campaigns use the word it as a demonstration that no one is above the law. on the other hand, there is of course, a trumpet to supporters. they consider the verdict, a disgrace, and have criticised. the judge, a trump is expected to hold a press conference soon and i'm sure we will learn more about how he is planning to capitalize on the verdict. let's talk about that. um, we have obviously a presidential election this year. is these are these guilty verdicts like you to help him? oh, that's a that's a big question. right. and probably concerning very many parts of the world. but it's just really impossible to answer the question right now. some republicans who were on the friends a may distance themselves from a convicted felon,
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while others actually might rally even closer to the drum because they believe the trial was unfair. and the accusations were actually also mine are. i think the key question will be, who can mobilize more support as to what a trump or bite, and then actually anger and rage may be a significant motivating factor. okay, that's fine. it's in his poll in washington dc. it is a good look at some most doors making headlines around the walls will stop in south africa way early election results showing the african national congress on cost to lose its majority. and for the 1st time in 50 years, it will the hosp, the votes count to b, i n c is leading with 42 percent on the, by the democratic alliance on around 23 percent. so really as prime minister rubber gloves says his government is preparing to recognize that future palestinian
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statehood slovenia will follow the need of an island boy. and by your most un members already recognized comes thing it's takes a few western countries have done. so philippines president, ferdinand macos junior finance, what he described as co, as if an illegal actions in the south china states. a speaking of the opening of the shangri la dialogue defense summit in single pool. mister president, ball costs a china is undermining the philippines. peaceful vision for the region in kansas between the philippines and china in the contested the ocean territory of grown increasingly tense and frequent during the last year and get more from the dw is asia pacific bureau chief echo massis. welcome gail. president marcus has taken a tough a lie and then he's pre defensive of a china is the actions in the south china sea? did we get more of that from today's speech?
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of the for the we marcus is not the someone who's known for exactly missing his words, but in this speech, it took him a while to get to this house, trying to see and when he did. yeah, it took him a while to mention china. so for instance, he said, that's how these, these nations have a clear vision for a peaceful and prosperity of prosperity. the south china sea about this was being, i'm the mind by an actor. and there were legal, aggressive in girls, the factions of us mentioned and had to define who that x rays at took, took him a while. and it was interesting. however, after the speech of journal is, ask what, what he said, if one of the goals chinese quotes that have been intercepting of filipino fishing vessels, what if the one of those bots are cameron's would kill a filipino if that would cross the red line? and the response was, if a filipino citizen was killed by a will pull act,
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that is very close to what we define as an act of war. okay, not china also has the speed with other countries in the south, tennessee, but it's actions with them don't appear to have been so extreme. so just china have a particular piece with banana. i think what one should make clear is that from the chinese perspective, it is manila that is violating international law here at the chinese do not recognize the claim of my new law for this part of this i was trying to see, they don't think is by international law that this is a filipino exclusive economic zone and then there's another thing i have a chance to talk to the president of east timor who's also here at the shangri la a dialogue and on that specific issue. he said the chinese are very pragmatic. he told me that they are very careful when they deal with countries like the philippines here because they know all too well that if this escalates, if, if the situation the march is like the one with
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a watch account. and then this example of this could spell a catastrophe for the entire region and then it has very bad economic impact on china is something they want to avoid. china, on the united states that this summer, us defense secretary lloyd austin, met with his chinese kinds of pot for more than an hour. what do we know of what they were talking about? well 1st of all, we should say it's a good sign that the 2 sides met. it's been 18 months since they had a meeting like this last year at the strong real dialogue. the big headlines where that the 2 sides of the 2 defense ministers did not meet as also a good start here for the security summit at the chinese defense. minnesota to duncan, made clear that actually the relations are several, i think, and not for the deteriorating. there was talked about a crisis communication working that is in the making in the next couple of months.
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uh, so interesting development of a positive start. but both of them will still get this features here in singapore, and that will happen in the next 2 days. i think i've got mazda is all right. about asia pacific dealer cheese. thank you. can you repeat in elections, get onto a next week or on fall right? parties are expected to make big games. one country where they all forging ahead is friends that the right wing, national riley party of marine, the pen has spent years cleaning up its radical image to try and become more electable. the w is that needs a new, a reports from one place where they have made significant inroads, the department of the crews in central front. she went on the campaign trail with a young socialist hoping to turn back the tide a little the morning. something for the 9th of june been 17 year old antoine shovel wants to convince status. the socialists currently predicted to come 3rd of the
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right choice in the upcoming european elections. but many here are likely to cost a different fate. me to good morning. the european elections will happen on the 9th of june. been by there are many people here hesitated for the sol. right. national riley. how to explain that. but maybe we should give it a go. yeah, i'm guessing even more days past. i'm so many people here who'll hope for the national rally like myself. what's the, what's their hypocrite? we don't have a choice of the, the, i don't want to repeat the mistakes positive. what mistakes the past, the front runner bardello hasn't harmed anyone can use the far right task like normal that as a former builder, i only get 39 years of support per day. so it's ridiculous. no mind. yeah, that's all right. we'll cancel social welfare. all mean only ship all in a truly, i just want to abolish it for foreigners, but it's not, it, it does not shop. was it? hold on to one is convinced he can make even bytes. us like these change the mind.
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i'm not going to say exact and they don't realize the national riley is still the same party with the same ideas. that's scary in the far right suggest the parents solutions that don't solve the problems that we provide real solutions, not people's problems on the boss, but with the far right leading in the polls and the you problem entry elections in front making his voice heard wouldn't be easy for antoine, especially in an area like this one to go. the rubber larry is where the national riley has consistently been gaining ground since the early 2 thousands, 2 years ago in the decisive run of a to francis last presidential elections fall. right. candidates, marine, the pen came 1st in 40 percent of the districts here in the bottom. all of that cause lots, despite the fact that a party doesn't have any deep roots here. none of the mayors in that close from the national riley. the nation in raleigh is trying to appear to disgruntled date, as he say,
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mainstream parties have been cutting down on public services and not provided enough jobs for people in the countryside. imagery, so they know we care about it. definitely, we want to increase their purchasing dollars, make them feel secure, dignified in providing incomes were present across the whole country, even in the most remote areas. well, if you go look, you do. but for antoine, the national rallies, head start is older movies and to give the companion his or even if thoughts and up his truck as long as you. good day, sir, i'm here about the european election. israel boy, by the way, you don't want to vote on this on till we are on the ground. meanwhile, i haven't seen national or reli members campaign here in the close. we're hoping to overtake the 2nd place renaissance party so that we become the main to position to the national are really nice, especially looking ahead to the next presidential elections. 2027. my president, my call comes around again. don't. there was an extreme cause it i'll send it and
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find a month. even though the socialist i now write to him, but he is of my class potty. mamma's task lies ahead. the nation rally is predicted to get twice as many bites as them. i was on the eve, come who is a political analyst at the french institute for international and strategic affairs . he's also written several books on the far right in front and you your welcome to the w. and what do you see as being behind the far right, increasing support in brutal friends. ah, the depot setting is a very, very big just contest. was traditional positive with policies with is a all from the a social democratic lapse of the mainstream 70 abroad. the same thing is this policy when it was named explanation out back into the 1992 to ninety's
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busing by the overwhelming majority of the people as righty. righty all righty or any phone lines and talk to you unable to to run accounts, right. those are stopped audio, how's the story? i mean, sometimes when your nation to know in the ban on the issue is not like allowing all during the migration is the same time in relation to the mainstream comes over the day. so i'm in mind that that is a really small model, right? so, so i was run you being a friend of mine. ah 80. i mean the way you gums for many of those just 2 days, i say a week and gave a nation. all right, your chest and uh, if we are not happy with them. i mean, they're nice to meet you, andrew, nice to extra new address. gustovo is fine. all the policy that's, it's the only political policy, right? that's not been in our so it's really interesting what you side i so we shouldn't view the budgeting support for this fall right party as an increase
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in support for fall right. ideology. we should, we see this as a protest vote against mainstream part is that might still include a limits of the far right. this is not the only process. uh, because uh when you sell it as a b produce, ve faulty. you really sees as a tough example very much interested in uh, such as the branding uh immigration including yeah, most of the go the migration. uh, i showed her approach to it too low and older and also not opting out to you, which is some things i do not say anymore. but that training during the phone, the you from wizard and it was like from the identity and democracy, gross need to be yours, environment. so that we come back to something that's like, uh, becoming market used to being the 1960 you. so this is really to do app,
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grievances, but as a also that relates and all the we also note that the, the, the national riley is making inroads with young voters. is that for the same reasons? is that spar. and the reason which is that basically use those young voters in now know, and you're saying about somebody in the band and walk, be faulty was getting the 1990 is, i mean, you remember that that and was on basic on your, on of the presidential election in 2002 and this goes, come to the ro concerning french assigned to you. but today, when you're 25, you were not able to to, to knows that, i mean you have not probably take, are you aware in 2002. so the only things that you see is that gibbs ever try. okay, and how, but let's, let's presume then the far right to does search, how, how much will you be able to use the results of these coming elections to the
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european parliament to predict what's likely to happen in french national elections in 3 years time. as of the national action to be presidential on an annual. be your like into the be and i'll just say we have proportional for, you know, for boston orozco softball, the presidency, the okay age off the 190. so do you have the national already both 30 percent or even more? and the president, your group policy force only offers at the bandwidth, say, and drilled down by that i would say, i mean, is that your neck well trained? and if you really want to add the house in the exit, but you have to continue looking for us in 2012 your time. it says that's what the dynamic. thank you so much for guiding us through that. so clearly it political analysts to the shall, is come, thank you. without your up to date, i'll have more world news at the top of the our next on the w h o. india looking at
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